" SUSPICIOUS MINDS" elvis presley
We're caught in a trap
I can't walk out
Sorry if I may sound a little cynical about the response our city manager gave in the News-Herald today, over the lawsuit filed by two resident's over the Immigration Task Force.
Without going into to much detail because a law suit is involved. She responded.
"I announced the task force as an advisory board, invited people to participate and was pleased to have a diverse group of community leaders step up and join." Diverse group? Hardly it was slanted pro-illegal immigration from the get go. Who exactly did you invite? And why?
To see the email s between myself and Ms. Irelan go to "Questions" Moody Blues August 11, 2017
If the meeting were held in 'secret' how were they to solicit community input?
The Task Force Meetings were closed. Members wanted to feel comfortable saying exactly what was on their minds, without fear of retaliation. This is where Ms. Irelan with her knowledge of government should have told them this is a public body and there are no closed meetings. Due to Sunshine Laws there can't be any closed meeting unless certain subjects are discussed and this isn't one of them.
These recommendations will be I guess shared with the rest of us September 11,2017 in Court Room No.1 at a work session of council. Where I expect someone on council to say "we had plenty of meeting for any of you to come and object to the proceedings?"
Sorry Ms. Irelan you struck out in your first at bat. Granted you have only been here a little more than nine months but this is an 'abuse of power' on your part at worse, or trying to shovel a problem under the rug at the least. I don't know who's giving you advise and if your taking it but you don't know or understand Painesville.
To some of you on that Task Force I believe the goal' of many of you is to make Painesville a Sanctuary City. I will promise you through my last breath and many other resident's in town , we will never let that happen! The Late William Horvath as well as Abbey Delmotte tried and failed.
See no special rights or privileges for anyone in Painesville. Change the federal law don't try imposing your will on us.
And finally quit attempting to make our police force do things other than follow the laws.
Special thanks to Arzella Melnyk and James Weber for their belief in this lawsuit!
You can soon expect Noel to come around Owego St. snooping around!
2:38, boy ain't that the truth. The retaliation modes of this city are swift and nasty, and they can be far-reaching. Ask anyone who has spoken out against something the city has done, and they will tell the same story. And it goes on for years, and years, and years, because we've had some of the same people working for this city for decades, and they continue it forever. Also, many of the new people they hire, be it city managers, or whatever, pick it up, and go right along with it. Honestly, this has been a crappy city to live in from the moment I moved in decades ago to the present time. The council and the city managers, etc., just keep up the same culture, and now we have it worse than ever.
I previously gave out numbers that I thought would be good for reporting our sanctuary city to the federal government. One of those numbers, 1-888-351-4024, was incorrect. I just finally got done reporting our sanctuary city to the Department of Homeland Security Tip Line, at 1-866-347-2423. I pressed #2 first, then on the second round of options, I pressed #1, and those were the right picks. I did have to wait on hold for about 15 minutes. The first time, I got a reluctant guy, who finally put me through, only because I insisted repeatedly, to a busy signal. I called back and got an equally reluctant woman the second time, but after I got her I.D. number, she became more cooperative, and she assured me that she would report our sanctuary city to the authorities, although I did have to put up with a little mouth, until I called her on it. I'll send an email to the White House tonight to see if someone will read it, and hopefully correct the attitudes and the problems on that line. I would, however, ask anyone who has the time to back me up on that call, to make that call yourself. You can also do an online form at www.ICE.gov/tips. You can do it anonymously if you want to. I'm going to try to make a couple more calls tomorrow, to see if I can find somewhere else to tell to backup my complaint. We also need to be having some meetings with our local congress people, etc., and demand to know what are they going to do about this, and to also demand that they, themselves, report this to the federal government. This has all gone on long enough. I know the Rally Team was attempting to do all of this some time ago, and to fight for all of us with limited support from the citizenry. I do not know if they are still active and/or if they are still fighting this, but it is time for every legal citizen to stand up now, and get these illegals out of our country and, here in Painesville, we need to start with our own city. Our city council and manager are breaking the laws to keep the illegals safe, and putting the legal citizens in jeopardy, as our city fills up with more and more illegals, and we all really need to stand up now and be counted. This has all been going on long enough, and it should have been stopped long ago.
