Saturday, November 28, 2015


Some people are up to no good!

And some people have no idea or care what they tell you!

This brings up my friend Marc Gerken President of our "partner's" at AMP-OHIO. Seems Marc ventured out to Martinsville, Virginia to explain to the good people there what is the deal with the AMP-OHIO Hydro projects along the Ohio River. The good people of Martinsville are a little tired of all the B.S. stories about Meigs County, Prairie State and now these Hydro projects. See Martinsville were involved with all three projects the same way we were, maybe not the amounts but they bought in the same way we did.

Now Marc told Martinsville the cost of power from these Hydro projects will come in at a "LEVELIZATION" cost of $141.00 MWh.! There's that word again. Seems somehow Martinsville was convinced that they were promised a price of $120.00 MWh.? Since no one on their present council was on council in 2007, they accepted this amount. I know better.

Mr. Gerken blamed everything from the price of cement, to the Army Corp. of Engineer's even the Sequester.

Well as I mentioned something didn't appear kosher so I dug back into the History of Painesville City Council to make sure my mind wasn't playing tricks on me? (pay attention Mike) You can do the same I will point out the two most important dates.

Date #1 January 16,2007 This is when Painesville first decided to give AMP-OHIO seed money for these three Hydro plant $6,000 per MW  total $30,000.

Date #2 November 5, 2007 This is when Painesville agreed to the three Hydro deals  Cannelton, Smithland and Willow Island this is where these other numbers also first appeared.

Project cost $750,000 (2007)   actual $2,000,004,000 yes that Billion in total costs!

Power from the plant estimated at $71.42/MW  actual we don't know but levelization starts at $141.00 that's right double the estimate. Now with the "take or pay" contract  we pay. Ask the former CM she explained it to me.

The November meeting had some interesting conversation between the city manager and myself along with Joe Hada explaining how all this was in the best interest of Painesville Power customers. You have to read it to believe it. As well as surprise Councilwoman Becks seemed wary of this from the beginning.

Now to some of you that at times go into the Council Records know it has four parts. The agenda, the minutes the legislation as well as the Manager report. Strange on the two dates mentioned above 01/16/07 and 11/05/07 there are no Manager reports? Coincidence? I don't know. Wonder if they had been deleted? And for what reason? Check for yourselves.

What I do know is the numbers given to council to vote on are no where what the actual costs are. Why? Why wasn't there a cap on costs, an exit strategy ? No we seem to  be at the mercy of a very incompetent"  partner" AMP-OHIO screwing up on YOUR dime.

Since this city loves pie charts I will ask them where all our power comes from all 100% of it and what we paying for it. I believe our portfolio is quite high in costs.

Whatcha See Ain't Always whatcha you Get!

Interesting the Kardashian girls have hired a teenage medium that is in contact with their father, that could be an interesting conversation?

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

" LITTLE THINGS " one direction

And all those conversations/ are the secret's that I keep.....

Yes even I get forgetful at times , ask councilman DeLeone.

What I failed to mention is something I watched our city manager, department heads and employee's participate in last Saturday. No Painesville Pride, no News-Herald around just some people that wanted to make sure people in Painesville had a turkey for Thursday.

Our city manager managed to get donations from different organizations such as the Kiwanis Club and through this 200 turkeys were purchased without city money. People met and the fire station and a small lunch was also provided. I have been told of numerous city employee's who gave their time to make this successful.

It was overwhelming to some, councilman Flock was almost brought to tears of joy over what he witnessed.

Now what made this so special to me was that it came from the heart and was not a publicity stunt.

Yes, I am willing to bet there are many great secret's around town , for that I still believe there might be a future here.

To all of you who participated Saturday , a big thank-you to all!

Tuesday, November 24, 2015


I guess this is the time of the year and look back at what we harvested this year.  Myself I had a pretty good year all thing considered. Many of you have suffered loses this year and setbacks . Maybe a family member will no longer be at the table this year, maybe at setback such as a divorce, job loss look all I can tell you is look forward to a better 2016.

Along with Thanksgiving comes "Black Friday" something I refuse to involve myself in. Although many family members are lacing up the Nike's as I compose this. Wonder if Painesville's Downtown will host Black Friday Deals?

Homeless people are impressed of the new Christmas Decorations, well at least they are consistently in the park to enjoy them. I wonder if Santa's house has been served a vacant property fee and fine?

Turkey's as well as pumpkins seem a bit higher this year. Then again did you ever think you would see gasoline at $1.89 a gallon during the Thanksgiving holiday season?

Football anybody but me notice this Thursday no AFC team will be playing all six teams are NFC teams I wonder why?

Yes Ohio State stunk up the place last Saturday, oh well winning 47 out of 50 games make's Brown's fans envious anyway.

Only in College football can you be one of the highest percentage winning coaches and Alumni wants to buy your contract out for between 15 and 20 million dollars. Knowing full well Les Miles phone will be ringing with a new job offer no sooner then the signature is dry. I guess my only question is who does LSU plan to replace Miles with?

Oh, and that JV team ISIL what a mood killer. Soon we will be hearing the rage for a ground war, again. I don't care who or what they are called they want to end our Thanksgivings and everything else. Whether we know it or admit to it we are presently in a Holy War and the enemy doesn't want to negotiate ...they just want you Dead! A happy thought to end  this the 1200 post all time on this site.

Least not forget the 1% no not the Trumps, but the true American patriot's that willing give all for the protection of this great country and it's citizens. The members of our Armed Services.

