Saturday, October 31, 2009


In less then three days we have at least two and maybe three new members on council.
What are the important issues about this campaign that will need to be resolved by these three members of council and the four serving now?

What will we do to fill the $900,000.00 budget hole in our budget for the coming year?

Will we resolve the flooding issues in Heisley Park and make that a want to live in neighborhood? I was there today and yes there are some real water issues there.

Cobblestone Apartments, and the general Diamond Center area will they come forth with a solution to the time it takes for emergency response in that area? I hear talk but no solutions, City Manager, Fire Chief, Council whats the solution?

Millstone residents when will they be made whole? Will we showboat these people for another couple of years?

AMP-OHIO I got the impression the people in this town aren't to crazy about a 50 year obligation to anyone.

There are many other problems that we have illegal immigration, rental housing, getting business back in town.

My only advise I will give you is let your vote count for at least someone who wants to fix these problems, and the city is a bigger concern to them then popularity and being reelected.
Vote and make them accountable!
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^And speaking of accoutability.
Its time to let the school board aware its not business as usual. Time to make a change, thank whoever you wish but could we please have someone at that front table with "Living vested interests in the future of the Painesville City Schools?"


At October 31, 2009 at 8:36 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What not even endorsement for your buddy, why he's not the person you thought he was.

At October 31, 2009 at 9:00 PM , Anonymous Antonette Anastasia said...

The statements presented on this topic are wide ranging, thoughtful, and sincere. I grew up in Painesville, spent many years bicycle riding all over the city and enjoying the fun urban/suburban twist that "downtown" Painesville embodied. (Such a nice change from the urban sprawl of Mentor) However, one thing growing up I sensed, but never was able to articulate, was the resistance to progressive concepts and forward thinking. While the nostalgic framework that city council has embedded in has brought or maintained that 1950's charm, it has completely hindered any stimulating sense of economic activity. The comments voiced in this forum demonstrate the eagerness and capacity (knowledge of the issues) to drive for change. However, it is and has been the governor, holding the throttle back on the city's transition economically, culturally and demographically. And everyone knows, the ring leader to this blockade. He is homegrown, yes, a hometown hero, the popular athlete from high school, oh, and even educated in city planning, (what a disservice to that degree is demonstrated in the actions and nonservice to the community by the consistent poor leadership) I truly hope that residents of Painesville get the vote out this Tuesday and forcibly remove that parasite to civil service. Do I need to say the name?

At November 1, 2009 at 4:38 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

I'm not here to endorse anyone,
I already voted. This is an important election and by your vote "you get what you deserve."
Just make your voice is heard on Tuesday, Or do you want a small minority to pick your citys future? As far as the blog. it will be here on Wednesday, attemping to hold everyones feet to the fire.

At November 1, 2009 at 4:52 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

maybe it is time we showed our feeling by everyone just voting for Mr. Costell. One of the others will still get in but it will be by a small enough count they should get the message.

At November 1, 2009 at 7:13 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sure Term will not publish this as it shows his candidate for what he is, a terrible citizen.
Oct. 31, Halloween and a tragic day for our community as we gave our support for L.Cpl. Baker, who gave his life fighting for his country and the beliefs of that country. I was very upset that a candidate for City Council (John Murphy) would take that time to parade up and down Walnut St. in two cars, one driven by him and the other by his live-in other, a mini parade. It was disgraceful and distrespectful to L.Cpl. Baker and his family. Citizens of Painesville DO NOT VOTE FOR JOHN MURPHY WHO SHOWS NO RESPECT FOR FALLEN SOLIDERS.

At November 1, 2009 at 7:32 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This morning on my way to get a cup of coffee, I heard the broadcast from the United Methodist church where school board member and candidate Rev. Kalb is the Pastor. I was surprised to hear him speaking about voting and why everyone should vote no on issue 3, the gaming issue. This issue could bring over $300,000 to Painesville schools and help lessen the finacial burdens our schools are facing. I do know that the United Methodist church is against issue 3 and that is fine, however when Rev. Kalb denounces issue 3, he is effectivly saying he would rather tax the city residents as opposed to sharing the fincial costs of education with the entire state. $300,000 is not enough money to solve our districts finacial mistakes, but it would cover the costs of all the employment cuts recently made for the next 2 years.

At November 1, 2009 at 4:36 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

At November 1, 2009 at 6:39 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wait wait wait. He used a funeral as a campaign stop? Wow. He should drop out. But we all know he is shameless.

At November 1, 2009 at 6:45 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

That is pretty bad. Attacking someone's kids. Maybe they have a reason. This post just tells me know don't know them. Wouldn't be tough to attack your shameless leader's kids but I'm not that awful of a person.

At November 1, 2009 at 6:48 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

since june of 2008, the residents of COBBLESTONE APTS.have been waiting for some kind of emerengency assistance, because painesville city takes about 14 minutes to respond!they have not worked out a resonable solution to this problem as of yet. this has been 17 months, people. i feel that our current city council leadership has to change. I THINK THIS IS ABSURD.

