Monday, September 30, 2013

"FIGURED YOU OUT" nickelback

What I have here are more 'FACTS' and Data provided by the IEEFA with concerns to the AMP-OHIO power purchase made for Galion, Ohio since the start of PSEC. The reason for showing you these figures is that Painesville bought the same amount of electric power as Galion did. Now how anyone can dispute that this was a very bad deal for all communities involved is beyond me.
Nothing at all has happened that was promised and for all of us to be sitting on our hands because we are to vain or don't like to be shown we were wrong is just plain ridiculous!

It's time the administration and council at the very least gets a spokesman from AMP-OHIO to a council meeting to explain what is real and what isn't. If that's asking to much than maybe its time to clean house. Don't believe the data or 'FACTS' than have AMP-OHIO explain what is going on.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

"AUTUMN LEAVES" eric clapton

Look it that time of year, less grass cutting more leaf raking and soon snow shoveling.

My question to ask today  is this is the time of year that I crave chili, macaroni-cheese  and less hamburgers and fried chicken any idea where the best spots nearby to for go for a great bowl of  chili? I love Stouffers Mac-Cheese but has any nearby restaurant have a special formula on either of these two items?
Myself I'm not a fan of clambakes but many are. Where or who has the best of those?

Any other ideas about a special soup or other fall specialties, that can be purchased locally?

Saturday, September 28, 2013

"GOOD TIMES, BAD TIMES led zeppelin

Well it seems Prairie State had a pretty decent August. Have seen Cleveland's bill from the campus and the figure came in about $65.00 MW and in the process answered an important question to me.

I asked someone I trust very much to look at the figures compiled of the July 2013 PSEC invoice where I claim a cost of $104.06 MW with levelization/ stabilization costs.

There remark was how do you know that Painesville or any other community has to payback those levelization/ stabilization costs?

He was right I had just assumed that these were costs that the communities would have to payback in the future.

Now back to Cleveland August bill along with the $65.00 MW charge for power. There was another charge that when viewed in the past was a minus figure the levelization cost. Now in Cleveland's bill for August guess what? Cleveland's bill had a plus of  +$100,000 added to there bill in levelization costs. It appears AMP-OHIO wants to keep that fund solvent or has to repay someone. What other explanation could these pluses and minuses be on a bill?

I will ask for Painesvilles PSEC invoice on Monday and see if we have a PLUS on our bill and then ask for an explanation.

Thursday, September 26, 2013


Some people got to have it.

Attended the special POC meeting at Morley Library last night. Members had two council people in attendance Jim Fodor, and Katie Jenkins we all appreciated them coming.

Before I go any further I have turned in my resignation as Vice-President of the POC. It seems my presence in the group, seems to attract criticism to the group from my position. Recently at a council meeting the council-president mentioned the POC  "as my little group" Nothing could be further from the truth. Look I will attend meeting but I like acting on my own. One point when the NO$ signs go out it will be understood they came from me. not the POC. Allen Watson runs this organization very well and he doesn't need the aggravation of defending me or my actions. This committee can best serve Painesville under his leadership.

Questions were brought up last night on the best way to increase revenue for the City of Painesville. The two council people in attendance believed that more cuts were not the answer to Painesville financial mess. I brought up the fact that on a $100,000 home this will cost the homeowner $1,000 over the next five years. I was corrected that the average home in Painesville is $75,000 and would only cost that homeowner $750.00. Fine now what do you tell the people in Heisley Park and/or Liberty Green?

We mentioned idea's from;
 Selling the Water Department to traffic camera's. Although there was agreement of mismanagement of funds for the last 30 years, we still need additional income to attract new resident's and businesses. I asked what business will you attract with the highest taxes in the county? Well good roads was the answer. Me. before I agree to give this city another dime I will let the roads turn to dirt. Sorry. I believe the city will be better served when we starve the beast. Look they brag about no raises but just this year the city increased payroll of over $82,000 in step, and seniority pay increases.  Over 80% of city employees live outside the city. They must know something? Our water bills are higher than the County or Aqua Ohio. Why? What have we been doing about our infrastructure for the last 30 years, Mr. Fodor remarked that the city has taken the approach of  "you can pay me now or pay me later."

