In less then three days we have at least two and maybe three new members on council.
What are the important issues about this campaign that will need to be resolved by these three members of council and the four serving now?
What will we do to fill the $900,000.00 budget hole in our budget for the coming year?
Will we resolve the flooding issues in Heisley Park and make that a want to live in neighborhood? I was there today and yes there are some real water issues there.
Cobblestone Apartments, and the general Diamond Center area will they come forth with a solution to the time it takes for emergency response in that area? I hear talk but no solutions, City Manager, Fire Chief, Council whats the solution?
Millstone residents when will they be made whole? Will we showboat these people for another couple of years?
AMP-OHIO I got the impression the people in this town aren't to crazy about a 50 year obligation to anyone.
There are many other problems that we have illegal immigration, rental housing, getting business back in town.
My only advise I will give you is let your vote count for at least someone who wants to fix these problems, and the city is a bigger concern to them then popularity and being reelected.
Vote and make them accountable!
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^And speaking of accoutability.
Its time to let the school board aware its not business as usual. Time to make a change, thank whoever you wish but could we please have someone at that front table with "Living vested interests in the future of the Painesville City Schools?"