Wednesday, August 16, 2017

"NO SURRENDER" bruce springsteen

Like soldiers in the winter night
With a vow to defend,
No Retreat No Surrender

As I watched what had happened on cable news in Virginia this past week. It reminded me of 9/11 . my eyes witnessed  it but my brain keep telling me it's not real it must be a movie?

This shouldn't be my country?

People with torches, shouting 'blood and soil', Jew's will not replace us.

Least not forget the young American woman crushed by the weapon of a vehicle along with twenty injured bystander's.

All under the cover of 'Heritage'? What exactly is your heritage? Bigotry, slavery, treason and defeat?  A failed heritage.

Who erects statues of loser's? See any Hitler or other prominent generals erected in Germany? Or anywhere for that matter?

We have a President today, who compares Washington and Jefferson to Robert E. Lee and Jefferson Davis. The first two founded this country and the later two committed treason to destroy the union. If there were any statues to be erected in the south it should have been General Sherman and General Grant.

The sadness I felt as I witnessed the Nazi Swastika side by side the American flag? Everyone should be forced to watch the first twenty minutes of 'Saving Private Ryan' and take a tour of a German Concentration Camp. What in God's name do Neo-Nazi's have to do about  America? I'm so glad my father as well as other American soldier's, sailors and marines aren't around to witness last weekend.

My surprise at the White Supremacists, a friend told me come on you read some of the comments you receive. Ang, there are more 'closet' white supremacists in Painesville than you think. You better than anyone should know that. Being born white is not an accomplishment!

My final thought's on this is watching the crowds it appears to be filled with many young white males a very scary proposition. That with minorities of any kind will not change this thinking. Only White Americans can push back on these hate groups and tell them there's no room for you in our country.

I guess all that being a good Christian most be a bunch of Bull?

I guess I should be thankful there are no Confederate statues in my hometown.


At August 16, 2017 at 1:23 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You wrote "Who erects statues of loser's?"
I guess it depends on how you define losers but, like it or not, these people are all viewed by the US Army as "veterans".
IOW, they fought on the losing side of our Civil War but they were trained by the US Army and likely retired with an Army pension.

Other than that, I agree with most of what you wrote.

I guess my question is stil,l what in the world do neo-nazis have to do with Robert E Lee??
He was long before the nazis and certainly never heard of them.
Just puzzles me.

At August 16, 2017 at 2:00 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

1:23 The Confederacy were guilty of a treasonous act. The goal was to destroy the Union. I just don't see the pride in that?
The Neo-Nazi's well best guess it has to do with Hitler's Aryan Master Race which believes in White Supremacy.

At August 16, 2017 at 4:20 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


I guess we do not agree on that point.
Saying that the Southern states were guilty of treason might be accurate if in 1776 the US (as we know it now) was guilty of treason toward the British crown. You can't have one be true without the other also being true.

I also disagree with the point you make about the goal being the destroy the Union. They wanted to form a new country. Countries have formed, split, and reformed throughout history. Had the South won the war, this would have been no different. People who don't agree with the way things are done have always fought to get their way. Again, the American Revolution is a great example of that.

Your guess as to the Nazi connect with Robert E Lee is as good a guess as any. I don't agree with them but I wish they were not tied to the Civil War. They are VERY different animals.

At August 16, 2017 at 6:25 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What people are you talking about when you say being a good Christian must be a bunch of bull? I hope it's just the few people who belong to the KKK, etc.

And about the Confederate statues...we have out of control groups of people running around our country tearing down statues that represent our country's history, and they are unfettered by the police, just like when they want to burn things down. I don't see anyone alarmed about that, and there's a lot more of them than the ridiculous, asinine White Supremacists. What in the world is THAT?