There seems to be a reason for every expense from Human Resources being run by a law firm, to cutting the cemeteries grass. or even the amount city employee's pay for their health insurance. Although neither knew the amount. You would think all council people council should know those amounts.

No this present council seems not to have any idea how to think out of the box, or make hard decisions.

For that reason I will go back to my lone wolf approach.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

"MAGGIE MAY" rod stewart


It's late September and .....I'd really like to know how we got into this Prairie State mess? Well.

December 3, 2007


was given third reading.

  Ms. McMahon stated this is the second coal burning power plant option that is being presented to the City by AMP-Ohio. This is a project developed by the Prairie State Generating Company. It consists of 1,528 MW twin coal fired electric generating facility, an underground coal mine, a coal combustion waste disposal facility and ancillary support equipment in Washington, St.Clair and Randolph counties in Illinois. AMP-Ohio purchased an 18.96% entitlement share in the project or approximately 300 MW. The other owners of this project are other municipal electric agencies from Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Missouri, and Northern Illinois. All permits have been issued for this project and it is prepared to begin construction. The City is considering 10 MW of electricity from this plant, which will probably be more like 7.2 MW because of over-selling. There are 78 participating members from AMP-Ohio involved in this project. The request from those 78 members totals 417.5 MW which is 117.5 MW more than the 300 MW allocation.  Therefore if no additional energy is available each participant will be reduced on a prorate basis to a total of 300 MW. Therefore the City share would be reduced to 7.2 MW. The proposed contract is similar to the Hydro and AMPGS contracts and is a take or pay contract. The estimated cost of AMP-Ohio's share of the Prairie State project for construction is $3,112 per kilowatt or $3,112,000 per MW. With operatimg cost the estimated cost per MW of electricity will be $48.06 in 2013 not including transmission fees. This can be compared to the cost of MW  electricity from AMPGS which was $56. Included in your packet is additional information on this project and additional analysis that compares the expected market price for electricity to the anticipated purchase price of power. This project was also reviewed at the September 10th public work session with City Council. AMP-Ohio is requesting legislation from participants no later than December 15th.

Motion by Mr. Hada, seconded by Mrs. DelaMotte that Resolution 69-07 be adopted.

On roll call, Mrs. DelaMotte, Messre. Fountain, Hach, Ms. Becks, Messer. Flock, Hada and Horvath answered "yes" Motion carried. Resolution No. 69-07 be adopted.

Now council had to rely on facts and figures  by the city manager. Where did Ms. McMahon pull that $48.06  MW  figure out of her what? look not around $50.00/$60.00 but $48.06? Seems pretty exact. Where and who gave her that figure? Now at the last council meeting I stated the 'true cost of  Prairie State power was $104.00 MW. Finance Director Unetic claimed  $71.76? Now even at that price which I believe is wrong. That's still $23.70 MW higher than Ms. McMahon's claim and $55.94 MW than my claim does this still look like a good investment for the City of Painesville?

Elsewhere in the minutes " The City of Painesville's average bill is $53.60 and projected to be $69.74. The City's rates are reasonable because of excellent planning and good management." Now please prove it.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Somethings to ponder on the first week of fall.

Chili season; why are saltine crackers square, and Ritz crackers round. One step further who decides?

Why would people wait in line overnight to get a new cell phone?

Does anyone believe Miley Cyrus is a talent?

Were there any other idiot's but me that took FAMU +57 points against OSU ?

What's the big deal about Miss America being from India ancestry?

Why the stories about Indian people wanting to 'lighten' their skin, Caucasians have spent millions on tanning beds and the likes to darken their skin?

Sundays Browns game did it remind anyone else  about the start of Brian Sipes career in Cleveland?

Fall, Do we really need a pumpkin spice M & M candy? For that matter does anyone even like candy corn?

Was I the last person on earth to realize that the star of 'Breaking Bad' was the guy who played the father on Malcom in the middle?

Please feel free to add your thoughts.

Saturday, September 21, 2013


Many of you may not know Mr. Sternot as well  as I do. Ray pretty much attend all council meetings. Here is a letter he sent all members of council after the last council meeting.


