Sunday, May 22, 2011


A little of this and that..........

By now some of you may have read about a Michigan man, Leroy Fick (59) who won 2 million dollars in the Michigan Lottery. This fortunate son seems to believe he still is entitled to collect $200 a month in food stamps from the state of Michigan, and it's all legal! His justification is after the lump sum payout and federal, state and local taxes his final payout was $850,000. He felt completely justified receiving the government helping hand because, well, look at what I paid into the government? I can't print what I said but let's just say "are you kidding me?"

It reminded me of a week before when oil company executives were at a senate hearing explaining why they felt compelled, even though they were making billions in quaterly profits, to tell the senators why they still needed tax breaks and subsidies from the federal government. I believe one mentioned look at what we pay in taxes and another declaring it would be Un-American to change the present formula.
Now my guess is that some Democrat will come to the defense of that guy in Michigan. Also, with a Republican coming to the defense of the oil companies.
Enjoy the show people but remember you're paying for it.
Someone want to jump in and explain where my thinking is wrong? Please feel free.

Andy Flock recently asked for a tour of the electric plant. After work one day this week councilman Flock just walked into the light plant and was given a tour.
End of story? Well, he just walked in? Can he also just walk into the pumping station in Mentor?

Will someone explain why the city of Painesville has a six foot tall barb-wired fence, cameras and an electric gate at the sewage treatment plant? Just thinking... what's so valuable in there?


At May 22, 2011 at 12:58 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now my guess is that some Democrat will come to the defense of that guy in Michigan.>>

You are wrong, I am a democrat and I say the lottery winner should not get any public assistance!

At May 22, 2011 at 5:02 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

There going to come to his defense, why not? Look at all the Republicans that came to the oil companies defense?
I'm having a hard time understanding what the difference would be?

At May 22, 2011 at 5:07 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, Term, you probably just made that Democrat comment to get a rise, but I'm a Democrat, and I certainly don't approve of anyone taking advantage of the system. It was President Clinton (Democrat) who stopped the welfare system as we knew it back then, and stopped the generation after generation in the same families reliance on public assistance and not themselves. People need help sometimes, but I don't know of one person, Democrats included who do not resent it when someone takes advantage of the system. It's our money, too.

Now about those Republicans ...

At May 22, 2011 at 5:46 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Only Term would be stupid enough to compare the two. Oil companies create wealth,jobs, along paying taxes. This argument was a simple setup for people to fall into.

At May 23, 2011 at 4:11 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:46: You are not seriously sticking up for the oil companies and the Republicans wanting to continue the subsidies to them, are you?

When Jimmy Carter was President, he had solar panels on the White House, I think. He had subsidies for alternative energy programs, thinking that it was important to get rid of our dependence on foreign oil, etc. When Reagan came on the scene, he stopped all that, and all those companies were put out of business. He started subsidies for the oil companies again. Look where that has gotten us. Can you imagine if we had continued on Carter's path way back then? I doubt we would be looking at $4.00/gallon gasoline. They do not need to be giving extra money to the oil companies. We need to be putting that money towards helping the alternative energy companies finance their innovations, or keeping that money for ourselves. Oil companies will still have plenty of profit left to "create wealth, jobs and pay taxes" as you say.

At May 23, 2011 at 12:27 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


I don't remember the number of windmills and biofuel we have now. I do remember gas rationing, only being able to buy gas on odd or even days, long, long lines for gas and hostages held for 444 days and a failed rescue mission that cost 8 American lives. Also, the fall of Iran to what we have now.

So, a few solar panels to run a couple of lights at the WH doesn't mean a whole lot other than token effort for political gain.

At May 23, 2011 at 1:24 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Yes, and I seem to remember that happening in 1973 when Nixon was in the White House also. Selective memory? If you believe we have a strong energy policy your in for a surprise. What's with the blame game all the time? You blame whoever you want but the gas keeps going up. I just can't understand giving a subsidy to oil companies, or a guy that won money in a Lottery. Gas has dropped 40 cents in the last week who are we to thank? Democrats, Republicans?
The problem is we as a country can not afford to do either.