Love and protect the ones you love stay vigil and never not share your bounty with others.

Happy  Thanksgiving

Monday, November 23, 2015

" IN A GADDA DA VIDA " iron butterfly

Oh, won't you come with me    Confused?

 In a recent comment someone mentioned a "scrap yard' on the former Coe Manufacturing property?

Well I seem to be as much a loss over this as anybody.

First it was reported in last Sundays News-Herald about the Lake County Port Authority and Economic Development  finding tenant's for the former Coe property. No mention of Painesville Economic Development being involved?

One company Pinnacle Commodity Recovery is interested.

Pinnacle does recycling for Phillips Corp., General Electric, PCC Airfoils among others.

* I must note here no hazardous  material will be brought to the site *

"What we try to do is anything they're currently throwing away in their garbage and landfilling we find solutions for that we can re-enter into the recycling stream." Company President Bart Davenport told the News-Herald.

Another company specializing in boat repair, modification and customization would split the building south of the railroad tracks between Bank and S.State St. With Pinnacle. Pinnacle is presently located in Painesville Township off Blasé Nemeth Rd. The company also provides a welding service.

Now is it going to be used as a scrap yard? I haven't a clue. It has been claimed that some of the material  has a value of close to $150.00 a pound?

The article claimed that Pinnacle in December will approach Painesville Council about a special use permit.

Sometime this week I'm going to take a drive down Blasé-Nemeth Rd. to look at their present property, It might help to find out what kind of neighbor's they might be?

This is located in Ward II so I expect Mrs. Jenkins to be on top of it.

" If you do not take an interest in the affairs of your government, then you are doomed to live under the rule of fools." -- Plato   (427-347) B.C.

Thursday, November 19, 2015

" THE HEART OF THE MATTER " don henley


But I think it's about forgiveness, forgiveness

As we go through all the motions of this Vacant Property Ordinance  I keep going back to where it all began. A simple how do we get banks as well as absent property owners to cut their lawns?  That's what brought on  all this Hell , GRASS!

Now do our city administrators know the difference between unoccupied property and abandoned property?

Look the house can be unoccupied yet the structure as well as the landscaping can be maintained on an empty home. I need to know how an unoccupied home is somehow breaking the law? I will ask the city about  three properties specifically. One on Fern Dr., one on Chestnut St. and one on Hine Ave. These three fell under the Vacant Property Ordinance yet for the most part no one knew they were vacant. A home on Miller Ct. sat empty for over 20 years, it was maintained and not a soul complained about it, what changed?

Well first I believe the administration is now in the process of extracting every last dime they can from city resident's. It's an old-fashioned money grab! This bunch makes running radar  look like child's play. The way a  $26,000 property can have close to $10,000 in fees and fines is disgraceful.

Charging a 90 year-old WWII veteran $6,000 on a house that was maintained but unoccupied could not have been the intent of this ordinance, or was it?

Does the city do this to make Painesville a better place to live? Or have they screwed -up so many things (AMP contracts) they now are looking for any source of revenue? That's my take. Look they received $96,000 for an extension for year 4 and 5 on a garbage contract. As the city manager explained he was looking out for the best interest of the city. Well you know speaking for myself if I had somehow garnered $96,000 for the city you can rest assured the whole town would have known about it. "Hey, look what I got you guys1"

Oh, least we not forget our downtown?  What are the fees and fines on the old Dollar Bank building at the corner of St. Clair and Main St.? Wonder if they have the same structured fees and fines as say the resident with the $26,000 house if it does it will never ever be sold?  Best guess the city will somehow take EBGBee money paint it and put awing's on it.( It still will remain empty) What were they  giving resident's at the Holiday Open House? Chipped paint????. There you want an eyesore there's your eyesore right in the middle of your 1.4 million dollar Downtown  investment. While we are on the subject what about all the other empty store fronts downtown? Are the up on their fines and fees or do we just do after young men and old ladies? I'm not even sure the city parking garage could pass mustard with this ordinance?


Is The former CORE building on Renaissance Blvd.  paying a fines and fees? If it is it will never be occupied!

Closer to home who owns that vacant property where the hospital use to sit? Vacant is vacant right? It's vacant even has a fancy name High Point Centre. By as the city claims by the letter of the law who owns it? By chance could the city be in arrears?

You want to move the city forward? Well we took a  small step forward Monday night by reasoning that rehabbing that house that the land bank owned was more important then the fees and fines. That opportunity should be made to everyone who wishes to do the same. Yes, even Bob the Barber son.

The Council should have included an appeal process for all this in the beginning, they didn't. They should now re-write the ordinance and  instead of making it a revenue stream for the city, make it friendly for people who want to invest here. Please remember unoccupied doesn't mean the same as abandoned!

Look don't blame a CM for trying to enhance revenue. Only the Magnificent 7 on council can make this right. They will only do it when you make them!


This is from a member of the  Housing Task Force

Andy Flock, Lori DiNallo, Paul Hach and myself sat on a housing task force committee with others trying to deal with all the bank foreclosures during "the great recession."

The idea was to figure out a way to get the grass mowed and the houses/buildings kept up. What  has morphed out of those conversations is a terrible piece of legislation that the Realtor Association hates, the Title companies hate and property owners hate.

In my opinion, this ill-conceived legislation has done more harm to the image of Painesville than anything I can think of from a business community point. This was never the housing task force's  intention nor recommendation. This I believe was the brain child of our former City Manager and her administration and passed by a naïve City Council on the recommendation of the administration. I can only hope this legislation is scrapped and a better plan is developed

Richard Tibbits

PS: by the way after that meeting several years ago the city did not get our support, no other housing task force meeting was ever called to order again.

