Friday, July 17, 2009


Attended last nights Rental Inspection Meeting at City Hall. While there I heard the Steele Mansion was recently purchased by someone who wants to restore it. Thats great news for the Mentor Ave. Historical District and for the rest of Painesville. Now the rumor surfaced that there are some in as position of power that have decided that house should be torn down. Instead of putting up numerious roadblocks the people in this town just maybe, should be supporting this project.


At July 19, 2009 at 5:27 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

where did you hear the rumor and why is it credible? Have you asked Rita?

At July 19, 2009 at 7:58 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

From someone who has never told me anything that after I checked, it always checked out.
If you make waves
in Painesville expect the city's departments to come down on you.
Example I complained about sidewalks last year. Why was Meriden Ave. chosen? I showed the city pictures of sidewalks far worse around town. My little 100 yard street has had 76 blocks replaced so far this year with about 20 to be replaced. When will the city replace the ones their responsible for? What happened to the other pictures I showed? Chestnut St. had a very bad one they took it out and didn't replace it? What about the business on Chester St., no orange dots there. So you all know I never mentiom sidewalks that the resident was responsible only businesses, and ones the city was responsible for. I'm adding pictures now City property on Storr St. as an example. All I'll say is the city sets a poor example

At July 19, 2009 at 10:35 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now some of you know the reason people like to stay Anonymous on this site, some of us have already seen how this city operates. I personally am sick of this administration and its tactics.
This town should change its name to Utilitieville,Ohio. With the slogan being we can't educate your children or fix our streets,were last in things like safety, but damn we sell you cheap electricity what else can you want.

At July 19, 2009 at 10:44 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you email the coucil about the hospital site or were you just blowing smoke?

At July 19, 2009 at 1:18 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Not complaining I had one block to replace, did the one next to it because it was cracked, total time with help from family 6 hr's. less then $100.00. I'm more concerned about neighbors whos only crime was living on the street with me.
Three councilpeople responded [you can guess which three] They seem to have more questions than answers. I'll leave it at that.

At July 20, 2009 at 6:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

From someone who has never told me anything that after I checked, it always checked out.

nice sentence

At July 20, 2009 at 6:08 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

They seem to have more questions than answers.

This phrase is over used and doesn't really mean anything. Why would they be asking you questions? Even if they do, what questions are they asking you? Why haven't they asked someone who knows something?
And really shouldn't they have the answers? They should know more than us right. Are they just going through this as blindly as we are? If they don't have answers how come they are not looking for them? Maybe someone will give us more info tonight.

At July 20, 2009 at 7:21 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Who said they were asking me questions? One councilperson asked for information on Monday the 13th, and he hadn't heard back from the administration by 4:00p.m. on Friday maybe it was in Fridays packet? I starting to feel they don't believe everything their told.

At July 21, 2009 at 3:04 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Looks like the Steele Mansion issue is coming to ahead, I guess I can't make heads or tails of it. Use it for a Horror Movie Set? Added alot to a usually boring meeting.

At July 22, 2009 at 11:20 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wrong word the right word starts with Wh___ Movie set.

At July 23, 2009 at 1:20 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What is wrong with the owner? Where does the city get off wanting jail time? If he can't or won't fix it it will be bulldozed and Painesville loses alittle more history. COOPERATE PLEASE!

At July 24, 2009 at 12:56 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did the Judge give him jail time when he was sentenced? He seemed more then alittle arogant but what will that solve. The Mansion should be everyone concern.

At July 26, 2009 at 3:06 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

timothy herron ownes it. He also ownes Killerbmovies check out his webiste. He wants to use it to film there.

At July 26, 2009 at 3:09 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

killerbmovies is based out of Nevada no income tax to pay. He is using the Enclave Coffee House for auditions

At July 26, 2009 at 8:11 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Sorry can't find anything on the link you gave me. Please send more info. I'm having a problem with what you think he wants to do at the mansion? I'm don't know that much about movies but wouldn't it be more logical to use a movie set, or rent some property? This story really intrigues me though.

At July 27, 2009 at 4:03 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said... try that

He owns the mansion property it is cheaper for him to use it. this is b movie low budget. If you check out his webiste it has his picture of him. If you want more info on him search his name on google. "timothy herron painesville, ohio"

At July 27, 2009 at 6:26 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why would you rent something when you own it. I think it makes perfect sense to use something you own for free. It seems to me someone does not like the owner of the property. Term you have any thoughts on that? What was with the comment about it being a wh--re house, why would you post that? I would think if a movie were to be filmed there its revenue for the city win for all him and the city whats the big deal?