At May 23, 2011 at 1:26 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow anybody reading the comments on the News Herald site about the hospital tear down?

Sure hope city is reading it!

At May 23, 2011 at 2:28 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

12:27: You proved my point. Carter was a huge proponent of alternative/natural energy. He started all kinds of programs that were STARTING to flourish. It was not just a few token things for political gains. It was all brand new and just being created, and look what they did - solar panels, etc. He wanted to change our energy sources. As soon as Reagan came in, he stopped all of that and started subsidizing the oil companies again. You didn't actually take the time to get the details of my post. You went straight to discounting Carter, when it was Reagan who stopped it all. It's just now starting back up, and the Republicans are still fighting the Democrats on it, and still want to continue the subsidies for the oil companies. Probably because people like you ignore the facts, and go right to defending the R's. Look where that got us then, and where would we be now, if D's could have continued on the path they were on.

And, Term, I see all the R's defending the subsidies for the oil companies. I do not see one D defending the lottery winner. Just because the R's are doing what they are doing does not mean the D's are going to do something equally as shocking. I certainly have not heard one D defend that guy or the policy that allows it. I'm sure everyone is looking into that now. I think that there is (and I'm not sure) some policies in place in some states that allow people to get death inheritances, etc., and put them in a special account to pay for extra things that they might need. If you are disabled, for example, and living on nothing, you can see where that money could be used to fix your car, or something similar. I'm sure all states will be revisiting that issue now, or whatever issue it is that let this guy keep getting aid and, at the very least, put reasonable limits on it. This guy is stealing from all of us, and he's a real low-life for doing it. Again, I have not heard one D defend it. It must be some loophole in his state that I am sure will be covered ASAP. Clearly this guy's moral code is shocking.

At May 23, 2011 at 8:06 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You talk about perception in Painesville. How about perception on the current energy and oil drilling policies. Do these have any effect on oil futures or speculations. Oil speculation has more immediate effect on prices, up or down, than tax breaks. Do they keep giving more and more tax breaks everytime gas goes up? No. Add oil speculation, the unrest in the Middle East, attacks on Libya, the change in the balance of power between Israel and the Arab nations, and one has to wonder how oil supplies will remain stable.

Green energy is a wave of the future, but is still not ready for prime time. We get around 35,000 megawatts from wind and 360 megawatts from solar. Add nuclear and it is still less than from hydro. All these added together are less than 9% of electric used in the US. Electric cars are still too expensive for the average buyer and what do you do with the old battery after you replace it at a huge cost. How is the electricity to recharge the battery produced? Right now it is mainly coal, the biggest producer of electricity.

Tax breaks should be looked at along with drilling policies. Green energy sounds good but it will not get us out of our current economic problems. We need to reduce spending, solve the deficits from the large number of unemployment payouts. We need to address the huge burden of pension and benefit packages for our taxpayer funded employees.

One last thing, SB 5. Collective bargaining it allows for wages is fine, but they need to be merit based raises. Collective bargaining for larger and larger pensions or benefit packages with little or no employee contribution is absolutely the worst thing we can do. What kind of message will we send to future business if we overturn this? Well, it will be Ohio is not business friendly. There goes any hope to help bring more jobs to Ohio.

At May 24, 2011 at 4:02 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What exactly if anything will Republicans bring to the table for shared sacrifice? What besides throwing Medicare, Medicaid,Social Security over the cliff? More tax cuts, and bailout for the wealthy?

At May 24, 2011 at 6:28 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:06 is correct. Green energy is still not ready for prime time. If the country would have continued on the Carter's path back then, it probably would be. But now we have the innovations of Americans at full force again on this issue. We need to take the subsidies away from the oil industry, and if we gave some of it to the green energy industry, there is no telling how fast new innovations will be developed. I know of companies that had huge innovations going but couldn't get government help to finish developing, etc. Those companies are going out of business, with many of them already gone or they have abandoned their green energy projects.