On a happy note is was reveled today that the Big Bang Theory on December 17 episode that Sheldon and Amy will consummate their relationship. This ought to be rich.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

" TAKE A LETTER MARIA " r.b. greaves

Send a copy to my lawyer

 Interesting how things fall into your hands? Best guess someone on staff a Heritage Middle School thought I needed to see this?

Now I shared this memo with all Council members as well as Painesville Police Chief Powalie '.

From: DeAngelis, Missy
Sent: Friday, October 30, 2015 1:37 PM
To:  AA-Heritage All Staff
Subject: SRO and student removals

The police officer should not be the first point of contact for a student removal from a classroom. We usually have Officer Soto, but we can have anyone. Although we appreciate his and their presence, they are not trained as SRO'S.

If a student needs to be removed from class, an contact the office who will send a staff member or an administrator. It is the administrator's call if an SRO should intervene.

If you have any questions regarding this, please see me individually.

Missy DeAngelis
Principal Heritage Middle School

Look this is word for word from the memo.

Is this Board of Education policy? Does the hierarchy on Jefferson St. approve of this?  Could this also be the policy at Harvey? (I don't think so)

Do you see the contradiction?  They are not trained SRO's but let an administrator call an SRO?

Really so what reason should this policy be in place ? Is a staff member trained as an SRO?

Do we wait until the situation escalates out of control? Why?

I for the life of me can't understand why a police officer is viewed this way in a school building by the administration? The students, teacher's as well as administrator's should feel safer with that SRO on call.

Look I asked Council person Jenkins if someone had to be removed from this council room right now would she call Council person DiNallo or Police Chief Powalie? She look at me like that was a dumb question, it was.

This item should be added to the PCLS Handbook if it is policy, the parent's as well well as the community should be made aware.

Lot's of talk how much banks and Wall St. are contributing to different candidates? Hillary's got to be #1 right? Wrong,  She has received $6,300,000. Jeb Bush $35,000,000 and believe it or not Ted Cruz (The Canadian candidate) $12,000,000.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

" FIGERPRINT FILE " rolling stones

Who's that man in the corner? yeah that corner

Man what a council meeting ! A little bit of everything.

First the Land Bank will be able to refurnish that house without paying fines or fees. Main reason they have spent a lot of money in town? Mrs. DiNallo claims they could have received an exemption but didn't go through the process. I agree this may open a can of worms. When this whole ordinance was written it was simply to get homeowners and banks to cut the grass? Now it has turned into a money maker and revenue source  for the city. That was never the purpose. The Mafia could learn something here. A well known city resident told a story of his son purchasing a home in Painesville for $26,000 and even after a title search the city put a "hold" on his utilities due to vacant property fines and fees that totaled $9,000 going back to 2011! First off we should be upset that homes can cost only $26,000 in town, but here is a father guiding his son on his first purchase, and he should have guided him out of town ... well it's Painesville. Councilman DeLeone suggested he negotiate?  Yeah sure.

Landlords are now expected to report who is living in their rental properties even including social-security numbers as so the city will receive all income taxes due them. Law Director Gurley suggested when a tenant has utilities turned on the city should have all necessary information ? Look if your going to ask them to fill out a form maybe we all should? Naming all parties 18 and over  living in the house and asking where they work . I guess it's now time for us to turn in fellow residents? My best take, go find out on your own. That's what and  why you pay RITA the 3%  for.

The budget, forget the budget. doesn't really tell you much. As you drive downtown please view the new Christmas decorations. First let me thank PCIC for the $10,000 donation for the cause. Now let me explain $13,000 came from our electric fund? We can't repair a vehicle, fill a chuckhole, pay a policeman  ect. but we can by electrical Christmas decorations. Now during the visitor time I suggested that the city annex all of Painesville and just keep that piece of Heaven known as Downtown. Hell, we spend every spare dime down there seems the rest of the city is just an afterthought. I suggested if the city had electric money to burn maybe they buy a couple of cases of efficient energy bulbs. and if a resident turns in a burned out bulb give them the replacement free. Saves the resident money as well as  lowering energy consumption. Nah, Christmas lights! Forget the budget? Nowhere in the 2015 budget did I see purchase Christmas decorations. So s#*t happens! On a positive note I did congratulate council on getting rid of all the "Others" in the past few budgets, that drove me nuts. Other what?

The continuing saga known as Painesville Power. Mr. McHugh reported on the outage and breaker box situation that occurred  at Heisley Park. Well we're sticking to the squirrel story along with some mumble jumble about an electrical "Wave". Now City Manager Carson explained yes he had to replace his breaker box ( at his own expense)  Councilman Deleone assured not only Heisley Park but Liberty Greens home owner's that all electrical items were properly installed and inspected. Well, Mr. McHugh just couldn't explain why an apartment building built in the 60's closer to Heisley Park the breakers there only tripped?  Your going to love this answer! "Well I guess they don't make them like they use too!" Sleep well HP residents! That incident never should have taken place.

Tomorrow I will share a memo from Heritage Middle School I have already shared it with council and our police chief.

 I know for the most part it's all politics but candidate Mike Huckabee his analogy was if you had a jar of 1000 pieces of candy and you knew 10 may be poisonous would you let you child eat the candy? Right now is not the time to welcome refugee's into this country!

Sunday, November 15, 2015

" WHAT IF I'D BEEN THE ONE " 38 special

Could you read my mind ,could you take the time

We only now realize what a mistake we made!