I am always amazed by some of the discussions that I hear when I attend a council meeting. I am left wondering whether anyone takes the time to listen to one another about concerns/issues.I get the feeling that very little understanding is achieved. Is Council really listening to resident concerns about the lack of information on some of these issues? Also, I don't see a true business or quality communications approach to some of these items.

Let me provide some examples:

1)  The levies alternatives (concerns) presented by the Painesville Oversight Committee (POC).
As a former planner, I agree that all viable alternatives should be looked at when attempting to find a define a problem and find a solution. I would also agree with Mr. Hada that it would appear that council has discussed many of the items listed in the letter presented to them by the POC.
Unfortunately, I don't see where the analysis of these proposed alternatives have been documented by Council or shared (communicated) with the POC or the citizens who will be voting on the levies come November. Where is the data on the Website? What external communication has Council made available to the public? It is no wonder that there isn't more rehashing of possible alternatives. Bottom line? Where is the Plan (Study) documentation that led to the decision to put the levies on the ballot after considering a multitude of alternatives? Where can we go read that plan? In addition, during the last meeting I heard a person on Council say that maybe a multi-pronged approach to raising revenue might be a good idea. What is wrong with that? It appeared, perhaps unintentionally, that this comment was just dismissed. It was going to be the levies or an increase in taxes by eliminating the tax reciprocity appears to be the take-away message. I don't think always going to the property owners is a good or the only way to fund city services as many residents aren't property owners. I'm also not sure about the tax increase impacts. What  information has been documented AND shared  with residents? What is wrong if multi-pronged decisions were discussed should the levies pass or fail? If these were discussed, then where were those decisions details? The question, at least in my mind is what is being communicated by Council or understood by residents and voters?

2) Prairie State Power. I heard a lot about the presumed Prairie State power mess (?). But as a resident and, again a former planner, I've heard very little about the economics surrounding Prairie State and whether the decision to participate in this project (plan) was a good and profitable decision. More importantly, I'm concerned whether it currently remains a good/profitable decision for the city and residents of Painesville. To Mr. Hada's point "show me the data"! We should have the real-time data! The real question, at least to me, is what we're the original measurable benefits expected to be and whether those benefits/projections (actual results) are on track to be met? For example, did we expect the cost of electricity to be $X and it is at or below $X? Or is our cost higher? Did we expect our costs per year over the project life to be $Y and our costs have been less than $Y? Or, our expenses  coming in higher than expected. So as Mr. Hada suggested, we ought to have the (comparative) data in order to see where we are. But, I would disagree that we should be waiting for the data/facts. The question is don't we have them now? If not, then. Why not? How do we know the original decision to participate in this economic project is tracking? Companies make decisions and plans (plan revisions) based on the economic results of approved plans and contract language expectations and an on-going evaluation of economic data. Where are the costs and benefits actually versus planned cost benefits? If you as managers of the City's business say we don't know, then I would say that's  a profound management concern. Why don't you know? If I were Mr. Carson coming into the decision as a new manager, I'd be demanding the economic decision details. Finally, in the spirit of open government, shouldn't this data be available to the residents and the POC? I believe Council needs to communicate the results of this project on an on-going basis just as council has presentations by each department monthly. Only then can residents decide whether to support the decision or request a change in plan direction. Again, what is being communicated or understood?


I believe Ray's letter to council holds much merit. Let's hope Council heeds his advice.

Friday, September 20, 2013


To the good people of Painesville:

I have been following the ideas of city council for quite some time. I for one believe the levies on the ballot will fail for a multitude of reasons. That said, the latest solution put forth by the administration to raise city income tax is, by far, a worse idea. The idea appears to be to charge you income tax for the privilege of living in Painesville. Was this the true intent of city income tax?

Yes, Painesville needs to manage its money better. Do we really need all those directors? Do we really need all those employees at City Hall at the electric plant?

A few of us presented an idea to outsource the cemetery landscaping for our two cemeteries. A director told us that city employees could do this service cheaper. Please, let us see the facts. The amount paid by city employees toward health care seems to be a huge secret. Are Painesville employees paying their fair share? Why does the city refuse to release the figures?

