Saturday, August 19, 2017

WE'RE AN AMERICAN BAND grand funk railroad

We're coming to your town
We'll help you party it down

Anonymous @9:06 left this comment;

What's the difference?

A young Jewish boy going to Adolf Hitler High School, home of the Warring Waffen SS


A young African-American going to high school at Robert E. Lee  High School home of the Confederate Rebels ?

Well it didn't take long for them to get an answer!


This is almost to easy.
You really want to make me believe that the name of a high school will make a student fearful??
Or what?

Are you that big a baby that you feel offended by a person's name?

Unless you are Jewish or Black, what gives you the right to speak for what you think offends someone else? BTW, there are virtually no African-Americans in this country. They are simply Americans, same as me

As a side note, is there an Adolf Hitler School anywhere in the world? I would highly doubt it.

Anonymous @12:44


Now I  understood 9:06 analogy but 12:44 not so much.

When was fear even mentioned? Maybe not the name but what that name stood for.  One the Holocaust of 6 million Jewish people and the other a society that enslaved a race of people for generations. America's original sin.

Unless your Jewish or Black? Maybe they are? But humans can all feel the same emotions. And my personal favorite, There are virtually no African-Americans they are simply Americans!

This from a person who brings his 152 year Confederate baggage with him including swords, battle flag and statues and tells us deal with it "It's my Heritage". Even his sacred flag seems to have been hijacked by white supremacists? Where were the Son's of the Confederacy when that took place?

When the 'Dukes of Hazard' first appeared on TV the General Lee was cute with the stars & bars on the roof.  But over time unfortunately that flag has now become the symbol of something evil.

We tell Mexican's who fly a Mexican flag on their house ,"come on now your in America assimilate.

My question is when will this Confederate-American become just an American?


At August 20, 2017 at 11:07 AM , Blogger Jim said...

Hmmm, a new phrase, a "Confederate-American"? LOL

At August 21, 2017 at 2:37 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

11:07 I's calls um as I sees um!

At August 21, 2017 at 2:44 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

11:07, yes, I noticed that, too -- yet another division in American brought to us by courtesy of another Democrat.

Also, for the anonymous poster quoted in the main post, the term African-American was not created by White people. It is one of the latest labels that Black Americans insisted upon being called. It was THEM dividing themselves from White America, as usual in recent history, not the other way around. Many Whites are careful to use the full moniker, out of respect, but then you have some Blacks who are offended at the distinction and blame the label on Whites.

At August 21, 2017 at 2:54 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

2:44 I have to ask? What then do you wish to call a person who wants to keep alive the treason, the bigotry, alive that took place over 150 years ago? And of course EVERYTHING is the Blacks fault.

At August 21, 2017 at 3:09 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

2:54, this is 2:44. I want the Left to shut-up, and stop the hysterics that are ruining this country. We have been fine with all of this for all these years, and we don't need out-of-control, hysterical fools running around and burning down this country and ripping down memorials. And we don't need Democrats like you coming up with another label to further divide this country so that you can be holier-than-thou, as you call the Republicans racists, yet again. If this is an issue, then it should be calmly dealt with and voted on. The vast majority of Americans are NOT hysterical idiots, and do not like what the Left is doing, and do not want the statues removed. Again, it needs to be debated, and probably locally voted on in each jurisdiction where the hysterical left demands it.

And the point of pointing out that African-American is a term that African-Americans created and insisted upon, is so that race-baiters like you would understand that it was not a prejudice-thing on White people's part, but that it was a Black people's thing. But here YOU are, race-baiter, making a race-baiting comment about it. Knock it off, you race-baiting Democrat. And, yes, if you want to assign BLAME for the moniker, then I guess it IS Black people's fault, because they CREATED and DEMANDED that that is what they wanted to be called. So if they, or anyone else, doesn't like it, and wants to assign BLAME, then that is where the BLAME belongs...SINCE someone IS assigning BLAME...GOT IT?

At August 21, 2017 at 3:30 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

3:09 When have I ever called Republican's racists?
Can't stand the heat better get out of the kitchen!