Let me take you back over a half a dozen years ago when our electrical geniuses and professional informed of  the coming power shortage?

Oh, they came with there graphs and predictions and anyone who dared questioned them was viewed as the town nitwit's.

I had heard about this 'fracking' and what it will do to this country's natural gas supply. Yes I viewed it first-hand at  my sister's home near Williamsport, Pa. Still a little skeptical I stupidly questioned the representative from AMP-OHIO. "Look coal   will be number  #1 source of electric power for the next hundred years" But is it wise to invest billions into two coal fired power plants? Your three minutes are up Mr. Cimaglio sit-down. Then we 'Proudly' go where no sane person should!

Well and then our "Experts" as well as all city "Professionals" decided to be apart of a many billion investment in coal power plants.


Construction begins on 799 MW gas-fired power plant in Ohio

Oregon Clean Energy LLC has broken ground on a new natural gas-fired plant in Oregon, Ohio. The new facility will have 799-megawatt capacity and replace electricity previously generated by a coal power plant that was closed two years ago, according to The Toledo Blade.

The new natural gas facility is located on 30 acres of land about one mile north of the retired coal plant. American Development owns Oregon Clean Energy and is developing the new plant, which is expected to cost $850 million.

"The Oregon Clean Energy facility paves the way for long-term future growth for Oregon industrial area," said Oregon City Council President Dennis Walendzak in a statement, according to local news source The Press, "It will provide many jobs over the construction phase and establishes Oregon as a leader in the energy sector in Ohio."

The Ohio Power Sitting Board approved the project in May 2013, according to Power Engineering. Financing was secured in November, and the plant is expected to go online in 2017.

No mention of any 50 year contracts, no take or pay deals, no purchase of a mine or a fly ash  mountain just a private company out to make a buck. I guess they didn't need our experts did they?

We lost 2.1 million on Meigs County who knows what the final cost would have been? Yet we know Prairie State cost's at least 6 Billion. If this Oregon plant comes in at 1 Billion we could have had the same amount of energy from two gas-fired plants. Starting to get the picture are you? We got taken to the cleaners period. And guess what,it could happen again because when I suggested deals like this should not be in seven individuals hands to be included in a Charter Change. Low and Behold it was shot down by Rita McMahon starting to understand maybe?

Martin O'Malley shared a comment a mother made to him in Iowa not to use the term "boots on the ground" when referring to military strategy. " My son is not a pair of boots on the ground " the mother told him.

All candidates should reflect on this to many seem to send boots without any concern for them or their families. These are the ones willing to sacrifice for us.

Saturday, November 14, 2015



Well Andy only three more! You will be missed, but not by all.

As well as three items on the agenda;

First council will have to decide amending  the vacant property exemptions, careful this could get tricky? Do for one do for all.

Amending Section 191 of the code relating to income tax. I wonder who the city plans to make additional work for? Pay attention Landlords.

1st Reading on the 2016 Budget. Someone explain how we are saving $500,000 in the budget by not buying coal? How much coal do you need to operate two  weeks a year?  How much to upgrade the electric plant that you operate how much? ( Best guess someone's circuit is fried!)


Consider and discuss all you want , just don't vote on what you want too!

Above the word 'Sneaky' wonder why?

Well in the recent past council adjourned  from council meeting and after a short time they then adjourned from executive session and went back to regular council meeting. After TERM and all other witnesses went home to watch Monday Night Football. The law director went home as well as the young lady who runs the video equipment, all city directors to.
So they vote  and very little is shown to the public as well as no one asking them about their vote. Also I wonder also if they might have structured a deal with the City Manager so as for him to resigning?
Either way Term ain't leaving the building until everyone does Monday night, just something to think about!

My thoughts and prayers are with the people of France today. By Monday I expect my thoughts will be about changing a lot of sand into glass in a certain region of the earth.

Friday, November 13, 2015

" LIVING IN THE PAST" jethro tull

Oh, we won't give in,
We'll keep living in the past

Don't know if I should laugh or cry?

Just got the latest edition of the infamous Painesville Magazine.

Yes loaded with fact about Painesville past. An airplane named after our city, Sculpture that abounds in our fair city. Oh, don't get me wrong there was an advertisement for High Point Centre. Problem is there nothing there except dirt and  opportunity?

There was an article about our 'Blended' community.

As well as our 'Booming' businesses. PLEASE!

I had to put it down I can't take it. Look I don't know who or how this magazine is published but it's a waste of a tree and someone dollars. Probably ours.

I have to ask does anyone need this magazine? Better yet is anyone feel better that they receive it?

Now to the budget!

Yesterday the finance department presented the 2016 Budget to council. Seemed with the exception of two or three council people everyone was an audience member such as myself. To be honest Council person Jenkins must have reviewed this document as she asked some pointed and good questions. That said she lost me with her suggestion to put a snow-plow on a EMS chase vehicle.

Also learned that new water line and crib out into the lake will cost resident's $600,000 a year for the next 20 years. For what purpose? So as Painesville resident's can pay more for water then outside resident's who have county water? Well I guess we provide jobs.

Another new telephone system at a cost of $200,000.00? And we will save how much by combining with the county phone system? The Lord give it and the Lord take it away. I guess we can do phones but not water?