I'm a Democrat, but I do have to slam Obama and the D's here. If they talk about nuclear energy being green energy one more time, I think I will have to call the White House and scream. What is the R's stance on making more nuclear plants? Anyone?

At May 24, 2011 at 6:41 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


Are you saying only taxes should be increased for Republicans and more entitlements given only to Democrats? Are there no rich Democrats???? Are there no poor Republicans???? You know what they say when you assume. General statements like yours don't solve problems. Both sides, rich and middle class and private and public sector workers need to sacrifice each to their ability. Politicians and union officials need to get in touch with the real world and stop expecting the taxpayer and union member to support them at unacceptable incomes and benefits. Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, unemployment insurance and union pensions are all in big trouble. Check your own pension and SS for these facts. It is now said that the Teamsters are paying out pension benefits for between 3 and 4 times as many people as are currently paying into the fund. Term, you check this out. You were or are a member. They won't believe me.

If pension and benefit packages are way to high for our city workers, then aren't they to high for these people who get paid by the taxpayer too.

All these programs don't have a limited amount of money. We need more taxpayers in the form of employed workers to keep these funded.

Tax abatements are good if you bring jobs but tax breaks suddenly become bad if someones benefits or entitlements get reduced. Think companies don't want or need tax incentives. Just as South Carolina. Amazon just about finished a warehouse distribution facility that was to employ 1200 workers. They changed tax rates and they are now going to close that new building and move somewhere else. Is that what we want for Ohio? 1200 jobs lost with all the income taxes and money spent added to their local economy now gone to another state.

So what do we as Painesville citizens get? More rentals and 22% Hispanic population that brings increased costs to our schools and lower test scores. That's what our composition of voters bring us.

At May 24, 2011 at 7:47 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The only reason for a Republican Party, is to cut the taxes of the very wealthy. Everything else, is window dressing!

At May 24, 2011 at 8:57 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Unions across the country donated around 400 million dollars to the 2008 elections. And at the same time their union pension funds are becoming more and more underfunded. SEIU alone has two pension funds. One for union officials funded 98% and one for the average worker that is funded less than 65%. Wonder who's pension is a sure thing? How is your union pension fund. How about the public employees pension fund? Who will get stuck with pension bailouts if these continue to be underfunded or more and more hidden raises in increased benefit packages? Term, the Queen????? and others. The taxpayers will continue to get stuck with the bill.

I also wonder how many pension funds invest in the big bad oil companies. Does that make the union worker with a union pension a member of the big bad rich. Easy to blame the other guy but make sure you don't live in a glass house because your evil rich side might just show. So, follow the money. If you are a union worker, are your retirement funds safe? Are your increased pay and increased benefits more important than having enough money to keep a fellow policeman or fireman from getting laid off? Because if they are, then maybe it is time to stop blaming the man. We need more jobs and more people paying taxes, not higher and higher paid government workers paid by the rest of us.

At May 25, 2011 at 4:25 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Yes unions donate to the Democrats, Big oil, businesses, donates to Republicans. Both do it to influence legislation.
I think the Republicans had better step carefully for what happened in the "glowing" red New York 26 Congressional race may have a big affect on 2012. A district that voted 75% Republician in 2010 just elected a Democrat last night. The reason for the election is a story in itself. The Paul Ryan budget died last night. This election was about Medicare, and Social Security period.
6:41 you are right,the only thing you better realize the people are not going to let the Republicans balance the budget on their backs. No balance budget can happen without an increase in taxes. Let the Bush tax cuts end for everyone and let everyone contribute.
Last night I heard the craziest thing yet. Congressman Kantor talked about tornado relief for Joplin Missouri, somehow first having to be offset by budget cuts?
The only Republican candidate President Obama, and Democrats fear? Jon Huntsman

At May 25, 2011 at 2:33 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


A Democrat was elected in the one of the heaviest Democratic states in the US if not the heaviest. Over 62% Democrats year after year. That's like saying it's news when Painesville voted for a Democrat.