At August 21, 2017 at 4:33 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

3:30, when have you ever called the Republicans racists? Answer: Constantly, just like the rest of your party, while you hold yourself and your party up in the highest esteem, even as they run around burning down and vandalizing this country with your party's blessings. And thanks to Obama, the Blacks in this country now feel free to openly show their racism against Whites, and it's not a pretty sight. It is verifying what I have been saying for quite a few years now, and that is that the only racism that is hurting Black people, is their own. And if you are going to mention the small fraction of KKK, etc., fools, then save it.They're nobody's and they don't stand for anyone except for themselves. The Democrats and Obama, and you, keep fanning the flames, hoping that they'll win votes, not giving one thought to what you all have done to the young blacks by telling them they cannot succeed in America because of the big, bad Whites, and what it has all done to race relations in this country. It is shameful what Obama, Clinton, and the rest of the Democrats have done to this country, and you're right in there with them. Democrats are taking this country apart at the seams, and you are constantly helping. Stop with the racism crap.

At August 21, 2017 at 6:12 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

4:33 Not even rarely! I have never called a Republican a racist, period and people who read this know it.
I only wish Trump exhibited the class Obama showed. Take a closer look at who is tearing this country apart.

At August 22, 2017 at 6:42 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

6:12. Obama's class was fake, as we've seen in many instances. He is a lying smooth-talker, and that's all he is, and he was a completely incompetent president. He has also started his Lefties on continuous riots in this country, complete with telling his hysterical Lefties that what they were doing was good when they had just got done burning down a city and throwing urine and feces at the police. And that was AFTER he blamed the cop for what Michael Brown did, and for Michael Brown's death, and perpetuates that to this day. He also made the police stand down while all this was going on because, you know, the POOOOOOOR Blacks. He should have been telling the Blacks what they should all already know, and what they can also see by looking at half of their own race who are successful in America because of their own hard work. Instead of starting a race war, and telling the Blacks that they can't succeed because of the Whites (really? he is half Black, and he was president), he should have been telling them to shut-up about the Whites and go to school and get a job, then work your sorry butts off your whole life like other people do. Or use your intelligence to get ahead more than that, and be more successful than that, instead of creating worse ghettos. For one thing, our great cities are completely gone now; we'll never get those wonderful homes and neighborhoods back. I am not sure that this country can survive, because of both his race-baiting (and Clinton's, too) or from his and Clinton's foreign policy. If we can, the only person that can do it is Trump, and that's why so many Americans voted for him. Obama, his wife, Clinton, and the rest of the Democratic party, are still screaming racism and resist, and they are taking down our country. And you are helping them. I am glad, however, that now we can see how racist the Blacks are, because up until now, I don't think most White people understood that. Now they can see that the problems with the Blacks originate and are perpetuated by the Blacks. Sorry...African-Americans. But now we have all the Democrats and the Blacks running around burning down and tearing down our country, with the Blacks thinking that they are justified in their thinking that Whites are the racists and glad that now they can hate us openly. And they are shouting down and shutting down free speech, wherever they find it if it is not a Black or a Democrat speaking. Hooray Obama...such class.

At August 25, 2017 at 8:39 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

9:45/6:42 All I can say is you two don't know anything about fake! It presently resides in our White House. We have a leader who puts bigots, white supremacists, neo-Nazi's at the same level of people opposed to these groups. I count the days until the election day 2018 and especially 2020! Enjoy your short-lived time in the sun.
And who's Congress cut the budget for embassy security? This weekend we will see what happens when you cut FEMA's budget so as to promote Wealthcare for the rich who are laughing at you.
And finally I thought Mexico was going to pay for that Wall? Seems we changed our minds or outright lied to the American people.

At August 25, 2017 at 1:25 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:39: He said both sides were causing problems. It took two to fight. He said both came for, and both created, a fight. I know Democrats, including you, can't decipher complex thoughts like that when they're so busy screaming racism and demolishing cities, but there you have it. Not like it's quantum physics, or something. And the wall will be done, and then we'll see. There was/is no bigger liar than Obama, so we'll see who pays for the wall. Right now, he is renegotiating our horrible, bad-for-America trade deal with Mexico, so maybe they'll pay for it that way. I don't know. But there will be a wall, and Mexico will probably pay for it. Is that all ya got? Wow, some counter punch.