From my perspective, the city has not yet exhausted all that can be done to save money. Why don’t we have a city grant writer? Under the current system, the respective directors write the grant proposals. They are paid their salary whether they receive the grants or not and I do not believe any of them have the necessary expertise to be very successful at it anyway.

Grants towards Painesville’s infrastructure, not  just for beautification projects.

We must also find out what other items/projects are costing Painesville money unnecessarily. A great example is to find out what these Amp-Ohio deals are actually costing us. I am very unhappy with these AMP-Ohio deals, but I also think we should see what recourse we have to deal with them.

I promise all Painesville residents that, when elected, I will never vote to end ‘reciprocity’.  Will my opponent make you the same promise? There is no waffling on this issue…it is a simple yes or no.

I believe raising Painesville residents’ property and/or income taxes should be the absolute last resort. I believe Painesville has not visited all avenues to save money in our budget. I would also propose going back to a line item budget. This would enable us to have funds set aside for all the needs we now seem overwhelmed with.

It is time to put Painesville on a more solid financial footing. Times are a’changin’.

 Thank you,

 John Murphy


All candidates for council are free to post open letters here. This is an open forum.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

"DIRTY WATER" standells

I wanted to at least view the council meeting before I comment on what the present City Manager plan as well as the solution to Painesville's flooding issue. (so much for that idea?) You would think that council would expect more?

At the next meeting two people from the University of Maryland will be present to map out what can and cannot be done. All four wards will have meeting between October and December to let these people become aware of the situation. Now combined with there analyst and Painesville's studies we can work on a solution to better work in tow.

I commend Mr. Carson for taking the lead in this situation and ask that he be given a fair chance to find a resolution to this problem.

In other news there was a story in Wednesday News-Herald 09/18/13 on the three levies that will appear on the ballot this November. No one can be against good roads, fire, or police. I will remind you to view the minutes of the Painesville Council September 3,2013 meeting in the visitor section of that meeting Mrs. DiNallo told Mr. Don Ware that if people voted for these levies  "it will free up money in the general fund." Look at least be honest with people if the purpose is to free up money from the general fund all these levies will do is replace money that will be used for other needs of the city, replacement, wages. anything. This is what happens without a line item budget. Look if anyone wants to dispute this you may use this forum for you present your views. I for one don't condone the use of fire and police as pawns to a new general fund tax levy.

The NO $ signs will soon appear.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


Well another council meeting is in the books.

Everything on the agenda passed,except an ordinance amending section 1125.04 relating to the definition of a family. That item was 'Tabled' and will be reviewed by council. It seems that in truth that defining a family when it comes to a dwelling even the Feds have no idea what the definition should be. As an administration and a council the most important thing that can and should be do is to protect the residents and the integrity of the neighborhoods in the city. For once let's not do the easy thing, please.

Another resolution of interest Authorizing and Directing application to Acquire and Demolish several dwellings for Flood Mitigation Purposes. This deals with the federal government including Ohio as part of the Hurricane Sandy recovery of 2012. These homes are around where Milstone and Gristmill were located. Why these homes weren't included with the 2006 storm remains a mystery to many?

Allen Watson President of the POC sent  a presentation to council members asking what can be and should be done if the levies do not pass. At a recent POC meeting everyone pretty much believed they wouldn't and wondered if there was a plan and included some suggestions. Council-President in his usual condescending attitude replied that the ideas had been discussed and wouldn't work. Well Mr. Hada did bring up many, uncluding selling the water department, as well as many others, yet at the same time he did not revisit outscoring of reviewing how hospitalization could be changed.

As far as my electrical facts they pretty much were ruled that my 'Facts' were wrong, along with no 'Facts' that would prove me wrong. Forget the numbers of  $104.04 MW we only paid $75.00 and that included levelization. Boy if only that was true. Wait, we were promised power at $48.00 MW what happened to that number anyway. Time will tell who was right. Think his AMP-OHIO mess is done?  Read the minutes on the city website of the November,15,2010 Council Meeting another AMP-OHIO deal in 2015 already signed on by Painesville.. If I was looking for a reason to vote to re-elect Lori DiNallo I found it in those minutes. We in the end will either build a statue for our Council-President or burn him in effigy, These deals with AMP-OHIO will be his legacy. Only my facts were wrong, mixed with angry glances from a city official. (you guess)

The city also brought up the levies again last night and "Reciprocity" was back on the table with a graph on how much it would bring into the city and cost residents.

