This post was goimg to be my 12 reasons we should start looking for a new city manager. A friend reminded me that only 7 people vote for the city manager position and to retain the city manager only requires 4 votes. He read my reasons and told me to wait a day or two. He wanted me to give my reason to someone very well known in the community and see what they thought. Well this person agreed to listen to my reasons amd to critique them only if I would not mention their identity. I agreed only because I wanted this persons opinion. They have dealing with the city and would not want to jeopardize this business relationship.
Listening to my 12 reasons Three were deemed unproveable or sour grapes plus alot of time had gone by. Six had a real concern to the city of Painesville. and three they took a different twist on then I had.
1. The city rating of last 76 out of 76 for safety in the suburbs of Cleveland. By Cleveland Magazine They wondered why silence on this subject from the City Manager/ Safety Director. She had Chief Smith address the subject at a city council meeting. She should have answered rhe article not the Chief of Police its her resposibility. What will she do to correct this article for the citizens and respond to the magazine. Is it the Fire Chief or Police Chief resposibility to answer or hers? Where does the "Buck" stop in Painesville? Maybe next year we won't answer the survey there's the solution,right?
2. Cobblestone Apartments without calling anyone a liar there seemed to be alot of well, half truths being told to council. As a coucilperson after that incident how could you ever believe anything that person told you without checking first? They were surprised more on council were not surprised by the true findings, maybe some knew? Now the question will be how will the leaders of surrounding community respond? Some probably love watching her dangle in the wind.Why? Has she lost any credibility with council?
3. The hospital site. She could have explained it to council that yes one route was to have a developer signed on. The grant can still be awarded wihout one. They asked me where I came up with an 18 million dollar project? I explained that Mr. Zaremba said 100 units at $185,000 each. I was politely told it doesn't work like that but it could be a project that could be from 0 to whatever. That the city did not put out an RFP out seemed strange, and that with a project of the magnatude and importance to the city, only one proposal was brought forward? Why was it a take it or leave it proposal? At least 3 or 4 would have showed the city was actively looking at all avenues for the best future of Painesville. Why was the easy route taken?
This person also stated that the city residents were in for a surprise. A lawsuit that will really have people wondering about the competency of the city leaders?
These are afew of the questions that people should ask the candidates running for office. Any other opinions?