As promised here are how Prairie State rates can be checked by using these instruction. I guess I will have to ask where the figure the city owes in 'levelization' costs? In other news AMP-OHIO no longer calls theses 'levelization' these numbers are referred as 'stabilization' amounts? Call it what you will you're still getting screwed.
Found an interesting memo from our former city manager from 02/14/08 that by 2013 Painesville would need 70MW of power by 2013. Kinda missed that mark by a little.
All this is great information but where does the finance director gets off telling news reporters Painesville is paying $70.00 MW for power just isn't true.
Yes Mr. Hada brag about the top ten lowest rates all you want but tell us when and where is Painesville to get the money to pay the levelization, sorry stabilization bill when AMP-OHIO comes calling for their pound of flesh? You must admit we owe it? You asked for 'FACTS' here there are now show us your 'FACTS'. Oh and please feel free to pass these facts along to your buddy the Mayor.
Want to see how you end up paying $400,000 plus a month to Prairie State? do May, and July. Will it get better for us? I have been told the coal coming out of that mine is one step above dirt. Thats why the plant keeps having breakdowns.
So now we have the numbers and hope all of council and the finance director and economic development director have the numbers too.
I have to ask, what business, that uses electricity, would want to come here? Especially knowing what's coming in levelization. I am looking at converting to gas but the cost justinessential gas lines is thousands...... And I am a tiny little business!
Is there a plan?
Thinking business development might have a problem enticing new business. So we are back to taxing home owners to run the city....... Good luck!
BUT, BUT, remember JOE HADA, has a degree in urban development. EVERYTHING, will be fine, the man we can TRUST, just ask, JIM FODOR. REMEMBER THE PAINESVILLE PRIDE ARTICLE JIM FODOR WROTE.,this may be some of our problems, what say you?
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