At August 25, 2017 at 2:22 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:39. The wall?! He just got into office. He's had a few things to deal with, including North Korea that Obama and his team said, Oh well, I guess we'll just have to let them have nukes. He's working on the wall; he's studying it now, and make no doubt about it, he will figure it all out. And you're already calling him a liar? You have no leg to stand on. Go fish.

At August 26, 2017 at 3:59 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The News-Herald, our local rag, has finally printed something from the Wall Street Journal that came to the paper through the Associated Press. The AP-originated articles that they usually print, are so horribly left/Democrat-slanted, that they are filled with half-truths and untruths, and they usually end up being lies. Unlike the AP, however, this WSJ article is actually filled with the truth. The article appeared in the Opinion section of the Aug.5, 2017 edition. It details how Obama and his Justice Dept. continued to spin the targeting of Republican groups by his IRS Dept., and never did do a proper investigation into that, and how it created a block to free speech by these groups in the midterm and presidential elections. The article goes on to say, "Yet Congressional investigations have uncovered clear evidence that the targeting was ordered and directed out of Washington."

This is now all being looked at again, and it is just one more example of the corruption and the lies of the Democrats and the Obama administration. Obama, and his wife, are fakes and frauds. And this is just one little example of who they really are.

I also watched his daughters after he and his wife started their horrible "white privilege" crap that they began to feed this nation, and how their demeanor changed, and their faces became drawn and resentful-looking, with their eyes cast down, instead of the happy-looking girls I used to see. I am guessing at the emotions behind their faces, of course, because I cannot be sure what they were thinking, but it was a drastic change, and it saddens me what they have done to our country, and especially our country's youth. And it's not just the black kids. Now I see white kids espousing how the whites are racists and privileged and I see and hear shame in them also. At least half of these black and white kids were comfortably side by side as they were going through their lives, not thinking of such outdated, untrue things, but now they ARE thinking about, and believing, these things.

Yeah, some class, those Obamas.

As more and more of the things that should have been investigated long ago, hopefully start to be investigated now, we will SEE just what an upstanding guy Obama is when the curtain is pulled.

At August 26, 2017 at 4:25 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Obama and his wife went to a black church, for what? least 20 years?...where the racist black preacher said such things as "God Damn America" repeatedly and often. I believe they took their daughters there, too. Class? Where?

At August 26, 2017 at 6:20 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

2:29. You're kidding, right? You think we need YOU to tell us about the Nazi's? And what in the hell are you bringing the war and all those murders into this discussion for?
Who in the hell are you calling a Nazi sympathizer? The poster? If so, how dare you! The Republicans? If so, how dare you! President Trump and/or his followers? If so, how dare you! Shut up, already, you raving lunatic. For God's sake, man, YOU LOST. GIVE IT A REST!! The reason so many former Democrats quit the party and voted for Trump is because of Obama (even though we previously voted for him), Clinton, The Democratic Party and Democrats like you. On the other hand, maybe you should just keep it up, because I'm hearing every day of more and more Democrats who are quitting the party.

At August 27, 2017 at 10:14 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

3:59 Maybe his daughters changed their attitudes when some of you called her a gorilla in high heels? and their father not born here as well as not a Christian but a Moslem?
Maybe the kids are on to something?
6:20 describe a Nazi for me?

At August 27, 2017 at 10:32 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

1:25 here, Been busy went with some nice friends to a cross-burning Saturday night. Sunday we had a pancake breakfast for the Hitler youth. these are good people just wanting to protect their rights and heritage. Ask our President.

At August 27, 2017 at 1:28 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:14, You're sick.

You lost,

and you certainly aren't gaining any votes here, I can tell you that, so just keep talking about those Nazi's.


At August 27, 2017 at 3:36 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 10:14. Listen very carefully here (I say in a hushed voice). The entire United States of America, and a very large, scary portion of the world, are completely out of control and up in flames, both figuratively and literally, thanks to Obama and former Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton. BUT, I know you have something very important to tell us...what is that you're saying?...Oh, yes, I can hear you now, as you continue to scream "RACISTS, RACISTS, RACISTS, NAZI'S, NAZI'S, NAZI'S!!!!!"

