Saturday, October 3, 2009


A very important announcement to make concerning Councilman's Flock Town Hall Meeting the last Thursday of the month. October 29,2009 at the new Huntington Elementary School located on Elm St.
Councilman Flock has secured a representative from Senator Sherodd Browns office to answer questions from Painesville residents concerning the debate over National Health Care.
This meeting is open to the public and I think if anyone in Painesville that has a concern or question they should plan to attend this meeting.
I personally want to thank Andy for bringing this to Painesville.


At October 3, 2009 at 11:10 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


When are you going to grow up ?
It is Elm Street Elemertary School deal with it.

At October 3, 2009 at 11:46 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Just wanted to know if your still with us. Responce in less than an hour. Hope to see you at the "New Huntington" Its just my passsive protest to what the school board did.

At October 3, 2009 at 5:57 PM , Anonymous Badger said...

I have a question. No racial statements, just a simple answer.

How many here think that National Health Care should be provided for illegal immigrants using our tax dollars???

Not talking about being treated at hospital or denying care, Just if they should get full health care like the rest of us who must pay or get fined if we don't pay when covered by this government plan.

Simple YES or NO.

At October 3, 2009 at 6:09 PM , Anonymous Badger said...

Now, I have two comments to my post above.

Guess what, we are paying for their care with our "taxes" when they use Medicare to pay for their medical care. Every single one of us pay. Another reason this government program is in trouble. Now they want to start another. I have my doubts if they just try to ram this through. If you are going to do anything, how about taking time and read the bill and get it right.

It's great Andy is inviting someone to speak about this. I wonder if he will give us an honest program and invite someone from the other party for a rebuttal or debate. I want to hear from both sides. Maybe this way this town hall meeting will be different than current council meetings where only one idea is proposed. Time to set politics aside? How about it Andy????

At October 3, 2009 at 6:26 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Badger, Its not a debate, or a shouting match. Ask questions thats what there coming for. Do you know of any elected official that would come and make a presentation against it? Andy is open to all ideas I am to. I'm looking for answers not a fight.So you know No illegals, should not receive the benefits of any healthcare plan. Any and all government program should be excluded. if you think they should you pay for it not Badger or myself.

At October 3, 2009 at 7:17 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


At October 3, 2009 at 7:24 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Si you need to give us healthcare

At October 3, 2009 at 7:34 PM , Anonymous Badger said...

A rebuttal or debate is not a shouting match. Let's here more than one side or proposal. People say council is suppose to be non-partisan, yet we usually only here one proposal. Well, this should be treated the same. Why jump to the conclusion that if another opinion or side is presented that it will be a shouting match. Joe Hada got to say his side at the candidates meeting and wouldn't let you talk. This is to important an issue to let the same thing happen. Let's not be closed minded here. I want to hear from both sides. Let's have a discussion and not a press release or a political agenda presented.

I don't see a problem listening to both sides. Do you?

At October 3, 2009 at 7:53 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

7:24 pm, go home!

At October 3, 2009 at 7:56 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Don't you have any questions Badger? Who would Andy get to give a rebuttal? I don't want to hear the Republicans want you to die fast, or the Democrats want to setup Death Panels I just want to ask questions and I just want facts I don't want your opinion or my opinion I want to see facts. numbers, coverage, I heard a Congresswoman state with this plan a 13 year old girl could go to the school nurse go get an abortion and be back in school at the end of the day. Then I hear another Congressman say this plan has no added costs? Please I was born at night but not last night.
Believe me if this gets one sided Andy would end it on the spot.
Come to the meeting Badger and then if you see it's a setup walk out, I'll be right beside you.

At October 3, 2009 at 7:58 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You spelled response with a c.

At October 3, 2009 at 8:56 PM , Anonymous Badger said...

I don't think that we need total reform. We need a fix but not a new government run program that we know isn't the most cost effective to run it.

One thing that I think needs fixed is to eliminate the pre-existing condition clause that won't cover you when or if you change policies.

Number two would establish a unemployment health care insurance program similar to unemployment checks that exists now. It would be paid for by employees, employers and the insurance companies. It would continue the health insurance you had for say 6 months if needed.

Third, we need to do a better job of automatically paying for the people who choose not to have insurance even thou they can afford or are offered it though work.

Forth, we need to address the illegal immigrant costs for health care. It is a problem here but much worse in say California or Texas.

Fifth, we need to make insurance companies more competitive and get away from just paying the going rate or based on what medicare pays for the visit or operation. In other words, pay what it actually costs and not the most they can bill and get away with.

Six, The only part the government needs to get involved in would maybe the chronically ill. Again, we all would need to pay for this. Nothing is free in this world and it is our civic duty. So maybe this would fall under Social Security similar to a system like Social Security disability program. Our SS might go up or it might be paid with the savings that are currently paid though Medicare and/or SS.

Just my two cents but I'd like to see something along these lines or hear something like this from a politician.

At October 3, 2009 at 9:29 PM , Anonymous Badger said...

One thing I forgot to add was the PENALTY for not having health insurance. In the current proposed bill it is called an excise tax. Still a tax. Now, I have a big problem giving the IRS the power to penalize anyone it any form of tax. If the IRS collects it, then in my eye it is a tax.

