Tuesday, May 31, 2011


This was going to be about the new rate hikes proposed for Painesville water users. But with my Karma I presently have no water coming to my house. Seems the water main on Chester St. broke again and I have no idea how the city plans to pay for this repair? Now if Fasson [who was been without water most of the day] called their councilman and reported not having water caused by the break on Chester St. I can only imagine what they would have thought if they were told we don't have the funds presently to fix it and we refuse to add to our debt service of 75% of the water capital improvement fund? Sometimes rusty lines and broken lines just have to be replaced and worry about fixing them before you have the funds rather then waiting for funds. Its like when the city manager takes out a NOTE. I believe this whole situation would not be a situation if it was in any other ward but ward I. Painesville and the city manager can't pick and chose which repairs they can do and which ones can wait. This is another example of Painesville not being good stewards or businessmen in the water business.
I will do some figures later this week of the cost of this water ordinance for you to get some idea of the increase 9,500 of the 10,000 customers have 5/8 or 1 inch waterlines. of the 1.2 million the city wishes to raise I'm guessing $907,000 will come from residents [some of you will see an 84% increase in your water bills] and the other $300,000 from the other larger users. Sounds fair? But what percentage of water does each group use?
Every other liquid I purchase is sold either in ounces, gallons ect. milk, gasoline, but water you purchase per 100 cu.ft. Why?


At June 1, 2011 at 4:06 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Same as Cleveland.. but Painesville is a bedroom community

At June 1, 2011 at 11:41 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You have to wonder how Rita planned it so you wouldn't have water?

At June 1, 2011 at 11:45 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Might be mini-Cleveland? But the bedroom is getting more and more expensive to sleep in. The city manager doesn't have to plan anything it all comes do to neglect for the past dozen years or so.

At June 1, 2011 at 11:50 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

A Resident mentioned to me that this flat rate money should go nowhere but to infastructure repair. I agreed with him then I thought I wonder what they will do with all the millions they claim they made in infastructure improvements over the past 10 years? We just might be on the verge of giving the administration a larger slush fund?
What exactly is payed out of the water fund?

At June 1, 2011 at 1:06 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

We will never know wher the money goes until the city manager goes back to a line by line budget.
Someone with balls on council should ask what legal fees were paid to Buckingham,Dolittle,& Bouroughs has been paid out of the water fund in the last decade.
What are they paying Gurley for anyway?

At June 1, 2011 at 1:58 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term 11:50. I, too, have a lot of questions about this new fee. They raised the rates in 2008 (?) to be for water infrastructure, but still there is no money for any of these pipes. They say that they slightly undercalculated because people quit using as much water beause of the hike. I am not buying that, just for starters. Sounds fishy to me, just like everything else that goes on around here. Now, instead of adding on another small flat fee, they want this huge new fee on top of the old hike. All the work cannot be done in one year anyway. It will take years to go around the city and fix everything that needs to be fixed. This all seems very shady.

At June 2, 2011 at 4:07 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Shady? Good word. Here's what I* know they claim they have spent 10 million dollars on overall infastructure the last 10 years. Now they wanr to collect 1.2 million for the next 10 years for infastructure? My question will they now spend 2.2 million dollars a year or will they spend only 1.2 million? What happens to the other million?
They can't raise property taxes so they decide to add fees.
All well and good until our water rates are higher than the countys.
I seem to thimk these utility funds are used for any legal problems the city finds itself in.

At June 2, 2011 at 4:10 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term, have you heard of any Painesville councilman holding a FREE pig roast on June 25th????

At June 2, 2011 at 8:33 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

And don't forget we have the whole AMP Ohio mess that they got us in, that we have to pay for. God only knows what is going on here. When they start saying stupid things that make no sense to anyone (people quit using as much water when the rates went up. They underestimated a little, so they have to raise twice as much money), then something is up. How in the hell did we let McMahon get away from a line-by-line budget? I don't think these people can be trusted, and here we go giving them millions more of our dollars based on reasons that do not make sense. Where is the original rate hike money?

At June 2, 2011 at 9:05 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

4:10 Free pig roast? I know Andy Flock is holding a pick-nic at Rec. Park with hot dogs on the last Thursday of the month.
Another council person is having a political event on the 25th but I believe it is RSVP.

At June 3, 2011 at 2:52 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is a special work session /council meeting at 6:00 PM on June 13, 2011. Hold on to your wallet, AMP-OHIO has another purpo$$$$al!

At June 4, 2011 at 5:48 AM , Anonymous QuietPlease said...

Hey, Term, with all the criticism that's being leveled at the City I'd like to point out something they're doing right.

Painesville has noise ordinances and is willing to enforce them. In the past week I've had to call the police twice, once on a Mexican party with absolutely HORRIBLE amplified live music - it was awful - I called around 7 or 7:30 and a car showed up within ten minutes and shut them down. Once on some folks who insist on blasting classic rock loud enough to hear three houses away with the windows closed. Again, a car responded within minutes and shut it down. Noise is one of my pet peeves, and I'm really grateful that we HAVE noise laws and the police are willing to enforce them.

People have the right to enjoy whatever music they like but they don't have the right to impose it on their neighbors and I'm glad that our city understands that. I've been a pest about the noise this spring, but the dispatchers are always friendly and courteous and I appreciate them, too!

