Heard alot about annexed property in the last month, some of it good and some of it not so good. The question remains is it a good idea? In the last 12 years Painesville has managed to double its size with alot of confusion along with it.
The city to my knowledge has never given a financial report on how this has all helped or hurt the city. Total costs in infastruture, legal costs, services have never been mentioned. Would it be a good idea to breakdown the different neighborhoods to see how each has benefited the city?
Do we now hsve "Two Painesvilles"?
I have heard from city residents why does the Township get the school taxes? I have heard Township residents complain that since they live in the city why are they using our schools?
We collect city income taxes on people who work in the city, or in an area that doesn't collect income taxes. As far as I can tell on a $150,000 home the city recieves about $150.00 to provide fire, police, road repair[snow removal] recreation and other city services. We also sell electricity, water, and provide sewers.
Finally has this growth caused other local government bodies to look at Painesville not as friend but as foe? Ask anyone that was at Thursday town hall meeting what Lakeviews Bluffs heard was the main concern about the development? Painesvilles annexation policy?