" SUSPICIOUS MINDS" elvis presley
We're caught in a trap
I can't walk out
Sorry if I may sound a little cynical about the response our city manager gave in the News-Herald today, over the lawsuit filed by two resident's over the Immigration Task Force.
Without going into to much detail because a law suit is involved. She responded.
"I announced the task force as an advisory board, invited people to participate and was pleased to have a diverse group of community leaders step up and join." Diverse group? Hardly it was slanted pro-illegal immigration from the get go. Who exactly did you invite? And why?
To see the email s between myself and Ms. Irelan go to "Questions" Moody Blues August 11, 2017
If the meeting were held in 'secret' how were they to solicit community input?
The Task Force Meetings were closed. Members wanted to feel comfortable saying exactly what was on their minds, without fear of retaliation. This is where Ms. Irelan with her knowledge of government should have told them this is a public body and there are no closed meetings. Due to Sunshine Laws there can't be any closed meeting unless certain subjects are discussed and this isn't one of them.
These recommendations will be I guess shared with the rest of us September 11,2017 in Court Room No.1 at a work session of council. Where I expect someone on council to say "we had plenty of meeting for any of you to come and object to the proceedings?"
Sorry Ms. Irelan you struck out in your first at bat. Granted you have only been here a little more than nine months but this is an 'abuse of power' on your part at worse, or trying to shovel a problem under the rug at the least. I don't know who's giving you advise and if your taking it but you don't know or understand Painesville.
To some of you on that Task Force I believe the goal' of many of you is to make Painesville a Sanctuary City. I will promise you through my last breath and many other resident's in town , we will never let that happen! The Late William Horvath as well as Abbey Delmotte tried and failed.
See no special rights or privileges for anyone in Painesville. Change the federal law don't try imposing your will on us.
And finally quit attempting to make our police force do things other than follow the laws.
Special thanks to Arzella Melnyk and James Weber for their belief in this lawsuit!