At June 4, 2011 at 11:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Speaking of pet peeves, I thought there was to be no driving ice cream trucks within the city yet almost every day sometimes twice a day on the weekends I hear it or it comes around.
Once it passed a police car, if it is an ordinance, why have one if it isn't enforced.

At June 4, 2011 at 12:00 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

I believe the ice cream trucks are legal, maybe they were "grandfathered' in.
You don't like the ice cream truck? I hear the music and reach into my pocket. Something left over from the 50's. Not many things are left.
I sent an e-mail to Doug Nagy about inviting Food Trucks into Painesville some Sunday locating the park they have very good and interesting menu's and everything including electricity is self contained in the truck. This is/ was a big hit in the Tremont neighborhood in Cleveland. His answer? He sent me 1000 pictures of Painesville.

At June 4, 2011 at 3:18 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aw, someone doesn't like the ice cream trucks? I'm with you Term - one nice thing left over from my past in a world that is completely transformed - and not for the best. People in my neighborhood go running, too. The guy goes too fast here and probably misses some sales. I would just hope that the city or county checks out the company really good and that the drivers are checked out. Other than that, it's just "ice cream" music, and I see it as something sweet and not a problem. Who doesn't remember running to beg their parents when the ice cream truck came. Good memories in a very changed world, and hopefully some good memories for our children.

At June 4, 2011 at 5:13 PM , Anonymous QuietPlease said...

The ice cream trucks don't bother me; I grew up in a rural area so I don't have "ice cream truck" memories but they are background noise to me, like lawn mowers. Mainly what I hate is loud music and boom cars; I wish someone would invent a device to remotely destroy the speakers of those who insist on "bumpin'" their bass so people for blocks around have to hear it. Thuglets on my street, be warned - I'm gonna be taking license plate numbers.

At June 4, 2011 at 5:22 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What about the little mexican wagon cart that goes around in the evenings selling popsicles. I can't believe that thing has a license.

At June 4, 2011 at 5:32 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

DID I SAY I WAS AGAINST ICE CREAM TRUCKS? This is so typical of the site. I said I thought there was an ordinance against it (yes, at one time there was one) and if there was one, why can't/isn't it being enforced.

At June 4, 2011 at 6:19 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I used to run and chase down the truck that delivered milk--- to beg a handful of shaved ice. Yum.

At June 4, 2011 at 9:31 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:48am, I'm glad they respond to your calls, but I have neighbors who play their music loud most weekend nights and I finally call on it and the dispatcher was nice, but no police ever showed up. The music was pounding until almost 1am.

At June 5, 2011 at 5:58 AM , Anonymous QuietPlease said...

9:31, I'm sorry they didn't respond. I'd keep calling. One thing I do, though I hate to, is I go ahead and leave my name. They don't tell the people you're complaining about who called. They always ask me for my name, address, and phone number if I'm calling from my unlisted land line. I give them all of it. They always ask if I want to see an officer and I tell them no, I just want the noise stopped. They have never yet failed to respond. Usually within minutes.

If I was having trouble getting action I'd be glad to politely remind the dispatcher that I'm just asking for our existing ordinance to be enforced. We all have the right to quiet enjoyment of our own homes and I would for sure respectfully INSIST that something be done. What part of town do you live in?

Excessive noise really does negatively impact quality of life and if Painesville wants to improve its public perception, eliminating the constant loud music and the boom cars would help.

I've watched Doug Nagy's video about a pretty much lily-white, clean, Mayberry-looking town and I swear I'm tempted to make an answer video to show what it's REALLY like and believe me, loud Mexican and loud hip hop music would have to be part of it. That needs to be cleaned up!

Google noiseoff.org for more ideas. Noise pollution is something I'm pretty passionate about!

At June 5, 2011 at 9:15 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Well as OVESS might suggest you take a "pill". In all honesty it comes down to people caring about other. Years ago people would be embarressed if a policeman was called due to something like this. People just don't respect others even after they may have been taught too.

At June 5, 2011 at 11:05 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I believe the ice cream trucks are legal", NO THEY ARE NOT and did you see them on TV, they are shady too, I have seen them almost back over a kid, they get away with it by pulling in to a drive and selling from there, this has to stop before someone gets killed again.....I know.

PS keep calling until they stop and you don't have to tell them your name.

At June 5, 2011 at 9:23 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term - question please.

Who is going to be doing the work of replacing the water lines? Is it the city workers or are we hiring some outside company?

At June 6, 2011 at 3:59 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

I believe the city would be wise to go with outside contractors. The jobs that need to be done requires special equipment ect.

At June 25, 2011 at 6:34 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Re: QuietPlease
Stated-->Excessive noise really does negatively impact quality of life and if Painesville wants to improve its public perception, eliminating the constant loud music and the boom cars would help.

Years ago there was supposed to be a noise ordanance stopping the boom cars. I can see why it goes on because Walmart and other stores sell the audio equipment to make cars into an X blaster. Painesville allows this annoyance all hours of the day or night.

By allowing this to continue it's only making another problem bigger and Painesville is doing nothing about it. This is sending a message that if you want to do what you want then come to Painesville because their city government doesn't care because they don't have to put up with it. How's that for cleaning up the city? By their "No" action policy they are turning Painesville into one big cesspool.

Something was stated recently that crime is dropping in Painesville. That part is laughable..


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