Saturday, May 23, 2009


I am getting ready to go to Veterans Park to view the "Tea Party" I want to keep an open mind about the goals that this group of Americans want. My question is do these Tea Partys move the country in one direction or another? Do most Americans believe Obama is a Marxist? a Facist? Wants to take your guns and other right away, or is he just trying to dig this Country out of a hole we.. ALL.. managed to gets us into?

Well I attended the Tea Party along with about 150 other people. Except for a few parisan jabs it seemed most of these people are fed-up with all politicans. Most seem to realize their team is as screwy as the other team. It seems that most were against larger government and the cost. I viewed an elderly gentleman rail against socialized medicine that he had seen firsthand in Finland and Canada. I bet this person is on Medicare at his age, what does he think Medicare is? We all want smaller government except when it comes down to something we personally believe in. No Confederate flags, no ugly posters just seems to be a bunch of people that want some responsibility from their government. Will this movement gain strength? It could but it lacked the most important thing a cause has to have. Citizens between the ages of 18 to 30 this age group always seems to be the ones that get thing done. Has this age group given up on America? and its dreams.

Sorry I didn't wish you a safe Memorial Day earlierm Say a prayer and thank a serviceman


At May 23, 2009 at 6:21 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term, Thanks for posting the wrong time for the tea party.

At May 24, 2009 at 5:25 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Noon to 2p.m. ???

At May 24, 2009 at 8:13 AM , Anonymous Badger said...

Socialized medicine?????

Do you want the government to decide your medical care for you?????

Do you want to put on a list for when you can get medical care?????

How's the government doing managing Medicare and Social Security???????

The people who are making the decisions for you are covered by their own insurance plan.

Do we need reform?? Yes. But more government red tape and paperwork. Let's see, we need to send you to our doctor to see if all that blood shooting out of your artery is life threatening. Let's see old man, is it cost effective to save your life. Doctors need to provide this info and not some government desk jockey looking it up in some rule book.

Free health care??? Guess what, everyone here can get health care when they need it. It is among the best care in the world. Why do you think people from other counties come here for health care.

When I go to the doctor, I want to see a doctor and not be put on a list.

I think that is what that old man was afraid of and so am I.

At May 24, 2009 at 10:19 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

The question to ask that gentleman how many people in Finland or Canada have lost their homes or had to go bankrupt to pay medical costs? Everyone can get free heath care? Let me introduce you to people that need operations or other procedures that can't get them.
Government red tape? Let me introduce you to United Healthcare Corp. You want to see red tape. Yes they even sometimes decide what you need or don't need. Insurance companies also have rulebooks.
If that old man is so worried why doesn't he protest by burning his medicare card?

At May 24, 2009 at 11:53 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What happens to your healthcare when your employer goes out of business or moves it to China if you live in Canada or Finland? This country doesn't have national healthcare it has national insurance care. That is not working.

At May 24, 2009 at 11:56 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

They made their arguement, all this discent and all of 125 show up. Maybe people do want change.

At May 24, 2009 at 12:44 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think Badger wants the government to decide whats good for us? I think Badger wants to decide for all of us. What next Mr. Badger if my daughter or I get raped you want to decide what I can do or not do?

At May 24, 2009 at 12:49 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Most of us are fed up with the views of the people that were on the square? Yes, we did that last November, talk about SORE LOSERS

At May 24, 2009 at 3:54 PM , Anonymous Badger said...

I said reform in case you didn't read it. I also said that each one of us should be able to choose our health care and doctor. I never mention once that I was choosing your health care. I want to be able to choose my own and not have the government tell me. I also don't like HMO's for that reason.

This country needs to reform health care. Just in case you were not aware, a hospital can not refuse to see anyone. Just go to our emergency room at Lake East. I happen to think that the government isn't the most efficient group when it comes to running health care.

Name something else they administer smoothly. Balanced budget, FEMA, Social Security and Medicare about to go broke, our tax codes, our borders, and maybe the political corruption in congress come to mind.

The old man, who ever he is, burn his medicare card. Sorry to inform you, but he was forced to go on medicare when he retired. All of us are. Oh, and he also paid into the system most of his life and is worried all that money might be gone before he dies.