One misconception that the President said was that everyone will be required to have health insurance just like everyone is required by law to have auto insurance.

Why do we need uninsured motorist insurance and why did I have to collect from this part of my policy twice. Do we have or need a government run body shop that would have fixed my car.

Having a law for something doesn't mean problem solved.

Again, I have a problem with using the IRS as a law enforcement branch or agency. Remember when they found out about the huge multi-million dollar bonus' paid with stimulus dollars. They wanted to rewrite the IRS code and put a 90% penalty tax on the money. The bonus' should not have been in the stimulus package to begin with but let's not start adding penalty taxes to their power. I have heard that they are already rewriting the tax laws to include the health care excise tax. I haven't found the new code but am still looking.

PS Who needs a Gestapo if we start giving to much power to the IRS?

At October 4, 2009 at 5:39 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You make some good points Badgetr, any idea what your changes will cost or save? What motives who you use to get the Insurance Companies on board?

At October 4, 2009 at 8:31 AM , Anonymous Badger said...

The plan in the works now was for the insurance companies to give back billions of dollars. I don't think that much would be needed but certainly some. We need to get away from once medicare increases payment there is a increase across the board on hospital bills. Again, the hospitals, doctors, insurance companies and of course us would all pay a certain percentage for the chronically ill and needy. If everyone pays, maybe there would be an incentive to keep costs down. Insurance companies most likely will go along or they would be forced out of business.

At October 4, 2009 at 2:58 PM , Anonymous Badger said...

When the government gets bids for defense contracts there is little competition. Cost overruns and the many government regulations drive the costs way up and there is little done to try and keep cost down. In health care, many fees are tied to what medicare pays and the hospitals add automatic increased fees to every thing they do. Increase one thing and fees go up across the board. We need more competition to lower costs, not just one provider who has little incentive to control cost except maybe limit care.

Both Democrats and Republicans need to work together to solve health care. Also, the hospitals, doctors, insurance companies and the employers have to realize that we all need to give a little and share the costs. Also, something needs to be done to control malpractice law suits to help reduce doctors malpractice insurance. Control these costs and it will help keep health care cost in line and maybe get more doctors to keep their practice.

We also need time to read any bill before they pass it. Kinda like signing an open end contract for AMP Ohio. Nice to know what you are getting yourself into. Are you listening Congress?

At October 4, 2009 at 3:32 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Badger your the blogs. offical healthcare expert. What degree do you have? the same stupid one Term has. Illegals will get healthcare,just watch and you better stop smoking and eating donuts.

At October 4, 2009 at 4:42 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are home, gringo

Thanks for everything.

At October 4, 2009 at 5:39 PM , Anonymous Badger said...

I brought up healthcare for illegals because the politicians have said they won't be or might be covered under any plan. They are trying to be politically correct. Say it that way grabs your attention. Why should anyone get free get care if I can't?

The fact is they are covered now under Medicare and they will be covered under any new plan. My problem is not whether to give them emergency care or not. My problem is whether they are in the "system" with a verifiable ID so they automatically get full HMO style health care without paying like you and me. I have the same problem with people who can afford health insurance now but choose not to and just let someone else foot the bill. That someone else is you and me. We need to make these people responsible for their own health care and not just a bunch of freeloaders.

Yes, the illegal immigrant part is different from the ones who choose not to have coverage to save money. One involves being able to identify a person so as to be able to send and collect payment when possible and the other is following through and actually collecting that bill. I have to prove insurance when I go to the hospital or at least give information about me so they know where and how to collect their money.

Easy, No. But a system of tracking and holding all people responsible is one way to keep the losses to a minimum. I seem to remember Term posting the comparison between someone with a paycheck and someone who works under the table. Time to get this group out from under the table and with a way to send them a bill.

I don't know about you, but my mailbox has bills inside. How about you?

At October 4, 2009 at 5:48 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

4;42pm, not for long. A new day is coming.

At October 4, 2009 at 7:32 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

TERM, do not give the illegals a forum here. The city hands them everything and you give them a place to air their ungrateful comments. Cut them off!

At October 5, 2009 at 11:17 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Si, a new day is coming, and we thank our our Moms and Pops for crossing the river at 4am and sending for us 3 weeks later, a new day is here.

At October 5, 2009 at 11:44 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

I think someones trying to pull our chain.

At October 5, 2009 at 2:33 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

TERM, don't print their comments!

At October 5, 2009 at 3:59 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term here is the Republican health care plan;

Thats It Nothing......

At October 5, 2009 at 5:56 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

That my friend is no chain pulling, that is how my boyfriends family got here, and they will stay here.

I typed this, and the other posts for him.

He loves me reading this blog and many other blogs that don't want illegals in the USA, not much anyone can do about it.

At October 6, 2009 at 3:39 AM , Anonymous TERM said...

Interesting, Talked to councilman Flock yesterday the meeting has already been moved to the gym. He seems concerned to let people understand this is not been setup as a forum to debate the bill for or against this is only a representative sent there to answer your questions on what the bill contained. I will let you use this post to debate about National Heathcare here. , but please respect Andys wishes that at the meeting it was setup to ask questions, and not to make statements.