Reducing the 100% Income Tax Credit.

If for example the city council decided to reduce the Income Tax Credit to 50.00% it would raise $800,000 for the general fund and and cost a resident working outside the city in say Mentor  making $40,000 $400.00 more a year in taxes paid to RITA for the city of Painesville. Now the beauty of all this is that YOU don't even get to vote to raise this tax. Only the Seven on council.

That said vote wisely in November because it only takes 4 people on council to do this. We should ask anyone seeking the position of council-at-large where they stand on this measure. Not only ASK but be perfectly clear. It was mentioned that 70% of residents work outside the city.

Sunday, September 15, 2013

"DARKNESS ON THE EDGE OF TOWN" bruce springsteen

Along with all this power news our city still seems to involve itself in thing I believe not in their control. Example Monday, Painesville council will decide what a 'family' is? From recommendations from the Planning Commission. Who should know better than them?

At last Thursday 09/12/13 Planning Commission meeting the developer of the 'Retreat at River's Edge' the one near  where Bank St. S.State St. meet. It seems there is a deed restriction for those Condominium owners  that restricts Section 8 rental, guess who wants to change that deed restriction?  It seems that with that deed restriction people can't get FHA financing, and must go 30% down on a conventional loan. My first thought was that someone from the city or planning commission would tell him that was out of their juristition, but they all kept listening, for over an hour. The developer even showed his intentions claiming after his  development was finished the city could reinstate the restrictions, like that would ever happen. As I listened I thought of Brentwood remember there would be no Section 8 housing there either?

The developer stated that there were some rental units in the development but those were being rented out at between $1000/$1200 a month hardly Section 8 numbers. Let's think about this. Your parents buy a unit in that development as their final home, they pass on leaving you with the property. Your presently carring a mortgage on your $300,000 home in Concord, your son's in his second year at Kent State, and you can't  sell or rent your parent's home at near the number you want....but you could rent it section 8 at $700.00 a month. With the Feds guarantee and well look $700.00 is better than nothing, right?

I remember the fight to build those Condos in the first place the Westwood/ Meridan area was opposed to it. The only reason some on council voted yes was because of the deed restrictions, now years later do a bait and switch?

Now in the end the Planning Commission let the developer 'table' this what ever it was without public comment. When I asked to make a statement in opposition I was told by the chairmen, "This isn't a public meeting item." He was corrected by Mr. Lyons claiming it was a public item but was an administrative one? I told them both that's why things are so screwed-up around here and left.

The comment I wanted to make was can five  people on a board, or even seven on city council change a deed restriction? Would it stand-up in court? Also the developer will take this back to the association for a vote. My feeling are if the vote isn't 56-0 it can't be changed because who in the association can change anothers deed? Look people stick with what a FAMILY is or isn't. Rulings on this one could cost you alot in lawyer fees.

Along with getting you into terrible electric deal, unable to keep chuck holes filled. Now they want to get involved in your deeds to your property?

Saturday, September 14, 2013


As promised here are how Prairie State rates can be checked by using these instruction. I guess I will have to ask where the figure the city owes in  'levelization' costs? In other news AMP-OHIO no longer calls theses 'levelization' these numbers are referred as 'stabilization' amounts? Call it what you will you're still getting screwed.

Found an interesting memo from our former city manager from 02/14/08 that by 2013 Painesville would need 70MW of power by 2013. Kinda missed that mark by a little.

All this is great information but where does the finance director gets off telling news reporters Painesville is paying  $70.00 MW for power just isn't true.

Yes Mr. Hada brag about the top ten lowest rates all you want but tell us when and where is Painesville to get the money to pay the levelization, sorry stabilization bill when AMP-OHIO comes calling for their pound of flesh? You must admit we owe it?  You asked for 'FACTS' here there are now show us your 'FACTS'. Oh and please feel free to pass these facts along to your buddy the Mayor.