Karen, What in the he** does health care reform have to do with rape? The government decide what's good for you and your daughter, good luck.

I want a choice and see nothing wrong in that. Reform the government we have then let's work on health care. That's something I might trust my health with.

At May 24, 2009 at 4:12 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think thats going to happen Karen. Keep dreaming.

At May 24, 2009 at 4:37 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Karen, that is just a plain stupid comment.
Canadians come to the US border cities and use our facilities for their emergency care. Just like the illegal immigrants. They can't get emergency care for a lot of situations in Canada. So in essence, we are supporting the Canadian health care system, the same as we are supporting all of Mexico. Get real, we can't afford this. You people need to open your eyes and start reading other than what main stream media crams down your throat.

At May 24, 2009 at 5:02 PM , Anonymous Badger said...

A health care system more affordable and available to everyone is what I call reform. Government, I don't think is the answer. There is no such thing as free.

Funny thing is that people here don't like Rita and Council deciding things like street repair, salaries and annexing land that they have to provide services for. Imagine the uproar about something more personal and vital, such as your own health care.

Stop and think for a minute about what this will do.

At May 24, 2009 at 5:16 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

18 to 30 year olds are the Obama generation. Of course they're not at the tea party.

At May 24, 2009 at 8:23 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Badger, You agree there is a problem but you have no solution? If the solution is not with the government, who is the solution with? Its hard to follow someone who says this is wrong, but has no answer.

At May 24, 2009 at 8:38 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

18 to 30 year olds is what your movement needs but you have to wonder why you can't?

At May 25, 2009 at 12:22 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Badger said... Just in case you were not aware, a hospital can not refuse to see anyone. Just go to our emergency room at Lake East.>>

And, when the hospital gives you a prescription for medicine, then what?

At May 25, 2009 at 12:25 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I travel to Canada. I ask the people about their National Healthcare. They all love it!

At May 25, 2009 at 5:34 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I may not know what the answer is, but I certainly know what the answer is not. and that is national health care and a socialized country. It has nothing with being "sore losers". It has to do with being absolutely terrified of where this country is heading under Obama's direction. National health care is just another word for euthenasia, and that's a fact. You will be evaluated to see if you are worth the treatment for a condition. If is is considered that you don't have that many years left to contribute to society, then treatment is withheld. We would not have the option like Canada and cross the border to get our treatment. Canada must be shaking in their shoes to see their treatments going down the drain with ours. Where will they go then? Six feet under with us.

At May 25, 2009 at 6:05 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

the solution would be TERM , KAREN, RELLIK, BADGER, MAD POTTER, CHARTERLADY, ETHEL, JT, JOE,FEELEY,TOUCHY, CITY HALL EMPLOYEE 1 & 2 & 3. BUNKY AND SEVERAL more their names come to me now. solution pay your own health insurance same as you pay for your own auto, home, life insurance's. how about this idea. let us know your thought's. another city hall employee.... ps. this would make health insurance affordable because all 300 million american's would be shopping.

At May 25, 2009 at 6:11 AM , Anonymous Badger said...

150 people at a Tea Party. More than a council meeting.

How many attend council meetings. The same half dozen or so. They don't get council to listen do they.

We need to get more people involved to get our elected officials to listen. Imagine what could get done if they got organized and involved. Look what happen when the Diamond group came to council over and over. They got council and the builder to listen.

Do I have the answer, NO. Does any one person that attended the Tea Party have the answer, NO. Get a group of people organized and full of ideas and someone might just be listening. Here that. That just might be the sound of democracy in action. I think it's time to get in the game and stop whining from the bleachers or sidelines.

At May 25, 2009 at 6:18 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Does your solution include maddog, Badger, JT. All City of Painesville employees? The City Manager stated at a council meeting a couple of weeks ago City health care costs had risen 30% in the past year. I'm sure all your fellow employees would get in line to opt out of their insurance.
It's good to know you listen to Rush Limbaugh for solutions, just remember you don't make his money.

At May 25, 2009 at 6:27 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

I agree with Badger's comment, no matter what your views get involved. If that Heisley Park group of people would have gone to only one or two meetings nothing would have been done. Once the City Administration realized these people aren't going away solutions were forthcoming. Government starts at city council meeting, and school board meeting. Even County Commissioner Meetings.
If you want change you have to let your views known. Thanks Badger we might be getting somewhere.

