A the last council meeting Councilman Flock made a statement that at the "Meet the Candidates Night" someone mentioned one pot of money that the city and the schoolsget money out of? Also whats the difference if it came out of your right pocket and went into your left pocket? Simplistic but wrong. Their are two pots that must be kept separate. city money here. school money here.
How this all came up was a city resident Tom Medpack asked why the city had to buy the school property since it was already owned by the people of Painesville and was originally purchased and maintained by them . Now we have to purchase it from ourselves. Alot of people chuckled but in reality he brings up a good point.
School board property is not Painesville City property. they are separate public bodies I see no problem with co-operation between the two but sometimes with the forgiveness of the permit fees, and the traffic signals just maybe it has gone to far?
I only bring this up because of some of the candidates comments that night. If Joe Hada, Lori DiNallo, Jim Fodor, would win the election along with Hal Werner that would make a majority of votes possible for any legislation for the school board. I believe this would be unhealthy considering some of the things that have happened already. Would you want four elected officials that were connected to say Avery-Dennison?.
One more mention about "Green Space" Remember the 16 acres that the city purchased along the southside of the Grand River by Whalers Cove. I affectionately call this "Horvath Lagoons" that still looks the same as when it was purchased by council by direction of the city manager for $250,000 that we had to purchase or the "County would redirect the money" more B.S. Well lets sell or trade with the school board for the school green spaces?
Just a heads up.
Very interesting school board meeting tonight. No there was no $700,000 audit mistake what happened was the State of Ohio gave the school board only at.075% increase this budget cycle down from as high as 12% I think the board was counting on at least 5% that never materialized. That is the major cause of the layoffs that just occurred. Dr. Hanlon said he would put the power point presentation up on the systems website for everyone to view. Now this ends the cuts right now but no guarantees about the future. Dr. Hanlon is recommending a levy to the board as soon as possible. No amount was given. My question was if you knew money was tight how could you give wage increases in the past negotiation cycle? The stone from India was brought up, that was an interesting answer "It just cost a little more than limestone." A few of the people asked questions like where was the sacrifice from the administration? They said they knew they would need a levy and waited as long as they could. Funny when I suggested that we were going down that path it was "an ugly rumor." Watch the meeting on channel 96 read the power point and let me know what you think.
Now your going to tell us the county made us buy the property too, I see a pattern here.
Now I know Joe Hada is married to board member Mary Hada, and Jim Fodor is a retired Asst. superintendent, Hal Werner drives a school bus, just what does Lori DiNallo do at Harvey? Someone mentioned a CLIQUE in Painesville, well there is one, and its equal to say Dogpatch or Hooterville having one. Just abunch of wanabes that want to be big fish in small pond. That couldn't be anything outside Painesville.
You want to know about losing 6 million dollars ask Joe Hada how it affected his run for county commissioner. Painesville is the laughing stock of Lake County because of this clique.
The mixing of the school board and city council isn't just bad business its incest!
I understand the concern about the bingling of the two. I wondered why the same people seemed to be involved in both. My main concern this election is the way certain laws are being avoided in Painesville. 20 people in a house 54 trash bins plus outside the same house every week. I heard Mrs. DiNallo say "the schools have to educate the children ,no questions asked" Is that the thinking she will bring to Painesville council if she gets elected? People seem to think it is more important to be "politically correct" then to do what best for the residents of Painesville. Profile, Its not profiling when you enforce city laws after 28 years Joe Hada should know better.
The county didn't make us buy anything. In an edition of the Lake County Tribune the city manager made that statement to the reporter. I've waited over 4 yeats to have that explained to me.
The point I was trying to make was wouldn't that money be nice to have to purchase the schools property for green spaces today.
The city does not need to waste money on buying the old school properties, they should not even get involved with it, we do not need any more parks.
Great, Now you can ask the board what a stipends is, how much Dr.Hanlon receive? and while your at it ask about the $700,000 accounting error that caused all these layoffs?
No more complaining about school names and whatever you find to complain about. We'll see if you have a clue what you spoutoff on the blog.
With any luck Hal will get layed off. Na, to good to be true.
No problem, The question should be why your not concerned about what's going on? I'll go and be labeled the "troublemaker" Its not the problem, getting truthful answers will be.
It must be an interesting life to want to destroy the two most important institutions in Painesville single handed?
The hard part is to figure out your motivation,you are a very small man with a deranged goal.
After the wrecking ball then what?
Here's a quiz for you Term..
What important civic leader the duties include revitalizing the downtown area has decided that they didn't want to live by the river or throw footballs where Don Shula did or even live near the lake to go perch fishing? No they would rather live in the Diverse community of Cleveland Hts. in the Coventry area? Safer and has better schools to top of that.