Want to see how you end up paying $400,000 plus a month to Prairie State? do May, and July. Will it get better for us? I have been told the coal coming out of that mine is one step above dirt. Thats why the plant keeps having breakdowns.

Friday, September 13, 2013

"THAT SMELL" lynyrd skynyrd

Can't you smell that smell?

Look I asked the administration for information that has to do with Prairie State Energy Campus, that was after the meeting when council-president Hada asked councilman Flock if he was a member of Ohio Citizen Action? Councilman Flock answered No. Well Mr. Hada I am a proud member of OCA. and the information presented to me is starting to help unravel this screwed up deal that you led us into. Here are some 'FACTS'.

Yes, I had help these are some of the numbers I will present to council Monday night.

My question to them will be whats worse a council that voted on a bad deal,or a council when they learn of that deal does nothing?

Tomorrow, I will show you how you can figure out these cost's on your own.

Interesting article on the front page of the Lake County Tribune 09/13/13 look at the graphs and then tell me certain people aren't telling you the whole truth?




Thursday, September 12, 2013

"TIME IN A BOTTLE" jim croce

Seems  someone hacked the Blog.?

Look all it was was a story about Painesville-Concord welcoming TOWER 2319 into the fold? I commended both Chief Mlachak of Painesville and Chief Warner on a pretty good acquisition. If both communities get 10 years of service out of this vehicle it will be viewed as a steal.

So what's the problem? Look I was adding to this post. that all of us old enough to remember 9/11 still take time to reflect on that day. I believed Judge Michael Cicconetti summed it up the best. "I was angry then and I'm still angry now." Yes me I'm one of those still angry. and when I see this Syrian Crisis I don't see a crisis. I hear of 120,000 dead Syrians and I think that's 120,000 less people that hate me  and my way of life on this planet. Am I proud of this? No... maybe I am war weary maybe I'm tired of all the lies? I cannot not see wasting anymore American lives or treasure in the middle east. With any luck they might end up killing themselves in the end.

A thing of pride Painesville can take into account on this day is the planting of flags in Veterans Park. This dedication yearly is the results of two Painesville resident's Sue & Gary Betteley. I can only hope that this tradition  continues on after most of us are gone. As Chief Mlachak mentioned each flag represents an American who died on that day and is no longer with his loved ones.

Hard for me to believe we have lost so many in the proceeding twelve years and not one of them should be ever forgotten.

If someone was upset with this post, can't wait to see what they do tomorrow?

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

"HUNGRY" paul revere & the raiders

Well finally today at 11:00 am we found out what will become of one of Painesville's closed eatery's.
Today bids were submitted  for the restaurant as well as all property and fixtures.
About 30 people showed up but only 6 bidders seemed to be bidding. Bidding started out at $85,000 and slowly grew to $226,000 as the final bid. I was told the winning bid cam from the people that own 'Our Tavern' the old Sawyer House, that became Frank & Tonys?
I heard all good reports from 'Our Tavern' and expect quality dining at the old Chester's. My only question what took so long?


I almost forgot our new 'old' fire engine is in the building, that one big fire truck!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

"POWER TO THE PEOPLE" public enemy

Well as promised Mr. Carson sent me all the data concerning Prairie State, plus a whole lot more. It seems I was sent ALL electrical transactions for the past year. 18 pages of very small print. Thank-you Mr. Unetic.
 I have also learned that AMP-OHIO has now financed  $20 million dollars in levelization fees that all AMP-OHIO communities will be expected to pay AMP-OHIO back. Wonder if there is an interest fee?
The purpose of looking into this is to show you how much more it cost Painesville to purchase power off the open market as opposed to be locked in by Prairie State's false contract. Believe me its not a few pennies.
Look I have AMP-OHIO 82 page report to member partners. I have Moody's report for the(A1) rating of Prairie State. The Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis for Prairie State.

