"CAN'T BUY ME LOVE" beatles
After listening to last nights school board meeting I have more questions then answers. I feel bad for the people that lost there jobs and they seemed to be blindsided by the whole thing. Were there warning signs? Was the administration wrong in assuming the amount of money that was coming from the state? I knew the economy was going "To Hell in a Handbag" over a year ago. What the highly educated people at the administration building thought it was just a minor glitch?
As I stated I have always worked in the private sector, maybe people who work for the public don't see the struggles a business faces to pay its workers and make a profit. It seems people figure we will just raise taxes or fees and the general public will pay. If you work for a business that loses revenue don't expect a raise, expect to pay a bigger part of your hospitalization and don't expect the work to get easier only harder.]usually there's less employees] Everyone I know deserves a raise, but it seems at least this year the only people that got them worked in the public sector.
People see people getting raises, and layoffs happening at the same time become very confused. Stipends for what ever good reason makes them wonder, Stones from India no matter how innocent still raises questions. Remember how long I complained about the lights being on in Chestnut school parking lot? A private business would have corrected that a lot sooner trust me.
The Painesville School System is going to have to explain how even though we spend over $10,000 per pupil and already pay high taxes they need more money.
Everything must be brought to the table, privatization of services even busing, there can be no sacred cows. Educating our children is the No.1 priority, period.
People are already suspicious of the timing of all this and a stealthy campaign in February is not the answer since people can vote absentee easier now.
The ball is in the boards hands can they sell this to the residents of Painesville?
Please feel free to add your thoughts,questions, even solutions.
I am amazed they let this come out a month before 2 board members are up for re-election.
Innocent timing?, maybe hoping to get new board member? Just so over confident they don't care?
Count me out. I'm tapped out.
I'll vote against it even if its Christmas Day.
Lets make the people of Painesville aware if its a special election the cost to the school board could be as high as $10,000. This from a group claiming poverty.
These are the people and employees we want to intrust our city to? Please you people should clean-up your own house before branching out.
Hada-Fodor-Dinallo is this what you bring to us?
One of the board members in answering a man from the audience that there was a bad perseption of Harvey,said there was a general perseption that Painesville was not a good place to live or raise children. What he must of missed was the man was commenting on former Harvey students that now attend Lakeland making the comments about Harvey, hardly outsiders.
Ever notice the "DRAMA" in Painesville never ends? money, schools, hospitals, sidewalks, illegals, train wrecks it goes on and on.
Is it just me or is the Term stirring the pot? I am close to a board member and in our conversations in the last few days a levy was never mentioned. Beware wher you get your news from, Why was he privy to this news?
Beware,the internet has been proven to well be full of lies.
the whole city is one big train wreck!
This one is easy, Rollback wage increases to everyone that got one in the last year. EVERYONE that amount of $700,000 could be covered easily. What was the board thinking giving raises without knowing what was coming from the state? The general public doesn't want to hear sad stories we in general have been living them for over a year. Don't be stupid a levy has zero chance right now.
There is no money in the community left to vote for.
Tried to watch the board meeting on channel 96 all I got was a nice picture of a sunset? Maybe you should have called this post "Don't let the Sun go down on Me" elton john?
All the renters will vote for the levy. Means no added cost to them. Salary cuts like the rest of us have had to take makes more sense.
How ironic all the work Dr. Hanlon did on the new schools and all people will remember is the rock from India? What was that man thinking?
All the renters will not just vote for a levy, they know that if property taxes go up there's more then a good chance their rents will increase. What I'm more concerned about is that everyone voting is a legal citizen of the United States. You all should be, not that well there residents of Painesville?
Got a chance to watch the school board neeting last night on ch.96
Thank-you for trying to explain the facts of life to them , sorry but I think they really don't get it. No mistake was made? The finance director said "the mistake was made when......"
Maybe more people will feel the urge to come forward to explain they don't live in a make believe place where money grows on trees.
Thanks again, Term
It will be interesting to see if board members go out in the black community and even preach from the pulpits about passing a levy? Remember how shabby the way they dissed the community about naming a school Marshall? along with scrapping Hobart, Huntington, and Lathrop? Never have I seen such unconcern by a group of people. My Pastor has already made the statement they are not welcome here.
Just a heads up Term, Special school board meeting October 27, 2009 at 7:30 A.M. [morning] wonder what will be discussed?
To the board and Mr. Hanlin the leg work and making sure the new schools were constructed right Mr. Beiler did the job, nice of you to to give him credit. Sorry, right you didn't.
The yards signs should read;
That pretty much says it all.