Another wannabe that don't do as I do do as I say. Any guesses?
So many people that tell us how to live, educate, elect, invest, don't even practice what they preach. Our ASST.CM still lives 40 miles away, why?
City wants to save money? Collect on bills owed, and quit funding the DART program.
Sell that property down by the river I'll give you 100 bucks for it. $250,000 someones off their rocker.
I'm curious. Who is on the Painesville payroll but moving to Coventry?
How do I get a Steve Costell sign?
I want one.
to 6:57pm,
I know who you are talking about, and you are way out of line with your remarks.
That person is not on the city payroll, and you nor anyone else has the right to question where they live.
The other point to that is that without even knowing who you are I will say with 99% certainty that person has done more for this city the last couple years than you have in your lifetime.
You must not even know that person since you have decided to attack them.I find your remarks disgusting, climb back into your hole please!
Steve is usually at the School Board meetings.
Look for him tonight at the 7:00 meeting and I am sure he will get you a sign.
6:57 never said it was a city employee? I have a pretty positive idea who we're talking about. Until I ask them I won't print there name. No, no one has the right to tell someone where to live, but if I'm right this is Painesville's No.1 cheerleader. If your a spokesman for Ford Motor Co. you should atleast drive one, right? I don't expect anyone to crawl into a hole, for telling it like it is. This is just par for what goes on around here.
As far as purchasing the school properties, could the city and the schools decide on a price for the three properties in question. The city could ask for a bond levy at the next election and let the citizens of Painesville decide?
End of subject.
We should be voting on alot of other things, the seven council people have used such poor judgement in the past why would we trust them to do the right thing now. Think about it I think Term has even mentioned it once or twice. "Always the easy way." I found out the truth about the Millstone property today hope it all comes out before the election.
How about it Mr. Gurley the truth!
No Term, 6:57 is wrong for saying that, and if you continue it by printing a name you have just lost my respect.
6:57 First is it a fact? 12:20 I fail to see why its a big deal? That person can live where they want to. 6:57 is just trying to point something out. If its true I will post it here. This person is a public figure with a title,and is partly payed with public funds.
Term, the word your looking for is;
HYPOCRITES this town is full of them.
Now I am totally intrigued. Who is 6:57 talking about. Then let us decide if this is important. Secondly, Mr. Rellik, what is the real scoop on Millstone. I want to be fully informed before the election. Maybe I don't have your resources to check this out so please help me. Or tell me where it is that I can go to get this information. Thank you.
Term, I was told that the owner of the Steele Mansion plans on filmng the renovation this Saturday and Sunday and is asking for help from anyone. Have you heard about this? I'm surprised the city would allow just anyone that wants to help do it. I was more surprised that the owner is planning on filming it.
Something tells me he won't have to cast policemen.
A Levy? forget it, you haven't listened to us now you want more money. Sorry, this time when you put vote YES signs up , there will be an equal number of NO signs. The timing of this was for a Feburary election when no ones watching. We're watching this year.
Had A enough
Vote yes for the schools, the kids need all the help they can get.
3:03 its a fact if you check out Killerbmovies website it states that they are filming over the weekend from sunup to sundown. In addition people are told to remember their charaters and to come wearing work shoes or tennis shoes that they dont mind having destroyed. I personally think he is going to try and film his film and just saying its for renovations. I hope no one gets hurts in the process. Term you have to repair sidewalks and this owner it seems is getting away with this.
with 54 percent rental property a levy will pass. Renters won't pay any of the property tax so why wouldn't they vote for a levy. Landlord need to let their tenants know that rent will go up if property taxes go up.
A Levy?
Maybe then there will be a little transparency from the School Administration on "oversights", layoffs, stipends, hirings, firings, test scores and the dwindling common sense missing in the Painesville City Schools. At the rate we are going Hal be the next superintendent.
Pardon me, but if you gave raises counting on $700,000 more money you were getting from the state, Its a mistake period! The well is dry. School board where do you think Painesville will come up with the money?
Term, What time is the video of the school board meeting shown on channel 96?
Is this where the powerpoint is? Thanks
I just had to take a pay cut at work. Maybe Hanlon should take one too. Like maybe a $20,000 pay cut.
I couldn't find the Powerpoint. Can someone send me in the right direction? Or maybe it is not posted yet.
I'm sure it will take a day or two to get the board meeting on channel96, and the power point up on the school site. As soon as I or someone else knows I'll post it.
Why a stone from India? how much did it cost and the expense of bringing it here? We have stones, even marble here in the states, what was the Doc doing giving Hagee some work? Fools
Get why not limestone or sandstone with fossils from this area and work it into a geology lesson?
or how about tile from a ceramic artist or maybe even Cleveland Institute of Art?
