Tuesday, May 3, 2011

"HOSTILE" epmd

At last night's meeting Councilman Fodor made the statement that I was "hostile" to council.
I apologized to council if they thought I was combative. What I saw though was body language, as well as heads nodding by three members of council presently ready to vote for this $10.00 surcharge on our water bill.
T%his is so unfair it stinks! Councilwoman DiNallo made a claim that high users of water, such as businesses, should not be held responsible for old water lines. Really? And when that water line broke under on Newell St. under Route 2... who were the main users of that water? Lubrizol, STP, and the businesses in Renaissance Business area? The residents helped pay for that repair job, didn't they?
The biggest user of water in Painesville is our own Electric Plant... no wonder the city manager wants a flat fee per meter. Then again...maybe you could take revenue out of the electric department and put it in the water department?
Argonne Arms, Cobblestone, Tropical Village... all will be assessed the same $10.00 per meter charge a single family homeowner will. [ makes you kind of wonder why you would want to be a homeowner in Painesville] Plus we all learned last night that the bigger the meter the less you pay per gallon for water. This will pass if people don't inform their council people. Four are up for re-election this year so they might just listen to you. Another thought... if they get the $10.00 fee... will they drop the remaining two years of 4% increases to our water bills? Remember....that money was to go for infrastructure, or will they double up on us?
The clerk of court got his 2% raise in spite of the three council people who voted "No" They must have been listening that the city was in hard financial straits. What better time for a raise! I only hope the linemen for the city don't think his job deserved a raise but not theirs.
And to further muddy the waters flowing through ancient pipes....we can only hope someone on council finds out the financial benefit for this new Windmill Estate development, other then the fact that we will have another 144 utility customers?

I watched the whole meeting on TV tonight and still fail to see how I came off as 'hostile'. Frustrated, yes...hostile...no.

FYI... average monthly bill for 600 cubic feet of water in
Painesville is $15.60. Add the $10.00 flat fee and we're at $25.60. For the same amount of water AquaOHIO is $20.40; Lake County water is $20.94...Chardon water is $25.46. By my estimation this fee will take us from the lowest to the highest in all the surrounding communitees.


At May 3, 2011 at 6:23 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for fighting for us, Term.

Also, what about the extra money we have been paying since 2008 for infrastructure? Where is that money? Will be all get refunds after they add on the 10.00? Will they take that raise back off?

How these people remained in office for this long and how McMahon has stayed seated for this long is beyond me. Either people do not pay any attention, or they just do not care.

This is really outrageous. But still they just keep going on with this 10.00 fee to all of us. Very bad. I hope everyone in the city is watching and ready to VOTE in November.

At May 3, 2011 at 7:23 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The statement of councilwoman DiNallo, and the mindset of council, that businesses should not be held accountable for old pipes does not make sense. By leaving them purposefully out of the blame circle, they are saying that the residents ARE responsible for the old pipes and we should, therefore, be charged this surcharge while the businesses should not. Once again, we have stupid people giving stupid reasons to do stupid things. The argument does not hold up, it is not fair, and it makes no sense. It just makes me think "investigations" like so many other things that make no sense to anyone but council and McMahon but still get pushed through. Maybe you're not hostile toward council, Term, but I am at this point. They've screwed with so much of my money, and now here they go again. Unbelievable.

At May 3, 2011 at 7:54 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hostile? You just went against the Fodor way of thinking. He has practiced this technique since his time with the school system. They don't want anyone to see their dirty laundry, keep everything under the covers, and pretend everyt thing is fine.
Remember how they didn't even inform the community of the 50% grading policy, Why?
Why this city thought it was a good idea to bring this man into city government after the lack of success in the schools is beyond me. The most honest thing he tell us is "I got nothing."

At May 4, 2011 at 7:21 AM , Anonymous Einstein said...

Stupid people giving stupid reasons to do stupid things? That pretty much sums it up.
"I got nothing" yes that too.
Who on council which member proposed the $10 flat fee? Will anyone take credit for this idea?

At May 4, 2011 at 7:58 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your considered hostile because you don't drink the Kool-Aid and let them know you don't. To bad Fodor how much BS are we to take?

At May 4, 2011 at 12:42 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

So now we have Fodor chastising citizens for their attitude?! Term, you flat-out said what we all think and needed to be said. It's a bad idea, and we can see how badly they want to do it. How dare Fodor get on his high horse and talk down to a resident. I told you -- he fits right in. I would not be concerned about what Fodor says or thinks. Thanks for the comments, Term. I appreciate it. And based on the applause, so did everyone else. Too bad Fodor didn't like it, it was just the truth.

At May 4, 2011 at 1:09 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder if they will ever want ALL the sidewalks on Owego repaired again?
I don't think they thought that one threw?

At May 4, 2011 at 3:18 PM , Blogger Sandy Miller said...

something to ponder on this $10 flat fee per meter.
Is it possible to collect that money in escrow account if council passes this?