You're looking like a donkey now. Just wanted you to know.

At August 28, 2017 at 4:51 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:14 -- Describe a Nazi for you?! How about shut-up, you creepy little man. I mean, my God. Put a sock in it already.

At August 28, 2017 at 7:43 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

4:51 Yeah, I'm the creepy hysterical little man? What's that make you?
First off I never accused Republicans of being neo-Nazi's or white supremacists PERIOD!!!
Now the people that marched on Charlottesville the night before the rally with Tiki torches and shouting 'blood and land' were NOT Republicans but were neo-Nazi's and supremacists. If you are an American these two groups should make you ill. I don't understand why some defend or pretend they don't exist?
10:14 And to finish your thought, the present commander-in-chief does nothing but throw gasoline on the problems. He hasn't SOLVED s**t! climate change ,Paris Accords? Ask those in Texas on their thoughts?
Eight Texas representatives in 2013 voted against replenishing the National Flood Insurance Program, which was already running out of money ahead of Storm Sandy. All but one member of the Republican delegation from Texas also voted NO on a second bill providing $50.5 billion in aid for Sandy victims. Will the Northeast states return the favor to Texas? NO they won't because those aren't Democrat's or Republican Texans those are Americans!

At August 28, 2017 at 7:58 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will add Term it wasn't a Republican who killed that woman with his car it was a Nazi from Ohio. I to don't understand defending Nazis and supremacists ?

At August 28, 2017 at 2:08 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:32, 7:43 and 7:58. The point is is that NOBODY has or is defending Nazi's; not me, not the president, not the Republicans. Nobody. The president said 1) White Supremacists/Nazi's, etc., are bad, and the Republican party does not want their endorsement or support. He's been saying that for a couple of decades now. 2) He said there was a group that got mixed in with them by the police that had made it clear they wanted nothing to do with the Nazi idiots, and they were just there to protest the removing of our statues. 3) There were Lefties that came looking for a fight with the stupid Nazi's, and they created and got one. THAT was the presidents point. HE NOR ANYONE ELSE SAID NAZI'S WERE GOOD; NOBODY DEFENDED THEM, AND NOBODY PRETENDED LIKE THEY WEREN'T THERE. SO STOP TALKING LIKE ANYONE DID OR IS.

At August 28, 2017 at 5:51 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Don't worry about the damage in Texas over Hurricane Harvey. Mexico will pay for the damage!

At August 28, 2017 at 7:08 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:14. ONE vile person said that, and it could well have been a Democrat and/or a Democrat setting up other people; we don't know where that came from. And you are vile to repeat it -- for the sake of those beautiful girls -- and for the sake of WHOMEVER you are trying to blame that on, since you have no idea what ONE person MAY have said that. You'll stop at nothing, and stoop as low as you need to go.

And those girls were well used to the claims that Obama was not born here and that he is a Muslim long before that, when they still looked happy in, and with, America. It was their own parents' racism and race-baiting that has torn apart this country, and that has hurt many people, especially our youth, including their two girls. It looks like it has changed their outlooks and attitudes, and it will probably effect them that way for the rest of their lives, along with the rest of this country.

7:43: President Trump has only been in office for eight months, and he has already done wonderful things, and accomplished so much for American, it is hard to believe, unlike Obama. For anyone who wants to start hearing about some of his accomplishments, I suggest you quit believing 7:43, and the likes of CNN, etc. Really, he is doing a remarkable job; I've never seen anything like it.

At August 28, 2017 at 9:19 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:14!!! "...Some of you called her a gorilla in high heels." Some of WHO said that, you pig? Some of WHO? If it happened at all, it was one person. So SOME does not count, and again, you jerk, SOME OF WHO? Republicans?!! Where's your proof?! Did it happen at all? If so, EXACTLY who did it? Shut-UP, race-baiter. Shut-UP.

At August 29, 2017 at 4:41 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

3:36, yeah, and for at least a year before that, he was constantly, and without taking a breath, screaming "RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA."

At August 29, 2017 at 6:48 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

So do we build a wall or save Texas? Simple question.