At May 25, 2009 at 6:29 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

let us keep more of our own money so we can pay for the rises in cost of living and taking care of our own.


At May 25, 2009 at 7:31 AM , Anonymous GNFF said...

I'm on the fence about so-called "socialized health care" but our existing system is certainly badly broken, I think we can all agree on that. To me it's like the tax code, it's gotten so huge and convoluted and complex that it's really difficult to understand much less fix. And that certainly benefits the insurance company execs who just keep raking it in, doesn't it?

In my opinion the biggest problem with health care in this country is that it's become big business. In the existing mess, health care providers have to battle insurers to give proper care. If your insurance company says it's time for you to go home from the hospital and they won't pay for a longer stay, guess what, you go home, ready or not. Your doctor will have to fight tooth and nail to extend your stay.

I'm lucky to have good coverage. So I pulled out some statements from over the last couple years. So, one time I had a bunch of bloodwork done. Amount billed: $648. Amount ALLOWED and PAID BY PLAN: $168.48. What, that's $479.52 that just goes "poof"? Another one. A mammogram. Billed $178. Allowed and paid $46.28. $131.72 went - where? There is always a billed amount, an excluded amount, an amount allowed and paid. I guess my question is if Jane Private Pay goes for a mammogram, she pays $178? And who comes up with these charges? Is it that the bills are unreasonable to start with, so the insurer says "Nuh uh, we're not paying that much" so the provider says "OK, we do business with you so we'll give you a huge discount and sock it to the next guy." ??

And how much choice do most of us have now, about where we get health care? Unless you're independently wealthy and can pay your own way, you go where your insurance company says you can go.

My thoughts are that we need to get health care out of the hands of big business and we need to bring costs down. How do we do those things?

At May 25, 2009 at 7:54 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

TERM the health insurance cost shouldn't be a item of cost for any business. as for the city employee's they wouldn't have to line up to opt out of tax payer's paid health coverage provided for them now. a working council wouldn't have passed this nonsense. the cost has become to expensive. ANOTHER CITY HALL EMPLOYEE...

At May 25, 2009 at 9:51 AM , Anonymous Badger said...

Finally someone is listening. I'm not the solution. You are not the solution.

Everyone here has to be the solution. Get involved. Go to a meeting. Call your congressman, over and over. We are stuck with what we have because no one is listening to us.

My position all along has been


Being patriotic ain't bad either. Remember our veterans. Today and always.

At May 25, 2009 at 11:00 AM , Anonymous Badger said...

18-30 year olds. I will add single to that group too.

Where are they?

I'd like to know myself. They came out in numbers to vote in November, but where are they now that it comes time to get involved and tell your elected officials what they think.

I don't see them at city council meetings. I don't think they include Term, Maddog, JT, or the rest of the regulars here. When was the last time you had a intelligent conversation with a single 18-30 year old person. One where they knew who their representatives were and could back up their stance on an issue with facts and not just because the Republicans or the Democrats suck.

If you truly want change, then contact your representatives and tell them how you want them to vote. They told you who to vote for when they were campaigning, now it's time for you to tell them how to vote now that they got the job.

This Tea Party was one way to tell them. A group of 150 or so made a point to show everyone how they feel about taxes. That's how important it was to them.

You have something important to say. Then step up to the plate. The government is


At May 25, 2009 at 11:51 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

GNFF You hit heath care costs right on the head. Your insurance company only will pay X amount and the balance goes poof! Except it you are uninsured then they want the full amount. Some Judge somewhere has to tell the hospitals if you will except an amount from a carrier that is your normal and resonal cost of your service. Going to the hospital every service provided should cost everyone the same. Then cut the charde of some hospitals being not for profit, LHS makes a hoke out of this. Where did all the money come to build the new hospital, and to pay the highest CEO in Lake County?

At May 25, 2009 at 12:02 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where are the 18 to 30 year olds? The government learned about 40 years ago you don't want to educate this student about the Consitution or the Bill of Rights he she may than expect the government to follow them. We as a society don't educate our children to question goverment only follow what whoever is in charge. No more Watergates, or Viet Nams just listen we know whats best. Most graduates this year can tell you what spider is on the indangered list, but have no clue what any of the amendments are.Why? American Idol. WWF, Paris Hilton, Drugs all distractions.
Mr. Rellik

At May 25, 2009 at 12:15 PM , Anonymous Badger said...

