This was going to be about the new rate hikes proposed for Painesville water users. But with my Karma I presently have no water coming to my house. Seems the water main on Chester St. broke again and I have no idea how the city plans to pay for this repair? Now if Fasson [who was been without water most of the day] called their councilman and reported not having water caused by the break on Chester St. I can only imagine what they would have thought if they were told we don't have the funds presently to fix it and we refuse to add to our debt service of 75% of the water capital improvement fund? Sometimes rusty lines and broken lines just have to be replaced and worry about fixing them before you have the funds rather then waiting for funds. Its like when the city manager takes out a NOTE. I believe this whole situation would not be a situation if it was in any other ward but ward I. Painesville and the city manager can't pick and chose which repairs they can do and which ones can wait. This is another example of Painesville not being good stewards or businessmen in the water business.
I will do some figures later this week of the cost of this water ordinance for you to get some idea of the increase 9,500 of the 10,000 customers have 5/8 or 1 inch waterlines. of the 1.2 million the city wishes to raise I'm guessing $907,000 will come from residents [some of you will see an 84% increase in your water bills] and the other $300,000 from the other larger users. Sounds fair? But what percentage of water does each group use?
Every other liquid I purchase is sold either in ounces, gallons ect. milk, gasoline, but water you purchase per 100 cu.ft. Why?