At August 29, 2017 at 8:15 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

6:48 Texas just became the priority. Trump can start a "go fund me" for his wall!
4:41 Oh, more about Russia coming!
9:19 West Virginia officials resign, Pamela Taylor director of Clay County Development Corp. and Clay County Mayor Beverley Waling. There's a whole list of insults listed everyone from Rush Limbaugh to Sarah Palin.
7:08 So you believe he is a Muslim? Not that that would keep anyone from seeking the Presidency, Seems like a throwback when Kennedy ran being Catholic.
What exactly has he accomplished? Tax reform, Healthcare, Infrastructure? here's a regulation he changed a mire 6 days ago FEMA supports cutting coverage for flood prone homes? It's getting so everyplace is flood prone!
5:51 Well the goofs bought that B.S. once already why not again?
2:08 So I can assume that if neo-Nazi's marched with torches You would just join in the march?

At August 29, 2017 at 9:29 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

7:08 Quit watching CNN? On FOX Jesse Waters claimed sharks were roaming the streets of Houston? Do they ever fact check anything over there?

At August 29, 2017 at 1:25 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:29. Sharks and crocks are in the water. What did you think?...that nothing was going to get out of it's normal environment during all of this? I lived in Houston for a few years, and there's also water moccasins and so many other dangerous things in their water, that I've been holding my breath with all those people in those flooded areas with no guns or knives or anything to protect themselves. Nobody walks around in the country or fields out there without a gun for protection. At least God's been watching over them for that.

8:15, this is 2:08. You're sick. Carry on creepy, little man.

At August 29, 2017 at 2:01 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I voted for Trump, but I have to agree with Term. What has he done other than tweet nonsense. I thought he would have started to move the country forward by now. He can't even get agreement among his own staff or party. Quit blaming Obama, Democrats, Hillary and CNN. Donald Trump has a majority in the House, Senate, Supreme Court. Quit clowning around and start governing.

At August 29, 2017 at 2:38 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:29. I used to live in a suburb of Houston, and one day a copperhead snake showed up in our door entrance during a storm, and tried to kill my husband. There are all kinds of scary, deadly things there, and that was just one of our encounters, and that was not in a situation where the ocean and all inland waterways, etc., were overflowing into the streets. I'm scared to death for those people, and I'm surprised I haven't heard more about bad things in the water, and grateful that apparently nobody has been injured or killed that way. With all of that, and the dangers of electricity and oil, etc., in the water, they have certainly been lucky at least with all of that. Texas is not Ohio. Not by a long shot.

At August 30, 2017 at 10:25 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

2:38/ Copperheads, Water Moccasins no doubt. The shark was photo shopped.
1:25 ??
2:01 I can't see what he continually takes credit for? THE $40.00 cap USA 45 lend a nice touch to his visit to Texas? I think a new cap is the furthest thing those people need presently. Today he goes to Missouri to lay out his tax plan? Problem is presently there is no tax plan.
Some facts;
to make his Wealthcare for the wealthy work he must
967 Million from the Army Corps of Engineers
667 Million from FEMA
190 Million National Flood Insurance Program
62 Million National Weather Service
As well as cut the Coast Guard 14%
Doesn't seem to wise after this past week does it?

At August 31, 2017 at 2:58 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

10:25. Quit spreading lies. For one thing, when the tax rates drop, the loop holes will go away. The wealthy will end up paying more, and I haven't heard anyone complaining about that. He presented a five-point tax plan, by the way. And if nobody cares about the hat, then why are you taking the time to cut it down. I mean, my God, there's a government and a country to run, he's in the middle of a huge national disaster, and you and the Democrats are so petty and such babies, that you are talking about his hat, and spreading CNN lies.

2:01, he has actually done many good things already, but most of them were things that he could do himself, and they are not being reported on the news, of course. The solution to this is less swamp Democrats to fight him, and keep replacing the swamp Republicans with ones who care about Americans and who will back his agenda. He's doing a really good job, really. And he's doing a really good job considering all the people who are fighting him, and lying about him. Maybe all the fantastic things he has done are listed on his website or something, I don't know.


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