Hospitals will bill everyone involved the maximum they hope to collect. Increase what a certain care pays and the hospital automatically increases their bill to max their income. This has nothing to do with how much that service or test costs. It's built into the system to maximize income. How do you think they can afford all the high salaries and facilities.

Body shops work on the same principal and so do most government contracts. Cost savings are not important because someone else is paying the bill, be it the insurance company or the taxpayer. There is always plenty off money to get form them.

Remember, we all pay for this in higher insurance rates and taxes.

Do we really want only one car maker, one political party, or one health care provider. Just one choice isn't freedom. The government didn't make this country great. The people did. All the people.

To any service man or women here,


At May 25, 2009 at 4:29 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hal Werner read to the people again? Being a City School employee he must know better then any of us, that people in town can't read. Hal's your leader good luck!

At May 25, 2009 at 8:13 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Just a thought: Healthcare will bankrupt our country and just the other day my eye doctor was bragging about the new airplane, he just purchased! WTF!

At May 26, 2009 at 3:20 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Sorry, I never question a doctors salary. They proform at something most of us have no concept. The doctors aren't the problem the hospitals and insurance companys are.

At May 26, 2009 at 9:41 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

most of the 18-30 year olds i know are out busting their tails to try to make ends meet or in the service.


At May 26, 2009 at 12:05 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

18-30 year olds and as Badger said "single"

Until most people have real responsibilities such as a family or home ownership, they don't realize the long term effects of these policies until it hits them in the wallet and effects their futures. Just having enough money to go to the bars on the weekend isn't that important to our futures.

At May 26, 2009 at 12:54 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Karen, You sound like a goodie two shoes, liberal until you think someone might rape you.

Now you want to attack someone. Don't like it when it might be personal??

Terrorism is personal. Because sooner or later they will be after you.

At May 26, 2009 at 2:33 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't want you or Badger or anyone else taking my choices away if that rape would end in a pregnacy.
Terrorism is personal? No its random they really dont care which American they kill, conservative, liberal, white, black, rich, poor. Osama Bin Ladens happiest day? 9-11-01. Second happiest day? The day "W" invaded Iraq. Maybe someone should have taken him out before we went looking for the Axis of Evil? What did Bush call them the evildoers.We have made this idiot a hero in some parts of the world.

At May 26, 2009 at 3:09 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

In addition to border czar Bersin, we have energy czar Carol Browner, urban czar Adolfo Carrion, Jr., infotech czar Vivek Kundra, faith-based czar Joshua DuBois, health reform czar Nancy-Ann DeParle, new TARP czar Herb Allison, stimulus accountability czar Earl Devaney, non-proliferation czar Gary Samore, terrorism czar John Brennan, regulatory czar Cass Sunstein, drug czar Gil Kerlikowske, and Guantanamo closure czar Daniel Fried. We also have a host of special envoys that fall into the czar category including AfPak special envoy Richard Holbrooke, Mideast peace envoy George Mitchell, special advisor for the Persian Gulf and Southwest Asia Dennis Ross, Sudan special envoy J. Scott Gration and climate special envoy Todd Stern. That's 18.

Of coarse we have a CAR czar too.

Now we get a Supreme Court Justice nominee who thinks policy can be dictated by the judicial system. Her words.

And you are worried about a few people protesting higher taxes.

I think we have bigger problems.

At May 26, 2009 at 4:51 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

TERM>> said...
Sorry, I never question a doctors salary. They proform at something most of us have no concept. The doctors aren't the problem the hospitals and insurance companys are.
It's not what the doctors charge, it's the fact the general population cannot afford what they charge! We all are taking wage cuts, why not them?

At May 26, 2009 at 5:12 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I remember the days when doctors lived well, but I did NOT expect them live like rock stars.

They do now!

Some treat their patients like cash machines ... writing prescriptions they don't really "need" so the patient has to keep coming back for follow-ups and refills.