The police department budget 3.9 million dollars next year. Two new cars included. Councilman Flock questioned body camera's for officers. Seems to me that was met with a cold reception by the Chief . I heard about cloud service and $2000.00 per officer  30 officers $60,000.00. Just maybe we would have had an idea why we paid 2.1 million dollars to a tasered victim? Seems the chief want other departments to work the bugs out before we jump in. Again Reactive instead of proactive.

Hate to nitpick ...but I will. Seems the Engineering department and I guess the Fire Department will share a secretary. O.K. So we budget $5000.00 for a new "nesting" place for this person? Look with this new phone system do we really need a new work space?

They go through this budget so fast and yet every time I witness this not one time have I heard a council person so "NO" to a recommendation. So why do we do this dance.

More on the budget as well as the magazine later, my head seems ready to explode.

$76,600.00 Budget and what did residents receive? Forgot a million for roads next year, yippee!

'Jihadi John  blown -up, next we can hear how he didn't have a trial? Knew that guy was bad news when I witnessed a picture of him in a Pittsburgh cap!

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

' TAKE THIS JOB AND SHOVE IT" johnny paycheck

I ain't working here no more

What exactly are the duties of a City Manager?

705.51 City Manager Plan

This form provided in sections 705.51 to 705.60 inclusive, of the revised Code, to be known as the "city manager plan," shall consist of a council of five or more citizens, according to the population of the municipal corporation as determined by the last preceding federal census, who shall be elected at large. The council shall constitute the governing body of such municipal corporation withy power to:

(A) Pass ordinances;
(B) Adopt resolutions;
(C) Appoint a chief administration officer, to be known as the city manager;
(D) Approve all appointment made by the city manager, except as provided in sections  705.01 to 705.92 inclusive, of the Revised Code;******
(E) Fix all salaries;  *****
(F) Appoint a civil service commission and all boards or commissions created by ordinance.

Now what are council seems to be operating under;

1. Personnel. Consider the appointment, employment, dismissal, discipline, promotion, demotion, or compensation of a public employee or official,  or [to consider] investigation or complaints against a public employee, official, licensee, or regulated individual, unless the employee, official, licenses, or regulated individual requests a public hearing.

So what's my problem?

Well there are restrictions and discussions held in executive session.

There are indeed restrictions on discussions held in executive session. First, there can be no decision making (actual voting) in executive session. In fact, perhaps the only vote that may be taken during executive session in the vote on the motion to adjourn or recess the executive session.

So they will have to vote in an open meeting, as well as face resident's questions.

Remember those ****? Well Painesville is  a home rule municipality. What the whole problem this city has? We have a City Charter composed mostly by former City Managers. The last Charter committee was run by former City Manager Rita McMahon who appears that wanted all decisions left to the City Manager. Was this at the request of council? That really doesn't want responsibility? Look at the Refuse contract she signed?

What it all boils down to if council gives little or no direction to the CM it doesn't matter who it is!

Budget Meeting today at City Hall, wonder if I can ask a question? It is a public meeting right?

What's with everyone meeting Putin in the "Green Room?" Also when your going to eliminate 3 or 5 government agency's please know them? 

"LAWYERS IN LOVE" jackson browne

*I can't keep up with what's been going on

Lucky for me I have friends. When I mentioned that this circus that city council executive sessions didn't seem legally correct well I got some e-mails that will take a couple of posts to show you.

First we have a Law Director he works for the City? Does he work for Council or the City Manager?

My best guess is that Mr. Carson has already looked into an attorney to protect his interests? I don't know but it would seem wise.

Now this must have happened before? somewhere in Ohio and here is the story I got.

The Chronicle/Telegram

Story on April 10, 2015  By Anna Merriman

Oberlin Council switches meeting from private to public

OBERLIN- Oberlin City Council members voted Monday to hold an executive session to discuss City Manager  Eric Norenberg's employment- but that decision may have been legally questionable.

After the City's Law Director cautioned that discussion did not justify an executive session under state law. Council members by  a 6-1 vote decided to cancel the closed session and opt instead for a public work session Thursday to review the 2015 goals for Norenberg.

On Monday, Council Member Sharon Pearson had made a motion to hold an executive session, which isn't open to the public, later in the week to discuss the yearly goals  for the city manager.

However, she changed the wording of the motion Monday after Law Director Jon Clark said that it was illegal to discuss the City Manager goals in private session, instead, Pearson proposed a more  general motion- to assess Norenberg's  employment. The motion passed in a 4-3 vote Monday.

Had the meeting happened, it would have been the seventh executive session Council members have held to discuss Norenberg's employment after he received poor evaluations from four Council members including Bryan Burgess, Kristin Peterson, Elizabeth Meadows and Ron Rimbert.

But the proposed executive session didn't sit well with Law Director Clark, who outlined his objections at a special public meeting Thursday night.

"I think there's some risk given that it's clear that the purpose of the executive session  would be to consider the purpose of the goals (for the city manager)." Clark said , reiterating the fact that discussing goals for the city manager in a private meeting wouldn't be legal under the Ohio Revised Code. "I don't think that's an appropriate basis to adjourn to executive session."

Some Council members disagreed.

"We weren't finished (with executive session) because we weren't done finalizing the evaluation."  Meadows said, referencing the previous six executive sessions Council members held to discuss Norenberg's employment and evaluation.

"We can label it anything we want... but it was out there and absolutely clear that what we were going to do was talk about the goals." Council Vice President Sharon Soucy said referencing  Pearson's motion Monday night. "That may be what we want to do, but not what we're able to do based on the (Ohio Revised) code.

"Based on the interpretation of the code," Meadows retorted, going on to say that the discussion seems like a "very convoluted way" to prevent  executive session from happening.

