"MONEY FOR NOTHING" dire straits
We got to install microwave ovens custom kitchen deliveries
We got to move these refrigerators we got to move these color TV's
Yes another Holiday Season (Christmas Time) is upon us here is quaint Painesville, Ohio. Time for our fabled Downtown Organization to get the News-Herald to take pictures and do a story about caroler's and carriage rides in our busy downtown.
Look I want to participate!
Can someone who belongs to this organization tell me what and for whom a Christmas present purchase was made in our Downtown?
We have no clothing stores, shoe stores, toy stores, bookstore or even a hobby store. (please no tires) I want to buy at least ONE persons gift in Downtown Painesville this year, and I request your help.
Council keeps 'gifting' DPO funds year after year please show me the results.
A couple of years ago I was doing some banking in town and an older lady stopped me and asked "where the stores were." I told her what you see is it, we haven't hid them they don't exist. She said she expected so much more, well so do I.
So again feel free to help me be Santa this year DPO, looking more and more like Scrooge?
We need a lot more than 'Smart Meters' around here.
Hey, Anywhere to buy a Slack Jaw Christmas Album in town?
Well, if you don't want tires I think you are going to have to buy some hardware or Painesville's Official bread.
Not much else to choose.
I've bought hair care products from Bella Donna Salon as Christmas presents in the past. They're somewhat pricey, but they have a nice selection. If that doesn't help, there's always paint, mousetraps, or spare keys from Joughin's as potential gifts. Maybe Hal Werner can sell you a piano, or a gift certificate to have one tuned....
2:16 Most are already buying T&T Bread.
7:45 In TERM speak pricey means over-priced. Paint, mousetraps and keys? Might as well purchase a gun so they can show their appreciation to me? Hal Werner part of this sham?
When's the last time you were downtown? It's not Mentor, but there are stores, and boutiques in other stores. Starfish and Coffee has gifts, Bella Donna , Unique Like Me has gifts, Branches of wellness has a boutique inside, Kurt's Shooters Supply has locally made beef jerky, there is a small boutique in Painesville Furniture, Our Teasures on the hill? Like I said, it ain't Mentor, but it is a start. And no, I don't work for the DPO, but I am someone who does shop local. Could it be better? Yes - but give the stores credit for what they do. It's not as doom and gloom as your post might seem...
I had this discussion with some city higher-ups. They see nothing wrong with the small businesses we have here and the undertone I got from the conversation was to settle for it because that's all there is or will be folks. Now push those small shops, but just how long do they really last? Look at Fairport. How many stores move in and vacant store fronts a year later? I know Painesville dropped the ball with urban renewal in the 70's but the residents have waited and suffered long enough. It's time way over time Painesville got with it. MOVE FORWARD CITY OFFICIALS.
Excited we have new fly fishing store opening! Main Street and I am shopping there for The holidays! The bike shop that opened is awesome too! They fixed two bikes and the guy is great! First time I’ve been excited to spend money in town in years!
5:02 They see nothing wrong? Really I guess what are we throwing this money after?
7:55 Bike shop great, sorry do my fishing at Giant Eagle.
5:25 Oh, it's definably dome and gloom
beef jerky? Our Treasures on the Hill? Maybe they should be open when people get off work?
5:25 It's a start? Sorry but this town has been so stagnant for so many years and I see no one in economic development even trying to make a difference here. If there were an anchor store those small shops would be good to stop into. But to drive to Painesville before 5PM to shop just isn't the answer. Remember we had an Arabica, it left. We even had a college bar but it couldn't make a go. Where were all these college kids that could have made it work? Nothing survives here anymore and it wont until the city cleans up the crime, drugs, prostitution, illegals and the bad rap it gets. (Check out front page, Painesville Pride)
Umm Term...they are open when people get off..they are even open nights.
Look out, here comes a brewery where the old Dollar Bank building is..but there is nothing downtown...
12:10 - Glad you mentioned the front page of the Painesville Pride, where I think it was Fodor, wasn't it, that explained to the illegal Hispanics that nobody in the Painesville police dept. turned over the woman who was caught without a valid drivers license and was deported. He's apparently just making REAL sure that the illegals know that they can come and live here and break our laws here, and they will be as safe as Painesville and the Painesville police can possibly make them. If that fails, then local churches will take them in to further break our laws. And he just wanted to make REAL sure that they know that they can drive UNLICENSED among us, and live illegally among us, and Painesville council just has no beef with that whatsoever. Drive on illegals.
In actuality, Fodor should have been on the front page of the Painesville Pride reassuring legal citizens that Painesville City and Painesville Police are on the job 24/7 making sure that there are no illegal, (and uninsured) drivers among us. Instead he was reassuring the illegals that they are safe to drive illegally here, because it wasn't US that stopped that driver. It's unbelievable what is going on here.
Fodor, Dinallo, Shoop, all have/had close ties to the city schools. Most liberal bunch ever. Illegals need to be sent back PERIOD.
%;21 mentioned Fodor that's where you lose credibility unless your talking about a different Painesville Pride Fitzgerald wrote the article? All three were elected maybe we should appoint you?
5:21 says they are guessing on the author, so calm down. ..."lose credibility"...give me a break. We know you're for illegals. Got it, snotty.
1:22 Seems many of you are guessing on many fake facts? All I want are facts. Doesn't matter who's
Your allowed your opinion but facts well your not so good on.
1:40, now you're just being ridiculous. It was the author of a Painesville Pride article; the blogger here said they weren't sure which male authored it, and it was written by a councilperson. They all think the same thing, and they are all purposefully making a sanctuary city here for illegals, and that is something that should make you very happy. "Fake facts."...LOL
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