At August 17, 2017 at 5:02 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Preface: I am not a KKK, Nazi, supporter But I believe the South, Confederate flags, statues and all are a part of our history. People can not erase it because they do not like what it stood for making it as it never existed. Like it or not it is a part of American history. I believe Everyone should be able their freedom of speech and expression, if someone doesn't like it, walk away. If you don't like the statue, get out of the park, if you don't like the flags sold at Loraine Fair, don't patronize the booth. But that vendor has just as much right to sell as anyone else.
I know my thoughts are very simple minded but I know how to mind my own business. Something others need to learn.

At August 17, 2017 at 7:25 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

even Russia took all imagery of Stalin and Trotsky down as they moved forward. I don't see any Trump statues being erected in the future....... I have never been so depressed over the direction our country is headed in my life and I am old. My heart hurts right now.

At August 17, 2017 at 8:53 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

7:25 I was unaware of that. Many are depressed.
5:02 Myself and other's shouldn't have to walk through a public park to view your history?
The flag sales I guess are between the fair and the vendor?
And than don't let your business become my business.
6:25/4:24 You have no idea some of the comments I receive here that are instantly deleted. No KKK but many white nationalists as well as many who believe in white privilege. It might shock you what people write and think when they don't have to identify themselves.
4:20 Agreed but I willing to bet these people wouldn't have statues or pictures of themselves on our currency? The King would have had them hung for treason. So do you want 'participation'statues? Unlike after the civil war Davis and Lee were welcomed back into the Republic. And to their credit until they died of natural causes they did everything they could to re-unite the country. Both publicly stated they didn't want statues. The statues were more about getting rid of reconstruction than anything else. Check when they were constructed. The states that succeeded from the union all had one thing in common to continue slavery period.
As far as the stars & bars that flag has been hijacked by the worse of the worse and many equate that with the flag. Who's fault is that?
Please don't take my rude. You want the statues fine, take them off public property for museum committee's and find homes for them where if you want to view them and relate to them I don't have to involve others as well as myself.

At August 17, 2017 at 9:06 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


"Take them off public property"?
That is your solution??
In that case, let's just pretend that the Civil War never happened. Will that be better?
Look, no one forces you to go visit any of these statues. As far as I know, there are none close by us at all so you won't have to be offended by them.

Last time I looked, no members of the Confederacy are on our currency. I am not clear on the point you are trying to make.

At August 17, 2017 at 10:47 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I cannot imagine being black in America and know my tax dollars were paying for statues of Lee or any confederate idolatry, including the confederate flag. Thankfully southern states came to their senses and took it down. This is common decency and respect of others in your community. We have lost civility. It's not and just cannot be about YOU all the time. I would love to,see this city pass an ordinance forbidding anyone to fly the confederate flag.

At August 17, 2017 at 11:47 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I believe you are reading through the lines from your readers. You stated "as well as many who believe in white privilege". Those of us opposed to the illegal immigrants in this city let alone the entire country are not always white or privileged. Many want the illegals gone and do things the LEGAL way. Same as our ancestors did coming through Ellis Island. Now of course someone will take this literally and counter there is no Ellis Island BUT there is the right way to do things. And yes, some of us simply Can Not add a name here because we want to keep our jobs and don't want to be labeled a racist when out in public.

At August 17, 2017 at 1:04 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

9:06 Yes, why should many of us have to witness the pride some of you show in your bigotry? Build yourself a museum and enjoy to your hearts content! You would think a true American would view the civil war as a stain on our country?
What am I saying? We don't celebrate the losers.
10:47 Either can I. I guess they should just witness themselves as pawns in this 'Heritage' remembrance? Forget Elis Island think in the hole of a ship. There's some Heritage.
11:47 Many of those who complain about illegals throw in African-Americans who are so unappreciative of what white's have done for them. You should read SOME OF THIS CRAP.

At August 17, 2017 at 3:15 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Bigotry"? I hate to tell you but, on this issue, you are completely clueless.

All of this is history but it is obvious that you want history to be remembered the way you want it remembered. It doesn't work that way. The Civil War is definitely a stain but that doesn't mean that the lesson should be ignored. The war happened more than 150 years ago. Taking down statues won't change that. You define a liberal on this one.