Council members continued to disagree on the specifics of the public work session next week, including whether the public should be allowed to speak.

"I don't ever remember having public comment shut down at a public work session," Council President Scott Broadwell said, proposing the idea of reserving time at the end of the meeting to let audience speak.

Burgess, who said he was not in support of allowing public comment during the session, suggested choosing someone  other than Broadwell to oversee the meeting.

"We could certainly appoint someone to preside over the meeting that would be a little more objective." Burgess  said to Broadwell.

Council  did not vote on Burgess's suggestion or on whether they would allow public comment at the meeting next week.


So did we learn anything? Well there is reference to the Ohio Revised Code about City Managers, also that it is reasonable to expect public comment at a City Council workshop.
Mostly we learned that council's have a tendency to maybe abuse executive sessions.
Do these council people not want to hear public comment, or do they just want to get home?
We learned the evaluations can and should be made public as well as the vote to fire a city manager.

Tread  carefully Council your moves are being watched. And I for one have no problem sending a letter to the Ohio Attorney General to look into some of your procedure's. ( For that matter probably  neither would Mr. Carson's attorney)

Veterans Day 2015

Honor, Respect, Gratitude

But mostly the Privilege of knowing some of you.  Thank-You and God Bless You

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

" TIME HAS COME TODAY " the chamber brothers

Can't put it off another day I don't care what the others say

Peabody Coal Comes Clean, But Not Really?

The New York Attorney Generals office  after a year long investigation Peabody Energy says it's going to do a better job of how it discloses the many financial risks it faces around climate change.


In Peabody's  next filing to the S.E.C. Peabody agreed to a fuller disclosure of the risks as well as projections by the International  Energy Agency of lower coal demand in the future.

Revelations from this agreement add to Peabody's considerable record of other misstatements, including ones like this on energy poverty, as well as a host forward-looking financial statements that no one believes anymore. That particular distrust is evident in the performance of the company, which has said time and again that everything's all right even as Peabody has lost 90% of it's stock value since early 2014.

Peabody's disclosures are chronically misleading,  at best, we'd rank among the starkest examples of a lack of transparency to it's so called transparency around the Prairie State Energy Campus in Illinois. That poorly preforming power project, spearheaded by Peabody Energy, has saddled more than 200 Midwest communities with electricity costs that are unaffordable and stand to hinder their economies for the next 30 years. Subpoenas have been pending for some time at the SEC and the case is being pressed into two lawsuits on the matter. At issue is Peabody's wildly optimistic projections and estimations that sold Prairie State as a source of cheap electricity to towns and cities now being crushed by the deal. Peabody's behavior was abominable and has not been forgotten: It promised the Moon on that project, built it then walked away.

IEEFA press release.

Well now we know why Council-President Hada was so worried about being able to cook that Thanksgiving Turkey? And CM McMahon thought this was a great opportunity. They were lied too! Doesn't excuse them they were warned by many they just must be strong willed people?

Todays politics? Can any of my Republican cousins wonder what the uproar had been if Barack Obama had released a Rap song/video when he first ran for President?  Seems Ben Carson thinks that's the way to go! Guess it's just a double standard for some?

Monday, November 9, 2015

" VICTIM OF CHANGE" judas priest

Things will look better when she's through

Thanks to all of you blowing up my e-mail today over that Painesville Council Executive Meeting  today at 5:00 pm.

Yes I've heard all the rumors even the one about a council person asking the city coin changer how much it will cost us to get rid of a certain administrator. This bunch isn't very well versed in staying under the radar that's for sure.

Are we having a coup d'e-tat?

The sudden overthrow of a government by a usually small group of persons in or previously in positions of authority.

Seems last Tuesday's election has empowered some to take this route?

Well they can do as they choose and so can I. First let's look at what started this Hullabaloo.
Seems the City Manager reprimanded the former Police Chief as well as the current Fire Chief. With the Freedom of Information Act I want those actions made public and let residents decide if the City Manager acted in good faith? I believe he did.

Really do we really want our "dirty wash" hung out?

Let's talk about the conditions of the two cemeteries? How many calls must a CM take before he changes leadership there?

Let's talk about all the leadership some on council have shown the city manager?The people that should be reprimanded are the council people who show the city manager NO direction. Truly I have seen none at a council meeting.

Finally don't replace Ben Roethlisberger unless you have Tom Brady waiting as a replacement. Best guess council will 'Toy' around and get a Johnny Manziel.

And again let's get back to the money. The buyout which is basically paying for nothing. We do a lot of that around here.

Mr. Tony Carson inherited one Hell of a big mess when he took over this job yet does anyone on council realize that ? Well I will be here to remind these folks.

May be time to take into  getting a Mayor?



Well there was no white smoke coming from the chimney at the Golden Dome, so I guess we can assume Mr. Carson lives to fight another day? Maybe a change after January with a new council? I am trying to find in state law if you can even legally  fire a city manager in Executive Session? Seems that should be in a public forum? Then again will they fire someone if the vote isn't unanimous? Oh, and to the three ringleaders of this coup maybe YOU should watch who you speak with?

Mentor Schools were invited to Washington about the future education , Painesville Schools were telling the world about student's receiving free coats?  Where do you think a parent would want to send their child? My thinking? Watch the movie October Sky.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

"I'M A BELIEVER" monkees

Not a trace of doubt in my mind

A thought sent to me I want to share with all of you.