Those yards with the Hada-DiNallo-Fodor should make all of you even more nervious of whats coming!
The unhealthy mixing of the two.
Neither seems to be doing the job. Dr. Hanlon was hired to educate students maybe test scores and this "shortfall" could have been avoided if you had hired someone who knows what there doing, and you do what you were hired to do. There still laughing in Bay Village.
to 6:21 am
They changed the middle school name to make the black community happy, thank god they did not go with Marshall, to bad they took Mr.Hobart's name off, and what kind of Pastor would say they are not welcome at their church, not a very good one in my book.
Sorry I disagree the changing of the middle school name was no concession to the black community.
I remember speaking with Reverend Coffee at the time and he was upset the Hobart name was gone. Some people felt the names Hobart, Huntington, Lathrop and the addition of Marshall was a good idea for the community, the board went with trees why? As a concession to the Hispanic Community that didn't want schools named after old white and black men, if you can make crazy accusations so can I.
Not a good Pastor? Maybe they are welcome to worship, but not to sell a levy?
Sorry as an American I would have been proud to send a child to Thurgood Marshall Elementary. What your problem?
All citizens in the Painesville community should have the right to vote on a local election these schools educate our children also. Are we residents of Painesville? Yes we pay property tax and income tax yes. and when something as basic as a school levy comes up we should be given the oppurtunity to voice our feelings. My daughters teacher even agrees. Remember this is a Federal problem not a local one.
I wouldn't have minded the school Named Thurgood Marshall until I heard Veronica Dahlberg tell why she wanted it called that. Thurgood is the one who took California to court to allow illegal's children into the school system. Look where that got us. 30 million illegals and we are educating all the children. Just see what it has cost Painesville.
12:37 Let me get this right you are not a legal citizen of the United States but you feel you are a citizen of Painesville and should have the right to vote in local elections? Please let us know who your daughters teacher is. She seems to need a lesson in government. This is the craziest thing I've heard of yet!
Pretty soon we'll hear America as a second government.
Marshall was no good, and some of the things he did screwed this country up, so Term. you can name your house after him.
TERM, good reply. How the heck does this person feel that an illegal can be called a legal resident and have the right to vote? Besides, I think only property owners should have the right to vote on a levy. Sure, everyone would want the best education for their children, but it's not fair if you are not the one paying for it for you to have a vote.
Marshall was no good? O.K. Tell me who was the President in 1986 that awarded amensity to over three million illegals and promised the American people he would secure the border. So 5:03 I guess we shouldn't name any schools after the "Great Communicator" also? Name your house after him. Some of you pick and choose, in a funny way?
We rent and we vote, and if a school levy comes up we will vote for it.
You rent and you vote, and if a school levy passes your rent will go up. No problem.
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TERM, your response is a total Democrat's response. No one suggested naming the school after Reagan. So what is your point? The discussion was calling the school after Marshall, but you just can't resist getting in a republican jab. Comments that go off like that hurt your credibility.
Sorry, I was responding to 1:14 comment about Marshall. Why is it when your side makes a comment its a fact, when anyone else does its a jab? My statement was fact. My credibility about this subject is not in question is it?
Yes, I know you comment was to 1:14, but my comment still stands. Why did you bring Reagan into that? This was totally about Marshall.
Reagan didn't give amensity to 3 million illegals. What are you talking about?
Read your history books people. I brought Reagan into it to make a point that this problem wasn't just Marshalls, He may let them go to school but the other guy opened the door, and didn't close it. Its a fact.Sorry.
The fact is, Reagan was the president that signed the bill, but it was a bipartisan committee that developed it and pushed it through the House and Senate.
but the fact still remains that the discussion was about names suggested for the school, and that was Marshall. Reagan was not even suggested. If his name was nominated then your comments would have been appropriate. as it is, you just needed to get a Republican jab in there. We were totally debating the appropriateness of Marshall for a name. That's a fact. Sorry.
I'm ending my part of it here. This is not worth the arguement. With so many real problems we have, you and your elk are always right and we should listen to you all the time. Was Marshall a Democratic jab or what was it? Both are facts. Marshall would have been a great name for the school.
What the heck does the term "you and your elk" mean? And no, Marshall was not a Democratic jab. It was a jab at someone who promoted and aided and abetted illegal immigration!
I think Term. is using the word Elk for black people.
I did not know Marshall was a Democrat. Thanks for pointing that out to us.