10:47 You must be kidding. Not one single tax dollar you ever paid was used to build any of the statues in question. If you don't agree, name the statue that you helped pay for.
Regarding your last line, remember the First Amendment protects things like this even if you (or I) don't like them or agree. I doubt that an city would make a stupid move like this.

At August 17, 2017 at 4:02 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

7:25. If you want to stop being depressed, then stop listening to the likes of Term and CNN and MSNBC, etc. The president was waiting for all the facts in his first statement, as he has said many times. There were many groups involved in that mess, and it was still in the middle of happening. Unlike Obama who always immediately went on TV and blamed White people and the cops, and started this whole race riots stuff again, Trump was waiting for the FBI and Homeland Security, etc., to give him reports of what was actually happening and who was doing what. When Obama started this whole "the poor Blacks still can't win in America because of the nasty White people" stuff, he had all his facts wrong, but that didn't stop him from starting to perpetuate it, and from he and his wife continuing, to this day, to perpetuate it. His first rush to judgment was the whole Professor Gates, thing, where the cop was just doing his job, checking on Gates to make sure it wasn't someone breaking into Gates home, but Gates and Obama turned it into a racial incident. For another example, he did the same thing in Ferguson. Michael Brown attacked that cop and the cop was fighting for his gun and his life, but Obama called the cop a racist and blamed him, and called it murder. If you want any truth at all, start watching Fox News and listing to the Republicans wherever you can, where you can actually get some news and the truth. They do some Trump-bashing there, too, but it's much easier to sort out what's true, and what isn't, and what you should be happy or mad about. It's a sad time in America, but it's not for the reasons that you think. You're being spoon-fed a load of garbage that is all politically motivated. It's okay, really -- President Trump is doing many wonderful things; you're just not seeing it on the news that you're watching. I watched channel 5 news last p.m. (ABC), and I was once again shocked at the perpetuation of calling Trump a racist. They slanted the entire story, they left out a lot of important information and words, and ended up with a story that didn't come close to the truth -- AGAIN. We're okay. Really. And, in fact, doing much better than we were a few months ago, under Obama.

At August 17, 2017 at 5:01 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:53, you are telling 5:02 that poor you and others shouldn't have to walk through a public park and view THEIR history??? It's your history, too, if you are part of this country. "THEIR" history. Give me a break. There isn't one asinine band wagon that you won't jump on to prove that Democrats are right and Republicans are wrong, even this. If you're so offended by OUR (meaning not yours) history, then you should get out. Get out your blanky, you ridiculous baby.

At August 17, 2017 at 6:50 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Removing statues to honor Confederate soldiers and leaders is not erasing history; the history will remain in the form of historical sites, museums, books, movies, documentaries, historians (professional & amateur), history classes in grade school and college, and even Civil War battle reenactments. Besides the offensiveness of honoring individuals who engaged in organized treason against the United States, most of these statues were put up during the Jim Crow era, after the end of Reconstruction in the South, as part of a campaign of terror against black people. White leaders wanted the statues to convey a message that, although the South lost, their cause still remained, by honoring those who fought to preserve the old ways, i.e., slavery. Such artifacts do not need, nor deserve, to be preserved in public settings, for their very existence is due to racists wanting to honor treasonists. People in the South bring up their heritage as a reason to keep the statues, but I suspect that the real reason is to continue sending a message to blacks; same with their obsession over the Confederate battle flag. They lost, but after 152 years, they still can't get over it and move on.

At August 18, 2017 at 8:31 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

6:50 Please some of you read this!
5:02 Why should anybody walk through a public park and see statutes of treasons, bigoted people? My history taught me these traitors were defeated soundly!
4:02 It's all Obama's fault to bad we don't presently have someone in the White House with some dignity!
3:15 Put your statues on private property not publicly owned lands.
1:53 You don't value your life much do you? Well before we start there's a good chance I will be accused of writing your comment to show how ignorant some of you are?