Another interesting thing I have found was this Resolution Authorizing the City Manager To Enter into a Rate Levelization Arrangement for the Benefit of the City of Napoleon, Ohio and it's electrical System: and Declaring an Emergency.
AMP contract No. C-11-2005-4440 Very interesting, how I acquired this tidbit when I was searching AMP-OHIO big wigs it seems the President of AMP-OHIO Marc Gerken was the one time city engineer in Napoleon.

There has been months where Painesville has sent over $400,000 to Prairie State and outside the 9MW of power and can't figure out why ...yet.

I will keep you informed.

Seems the letter Galion was to send to the Ohio Attorney General was VETOED by the Mayor Tom O'Leary wonder what skin this guy has in the game? All this over a letter? Who am I to complain the News-Herald shows no interest either.

Thursday, September 5, 2013

"HUMAN TOUCH" bruce springsteen

Let me tell you a tale about two different stories about customer service  that I encountered this past week.
One concerns Giant Eagle and one concerns the City of Painesville.

First Giant Eagle advertised a full slab of ribs plus a free liter of Coca-Cola for $9.99. Now I have purchased this deal in the past and must admit the ribs I received this time. Not so good, hardly any meat on the bones and the sauce was not what I had tasted before seemed very salty and spicy. We ate one and decided to take the other one back for a refund. When I returned to the store the person at the desk was very polite and professional. I returned with the one full rib expecting my $9.99 back I would also feel that I should pay for the Coca-Cola. With my receipt in hand the clerk mentioned that I had purchased two full ribs? I told here we had eaten the one and  just wanted a refund on the second. "No you were dissatisfied with the first we will reimburse you for both ribs and the coke was on us. What a way to do business, no questioning and I thanked her. She managed to turn a poor experience to a positive one when it came to Giant Eagle. This is how a business keeps customers.

Now the City of Painesville, First mistake I made was walking into the building and proceeding to the electric department to ask about why my electric Bills are being sent to my daughters house in Mayfield? A hand written envelope was sent there with the last bill and there seems to be confusion of where I presently live?. First off  the office worker response was lets blame the U.S. Post Office, fine but maybe we can solve this without getting the U.S. Government involved?
Well, let me pay this utility bill. I pulled out a 'counter' check from Huntington Bank where I do most of my banking. "We do not accept those checks!" Why not? Theres alot of fraud with those checks she answered. I mentioned there was alot of fraud with all checks, and nothing would make some people happy around here than for me to give you a fraudulent check. There would be a convoy to pick me up. Why did I use a counter check, well I do all bill paying either on line or with my debt card, it so much easier to keep track and I'm not screwing with a checking account. The reason I don't pay the city of Painesville on line is these people decided to charge a resident $4.00 0r $5.00 for the service?
Now I went to Finance Director Andy Unetic's office for an explanation, he's in a meeting. So much for that. Ran into assistant city manager Doug Lewis as I was leaving the building, he seemed to be as confused as I was for the utility department not taking the check?

Now come on Ang... why are you making a big deal about all this?
Well first off those three clerks in that office are the face of Painesville to most of us, and along with appearing that they are doing me a favor by taking my money, they all should spend a day with that person at Giant Eagle on how to treat people.
Oh, one more thing Andy and his little helpers should remember, when I pay my utility bill by putting it in an envelope and dropping it off at the box in front of the fire station I have always used those same check then? Maybe they accepted it than because it would be to much trouble to send it back, or there would be no enjoyment in telling me face to face "We don't take those."
This is what happens when you at the mercy of a monopoly. There is no need for customer service. Please pass those levies we're running short of money,people!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013


Really not much to tell you about. Two council people not attending,  Mike DeLeone is still recovering from a serious illness, and Katy Jenkins was also absent. Both were excused by council. With two missing you can not pass legislation.
Five items were on the agenda.
An ordinance to change employee compensation plan, another relating to the definition of a family. I believe the Planning Commission dropped the ball  on their recommendation. Sorry, these aren't 'families' these are businesses.

Number four interested me the most it was the same as last months  about an application for livable communities funding that was on the last meeting as a courtesy? Maybe whats needed is a vote and not just a courtesy,the council has to pass it?

An ordinance relating to the classification and compensation plan.
A resolution accepting amounts and rates determined by budget commission.
All legislation was left on first or second reading.

