Saturday, September 21, 2013


Many of you may not know Mr. Sternot as well  as I do. Ray pretty much attend all council meetings. Here is a letter he sent all members of council after the last council meeting.


I am always amazed by some of the discussions that I hear when I attend a council meeting. I am left wondering whether anyone takes the time to listen to one another about concerns/issues.I get the feeling that very little understanding is achieved. Is Council really listening to resident concerns about the lack of information on some of these issues? Also, I don't see a true business or quality communications approach to some of these items.

Let me provide some examples:

1)  The levies alternatives (concerns) presented by the Painesville Oversight Committee (POC).
As a former planner, I agree that all viable alternatives should be looked at when attempting to find a define a problem and find a solution. I would also agree with Mr. Hada that it would appear that council has discussed many of the items listed in the letter presented to them by the POC.
Unfortunately, I don't see where the analysis of these proposed alternatives have been documented by Council or shared (communicated) with the POC or the citizens who will be voting on the levies come November. Where is the data on the Website? What external communication has Council made available to the public? It is no wonder that there isn't more rehashing of possible alternatives. Bottom line? Where is the Plan (Study) documentation that led to the decision to put the levies on the ballot after considering a multitude of alternatives? Where can we go read that plan? In addition, during the last meeting I heard a person on Council say that maybe a multi-pronged approach to raising revenue might be a good idea. What is wrong with that? It appeared, perhaps unintentionally, that this comment was just dismissed. It was going to be the levies or an increase in taxes by eliminating the tax reciprocity appears to be the take-away message. I don't think always going to the property owners is a good or the only way to fund city services as many residents aren't property owners. I'm also not sure about the tax increase impacts. What  information has been documented AND shared  with residents? What is wrong if multi-pronged decisions were discussed should the levies pass or fail? If these were discussed, then where were those decisions details? The question, at least in my mind is what is being communicated by Council or understood by residents and voters?

2) Prairie State Power. I heard a lot about the presumed Prairie State power mess (?). But as a resident and, again a former planner, I've heard very little about the economics surrounding Prairie State and whether the decision to participate in this project (plan) was a good and profitable decision. More importantly, I'm concerned whether it currently remains a good/profitable decision for the city and residents of Painesville. To Mr. Hada's point "show me the data"! We should have the real-time data! The real question, at least to me, is what we're the original measurable benefits expected to be and whether those benefits/projections (actual results) are on track to be met? For example, did we expect the cost of electricity to be $X and it is at or below $X? Or is our cost higher? Did we expect our costs per year over the project life to be $Y and our costs have been less than $Y? Or, our expenses  coming in higher than expected. So as Mr. Hada suggested, we ought to have the (comparative) data in order to see where we are. But, I would disagree that we should be waiting for the data/facts. The question is don't we have them now? If not, then. Why not? How do we know the original decision to participate in this economic project is tracking? Companies make decisions and plans (plan revisions) based on the economic results of approved plans and contract language expectations and an on-going evaluation of economic data. Where are the costs and benefits actually versus planned cost benefits? If you as managers of the City's business say we don't know, then I would say that's  a profound management concern. Why don't you know? If I were Mr. Carson coming into the decision as a new manager, I'd be demanding the economic decision details. Finally, in the spirit of open government, shouldn't this data be available to the residents and the POC? I believe Council needs to communicate the results of this project on an on-going basis just as council has presentations by each department monthly. Only then can residents decide whether to support the decision or request a change in plan direction. Again, what is being communicated or understood?


I believe Ray's letter to council holds much merit. Let's hope Council heeds his advice.


At September 21, 2013 at 10:16 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm almost in tears from laughing so hard. Yes, the residents / citizens have a right to have these questions answered. But the POC??? The very name suggests a group of disgruntled folks who take themselves way too seriously. I see from there blog that Mr. Carson will be guest speaker next month. Now, that's a politician. Offering legitimacy to a group who on any other given day will bring him peace of mind to just simply ignore.

At September 22, 2013 at 5:42 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

A well written piece by Mr. Sternot, Thank you for that. Some points I think need to be discussed. Point taken that there is not a business model for how the city is run. You can call it gov't for gov't sake. Income and benefits for employees just to keep the apparatus status quo. There is no concept of (P&L), profit and loss, in city gov't. Yes, city employees are very expensive and the concept of monthly income versus expenses is not a practice for most gov't entities. There are many reasons why, police and fire are just costs, no income to speak of, try to cover fire with medicare paymemnts for runs and a small levy. But most of the the city's "business" is utilities, and they are not run as profit and loss centers, they have no concept of it. Spreadsheets are not set up for that concept.

Now, as a practical matter, most of the information residents are seeking is readily available, but you need to know how to ask if you want an answer. Health care, there is a simple one page piece of paper given to employees that explains their costs and options, go ask as I did, it is there but administration chooses to not put on the web. City cost, equally information available. Just ask for the city year end payment to the health care provider. Same with outside law firms, consultants, etc.

I agree that there could be much more information made available to residents, and by the way, council also. It appears that council is only on a need to know basis and given what appears to be administration agreed upon information. I believe the rubric is, council sets policy only.

Levies, a shell game from my childhood. Put a pea under one shell and see if you can find it. Don't be too hard on council, they are only working with what they are given it appears.

At September 22, 2013 at 9:52 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

10:16 I'm glad you got a laugh. Now tell us all what you have done to improve the city? This is sincere and dedicated group of residents who's only goal is to make Painesville a better community.
Many may not like questions they ask only because they don't have or want to give the answer's.
5:43 they are not run like businesses because what can they do with profits? Look if the electric fund has 25 million in a fund the only way it got there was to overcharge customers. You could live with 10 million for expansion, repairs, even to mothball the plant. It seems AMP-OHIO see's this fund as their fund and is doing it's best to liqudate it.

At September 24, 2013 at 10:05 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Begs to ask the question who on council responded to Mr.Sternot?

At September 24, 2013 at 1:38 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who on council spends time reading this rag

At September 24, 2013 at 4:00 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

1:38 Read the post again? Ray SENT this to every council person to their email. They didn't have to read this rag. pleas pay attention.
10:05 As of Sunday evening two had responded Lori DiNallo Andy Flock.

At September 24, 2013 at 4:26 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's be honest. Council's ONLY solution is to some way or another to raise money. TAXES they see no need to do any of the hard choices. If they ran for council just to rubber stamp the city business maybe they should just mail it in?
And anoth thought, Why was Fodor's street paved first? Sorry there are many more in worse shape. Another deal like Horvaths Greenery Ct. being paved.

At September 28, 2013 at 11:49 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

That street was slated to be paved when Mr. Fodor Was first elected and at that time he asked that it be overlook because he did not think it would look good to the public.. Now almost 4years later it's been paved I think all the other people on that street waited long enough. I drive that street every day it was a total mess holes down to gravel and tons of them


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