Nahhhhhh ..........
So much for supporting local business!
What next?
Most of the students aren't from around here either, and now we're expected to pay for the illegals children to get an education on our dime. I know where I'd like to place that stone. That's the main reason they waited so long to ask for a levy they were afraid of the backlash from taxpayers.
Anbody see Doug Nagy around town lately? I'm really intrigued where he's been hanging out?
The bigger question ....... who's salary will cover the $10,000 to put this on the ballot?
What should you do with a City Employee that will not pay their utility bill?
Why is John Murphy allowed to put signs on the city owned property down by the Millstone Condos. The city should remove them and fine him!
Could be a good way to ask the city who owns the property, funny I remember them stating this would be a land transfered to the state and become a "perserve" for some loan forgiveness? Do they really own the land? Ask the law director who really owns the property, and did the city AGAIN fail to do there homework? Talk about Drama.
Maybe Mr. Murphy got permission from the property owner?
Mary Poppins
Could the real owner have wanted Murphy to put the signs up, only because he can't deal with being jerked around by the clowns at city hall?
The wheels are coming off folks!
Did you see the big sign Bob Gibbs has on his propertie on Rt 84, for Murphy ? that is why he has them at Millstone, I can't vote for anyone who is supported by all of the landlords in Painesville and Bob Gibbs too, Gibbs is the one guy that is holding up the money for the ownere of Millstone, he also is the guy that put the condos there in the first place.
Vote no for Gibbs
It will be interesting if the city wants to pursue this? I think after over three years the whole truth should come out. Don't you?
if you like the signs where mr. murphy has them , then look at where mr. hada has his! does anyone think it is strange that he has signs on city property?he has even put signs in yards where people have not given him permission to do so. hey, all is fair in law and order, right.? lets play fair and not sling the mud this go round. lets act like gentlemen and run a campaign that your grandchildren would be proud of. A VERY CONCERNED CITIZEN
Well said 8:19, let the best candidates win!
What city property has a Hada sign? I will call and complain. He can't do this. Please tell me where.
Corner of State and Chester, Exit ramp on Rt44 to Jackson St. Signs are being placed on property without owners knowledge, maybe there using an old list? I informed Term about this last week I guess he didn't think it was important.
Yes someone did, and I forgot to mention it here. Along with the location of Lori DiNallo signs on empty lots. Also the mess of cans behind the fire station, and God knows what else. I mentioned to someone "Why don't you bring this up?" Their reply "Well they already can't stand you why would I want to get on their list?" Excellent point.
John Murphy has a lot of signs, where he should not have them too.....
Is it true Bob Gibbs is backing John Murphy and has his sign up in Concord, what a joke
To all the concerned citizens regarding signs and being placed in improper places. All cities have ordences regarding this you are all for the most part correct that they are being placed where they should not be. Now every city is different either the police or city building inspector goes around to make sure that they are be placed where they should be. Cities in general do not enforce this as there are more important things going on or there is a lack of money to pay someone to enforce. Dont hold your breath anytime soon that they will come down. Now you could take pictures and send them to every local news outlet and show how people who are suppose to be enforcing said laws are breaking them and trust me if enough people do this the local news channel will show up. If people continue to call and email they will show up. If you can post on here you can send an email.
I did see the sign and you are right it is a joke, John must have jumped for joy when he found out Gibbs wanted to support him, they are two of a kind, I hope everyone remembers all of the things Gibbs has done over the years, like running all of the sewers from his building on RT 20 to the river, they still do not have sewers, wonder where it all goes now ?
I'd like to see this whole story come out before the election, I have never known Bob Gibbs to back anyone but Bob Gibbs just maybe he would like to see someone with "backbone" on council? All we get is silence from the "Golden Dome." This is the $600,000 question.
Why leave us wondering? Tell us, it can't be that earth shattering.
There you go Term, you just have to make it out to be a John Murphy for council story, the truth is it has not one thing to do with backbone, Bob Gibbs is backing John Murphy for Bob Gibbs, he will use him like everyone he supports, and John will do what Bob wants, he will have no choice.
TERM, just tell us what this $600,000 issue is. You are so good at making inuendos and then when it turns out to be nothing we don't hear that. The accusation is a full front page story and the truth ends up a one liner on page 12.
I'm working on it as we speak, Some people will say its a fairy tale, I'll save them the trouble.
Whoever anonymous Oct.17 545 is now you know how the citizens of Painesville feel when they never get any closure for their issues.
Over $11,000 in arears in utility dept collections on one small business? Which coucilman heads the utility department? Been around along time you think he would know better.
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