Prairie State came up when Councilman Flock read an article from Galion about Council-President Hada contacting Galion councilwoman Shirley Clark.  Our council-president told Mr. Flock  "you can't believe everything you read on the Internet." Although he did admit to contacting her he claimed no knowledge of mentioning fear for the city to her? He never did elaborate what there conversation entailed. Something stinks!

There was a presentation by the fire chief even photographs of our new fire truck to be here hopefully by September 11, 2013.

Forget what I mentioned in the visitor recognition, this council is just plain in denial.
Although  City Manager Tony Carson said the information was being collected and I will be receiving it soon. Than I will be able to present the 'facts'. At the last meeting Council-President Hada acknowledged that Moodys had given Prairie State an (A) rating on their bonds. I checked and yes Mr. Hada is 100% correct..... The people that guarantees those Bonds? Communities like Painesville, Galion, Cleveland and all the rest of the communities that bought into this deal. In other words WE are on the hook for the guarantee!
But, another visitor brought up the levies, with a terse comment since the city seems not  to be able to solve any of the different neighborhoods flooding problems no way was he voting yes for any of the new levies. He was interrupted by Councilwoman DiNallo, where she made the comment "if you vote for these levies it will free up more general fund money to resolve problems such as yours."
Now if that's not an admission of these three levies this November being nothing but "glorified general fund levies" nothing else will prove it, Gee Mrs. DiNallo freeing up that general fund money could than go  towards raises, or even into the Main St. streetscape,right? How does this extra revenue  help the police or fire departments? It seems like another rob Peter to pay Paul?

Sunday, September 1, 2013

"ON THE ROAD AGAIN" willie nelson

There were two comments left on the post "I FEEL A WHOLE LOT BETTER"  about EMS runs. look the first comment dealt with a person claiming if you sign-up for Obamacare all insurance companies in the pool must include EMS service, so am I to believe that  now the city will not have to 'eat' the cost of people without insurance if everyone will be able to have health care? This would provide the city with much needed revenue in my eye.

The other comment was how Painesville EMS is being run ragged for taking people to Tri-Point Hospital (I see them all the time on Chestnut St. returning from Tri-Point) for anything from a hangnail, stomach ache, re wrap a wound, anything that most of us would take to our doctor, or have one drive us, might even drive ourselves to receive medical attention.

Now while I have been looking for AMP-OHIO stories in Ohio papers I found an interesting story in Fridays Columbus Dispatch concerning Columbus Fire Department test program looking for a solution to this problem.

The idea: Reducing the number of paramedics who respond to a routine call would allow the division to disperse medics elsewhere, providing better service to more residents and reducing overtime costs.

Of Columbus non fire emergency runs that total 125,000 nine out of ten were considered basic ones, or responses  to calls such as a broken arm, sting, headache, hurt back or dislocation in which the patient is not in mortal danger.

Columbus present requirement that responses include one ambulance with two paramedics on board the ambulance and sometimes an engine of four firefighters, including at least one paramedic.
Painesville I believe sends an ambulance with two paramedics as well as a 'chase' vehicle with another paramedic.

Once a call is deemed a basic call the Columbus Fire Department sends one paramedic and an emergency medical technician. Not all firefighters are paramedics, jobs that require more training  and certification.

The lower-staffing model has been adopted by many cities across the country, including Cincinnati and Dayton. The latter also uses part-time EMTs.

"This is not a reduction in service,"Fire Chief Greg Paxton said. "We want to evaluate a system that hasn't been reviewed in 17 years to make sure we are dispatching the appropriate number of paramedics to the appropriate level of emergency.

I guess what he means if there is a bad accident or someone suffering a stroke, he will send the Calvary. If you have a stomach ache well it's any lower level of service that is needed. Less manpower will be sent.  This free's up staff  for other emergencies.

A spokesman  for the Department of  Public Safety  said Director Michell J. Brown  is supportive of the pilot program and of examining new practices.

Just something for out Safety Director, Fire Chief, as well as our safety committee to consider.

Only one entity wasn't sold on this program. I'll let you guess.