Wednesday, November 11, 2015

' TAKE THIS JOB AND SHOVE IT" johnny paycheck

I ain't working here no more

What exactly are the duties of a City Manager?

705.51 City Manager Plan

This form provided in sections 705.51 to 705.60 inclusive, of the revised Code, to be known as the "city manager plan," shall consist of a council of five or more citizens, according to the population of the municipal corporation as determined by the last preceding federal census, who shall be elected at large. The council shall constitute the governing body of such municipal corporation withy power to:

(A) Pass ordinances;
(B) Adopt resolutions;
(C) Appoint a chief administration officer, to be known as the city manager;
(D) Approve all appointment made by the city manager, except as provided in sections  705.01 to 705.92 inclusive, of the Revised Code;******
(E) Fix all salaries;  *****
(F) Appoint a civil service commission and all boards or commissions created by ordinance.

Now what are council seems to be operating under;

1. Personnel. Consider the appointment, employment, dismissal, discipline, promotion, demotion, or compensation of a public employee or official,  or [to consider] investigation or complaints against a public employee, official, licensee, or regulated individual, unless the employee, official, licenses, or regulated individual requests a public hearing.

So what's my problem?

Well there are restrictions and discussions held in executive session.

There are indeed restrictions on discussions held in executive session. First, there can be no decision making (actual voting) in executive session. In fact, perhaps the only vote that may be taken during executive session in the vote on the motion to adjourn or recess the executive session.

So they will have to vote in an open meeting, as well as face resident's questions.

Remember those ****? Well Painesville is  a home rule municipality. What the whole problem this city has? We have a City Charter composed mostly by former City Managers. The last Charter committee was run by former City Manager Rita McMahon who appears that wanted all decisions left to the City Manager. Was this at the request of council? That really doesn't want responsibility? Look at the Refuse contract she signed?

What it all boils down to if council gives little or no direction to the CM it doesn't matter who it is!

Budget Meeting today at City Hall, wonder if I can ask a question? It is a public meeting right?

What's with everyone meeting Putin in the "Green Room?" Also when your going to eliminate 3 or 5 government agency's please know them? 


At November 12, 2015 at 1:01 PM , Anonymous Paenut Gallery said...

What it all boils down to if council gives little or no direction to the CM it doesn't matter who it is!
AND THE CM gives directions to city employees? NOT. He collects the big fat paycheck though. And No comments from the pnut gallery tonight.

At November 12, 2015 at 2:02 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

1:01 City employee's should get directions from their Directors? The chain of command.

One person claims he a sellout to employee's and someone else claims he doesn't care?

At November 12, 2015 at 3:07 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

And residents should let council people what kind of city they expect to live in....... Everything is backwards and upside down around here.

At November 12, 2015 at 3:27 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Someone else mentioned here - there is no chain of command with the CM, he is the command. When union city workers go directly to the CM without going through their directors as you call them. How is this right? The workers should report DIRECTLY to a department head then in turn the department head reports to the manager. Unfortunately the worker bees head right to Carson. This is wrong and as soon as this began Mr Carson should have informed the union workers No, leave now and see your department person. If you cant make friends, buy and bribe them?

At November 13, 2015 at 11:08 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

'It does not matter who it is', well said and very true. There is nothing wrong with the current Code, just a council that does not really care. What would be the result if people elected such a person as a Mayor, mayhem, worse than now. Mr. Carson acts very confidently in he knows no one will hold him accountable, no one dare fire him, he has his contract, which no one read other than his attorney, very confident indeed, as he should be. This is a public document, ask for a copy, and you will read about 'misfeasance, malfeasance', if only there had been a law director for guidance, oh well.

Take the time to meet and greet and employee, they are good people just trying to make a living and sorely lack guidance, leadership. The 'directorship' has been gutted and those remaining walk very carefully. Many uneducated for their positions, but make good minions, for there would be wrath to pay. This may help explain to those who think there is a 'chain of command', with rational processes in place for grievances, they have 'barked up the wrong tree'.

Solutions, sadly not to found in the elected, life will just muddle along.

Many a person must give a heartfelt thanks to 'Term' for the work he has and does for the residents, absent this forum, what would you have? Be Grateful.

At November 16, 2015 at 11:59 AM , Anonymous Bring it On said...

11:08 Well said and I agree with for the most part - except the last paragraph. Though some blogs may be 100 percent accurate, many are not. He offers up lots of thoughts without solutions. All griping and never any compliments. He's been reminded if he wants it fixed he should run for council but only has flimsy excuses to not step up and make a difference. Its very easy to continually rag apart everyone and tuck your tail to leave.

At November 16, 2015 at 1:50 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

11:59 I view myself as a messenger nothing more nothing less. If in my wildest dreams believe I could change things I would. Never tucked my tail they and you know who I am and many may think it but I tell it.


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