2008 election was to solve world peace, budget deficits, race relations and foreign policy. How's it going so far? Have any of these gotten better? Democrats vs Republicans. The US and the world have gone to he!! in a hand basket. I see one of the dirties and racially motivated Presidential elections coming in 2012. Don't think so, just watch and listen to the news. Watch and listen to what's said here and around Painesville.

If Health Care so great, why have they given over 1300 waivers to businesses. Isn't it suppose to include everyone? Oh yea, 40% went to Nancy's district and over half went to unions. Fishy? If it is so great for the rest of us, why the double standard? So Congress gets their special health plans and now, so do their heavy donors.

At May 25, 2011 at 6:42 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

The state may be 62% Democratic but New York 23 has been held by a Republican forever. That's the Late Jack Kemp's district and has voted Republican forever. In 2010 the Republican candidate garnered 74% of the vote. Ignore the results but I believe more Republicans will be moon walking away from Ryans Medicare plan in the next week.[Newt will wish he never took his statement back]
If socialized medicine is such a bad idea, please explain why no one wants to get rid of Medicare?
If you want to see Democrats regain the House of Representatives please tell them to stay the course with the present GOP plan. They only have to pick-up 24 seats.
Seniors vote in the biggest numbers.
And tell me again what a splendid job George W. Bush did as President.

At May 25, 2011 at 7:43 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yep, I can see you want nothing but Democrats in office. That's your choice. Tell me again how non-partisan this new POC is. With recommendations from you makes it look only pretty one sided. Again your choice. The result will be having people with maybe different ideas and maybe a different solution choose to stay home. Working together but only if you agree with Term. So far that's all I see and hear you preaching.

No officers. No web site. No mission statement. No spokesman but Term. Until this group addresses some of these issues and can show it is comprised of a truly political, educationally, professionally and financially diverse group, I and others will probably avoid this group. Maybe that's the point. You only want to serve or represent the citizens of Painesville who agree with you.

Yes you are a PAC and can run it as the group wants. Bottom line is that you are a POLITICAL Action Committee. My representatives regardless of party represent me. The President is the president of the whole USA and not just the Democrats. I expect the same from all my representatives. So far, I don't see the same from this group. I will find other ways or groups to lend my support. Still waiting for some credibility to shine through. A breath of fresh air instead of the same old same old political blame game.

Democratic PAC---Republican PAC---Non-Partisan PAC or Term's PAC, what is the real agenda or direction of this group? Again your choice and until I know more, I'll do you a favor and stay home. Probably your choice too.

At May 26, 2011 at 3:12 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just a quick note, Term, Obama's health insurance plan in not socialized medicine (in case that is what you meant), but I get your point about Medicare.

At May 26, 2011 at 4:22 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

7:43 Maybe before you accuse people of being one thing or another you should check with that person to find out if the are in a certain party. I believe we will support either party. Anyone that brings a brighter future to Painesville.
As far as what we have and haven't done your right, we have to be more organized sorry its not fast enough for you. The meeting are announced and you are welcome and so is your input.

At May 26, 2011 at 4:27 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

As someone who has attended these meeting, I can assure you this is not a local democratic club.
Claims have been made that Joe Hada is a terrible democrat, and Bob Fountain is a terribe republican.
Maybe before you judge you should check?

At May 26, 2011 at 8:08 AM , Anonymous Katie said...

7:43 pm - You make strong valid points, and I welcome that kind of input. One of the things we've talked about at the POC meetings recently has been community involvement. Just being curious, what ward do you live in? I ask because I am running for council in Ward 2, and would love to talk to you more.

Regardless of what ward you live in, your insight and opinion matters. Please come to the next POC meeting. We need more people to stir things up! I know I for one speak up and against some of the opinions and ideas of things that come up at those meetings.