Is that something the POC can do as a protest until it is put on the ballot or we some how are given a voice to this absurd out of balance fee?

At May 4, 2011 at 6:16 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term, I have a question, and I am wondering if you know the answer to it. When they raised our rates in 2008 (or 2007?) to cover infrastructure improvements in water, did the rates go up for businesses, too, or was that just the residents also?

I would also be careful about McMahon and council telling us that Water Treatment Plant improvements came out of those increases. It seems to me that everytime I turn around they are taking out a new loan for improvements at the Water Treament Plant and rolling over all previous loans into the new loan. Not only does nothing ever seem to me to get paid off, but that seems to be where the money comes from for the treatment plant improvements as far as I can tell. It's possible I am wrong about this, so maybe someone who knows more about this can comment.

At May 5, 2011 at 3:15 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think a lot of you better quit drinking Terms kool-aid. Do you know what usually deals the death blow to a struggling city?, loss of manufacturing/business base. Ask Ashtabula, Youngstowm, etc.

And now you want to dump 20 million dollars on the few businesses we have left in town? Yeah, go for it, tell me again in 5 years what happened to this city.

People are always complaining about businesses moving somewhere its cheaper to do business. Well, duh, dump 20 million on our business's and lets just sit back and be smug and watch what happens.

At May 5, 2011 at 6:08 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

3:15 I guess we should just give you free utilities and provide you with first class city services? I don't expect the businesses to assume all cost, I'm looking for someone in the city to come up with a formula that raises the 1.2 million dollars a year without screwing anyone in the process.
Your solution tells me you want elderly and small housholds to shoulder the burden of this water increase and let businesses skate? As it has been mentioned a city council the more you use the cheaper it is already. We need businesses in Painesville but you shouldn't ask resident to subsidize them. Council must find a workable formula and quit with this lazy and easy flat fee.
6:16 When it comes to the city budget there is very little that is transparent like looking for a needle in a haystack. Council should ask for a line by line budget. I wonder where the money went also.
madpotter1 I guess we could look into it but lets remember we elected these people to oversee the city. If we don't like something we can express it to them and throw them out of office if enough people think they have made mistakes.
3:15 your reasoning might make residents move out. How many vacant homes do we presently have in the city?

At May 5, 2011 at 8:06 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is 3:15, way to twist around what I wrote Term. I didn't offer a solution and I never said residents should subsidize businesses.

I was writing in response to all the posters that want business to shoulder all the costs. I actually like a solution that would charge a flat fee per meter but the fee would increment by usage amount.

so smallest users might be $5.00, then $10.00 up to maybe $50.00.

If you don't understand why water gets cheaper the more you use I would advise you to sign up for some business courses at lakeland, then you could make better informed questions and statements.

And, I don't like the kool aid you serve up.

At May 5, 2011 at 11:10 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Read your comment again, I didn't twist anything. Maybe you didn't say residents will subsidze business but thats what the flat $10.00 fee does. Who mentioned dumping 20 million on to any business? I understand volume the more you buy the cheaper it is, its been like that forever.
No you didn't offer a solution but heres one base it on the size of the meter?
So if you have a one inch meter your so much a month going up from there?
If you could purchase water from another source would you?

At May 5, 2011 at 12:01 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

3:15 here again. Actually basing it on the size of the meter is not a good way to do it.

If I have a 2 inch meter and run water constantly 24/7 or I have a 6inch meter and run water for 45 minutes should I really pay more for the 6 inch?

The correct way is a flat fee based on usage.

an example:

0 to 100 gallons used $5
100 to 500 gallons used $10
500 to 2,000 gallons used $20
...and so on

Calculate the gallon amounts according to actual usage so you still get your $20 million over time and this allows small users to pay less and large users to pay more.

At May 5, 2011 at 12:58 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Now 3:15 you have a formula present it to council,show them how it will raise 1.2 million dollars without it being a burden to any one group.
Both of us seem to want everyone treated fairly.

At May 6, 2011 at 7:05 AM , Anonymous SAD said...

Just got back to my hometown of Painesville for Mothers Day...As we drove into the city the spring flowers and new growth all around didn't hide the sadness of the city...Roads unkempt...Homes and yards....Just a sense of lack of pride was seen.
If we could just stretch the Town Center throughout Painesville that is what is needed in this city.

At May 6, 2011 at 11:52 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Sad,

I just came in from pruning my panticulata hydrangeas, roses etc and filling my compost pile. The mowers in the cemetery have been going since 7:30 am as we have had buckets of water the last 30 days. Most of us decided we should build an ark instead of sprucing up the homestead. Since you live out of town I will take the chance up date you...... wettest on record by the way.
Most residents have spent April bailing out their basements or trying to figure out where higher ground might be. Hope your Mom is ok with the water situation.