At May 26, 2009 at 6:44 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Karen, you are taking this blog personal by saying someone is coming to rape you. Terrorism is personal when they come after you. You are the one who is saying they are going to rape you or your daughter.

Does this reasoning sound absurd to you. Well bringing up the issue of rape is absurd to the rest of us.

Do us a favor and keep quiet unless you have something logical to say.

At May 26, 2009 at 9:33 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Canadians talk to Americans about health care:

Do you think the American corporate media would tolerate these voices to be heard here? Nope....they're going to seek out every person in Canada who has had issues with their health care system and put their complaints in 24-7 rotation in the American media....It's not reality that's the perception of reality.

At May 27, 2009 at 3:18 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Karen, can answer for herself and she can correct me but I thnk she is pro-choice and wouldn't want Badger, or anyone in government telling her she would have to carry a baby that was caused by a rape. Tea Party pro-Life?

At May 27, 2009 at 5:30 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The liberal american mainstream media will never report on any complaints against national health care.
And, Karen, I was having a hard time figuring you out. Now I know that you are just another Bush hater and you have thrown the ability to think out the door. You can join TERM in your Obama lovefest. The rest of us will work to pay for it.

At May 27, 2009 at 6:45 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

when those big companies were making big profits why did they not share the wealth with us taxpayers. now they are hurting and demanding our money for their bad actions.

i think we should have let them go bankrupt, other companies would then step up to the plate but that would be capitalism. socialism is taking a strong root. we are rewarding complacency, laziness and greed.

one of the 150 that stood up and spoke out last saturday.


At May 27, 2009 at 7:49 AM , Anonymous Badger said...

I'd like to know when I said I wanted to take Karen's choices or anyone else's away from them.

One health care provider, the government, doesn't give you a choice. They choose for you. The doctors you must see, the hospital you must go to, and when you will get to see a doctor or go to the hospital.

Is my health care expensive, you can be sure it is. If you think nationalized health care will be free, think again. Some one still pays. The doctors, nurses, and hospitals won't stop getting paid. No one works for free. We all will pay some way or the other. Nothing is free.

Today's private health care is driven by profits. Today's government health care, Medicare and Medicaid, are bogged down with bureaucracy and red tape.

We need a system that will still allow profits and encourage competition and help streamline the red tape and control costs. Bureaucracy must be kept out of the equation.

I repeat, I am for choice in health care. I just want to keep the bureaucracy out of my health care.

By definition,

bureaucracy |byoŏˈräkrəsē|
noun ( pl. -cies)
a system of government in which most of the important decisions are made by state officials rather than by elected representatives.
• a state or organization governed or managed according to such a system.
• the officials in such a system, considered as a group or hierarchy.
• excessively complicated administrative procedure, seen as characteristic of such a system : the unnecessary bureaucracy in local government.

Who do you think should make your health care decisions? You and the doctor or some government official who probably couldn't be fired for screwing up.

I want choice. Since I will be paying for my health care anyway, I want to choose who, what and when for health care.

At May 27, 2009 at 9:37 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Badger just a question is your healthcare provided by your employer or do you pay for it out of pocket? Not a trick question because I know very few people that pay out of pocket?

At May 27, 2009 at 9:53 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Badger, great post! You are someone I would like to know.

Anonymous, pro life was not an issue with the Tea party. I'm sure many in attendance were pro-life, but that was not the issue. It was a protest against taxes and the irresponsible stimulus spending.

At May 27, 2009 at 11:45 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

I was at the rally and a gentleman spoke about 10 minutes about being pro-life and what it meant to the movement, another gentleman spoke about gun control, and another about socialized medicine, and someome brought up illegal immigration. The Tea Party covered alot more issues than taxes.
Not complaining just setting the record straight.

At May 27, 2009 at 11:59 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, TERM, you are complaining, and since when have you been interested in setting the record straight when it comes to anything that you think smells of conservative or, heaven help us, republican?!!!!! And it was an open forum and anyone can talk about what they want. But the basis for the tea parties are taxes and stimulus. Besides, I heard you only made a quick walk through.

At May 27, 2009 at 12:44 PM , Anonymous Badger said...