At May 26, 2011 at 1:33 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just curious what the vote was on Obama's budget in the Senate???? Term could you post that vote for us since you didn't like the other side's.

At May 26, 2011 at 2:25 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

7:43 here.

First, I never accused anyone of anything. I know you (Term) are a strong Democrat and I can accept that. Can you or this PAC accept impute from someone who happens to be a conservative. My experience in Painesville is just the opposite. The funeral of Lance Corporal David R. Baker brought all the citizens of Painesville together for a solemn cause. Can this group accomplish the same for the betterment of Painesville? That's my question. If the only info about this group comes from this site, it brings the issue of non-partisan or credibility into question. Your own statements of Chester Bar or Chester Restaurant is an example. What kind of perception is projected if you say you meet at a bar?

I choose my candidates carefully and the same with the organizations I choose to volunteer to serve. This group should be about improving the city of Painesville and it's perception. It shouldn't be for or against anyone's political party. A person's desire to make Painesville a better place to live should be the only thing that is important. That's why I am hesitant to become involved if it becomes only a political love or hate group. A mission statement, maybe the election of officers and as I said a web site so people can receive news and notices of meetings will go a long way.

At May 26, 2011 at 3:42 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

1:33 Obams's budget was rejected 97 to 0 I wonder who the three were that mussed the vote.
Tough crowd. Democrats will sit on the sidelines and watch Republicans fall on their sword over Medicare.
One thing to remember we sent this people to Washington to debate, make deals in the best interests of ALL Americans and all they do is argue.
2:25 Are you making an offer?

On another note the Supreme Court passed Arizona's e-verify bill as legal making it possible for other states to do the same. Any bets on what our Governor will or will not do?

At May 26, 2011 at 4:06 PM , Anonymous B.E.WARE said...

Why Ryan's plan will never see the light of day. GOP think: "This will not affect anyone 55 and older?" So what is a 70 year old woman collecting S.S. to think? She has three children in there forty's that have been paying into the system over twenty years. Parent's care about their children even when they are adults, and know from wisdom that comes from age if this was such a great plan Ryan would include them in it to.

At May 26, 2011 at 6:33 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

2:25: Sounds like you need to go to a meeting and check it out instead of making bad assumptions from afar and/or conjuring up everything bad that you think COULD go wrong. Everyone is invited. Go participate and express your ideas. The whole theme is to help Painesville be a better place and to watch over how they spend our money (you can correct me if I am wrong, Term). You're worrying about trouble where no trouble exists. If you care about Painesville, knock off the "this could possibly be a negative thing" attitude and go to a meeting and see. If you don't like it, I assume you would be free to go. This is a group of citizens who took it upon themselves to watch over us. Go watch over them if you want but, really, I just wouldn't stay away and worry that it's not right. Go participate and add your two cents worth. At least this group is trying to do something.

At May 26, 2011 at 7:21 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term, thanks for the heads-up on the e-verify news. Very good news. I was just researching it, and it appears that Utah has put a law into place for a "guest worker" program where they let in so many temporary workers at a time. It doesn't say that it is just for the fields, but I certainly hope it is. That would solve the problems of the nurseries and farms that really do need their help and get them out of the other jobs that Americans need. The only problem I have with the law is that it sounds like each company has to have their own e-verify system. I don't know how much that costs someone. Seems like maybe there should be a state or county system that companies can use. Also there is so much forgery on the part of the illegal immigrants, that way the county or state would be responsible if they were fooled by the prospective employee and not the employer. I think they really need people trained in this area to be doing the checks. Sounds like a burden on the individual companies, but maybe there is more to it than I understand. Anyway, very good news for Arizona, and hopefully soon America, too. Americans are finally starting to take their country back in spite of the politicians.

At May 28, 2011 at 7:33 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

7:21pm, e-verify is federally run and there is no cost to companies to participate.

At May 28, 2011 at 1:27 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kasich won't bring e-verify to Ohio its not in his handlers best interest. He will come out with a speech . We presently have bigger problems in Ohio. You people that voted for him deserve him.

