"I CAN'T WAIT FOREVER" outsiders
Read in the paper that the county commissioners along with the employees' union decided on a one year contract. That included a pay freeze and 8 furlough days for all employees.
This is the first labor contract signed around here taking Senate Bill 5 into consideration.
I believe the one year contract is predicated on SB 5 being rejected by voters in the fall.
What will happen in November could go either way. The new governor of Ohio may have overreached on this one. That seems to be the trend no matter who's in charge.
I would bet the the voters will reject the defeat of this law...except for two entities...Police and Firefighters.
I can only guess what Governor Kasich was thinking when he threw those two groups under the bus along with other government employees.
Most voters might believe that teachers are overpaid, and probably could care less for the guy who drives the snowplow. Then again, if they have had a run-in with an overbearing government employee... they may think this one's for you Bub.
Police and Firefighters seem to have a special place in our hearts.
Can't wait for the political commercials that will start to air in October of this year, featuring a policeman or fireman, asking voters why they would agree to take the collective bargaining power away from them?
My belief is that if police and fire were not in this group it might have been a no brainer.
If this bill is repealed by the voters the governor has only himself to thank.
What do you think?
On a positive note... this being an off-year election with no President, senator, or congressman up for election... maybe this bill will bring out more voters. Aren't four councilman up for re-election? Elections this November may bring out more than the regular voting clique?
What kind of deal is AMP-OHIO and Painesville scheming on now? I can't wait forever for the details. Nothing to do with the Fremont acquisition either?
Well the teachers union voted to take $54 from each teacher and $25 from support staff. Still waiting to hear what the rest of the unions ask or tell their members to pay. The police and fire risk their lives every day. Merit based raises shouldn't apply, more so physical abilities to perform job.
On the other hand, what do the teachers and others fear from merit based raises or having to give up an automatic pay raise in tough times like the rest of us. It's bad enough we have the 50% grading policy in the schools. Do we need to protect or reward those who only want to do half of their job but still get their raise?????????????????
This is another case where the public is not well informed. Even though our gut tells us Police and Fira are dangerous jobs they only rank 12th and 13th on the top 20 list. The only job above them that makes as much or more is airline pilots.
Look up the top 20 and you might be surprised, a sanitation workers job is more dangerous than either of them.
The problem as most see it is if there is state cuts in either the school or city budget the only recourse they have is raise taxes, cut employee expenses.
Raising taxes in this economy will be tough. and will the administrations cut people or salaries?
If either administration decides to cut wages, they will also have to cut their own, I don't see them embracing that idea do you?
*It's for the children, or the people employed by the system?
Residents need to live,work and play, or is it for the employees.
Anyone hear of a major coaching change at Harvey? Please let us know.
6:32 I know a few people who work in the above mentioned professions [police fire] and all I can tell you is they are put in dangerous positions, and have seen things people shouldn't have to see.
Cleveland schools paid out severance pay of 5 million.
Two administrators received $83,000each 3.7 mill went to union employees.For the children my EYE SB 5 must stay a law!
Just think Term if Rita was CM of Memphis it would now be a national park.
Are you talking about NPPS and
A person in town told me he was debating buying a new car. It was not the price of a new vehicle or the financing, but rather the condition of the streets he has to drive on here in Painesville. Thats the first time I had heard this argument and is it a wise move to purchase a new car living here?
To: 9:25 PM,
So, you hate teacher, we get it. But, What the teachers union voted to take from each teacher and support staff. if you are not a teacher; is not your concern! And, as for merit based raises? How would that be determined?
12:03 Hate teachers? Their racists againt teachers? All anyone wants to do is figure out how to balance payroll. I don't believ what you thought was what 9:25 was saying.
So why should PD & FD be exempt from SB5? Just because they do a dangerous job? Yes they do yet EVERYONE that works has the potential to have a "dangerous job". Hospitals (nurses union) have been attacked, malls, schools(teaching/non-teaching unions) and even McDonald's. They don't carry a gun or run into burning buildings, but ANY place could be in danger.
Think of the salary a police or fire make then compare it to a janitor bus driver, food service, aide. Big difference, those people need union security as much, if not more that PD & FD.
9:25 here.
I don't hate teachers or any public employee. Most do a great job. But, some just show up and collect a paycheck. I do however hate automatic pay raises in these hard economic times. I also hate tenure or the fact that it is next to impossible to get rid of a public employee no matter how bad a job they do. There use to be a bigger need for unions in the past. Now, all they seem to want is more and more money, more dues, and to protect useless workers in some cases. So, you can say I am anti union in most cases. I also believe strongly in merit based raises.
We seem to be dumbing down the schools and dumbing down tests for police and fire promotions as they did in Dayton and other places. The teachers union stated how much money they are collecting to fight SB 5. I'd still like to know about the other unions.
Do the job well and get paid well. Screw off and expect to get let go or passed over for a raise. Public employees want more money and I want to know what I'm getting in return for my tax money. So what's your argument with that 12:03?
Just curious,9:25 here. seems to me politicians and greedy bankers started this recession with their housing "bubble," lies, and greed.
Why is it now we are asking the PD & FD, teachers, unions, to get less pay and the working middle class to give up their pensions and pay the bill?
Went for a ride to Mcdonald Ohio this weekend, have to go through Warren Ohio to get there. Those who complain about our ROADS take this drive and you will see some BAD ROADS. So stop your WHINING because your life is so BAD because of Rita.
Hey Term, do you know who planted the trees in your new parks on State and Jackson Streets, they should give back the money, who puts in new trees in a wind storm and no support wires, take a look what a waste, sorry I know you wanted these money pitts....
Who's asking just the public employees? I'd like to see them join the battle with the rest of us. Think I'm not in this battle everyday? I work construction when I can find any kind of work. Talk about under employed.
10:39, you say the politicians created this mess. OK, but what politician said home ownership is a RIGHT? To open mortgages to people who put ZERO down is just asking for trouble and we are seeing the results. Since redlining was to be eliminated, people who really shouldn't be buying a house in the first place now got a loan. Politicians brought this about and banks wrote mortgages to people they knew couldn't pay under this new policy.
Now people need to go back to 20% down like I did when I bought my first house. I made my payments and didn't ask for a government bailout to pay my house payments.
More raises, more benefits, more retirees, more food stamps, more welfare, more workers on the taxpayers payroll, and less people paying taxes, no wonder the bubble burst.
The super rich can pay some more, the middle class needs to get back to work so they can pay taxes too. But we need to reduce the ones who don't pay any taxes and just live on the public dime. Until we reverse this trend, we have nowhere to go but down.
The parks were what residents wanted. Yes I would rather have a park then abandoned land, or low income apartments. The city lost me when they did what they did at Huntington Park and even when they want to do something right they seem to screw it up. You should send your email to Painesville Parks and Recreation.
Something about that deal between the schools and the city seemed illegal anyway.
3:51 My life ain't bad because of
Rita only her policies. With the bad roads in Painesville allocating only $100,000 for street repaving is well useless. Where was council when this was proposed in the 2011 budget? I'm starting to really understand why a member of council won't vote for the budget.
He wont vote for the a budget because if he does he will look bad. Never mind to the fact that it doesn't take much these days to make him look bad. He is doing a bang-up job nhis own.
to 12:03
I'm not a teacher but if you are going to ask for a new levy that makes it my concern. I pay property taxes so again that makes it my concern. I own a house so that makes it my concern. Shall I go on?
Yes, 7:44 PM I now understand, if not for the taxes you personally pay, we would be without teachers and schools! Thank you.
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