Monday, July 27, 2009


This post was goimg to be my 12 reasons we should start looking for a new city manager. A friend reminded me that only 7 people vote for the city manager position and to retain the city manager only requires 4 votes. He read my reasons and told me to wait a day or two. He wanted me to give my reason to someone very well known in the community and see what they thought. Well this person agreed to listen to my reasons amd to critique them only if I would not mention their identity. I agreed only because I wanted this persons opinion. They have dealing with the city and would not want to jeopardize this business relationship.
Listening to my 12 reasons Three were deemed unproveable or sour grapes plus alot of time had gone by. Six had a real concern to the city of Painesville. and three they took a different twist on then I had.

1. The city rating of last 76 out of 76 for safety in the suburbs of Cleveland. By Cleveland Magazine They wondered why silence on this subject from the City Manager/ Safety Director. She had Chief Smith address the subject at a city council meeting. She should have answered rhe article not the Chief of Police its her resposibility. What will she do to correct this article for the citizens and respond to the magazine. Is it the Fire Chief or Police Chief resposibility to answer or hers? Where does the "Buck" stop in Painesville? Maybe next year we won't answer the survey there's the solution,right?
2. Cobblestone Apartments without calling anyone a liar there seemed to be alot of well, half truths being told to council. As a coucilperson after that incident how could you ever believe anything that person told you without checking first? They were surprised more on council were not surprised by the true findings, maybe some knew? Now the question will be how will the leaders of surrounding community respond? Some probably love watching her dangle in the wind.Why? Has she lost any credibility with council?
3. The hospital site. She could have explained it to council that yes one route was to have a developer signed on. The grant can still be awarded wihout one. They asked me where I came up with an 18 million dollar project? I explained that Mr. Zaremba said 100 units at $185,000 each. I was politely told it doesn't work like that but it could be a project that could be from 0 to whatever. That the city did not put out an RFP out seemed strange, and that with a project of the magnatude and importance to the city, only one proposal was brought forward? Why was it a take it or leave it proposal? At least 3 or 4 would have showed the city was actively looking at all avenues for the best future of Painesville. Why was the easy route taken?
This person also stated that the city residents were in for a surprise. A lawsuit that will really have people wondering about the competency of the city leaders?

These are afew of the questions that people should ask the candidates running for office. Any other opinions?


At July 29, 2009 at 3:16 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

All good term and all valid points. You mentioned a lawsuit is this coming from a painesville resident or outside and is it the city manager or counsil said person wants to sue?

At July 29, 2009 at 4:31 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Here's my opinion Term, you are worse for this city than the CM and most people are tired of your constant put downs of this city and everything that goes with it.

And Yes, some of us would be happy if you would just go away.

At July 29, 2009 at 4:37 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

1377.02(k) Discourage or attempt to discourage the purchase by a prospective purchaser of any housing by representing that any block, neighborhood or area is or might undergo a change with respect to the racial, religious, or national composition of the block, neighborhood or area.

So, does anyone know of someone that was discouraged from buying here in Painesville because of the content of this blog over and over again stating that the city will not enforce immigration laws and supports illegal Hispanics living here?

At July 29, 2009 at 6:30 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

1377.02? I would welcome that lawsuit, Won't happen you would have to let people know who you are. What on this post even mentioned illegal anything? Somewhere theres an amendment about free speach isn't there.
To the other comment whos holding a gun to your head and making you read and comment on this site?

At July 29, 2009 at 6:41 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really dont want to use Terms words but, "Sour Grapes" anyone? The fact is no city is perfect. This blog I really dont think would stop anyone from buying if they really wanted to. Term has not put the city down he has put down the elected official, by the way how many of you voted last time around??? My guess is Term did, so therefor Bi@ch away Term, you earned that right. I do not always see eye to eye with Term but write away this is called free speach just incase anyone forgot. Facts are fact Painesville is not doing to hot, so for all of you that want this to go away why dont you do something other then write on here because that does not mean you did something. I think Terms gets it do you!

At July 29, 2009 at 6:41 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

So does anyone know of someone that was discouraged from buying a home in Painesville because of the magazines last place rating in safety, and third from the bottom on schools? There's who you should be upset with not this site. It didn't put us there, our leadership did.New Rules... Lets sue someone who complains about immigration laws not being enforced?
This site must drive them nuts ubder the dome!
Mary Poppins

At July 29, 2009 at 6:59 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Rumor has it theres coal under the hospital property. Before we build anything lets get AMP-OHIO to dynamite and strip mine that area for the power plant. What? How do you thinl we get our coal from Southeastern Ohio?