At August 18, 2017 at 8:58 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

7:25 You made my day! Trump waits for the facts before he comments?

At August 18, 2017 at 10:33 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

WoW So if I felt that Martin Luther King did more harm than good I shoud now not visit areas where there are statues? Maybe not drive down the streets named after him? What about Washington, Jefferson and Franklin? They had their share of problems too yet no one is making a stink about them? And yes, if you don't like it don't go - again IF I had a problem w/MLK (and I don't, this is an example) I would not visit places that tribute him. Again, it's very simple. Stop cramming views and opinions on me, I have every right to my own.

At August 18, 2017 at 11:09 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

FYI I'm really tired of hearing "the Confederate flag is racist" It is an object, same as the statues, the South Rebels mascot, etc. An inanimate object can not be racist.

At August 19, 2017 at 1:09 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

11:09 Agree but like a gun is an inanimate object. But the person holding it can be one.
Martin Luther King Jr. idea was to bring the country together not divide us that's the big difference. Along with his non-violence protests that make him a hero, an American-Icon. Drive wherever you wish.

At August 19, 2017 at 8:11 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


FYI, if you're tired of hearing that, then don't listen. That's one of the great aspects of America: you have the right to not listen to others exercise their freedom of expression. I mean, you're already celebrating another long-standing American right: the freedom to complain.

As for your statement about inanimate objects not being racist, just go to any dining room in a country club or Waffle House for a rebuttal.

At August 19, 2017 at 8:25 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


You have every right to your views and opinions, but others don't to theirs because they are "cramming" them on you? If you contact Dave Joyce and Rob Portman about this hardship of having to deal with the opinion of others, I'm sure they'll get busy right away on drafting a change to the First Amendment, so that only you have freedom of speech. Good luck!

At August 21, 2017 at 2:40 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I recon I wasnt clear enough about having to deal with the views and opinions of others while my opinion means nothing. The liberal far left are the ones making waves, removing flags, statues, history. While "most" everyone else has been just fine with it all these years. It only takes a few rebel-rousers to bring this place to it's knees. SO with what you said above, should I chose to fly the Confederate flag, no one will bother or harm me or my family? I didn't think so because it doesn't work that way anymore. Everyone else has the right...

At August 21, 2017 at 3:06 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

2:40 Yes it was White liberal's that walked into a church in Charleston, SC killing nine people his goal was to start a race war. It was White liberal's that took Tiki torches to a college campus in Charlottesville, Va. injuring 20 others the next day. Fly you flag put your statues on your property not on property that real American's fought and died for!
Maybe you should have paid less attention to liberal's and more to the people that hijacked your Heritage?

At August 21, 2017 at 4:01 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

2:40. One thing you need to understand about Term is that he is a hysterical Lefty, and there is no reasoning with him. He'll blow right past your point, because apparently the Democrats are not capable of anything more than one-dimensional thinking, and start screaming that all Republicans are racists, which he has just done again.

At August 21, 2017 at 5:22 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

2:40...I got what you mean. Now, groups who are standing up for free speech, who make it clear that they have nothing to do with White Supremacy, etc., get shouted down and run out by thousands of Democrats screaming racism. And the entire media goes along with them, and applauds their efforts. Democrats are taking down our country. Is that going to be our demise? It is certainly going that way quickly, and I, for one, never thought it would be our own who took down our country.

At August 21, 2017 at 6:19 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

5:22 Free speech? you walk amongst Neo-Nazi's, White Supremacists and the KKK. And you wonder why people are upset?
4:01 I'm hysterical? Take a look in the mirror!

At August 21, 2017 at 6:23 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At August 22, 2017 at 1:49 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

2:40 No a proud Lefty! I will never apologize for being a Democrat. Are we perfect? Not even close. But I follow FDR, JFK, as well as Clinton leaving this country with a surplus. That plus the class exhibited by our first Black President. The Sophomoric name calling might just reflect poorly on you? Or you don't have a clue or an answer?


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