At November 1, 2009 at 6:50 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have no shame, these posts especially the one attacking the guys kids are perfectly representative of how disgusting the posters on this blog are. And you all throw your lot in with Murphy. God help us if you hoodwinked enough people to get elected.

At November 2, 2009 at 3:35 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

6:50/6:45 I think you're reffering to 4:36 comment. I don't like to explain what other people try to express, but I got the idea that the comment was they were wonderful parents and raised three great kids in Painesville. The question is there any future for them coming back and living in town, I missed where they attacked anyone?
God hasn't helped us from being hoodwinked in the past?
Please read a little more carefully.

At November 2, 2009 at 4:10 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lake Health held a Gala 2009 event Saturday night. Tickets to this event were $125.00 In the crowd were some councilpeople and administators, my question is did Painesville buy the tickets?

At November 2, 2009 at 7:17 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Angelo please. The post was obviosuly attacking the councilman the same way you guys attack Hanlon for not sending his kids to our schools. The councilman did send his kids here but it was either attacking him for not bringing his kids back or onthe kids for not moving back on their own. The disgusting part is why someone's kids were brought into this. Angelo even you have said someone's kids should not become a political issue.

At November 2, 2009 at 7:24 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You obvioulsy don't know his kids and you are, in fact, lying about it. How do you know where they live or work anyway. I know for a fact one is pursuing a career in the city.
Dirty politics.
You either support Murphy or are John himself posting on here as we all know he does.
If you stoop to this level NOBODY should want you in our government.

At November 2, 2009 at 7:26 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lake Health held a Gala 2009 event Saturday night. Tickets to this event were $125.00 In the crowd were some councilpeople and administators, my question is did Painesville buy the tickets?

Classic example of making accusations of corruption by asking a question. Seems to be popular on this blog.
Your statement in the form of a question is in reality a Lie.

Painesville Did Not Buy The Tickets.

At November 2, 2009 at 7:39 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

7:17 I will remove this post but I read of three wonderful children raised by to great parents. I must have missed something . I took it as apositive remark?

At November 2, 2009 at 9:22 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You Term were wrong in removing my comment. No where did I belittle the candidates children or the parenting job his wife and he had done. They are wonderful kids. If you remember the candidate brought his children into it in his closing remarks at the Candidate Night at Heritage. He brought it up. Next time think what your deleting instead of someone asking you to delete it! Again no negative comment on the children or the candidates parenting skills.
If he did as well at running this town the last 25 years there would have been no need for the comment.

At November 2, 2009 at 9:34 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

7:26 When did it become a lie to question what the government is or isn't doing? If you ask your not assuming anything you ask and should be answered. End of subject? How do you know if they did or didn't are you in the loop?

At November 2, 2009 at 3:45 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If he did as well at running this town the last 25 years there would have been no need for the comment.

So you then admit that whether his kids live he or not was needed to attack him. If he didn't do a good job running the city, you could have used those complaints and not needed to bring in his kids. But you did. You tried to use the lives of his kids against him. Shame on you.

At November 2, 2009 at 4:06 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

When did it become a lie to question what the government is or isn't doing?

You aren't questioning something the city did. The city did no such thing but you chose to imply that they did anyway. They didn't do anything wrong but you insinuated they did.

How do you know if they did or didn't are you in the loop?
Prove me wrong. I heard the city did not. I made an assertion and so have you. Accept I am right and you are engaging in what this site is famous for: baseless mudslinging.
Call the city. I know you won't. You'd rather do the mudslinging. Ignorance is bliss. If you asked and found out the truth, you couldn't accuse anyone of it anymore. You are using your willful ignorance for a political purpose.
= dirty politics

At November 3, 2009 at 8:07 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The citizens of Painesville have spoken and voted in three very good people to Council. Thank haven they were able to see through Mr. Murphy and all his false stories. They voted into office three people who are concerned about the future of Painesville and not their own personal gains like Mr. Murphy.
Painesville can now move forward with good leadership and caring Council members.

At November 3, 2009 at 8:17 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Painesville can now move forward with good leadership and caring council members?
Who's Kool-Aid are you drinking. How long will it take to get this town moving? Why hasn't it moved in the last Thirty years?

At November 4, 2009 at 5:38 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

John, make sure you thank Bob Gibbs and all of the landlords, or not, I guess your lies would have done it to.

At November 4, 2009 at 6:07 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the first thing this new council (and old council) will do is start passing our small cups of kool aid at the start of each meeting. Drinking that kool aid is the only way I will make it through the next 4 years.

At November 4, 2009 at 7:36 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

6:07 you can move we will help you pack too

At November 6, 2009 at 12:22 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

7:36am, typical response. Can't take anyone not agreeing with you. Well, I am here to stay for many reasons, and one is to see that you don't totally drag this city into the dregs of the gutter.

At November 7, 2009 at 8:41 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:53pm, not an idiot. Someone strong enough to stay around and fight for what is right. You sound like a coward who would run when things get tough. Well, that's not me.


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