In a mother's womb were two babies. One asked the other:
"Do you believe in life after delivery?" The other replied, "Why of course. There has to be something after delivery. "Maybe we are here to prepare ourselves for what we will be later."
"Nonsense" said the first. "There is no life after delivery.What kind of life would that be?" The second said "I don't know, but there will be more light than here. Maybe we will walk with our legs and eat with our mouths. Maybe we will have other senses that we can't understand now."
The first replied, "That is absurd. Walking is impossible. And eating with our mouths? Ridiculous! The umbilical cord supplies nutrition and everything we need. But the umbilical cord is so short. Life after delivery is to be logically excluded."
The second insisted, "Well I think there is something and maybe it's different than it is here. Maybe we won't need this physical cord anymore."
The first replied, "Nonsense. And moreover if there is life, then why has no one has ever come back from there? Delivery is the end of life, and in the after-delivery there is nothing but darkness and silence and oblivion. It takes us nowhere."

"Well, I don't know," said the second, "but certainly we will meet Mother and she will take care of us." The first replied "Mother? You actually  believe in Mother? That's laughable. If Mother exists then where is She now?"
Said the first: "Well I don't see Her, so it is logical that She doesn't exist."
To which the second replied, "Sometimes, when you're in silence and you focus and  you really listen, you can perceive Her presence, and you can hear Her loving voice, calling down from above."

#Mother Mother Earthy News

Sometimes all we need is a simple story.

Must be nice to have a Carlos Jones sitting on the shelf just break the glass and he's available

Friday, November 6, 2015


Harmony and Understanding

Well come this January we will have a new council, well not really that new but new.

Wonder if we will have any conversation of moving the council meeting to the Hanlon Media Center at Harvey will arise?
First the present location at Painesville Muni Court just doesn't seem to work for council, the administration as well as the audience. The sound system just plain sucks. Also council people at the front table can't even see or understand each other. A motion to look into moving council meeting might be a good start for better communications. Please what do you think?

Also a lot has been mentioned about council pay?  Well although $500.00 a month cannot be the reason for wanting this position. I can assure you many spend many hours on their council duties. (I said many, not all)  I can't understand why  other council members are excusing members for just about any reason for missing a council meeting. Councilman Flock has missed fewer meeting in 20 years then Councilman Tom Fitzgerald in less than 2 years? Now Mr. Fitzgerald  had some very legitimate reasons for missing some but not all. Now when he ran for council he knew his business would take him out of town , country a lot doesn't he owe the resident's an explanation?  I propose an excuse of two meetings a year and after that docking the council person $250.00 for each additional meeting missed?

I also believe that council get's there $500.00 a month in both July and August. Now as a rule meeting's in those two months the single meetings are very long and many things are passed on an emergency basis. With a community with a budget of between 70 and 80 million two meeting a month seems to be the least residents should expect. Seems at times we want to be Mayberry?

What about pay for workshops that council might have? Well workshops now I can think of two commissions that are non-elected where the parties are not paid. Zoning and Planning these are the people that donate much free time to the city. So if you want a workshop have a workshop.

I wonder what this council has learned? First off with Councilman Flock gone in January we can expect a drought on AMP-OHIO issues. I will try my best but I don't have Andrew's platform.

Will there be council people negotiating the Refuse Contract or will we just keep being surprised ?

I will not let the city manager, the finance director as well as council to forget get the Ohio Checkbook. This should become a part of Painesville's budget information.

This city must have leadership more concerned with the future of Painesville rather then carriage rides or expensive Christmas decorations. We need people who want a better future for our town not just two blocks in the middle of it!

Now that the dust has settled still want a Mayor?

If you haven't heard the conversation candidate Chris Christie had about life, his mother and a good friend listen to it. This is the most inspiring thing I have heard since the start of the campaign.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

"AUTUMN CHANGES" donna summer


Seems many homes in Heisley Park had circuit breakers fried yesterday. City crews told residents there was a problem at SAS Rubber Co.? Some homes only had circuit that just tripped one house lost the whole panel? My question did this happen anywhere else? If I was a resident of Heisley Park I'd want to know who signed off of the on electrical inspection? Painesville Fire Department was called in to inspect. Seems the homes might not have been grounded properly. Pay attention Liberty Green residents.


Update and official response from Painesville Power On Heisley Park Power Issue

Yokohama Tire (SAS Rubber) on Newell Street had a fault in their primary metering platform on the pole. At this point, it appears to be an animal contact issue that started the event. We have contacted our consultants, GPD, to review our Load Coordination/Land Flow study to see if our protection setting for our breakers and fuses need adjustments or changes for the area. We will plan on installing animal protection on the new Primary Metering platform when we install it. We also look at some means to get the message out to customers about some of the things that they could do to protect their property from these types of disturbances.

Yokohama Tire? Could these be imported Kamikaze Squirrels brought into  Painesville? Or are these just run of the mill Rita Suicide Squirrels that just can't take it anymore?  You think you might need an adjustment? Who will bear costs for repairs?  Best guess not the squirrels. Only way to protect your property; Move .


"Too many days Hoping and Praying"

Well before we get to the election results let's check in on City Council.

Both items were left on first or second reading. Councilman Tom Fitzgerald came home from his world tour.
Councilman Flock is counting down the meetings, Hell he didn't even want to go into Executive Session last night.

Now something I noticed today in "Election Painesville"

First ALL Painesville City Schools were closed today even though only one is used for voting. O.K. I understand the reasoning but then two things confused me. Sometimes in life we learn by watching. I clearly remember my neighbors and strangers that came to school to vote on election day. It seemed to instill the importance of voting. Now it's just another off day.