At May 28, 2011 at 8:09 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is 7:21. Thanks, 7:33. Yes, thanks to you and The News-Herald that had a good article in yesterday's paper, I have a much better understanding of the E-Verify system. Obama and his administration are willingly working on this, which I find surprising but very hopeful. There are clearly bugs to work out, but it is a fantastic plan. If all the states do the E-Verify, start a Temporary Work Program for field workers only, and stop the welfare for all illegals, that is probably enough to get out at least 95% of the illegals from this country. WE won't have to make them leave, they will pack up and leave on their own. That leaves a manageable number for our policing authorities to finish getting out, and to hopefully catch the ones that mean us harm, too. Probably soon any politician whose state is not participating will have a lot of explaining to do. After all, it is our laws that says they should not be here. And if they stop the anchor baby nonsense, that really ought to finish it off.

At May 28, 2011 at 9:37 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not sure why you say Obama is in favor of e-verify. He has fought Arizona on enforcing it.

At May 29, 2011 at 9:06 AM , Anonymous B.E.WARE said...

This weekend someone should bring up the subject of e verify to our representative Ron Young?
He's another guy in the hands of his nursery donors.
Talk about a hipocrite. Someone from the grassroots group shoud ask him to bring it up with a bill.
He's a MADA. money and donors before America.

At May 29, 2011 at 10:14 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

B.E.WARE, what do you mean when you say that Ron Young is in the hands of his nursery donors? Give an example.

At May 29, 2011 at 1:18 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

9:37: I know Obama has been fighting against a lot of efforts to get the illegals out. At the same time, however, he has actually done more for enforcement than anyone else has. (I believe there have been more deportations under his watch than any previous administration, etc.) I'm a Democrat, but I cannot even begin to tell you how upset I have been with him over his talk of amnesty and any resistance of his to get them all out NOW. That's why I said it was surprising and hopeful that he was working on the E-Verify system.

In the article in The News-Herald on Friday, May 27, 2011, it says: "The Obama administration is about to add more personal information to E-Verify, an immigration enforcement tool that is vulnerable to fake, stolen or borrowed documents." It goes on to say how they are adding driver's license data from the state of Mississippi to E-Verify as early as June 8 to test whether it will help them better identify people working illegally in the United States.

So Obama and his administration are working very hard trying to identify people working in the U.S. illegally, and to get them out. Thank goodness! I didn't see this coming, and I am very surprised and pleased. This really is the beginning of Americans taking their country back.

I think soon it will be very hard for Ohio leaders to explain why we are not protecting our cities and country by using this system and driving out the illegals. I think a Temporary Workers Program has to be put in place as soon as possible, so the farmers who need them in the fields can have a program where they get so many workers on a temporary basis to help them with their work. I think that that is one job that most Americans probably will not fill, and we have to protect those business owners. Then we will be free to get all other illegals out and keep them out. Ohio needs to start working on both programs quickly, and the Government needs to stop the anchor baby stuff as soon as possible while we are working on the other things.

At May 29, 2011 at 3:33 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

11:18 Now the question arises what will the Ohio Republican governor, along with the Republican majorities in both state houses do?
Will they pass their own e-verify bill?
Some of you better pay close attention.
Honestly I hope they do.

At May 29, 2011 at 3:36 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

For those of you who might be curios it HB 184.

At May 29, 2011 at 4:59 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

With these four things, we can get all the illegals out of our country.

1. E-Verify
2. Guest worker program for fields only
3. Stop all welfare for illegals
4. Stop the anchor baby nonsense

That's it. That will do it. And all the stupid talk about amnesty and, oh, we can't deport millions of people can stop. They'll take THEMSELVES right out of our country.

This is all very doable. And now that there is such a clear path, anyone in office in our country who is not trying to expedite these proceedures is going against our constitution and should be gotten out of office. Hopefully the citizens have clearer demands now and with some states starting these proceedures, it will be impossible for the people in power to ignore its citizens.


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