At July 27, 2009 at 9:28 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

You should see the things I didn't post, I thought this person was using a play on words, horror well you get the idea.
The condition the building is in now you couldn't do filmiming inside it, could you? Mr. Herron mention investing over a million dollars to repair the mansion. I really have no idea whats going on let alone who said what and to who?
Up until Monday night I never knew Mr. Herron existed, I wish him luck he's going to need it. The city won't do anything to refurnish Steele Mansion? How much are they spending on DART and all the downtown organizations? All they have are some pictures of what used to be here and there.

At July 27, 2009 at 10:31 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's my understanding that he has had engineers out to look at the property to see if a roof could be put on. I looked at the auditors page to see when the place was bought from looking at that it seems he was going through a divorce which put the property in to limbo, I understand why no work would be done, however the property has been in his name for close to two years now and still now work. It continues to fall into further into disrepair. So I guess this guy either needs to put up or shut-up. Really two years and no work and yet he has a million dollars. It would be nice if it could be saved it is apart a painesville history. If he cant do it the city should take it and restore it. Did he say other then a movie set what his plans are for it?

At July 27, 2009 at 10:54 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If the guy brings the place up to code, then he can use it, the city can't let him go in and use it the way it is.

Term, my house needs repair, do you think the city should fix mine too ?

If the city had come up with a plan to invest money into the mansion, you would have had a fit...

And the Papers had a story about Mr Herron and what he wanted to do, a long time ago.

At July 27, 2009 at 1:18 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

First off I didn't say the city should take funds out of the general budget to fix this or anyother house. BUT If the city had a Grant Writer maybe funds could have been found outside the citys money to repair it. The college and the city should have worked together to save that building. Wasn't that the home of the College President at one time? Sorry, I have a hard time seeing Mr. Herrons vision.

At July 27, 2009 at 1:43 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok enlighten the rest of us who never read the artical. What are this guys plans for this place. Will it be put to good use? If you dont want say what paper was it? I would really like to know what is planned for this great old building I agree something could have been done by now to save this place other then let rot.

At July 27, 2009 at 3:23 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term did the website address work for you? If it did you will note one of his projects is called slaughterhouse, which is in victorian mansion being renovated, sound like any place we might know. If he has to bring it up to code I have driven past that place its not going to happen in month or so and its going to take alot more the million to even want to step foot into that place.

At August 10, 2009 at 3:49 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey Term whats going on with this it seems like nothing is happening?

At January 29, 2010 at 1:29 PM , Anonymous Linda Robinson said...

To let all know it is the house purchased by George C. Steele,in the early 1900's, so there is a builder which is unknown to me at this time, I will do more investigating, but instead of what happened, who is the owner, and why is he in jail, I believe if there are real people that want to save this Mansion is to get together, and get a fund drive, or fight the city, have a protest and call the Historical Societies, etc. and make this happen to save the mansion from demo!!! Im a studying Historian, and I am devestated by the state of the Mansion since the roof caved in!! but I live in madison, I want so bad to do something, but I am only one person!! I would like to get people together to figure out if there is something we could do right away, Spring is right around the corner, and the city will not wait too long. contact me if interested!!

At December 10, 2010 at 11:31 PM , Anonymous Timothy W Herron said...

My wife and i purchased the mansion in july 2006, I then started renovating it. The goal was to rent out 3 apartments in the back as we repaired the front. I removed all the debris from the sides and back of the house, had new electric, as well as new plumbing put in. My wife took the funds we had for the roof and filed for divorce
Noelle was the one who told me the mansion was in my name, she also informed me that she wanted me do do something quickly, I told her my hands were tied as my divorce was not final, and the property was still in dispute.
During the next few months I heard many rumors that I found to be outragous, and bizarre so i contacted Rita Mcmahon's office and asked to have a meeting with anyone who had interest in the Steele Mansion so I could discuss my plans for it.
Before the meeting, i had secured financing for a independant Horror film (actually 3 films, 2 slated for direct to dvd, but one with a potential international distributor) I went in and there at the meeting was Rita Mcmahon, Noelle, Doug Lewis, Ed Cox, and 2 other men whose names currently escape me. Rita started the meeting with this statement "We don't have any money to give you." I was taken aback because i had never asked for money. I told all of them this 1) I want to start by filming in the mansion at least 3 films. I will use the money for the films to fix the mansion to better than the former glory, as i was looking into major structural renovation. 2) Then i would turn the mansion into a single family residence. 3) I would use the house for entertaining and allow local residents to come in on occassions, such as Halloween parties, Christmas, and other social gathering through out the year. 4) That I believed Painesville could be turned into a independant film mecca for Horror, and digital film producers as long as the infrastructure was put in place. I promised 5% of the films gross proceeds would be put back into the local econo
Timothy W Herron

At March 5, 2011 at 10:49 AM , Anonymous Jerry Lesandro said...

I have an original piece of furniture from the Steele Mansion and would like to know who to contact for more information about the house and possibly to obtain a photo of it before in burned. I live in California a long ways away. Thanks


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