At July 29, 2009 at 11:14 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mini Idiot

At July 30, 2009 at 3:05 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I find it interesting that the anon makes the exact same spelling and grammar errors as Term does.

At July 30, 2009 at 5:10 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting, If Painesville would of been in the top 10 in safety who do you think would have been front and center?
Its about time some one said what alot of us have been thinking.

At July 30, 2009 at 7:05 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

mmm ok he or she is going to write his own comments too? That sounds like quite a bit of work. It sounds more like people are having an issue with someone that is speaking his or her mind. What is shows me is that this person cares about the city, they may not always go about it the correct way, but at least they are doing something. My question to all the people who post comments on here what have you done. The city needs help and one person is not going to effect any change its going to take many people being dedicated to the city to make it place that it can and should be.

At July 30, 2009 at 9:17 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

we are doing the same thing as term, posting to an internet blog.

Do I get a cookie now to?

At July 30, 2009 at 9:34 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why can't you leave the article in Cleveland Magizine alone? we get the point. Its not true by your own confession!

At July 30, 2009 at 9:59 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

correct me if I'm wrong but the article is a fact Painesville did not rate high by your rule of thumb East Cleveland would be a great place to live not.

At July 30, 2009 at 11:50 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

East Cleveland wasn't even ranked this year, I guess they quit filling out the survey and being ranked dead last, so I guess we won by default. Why would you even want to compare Painesville to East Cleveland? Is that the city you want to be measured by? "Well it could be worse we could be East Cleveland." I personally consider Painesville a whole lot higher on the scale than that.
I will not let that article go until the city properly addresses it and makes some changes, so to change Northeastern Ohio's perception of our town. The days of burying are heads in the sand must come to an end.
This city is just not here to make electricity, and jobs for 350 people.

At July 30, 2009 at 12:20 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

As you ask everyone Term, what are your ideas for making the article right?, what would you do?

At July 30, 2009 at 12:32 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term not meant as insult only commenting on the "anon" comment about letting the article go if you were to use that rule of thumb then East Cleveland would be a great place to live. I was only making a point, but if Paniesville continues down the road it is really how long before it could be something like East Cleveland. At one time East Cleveland was great it has huge homes educated people ect and now it has crime, no jobs, and a corrupt city goverment and look were East Cleveland is no one wants to live there or work there. Get the point.

At July 30, 2009 at 1:43 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Painesville is a great City

To bad most of you hate it.

At July 30, 2009 at 1:48 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Sorry, My fault just feeling alittle defensive. I understand your point.
What would I do? First I wouldn't ignore it. second I would get a few civic leaders together[such as President Victor of LEC] a councilperson or two someone from the school board and invite the editor and or article writer even both to a day in Painesville. First I would show them the pluses of Painesville and then show them the minuses, and show and explain what we're in the process of making right, admit we have problems but show them the citys willingness to correct them these people will not be impressed by a dog and pony show but I believe an honest approach would make the city alot of points.
Invite them when Painesvilles having "Taste of Painesville".

Second the CM should get the local editors of the Tribune, Plain Dealer, and News-Herald together and explain that Painesville Muni Court covers an area from eastern Lake County to Mentor and they appear in Painesville Court that doesn't make the residents. What drives me crazy is reading a headline in the paper "Painesville Man Arrested For Breaking and Entering" only to read a Painesville TOWNSHIP address, people have no idea how that refects on our city and we aren't even involved. Hold them responsible for making corrections. Do you really think after close to 60 years Painesville Township changed their name to Riverside School District because of confusion? The word Painesville needs a makeover.

Recently there was a letter to the editor about some people who went to a concert in Eastlake and had their car towed because it was illegally parked. They said they would never return to Eastlake. End of story? Not quite the Mayor of Eastlake explained why their car was towed, and invited them back to Eastlake. It shows what can happen when someone spends alittle time trying to smooth thing over.

At July 30, 2009 at 3:18 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I keep wondering why everyone expects the CM to do something and we never hear anyone wondering why our council or council president doesn't do it.

The CM's job is to run the administrative duties in the city, it is city councils job to be the public figureheads, legislative and political representatives.

I think part of the reason some people get so upset with the CM is because Council is failing to do their job and residents don't realize a lot of this stuff is not the CM's responsibilities, it belongs to council, and not one of them for years has lived up to their job responsibilities or we could have fixed this perception a long time ago.