I have to disagree with one point in your main post. You said Horvath and DelaMotte tried to make this into a sanctuary city and failed. Look around; I think they succeeded. However, if all legal citizens get together at this point in time finally, we can fight and stop this now.
Haha 2:38, isn't that the truth!
5:52 I posted your comment with the phone numbers only to show even after over20 days of Trump how slow government acts? Can you imagine what a police department must go through?
6:19 Sorry, we are not a Sanctuary City. Close but no cigar.
Another article in the News Herald today by Cal Thomas. He had some very interesting points. Today's was "Pardoning Sheriff Arpaio" It was an interesting read for those of you who banter Republican or Democrat. If you don't get a paper it can be found on line at patriotpost.us and other sites as well.
This is a part of the article I found interesting and where Painesville needs to wake up -
"Given that Mexicans, according to U.S. Census Bureau data, make up the largest group of unauthorized immigrants, it made sense to focus on this group. That the number of unauthorized immigrants from Mexico has been decreasing matters little, as the number of immigrants from Central America and Asia has increased."
8:44. One has nothing to do with the other. I'm sure the police departments are not waiting on hold to report to a citizen call line.
The article in The News-Herald with Ms. Irelan speaking about the lawsuit, fails to mention that our city has defied federal law, and made up their own law regarding illegals. Neither the writer nor Ms. Irelan mentioned it. We can't even hope to have a decent city without crime while our police and city manager and city council are criminals.
I have reported our sanctuary city on the White House's website, along with the problems with the workers on the Department of Homeland Security's call-in phone line. Hopefully someone will read it, and put us on the list of sanctuary cities, if we are not already on it. Also, please don't forget to complain on their website, as I think that is a good place to report our sanctuary city, and also any individuals that you are aware of that are here illegally, especially people who have already been deported previously and/or committed crimes, as that is what they are concentrating on now.
I have sent a copy of Irelan's Letter From our Readers contribution to The News-Herald to both the main ICE office, and also to the Detroit ICE field office, which also takes care of Ohio. I highlighted the part where she explains what the federal law is, and then says "we are not doing that." They've probably got bigger fish to fry right now, but I want to make sure we're on their radar, and hope they have time soon.
I certainly hope the president does not pardon any Dreamers whose parents are not legal American citizens. If their parents are not legal, then they ALL need to go back to their own country, where the parents and the kids are citizens. I can see letting them become citizens if there is no criminal history if their parents are legal here but, otherwise, I hope he makes the whole family go, as there will be no reason to let them stay, and every reason to make them go.
10:55, yes, and one thing he left out of the article is that the Mexicans are still trying to pour in. Many more are being stopped now, and many more are being dealt with in a better way (sent away), but Mexican illegals crossing, and/or attempting to cross the border, is still a huge problem. Imagine if all the Mexicans who have been usurping our country all these years, had stayed in Mexico, and tried to better their country.
I have submitted an online DHS tip form complaint, and that is probably enough reporting to the federal government now, as they are saying they only need to be, and want to be, notified once on each person or problem, so I think all the bases are covered now. I think, personally, that the only thing we need to do now is to get in touch with our Ohio congresspeople, etc., and demand to know what they are going to do about this purposeful breaking of laws in Painesville, and also about the enormous amount of illegals in our town. In addition to the number we already have, and that we were already continuing to get every day, now we have our city and our city manager telling illegals they are safe here again, so they will be doubling the busloads coming here now, no doubt.
This is 8:08 with a P.S. to my post. As I said, I have reported the city as a sanctuary city, but anyone who knows of someone here illegally, should report them on their online form. That way it's sure to reach the right mark, and it will be in writing. It can be reported anonymously on that form, if you prefer.
8:08 I'm sure 'Beauregard' will keep you informed?
4:10 Pouring in? either your wrong or DHS is wrong?
4:51 Dreamers? now that's where we disagree.
4:05 Could you describe a "Sanctuary City" seems to be lots of confusion on what is and isn't?
3:53 None are criminals. Just people trying to solve a problem. And what have you contributed to make Painesville a decent city? Just curious
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