Marshall let them go to school, Reagan let 3 million invade our country. Now thats someone who promoted and aided and abetted illegal immigration. Someone once told me if your names on it it belongs to you. Your partys is in real trouble with Beck, Rush and Palin. It figures out of three countries that were the Axis of Evil your boy invaded the wrong one. What a mess that man left this country in. I wonder who the real "evil-doers" were?
Mr. Rellik
ILK not ELK........
1. a type; class; sort (esp in the phrase of that, his, her, etc., ilk) people of that ilk should not be allowed here
of that ilk Scot of the place of the same name: used to indicate that the person named is proprietor or laird of the place named Moncrieff of that ilk
[Old English ilca the same family, same kind; related to Gothic is he, Latin is, Old English gelīc like]
Usage: Although the use of ilk in the sense of sense 1 is sometimes condemned as being the result of a misunderstanding of the original Scottish expression of that ilk, it is nevertheless well established and generally acceptable
OMG sandy is sooooo smart
Give me strength! Madpotter and TERM are one and the same!
Yes, Sandy is.
Mr. Rellik, you, too, are missing the whole point. The point was made concerning marshall because his name was suggested for a name for the school. That's it. Reagan wasn't suggested for the school so I am not commenting on him. I was justifying why I wouldn't want the name Marshall for the school. period. But some of you just have to do Republican bashing at every turn. This one was out of order. Out of context. over.
5:33 You are the most unreasonable person I have found to go on this site. No wonder Term see no need to debate you. You give reasons why a school shouldn't be named after a man, and then want to ignore mistakes on your side. I think President Reagan was a great President, was he perfect no. You should judge people on the totality of there work. You won't and this will be one of the reasons your party is shrinking. Facts are Facts.History will remember no matter what you say.
Mr. Rellik
10:41 Is one of those people that complain about something 24/7 but never gets involved in the debate. Thats for someone else to do not them they hide and complain.
Who are they? Well they have no backbone so they slitter. They live in fear and only come out of there hole if they feel safe.
Yes, Sandy is just as smart as she thinks she is. She never misses a chance to to tell everyone how smart she is and why she is always right. Who needs council, city manager or any other ideas. Just ask Sandy, she'll be sure to tell you what is good for you. So why not just trade Rita for Sandy? They seem to be the only smart people in town. The rest of us, well I guess we are all ignorant subjects.
6:51 pm
you need a time out! are you 4 years old?
That would be a two year old.
With Rita, Hada, Sandy and a few others around town, I'm tired of being told what is good for me. There is a fine line between having an different opinion and being condescending. These people are so far pass that line that they forget to listen to someone's question or listen to someone with a different opinion.
Just look at Term. He has different ideas and many, many qestions. We may disagree with him at times but he doesn't tell us what is good for us. He asks questions and points issues out so we can get our own answers and make up our own minds.
So, 6:51 is not 4 years old and not a two year old. He/she just doesn't like being told "Because I said so". These people aren't our parents and can't send us to our rooms without our supper.
This sight, for all it's flaws, talks about issues, points out possible injustices and tries to open things up for debate. Talking and debating are a step in the right direction. All of us need to get more involved and try to get away from just a few people doing what they want because they think they know more. We have an election coming up in a couple of weeks. We will have at least two new council members, maybe three. Now is the time to decide if we want people who will at least listen to new ideas or just more of the same.
Want things to get better or have new ideas?
Get out and VOTE.
I have written about what works for us and is never my intent to write what is for the good for anybody else! The only thing I have been really vocal about is the AMP Ohio deal this city cut. I'm so angry about it I am doing things to change our house. I have little hope for any government and just wish they would stay out of all my business.
I spent a year going to council asking questions and like so many didn't get many answers that made sense. There are many things I disagree with but learned the only thing I could change was how I lived. Had a butt kick'n block party this summer and the city helped us out in spades, so a big thank you to the city!
As far a Millstone goes...... haven't got a clue what is going on down there and once again..... don't care. Will be glad when the condo's are gone because we walk past that crap weekly. Enjoyed the hell out of Terms fractured fairy tale.
I posted a definition of a word because the blog was going off on a tangent about ELK. When I read the 7:11 post, I posted.
I don't post very often as I am pretty busy and ;
really don't give a S*^! anymore. The lights are on, my kids are out of school, the toilets flush and the garbage gets picked up. There isn't anybody running on the council ticket I would like to vote for so will probably flip a coin in the voting booth. But I am voting and so is the rest of the fam. Not sure 4 votes are going to turn an election Badger.....
Let the voting commence!
headed out to kayak today and you guys duke it out on the blog.......
Peace Out bloggers.........
If the Madpooper goes up the river without a paddle, I bet I know where it is.
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