At July 30, 2009 at 3:33 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's time for a change.."Time to feed the soul" with a new grocery store!!! and vote Arlen Becks in as C.M. she knows the no's and can explains the issues in short but straight foward way... YOU GO GIRL

At July 30, 2009 at 6:22 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Theres alot of truth in the 3:18PM post. Painesville Council is LAZY! and are perfectly O.K. with the CM assuming as many duties as she wants. Even to go so far as to make charter changes to give her more resposibilitys and them less. Remember you get what you pay for $6000.00 a year isn't goiung to get to much in return. Figureheads is truly there job description.

At July 31, 2009 at 7:52 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is much on here on what should be done or is not being done.

Instead focusing on that why not focus on what you can do yourself.

This city does need help true and there is no majic wand to make it all go away.

So look around you and see what you can do. If you have trade that can help the city why not donate some time.

I read the artical about the food co-op what a great thing that started in a painesville residents gargage and is now too big and moving everyone will benefit from that. He saw need and just did it

or there is the owner of Steele Mansion who wants to restore but is running into oppostion, why not help him out if your in the constuction trade. You would save a landmark that is a part of this cities history.

Instead of waiting for "CC" to do something or the "CM" why do it yourself. If you see a need and you can fill it do it. Yes you would be donating your time and giving for free but the result would be a better Painesville and that benefits everyone and makes Painesville a better place.

At July 31, 2009 at 12:15 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, but I'm sick and tired of hearing that $6,000 a year isn't much money. "you get what you pay for". Well, if we paid this council more we would be getting the same amount of "less" for even more money. They are not worth $6,000, let alone more. These people need to earn the $6000 we give them. They might as well just stay home and we send the money to them.

At July 31, 2009 at 1:05 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

You get what you pay for? I was answering a comment. Maybe more qualified people would seek a seat if the pay was more in line with the realities of the day. Painesville has an 80 million dollar budget, I compare that to the Board of Directors at Microsoft making minimum wage. I agree some are not worth $6000. One is practically staying home as it is. Put people in office willing to go the extra mile.

At July 31, 2009 at 2:37 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is my understanding council members evaluate the city manager yearly? Are these evaluations public record and if not, why not?
Maybe its just one big happy club house.

At July 31, 2009 at 2:40 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lawsuit? Millstone, I've heard the same noise. I think Rita stepped into it bigtime!

At July 31, 2009 at 7:53 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Arlene will be gone this year? Take my word for it Ms. Becks has stromg support in her community. Of all the people running for council, Arlene Becks, Joe Hada, and John Murphy are the only ones that have turned their voter petitions into the election board. The biggest fool would be to count anyone out so soon.

At August 1, 2009 at 1:38 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

and remember, folks, its the top three people who get the most votes that get on council. of all the people that are going to run this election, the 3 that get the most votes get to hold the office of at-large!!!!!!!!!! so remember this nov3rd. and vote like you had nothing to lose and everything to win. think about all the things that are wrong with the city at this time and place, and what would you like enforced and fixed in this city? on your street, what do you have that is terrible to look at every day , day in and day out, every week and yes, even years. if i was on council right now, and i was constantly asked why this is going on and why this street isn,t fixed and why my yard is STILL flooded and why my neighbors are allowed to have 8 cars, COUNT THEM,8 CARS, in the yard and nothing is done about it. i would be ashamed to call myself a painesville council member. A VERY CONCERNED CITZEN

At August 1, 2009 at 2:44 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

How could you leave that comment about A Becks it was nothing but an ad for her, why post it?

At August 1, 2009 at 4:14 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

I left it up because no matter where I go I hear "Painesville needs a grocery store," Its just what I hear they want. Heinens has a prototype 12000sq.ft. store with a meat and produce department thats about the size of four 3000sq.ft. Convenient Food Marts. forget about any giant store it will be something on this order or nothing. Strange, one of the biggest expenses in a large store is electricity you would think they would want to locate in a place with lower electricity costs.

At August 1, 2009 at 7:59 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term for Becks

If you think a Grocery Store would work in Painesville, your crazy, why do you think they moved out ?

And no it was not Rita's fault

At August 2, 2009 at 5:10 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree, you are now supporting Becks by leaving that up.

At August 2, 2009 at 8:08 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Arlene Becks doesn't need Terms support she has plenty. How will $185,000 codos, work in Painesville but grocery a store wont? The CM said a developer must be om board with a project, then said everything is stil in the planning stage. That doesnt sound to ready to go does it? Arlene will be able to look to the goofs to her right and say I told you I wanted no part of this! Probably would help if Term didnt even mentioned her.

At August 2, 2009 at 8:54 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Arlene needs to take care of her own goofs, check out her places on Eagle St.
Why does she go to jail, for not fixing them ?

At August 3, 2009 at 12:18 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


Yeah lets bring in the over priced stuff. Thats a wonderful idea.


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