At October 6, 2009 at 4:55 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it is A little to late, we have be told there are 2 groups coming to Andy's mtg. one from Cleve. and one from the Erie area, we will be there but I think it is going to be A little out of control.

At October 6, 2009 at 6:22 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Your kidding right?

At October 6, 2009 at 7:47 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:56 key work there is you have to read to your boyfriend. Let me ask you this is welfare the life you envisioned for yourself? Just getting by maybe only having some of the things you need? Your boyfriend sounds like a real winner. You are the joke he is taking advantage of you and me and everyone else, but I guess if your like be used then he is a great boyfriend. The fact that you even wrote such a comment shows the type of person you are and the the type that you assocaite with. You are the company you keep in your case that would be criminal.

At October 6, 2009 at 8:29 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

5;56pm you and your boyfriend ought to be ashamed of yourselves. You are part of the downfall of this country, let alone Painesville. More people are getting their eyes opened and you may be surprised to see what will happen. I just wish you could be deported with him!

At October 6, 2009 at 2:38 PM , Anonymous Badger said...


Who cares what party adds to the Health Care Plan?

Since the Democrats are in control of both houses are they willing to listen to any other ideas but those from their own party? Are you? Let's drop the who's to blame and get to the work on getting this done right. Are all the proposals put forth so far perfect? No. Are they all bad, no.

We still have time to listen to all ideas. Still time to think of something new or better. Still time to fine tune this bill.


At October 6, 2009 at 3:34 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Flock should ask for written questions from the people and read them. I want to hear answers and not complaints from people who don't want this or that.

At October 6, 2009 at 4:05 PM , Anonymous Badger said...

An agenda is not a bad idea. As much as I don't want to listen to a shouting match, I also don't want to hear a press release. This is to important an issue to not hear all sides. I would like to have a list of questions read and have more than one person (representative from both sides?) give their point of view, debate or offer a rebuttal.

Can this happen? Don't know but an active respectful discussion is better than just "here" is what we are going to do.

At October 6, 2009 at 4:24 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Well Badger, I know Andy would never let this become a press release. The question he wants answered are will my son's autism be covered under any of the plans?
my pre-existing condition will I be covered?
will I keep the same doctor?
how will this affect my Medicare
Will insurance companies be able to go across state lines?
Not to point fingers but Andy has called our congressmans office for either him or his staff speak on different issues, maybe they thought a meeting of 430 or 40 people was't worth the trouble. I mentioned before this will not be turned into a debate,
Q&A only I'm just glad someone wants to answer questions. Badger how do you rebuttal a question, if someone son will be covered?
I'd like to think you could fill that room with respectful people but I see alot of people with personal agendas on both sides. Come if you don't like it leave if I see this as a dog and pony show I'll be right behind you.

At October 6, 2009 at 5:58 PM , Anonymous Badger said...

Not all questions are a simple yes or no answer.

One question I would like to add is the cost of any plan for different income levels. Since you have to pay for insurance before you are covered, how will lower income levels pay for theirs in advance and have to wait for a tax refund/rebate. What ever you want to call it. Also, are these tax breaks to start from year one or to be added in or increased slowly over several years to keep initial costs down only to spiral out of control later?

Think about it, if you have a hard time paying now, it is still going to be hard to pay in advance and wait for a tax refund. The penalty part really scares me. Opens a whole new can of worms and gives some questionable powers to the federal government.

You bring up valid questions or things that need to be addressed in bill. I tried to do the same in my post above. It's easy to just complain but harder to offer suggestions. You and I seem to be at least offering some suggestions and asking questions. Let's hope more like us show up at this meeting.

At October 7, 2009 at 8:03 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah Term don't let people post here because we don't agree with their viewpoint. I like my closed mind. I don't want to listen to others. I am set in my ways and the bias I already have. I hate meaningful discussion too. So please don't let "those people" post.

At October 7, 2009 at 11:16 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Will there be someone there that can explain why the President of the health insurance company that insures me makes $57,000 an hour? That one puzzles me? Capitalism, or Greed?

At October 7, 2009 at 4:47 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do believe 8:03 was a sarcastic statement.

At October 7, 2009 at 5:23 PM , Anonymous Badger said...

I sure hope this is not what we will see at this meeting. How can a NEWS station put this kind of propaganda on the air. To think that these poor children who's parents can afford $18,000 a year tuition for the 5th grade can't afford health insurance. It made me sick to watch this video and to see children used for a political agenda. If this was truly non-partisan, why mention elected officials by name and bring up things that happened during the campaign?

If you can bear to watch this, go here.

The only thing that could be worse is that it was sung in Spanish.

Go ahead and call me a racist or whatever you want. This is just so wrong on so many levels.

At October 7, 2009 at 6:36 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

4;47pm, yes I know. I guess my sarcasm didn't come across.

At October 12, 2009 at 7:45 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Want to watch something crazy? Watch all the patients at Lake East go to Lake West.
Hospital employee


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