Now Morley Library was a poling place and since school was closed guess who were the most people in the library? Yes school kids, sorta defeats the purpose? Then I gave a ride to a Chestnut Street resident to vote. Did we go to Chestnut Elementary to vote? No. Well then the Church across from Lake Erie College? No. But the church across from City Hall. I seem to miss the logic here, must be the reason I go up to the Board of Elections to vote at my convenience in October?

Issue I was a definite YES vote. for me.

2 and 3 must be confusing with ads No on 2 Yes on 3 ect, Best guess here was if you want the law to pass you voted yes on both 2 and 3. If you are against the the law you voted NO on both 2 and 3. Sorry no recreational Pot in Ohio? I guess your stuck with the same old same old?

Painesville school board vote for no more than 3 and there are only three names? Guess everyones a winner here.

Issue 6 Lakeland College, Now this is a government body that should show us their books. My vote of NO was due to the finances as well as property taxes in Lake County with the burden of expenses. Then  the college only charging a small amount of money for say out of county students. See we presently subsidize Geauga County? Think the college could survive if that amount was all that Lake County students had to pay and no county taxpayer  paying a dime?  Well OK it passed.

Congratulation's to the winners, especially Christine Shoop the new "rookie" on council.
Also a Thank-You to all that took the time, money, and energy to run. No one should have run unopposed.

Again for the second election cycle no dirty tricks? Wonder what or who changed?

As some of you know I view council meeting as the best comedy on a Monday night. Sorta like Saturday Night Live for the locals. Now I will admit the past few councils can't hold a candle to the Horvath, Hada, Flock, Becks council's those were classics. All started by "everyone shutoff your vibrators!" If I'm correct I see dissention ahead ? Wait until the next election for Council -President? This should become interesting?  As far as DeLeone and Jenkins no more rookie mistakes please. Wonder how good MNL will be? Mike your dream stays alive, please also remember we already have one Law Director? Katie find a seat away from Mrs. DiNallo.

Want to find out how informed your council people are? You know that $500,000 Battery building behind the light plant be surprised what an Elf told me? Ask them what Santa's presently has stored in the building? It ain't batteries.
Merry Christmas people! Ever wonder the cost for the lighting of Downtown Painesville?Well it's going to get even more expensive.

New slogan "JEB CAN FIX IT!........ OK  now who can fix Jeb?

Sunday, November 1, 2015

"WE CAN WORK IT OUT' beatles

Anyone catch Steele Mansion on FOX8 this morning? That rebuild was such a bad idea, remember?

Only time will tell if  I am right or I am wrong

Illinois consumers again file complaint against Prairie State Coal Plant
October 23, 2015

By Mathew Bandyk

The residents of an Illinois town are angry about higher electric bills and sales taxes stemming from contracts for power generated by the coal-fired Prairie State Energy Campus are suing again in federal district court after the first suit was rejected.

The lawsuit, filed October 23, 2015 alleges that Prairie State co-owner Indiana Municipal Power Agency and its consultants misled the city of Batavia, Ill., into agreeing to a long term power contract with Prairie State that has now locked the city into electricity rates that were at one point more than double what was initially advertised. Batavia raised its sales tax from 7.5% to 8% to cover the higher costs. The suit is an amended version of a complaint brought by several residents of Batavia in August 2014. It contains some new claims, like an accusation in the pitch to the city about Prairie State the consultants left out details about problems the plant could face., such as the poor quality of the "high sulfur, high ash, unwashed coal" "that would lead to shutdowns and reduced operational efficiency" the complaint said.

In August, a judge for the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois, Eastern Division, threw out the original lawsuit, saying that while the deal with Prairie State did appear to be "ill-advised," there was no legal basis for the citizens to claim themselves as victims. considering that the city government, and not the residents, who agreed to the deal.

The 1,628-MW Prairie State plant, one of the last conventional coal-fired plants built in the U.S. experienced a budget overrun of about $2 billion as it was built from 2007-2013. Batavia put $240 million towards the construction of Prairie State, according to a Sept. 22 report from the Chicago Daily Herald.

Another lawsuit against Prairie State could be in the works. In 2014 Batavia City Council asked the Illinois Attorney General's Office to investigate the contracts. More recently, the council has looked at retaining Michael Childress, the same attorney who is representing the Batavia citizens in their suit although Childress noted in an e-mail that he has not been officially hired yet.

The council is trying to determine the best course of legal action, which could include trying to end the contract with Prairie State early, according to council member Martin Callahan. "I think everything is up for discussion at this point." Callahan said in an interview.

Batavia buys  power from Prairie State through the Northern Illinois Municipal Power Agency another Prairie State co-owner, and many other municipalities across the Midwest have signed contracts with the plant through agencies like American Municipal Power Inc. AMP is the largest owner of Prairie State with 23.25% share, according to SNI Energy data.

Now I don't know if this is proactive or reactive but it is doing something. Does anyone believe our present council would even make a phone call? I guess it's more important to do carriage rides and trips to Europe to care about this mess? Little by little this town is slipping into the
abyss and this blog. will serve as a record of events.

Now I know the present council members are some real nice people and many of you are happy with them. Would it be to much to ask of them to be a little more inspired when it came to their council positions? God knows they don't listen to me about anything and I understand why but maybe some you could influence them a little?

"The Kardashians turned Scott into an alcoholic, Lamar into a crackhead, and Bruce into a woman. I can't wait to see what they do to Kanye..."

Kevin Hart