Sincerely hope you are cleaning up your Mom's yard or maybe painting the house and helping with spring cleaning so you can help her show her Painesville pride.

I am going to go clean the moss of my nose now and see if my toes are webbed.

Been a month here in the 'ville!

Please feel free to contact a council person or city hall and let them know how you feel.

OH gee it's raining quite hard as I type the mowers are still going in the cemetery......

Geeezzeeee............ we are bailing as fast we can!

At May 7, 2011 at 7:47 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I watch the whole meeting last night finally! What was Fodor talking about? Hostile I didn't see any hostility that man just doesn't want ANYONE questioning council. They no what's best.
Ms.Dinallo what is she smoking? The way she understands this problem it's just the residents resposibility. Well Heisley Park and Liberty Greens have all new lines. Should they be excuded also?
I love how some businesses who are capitalist change there tune when it comes to a socialist idea like the $10.00 flat fee, same for all. What a bunch of hipocrites.

At May 7, 2011 at 8:12 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

HAVE YOU noticed all electric meters are all the same size and we have alot, alot, alot, more than 10,000 of them. may-be this is why the electric dept, has millions of dollars in reserve. may-be we need to look at this process. Thinking.

At May 7, 2011 at 1:37 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Electric Dept charges a 10% extra charge for any customer living outside the City limits. Just a thought?

At May 8, 2011 at 9:24 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If this 10 dollar fee passes council any council member that voted for this should be recalled.
Theres a project for the POC to look into. It wouldn't take much to throw out the bums. Lets see Painesvilles businesses save them then. Water rates should be charged on consumption.

At May 8, 2011 at 3:56 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 9:24 am, wasn't enough the hospital left, now you want to drive out other businesses?

At May 8, 2011 at 4:24 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

3:56 I guess you don't realize that the new hospital still buys it's water from Painesville, and can't wait for Painesville to run wires to them for electricity.
Utilities will not be the reason businesses will leave. I think the present administration needs no help in getting rid of businesses. Nice try.

At May 8, 2011 at 8:45 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term is serving up the kool aid again I hope our council isn;t drinking it

At May 9, 2011 at 8:50 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Tastes better then the water from Pville. aqnd no cost!

At May 9, 2011 at 12:29 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just watched the council meeting. Thanks to Tony Torre for pointing out to council that the hostility comes from council, McMahon, Gurley.

I'm personally very sick of hearing Fodor talk. Let him and Hada go back to lecturing students and not us, their PEERS.

At May 9, 2011 at 1:03 PM , Anonymous Dont Bother said...

To 3:15 - I've learned to not rock Terms boat. He has an answer for everyhting, the right answer and he is always right, never wrong. No matter if his information is wrong, which it has been. Or he likes to twist others words and is a spin doctor so he can say it his way not the right way. You've heard you can't fight city hall even more you can't fight Term.

At May 9, 2011 at 1:58 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

TERM don't got boat. I'm looking for answers. I twist things? Show me wrong information? Please is it O.K. to say its wrong without showing how its wrong?

At May 10, 2011 at 6:13 AM , Anonymous REW said...

To Dont Bother....your comment sounds more like our city administration than a description of Term. Even when I don't agree with him I have to admire him for standing his ground and speaking plain English. I just love the Term bashers on this site...they have a lot of non-specific criticisms and add nothing to any discussion. If you spent as much time trying to make a difference as you do complaining about those people that are active,8 then good things would happen a lot quicker. And before you peek out from under that rose-colored rock you live under and accuse me of being a 'Term Cheerleader'...let me go on the record as saying that I'm a cheerleader for ANYONE that stands up to our opaque micro-managed administration.

At May 10, 2011 at 5:53 PM , Anonymous Vorts said...

"non-specific criticisms and add nothing to any discussion" This is the very same thing term does. I have brought various wrong statements to term's attention and his response was either to ignore the questions or spin the response On occasion he has stated that certain formation was incorrect or not verified before printing. There is no truth in advertising here. As said on the other blog, it's either Term's way or its wrong.

At May 11, 2011 at 7:16 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

I think I'm very specific what wrong statements? adress them come out of the closet. TERMS way or the highway? I never said it had to be my way I am at least open to hear the other side and people do change my mind.
Most posts end with a question mark.

At May 11, 2011 at 8:51 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What other blog?
Could you post the URL?

At May 11, 2011 at 11:45 AM , Anonymous B.E.WARE said...

There is no other blog. It's all in their minds.

At May 11, 2011 at 7:03 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is another blog, but I think what 5:53 meant to say was in the other post, not on the other blog. The post further up referred to it being Term's way or no way. But, yes, there is another Painesville blog.

At May 13, 2011 at 6:47 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

what was the purpose in deleting my comment which was already posted? I think another comment was deleted also. What gives?

At May 14, 2011 at 7:48 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

6:47 I need you to repost them. I did not delete anything although in the last couple of days strange things have been happening?


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