I must pay almost $480 (payroll deduction from my check) a month as my share of hospitalization. Been with company for over 20 years. That's a family plam with no eye or dental care. Those I must self pay. Would I like to have that money in my pocket, sure. But health care will be paid by us, our employer or the government thru taxes. One way or the other it still isn't free.

I don't think abortions were the issue at the Boston Tea Party. It was the taxes. The taxes are the reason they are called Tea Parties now and Pro-Life has nothing to do with them.

Still Patriotic and also Pro-Life. That's my beliefs and I stick by them. After all, this is still a free country. Don't agree, so be it.

At May 27, 2009 at 12:54 PM , Anonymous Badger said...

Yep, here we have pot holes, city employee pay, fire engines, annexed property, city manager, Republicans or Democrats, council members, land by the river and the condo's just to name a few issues everyone wants to complain about.

I think you will find that people who get involved know have views on many issues. You may agree with some and hate others. At least they are trying to get someone to listen. That's the point isn't it????

At May 27, 2009 at 1:05 PM , Anonymous Badger said...

Term, when you talk with your friends do you talk about just one thing or about many issues? Don't your friends and or acquaintances feel the same way as you on different issues? Getting a group of voters together to voice their opinions is a good thing. Imagine if we could get even a tenth of these people to show up at council meetings. It's our duty to tell our officials how we want them to vote on the issues that effect us all.

I, for one, hope to see many more of these. Politicians, start listening, the people are talking.

I guess I've talked to much today

At May 27, 2009 at 2:53 PM , Blogger Common Sense said...

I am glad you came to the rally. Please allow me to insert something here. The gentleman you refer to spoke during the open mic time. You lose a bit of control when you open things up like that but I wanted people to be able to speak their minds. Some did waver from the TEA Party format others did not. Everything else was either tied to taxes or encroachments on liberties guaranteed in the Constitution and the Bill Of Rights. I’m not sure if someone spoke on gun control during that time or not. I know that after the open mic time I spoke on the CIFTA treaty that would override the second amendment and place the U.S. under international law without a vote in the house. It only needs a one-vote majority in the senate along with the signature of the president. Why have you singled out socialized (excuse me nationalized) health care? What about cap and trade? What a farce that is. It will cost taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars for something that doesn’t exist. 50,000 scientists have signed a petition stating global warming is not happening and have put forth excellent scientific data to prove it but our government still clings to the 600 scientist with bad models that say it is. Research it yourselves there is plenty of information out there you would be amazed. If you were there you also know I was harder on the GOP than the Dems. Why? Because the liberal Dems are doing what they said they’d do and I disagree with them almost completely but the GOP lies and says they’re for smaller government but it always seems to grow under them as well. Plus they were the biggest deficit spenders until now.

At May 27, 2009 at 3:15 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

You never talk to much Badger. My point about insurance is every year you pay more out of your pocket with less coverage. Where does it end, For you or your employer? Heathcare costs are included in everything we purchase.Buy a car the manufacturer, dealer, insuance costs are all built into the price you pay. Your city policemans wages and benefit package may include heath insurance. Buy a 2lt. of Pepsi the person that bottled it ,loaded on the truck, then delivered it to the store all have their healthcare built into it. Were already taxed on healthcare we just call it the price of doing business.
To the person that said I was complaining I was there over an hour, and everything in my statement was true. I believe in the 2nd amendment, I don't believe in illegal immigration. I lean right on alot of issues, and can proudly say I have never voted a straight ticket, but afew of you are making that harder to do everyday with your way or the highway way of looking at things,
Obama Lover? All I said was that man has a full plate to deal with and alot more than he bargined for.

At May 27, 2009 at 3:39 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Cap and Trade? It aim't going anywhere, if you exclude countries like China and India plus the rest of the third world. No politians will vote for it, with the arguement if its so important everyone must be on board. Thats a deal buster. We probably will see more nuke plants and less coal fired power plants and more enviroment restrictions. That U.N. Treaty CIFTA? I never heard a teaty could override the Constitution, Thats why we have the Supreme Court. The American people wouldn't give there guns back anyway. Got a gun? Nope.

At May 27, 2009 at 3:54 PM , Anonymous Badger said...

I agree, everything has has health care costs built into it. I don't see how this will change though. We have to pay for our health care some how. Maybe they will add VAT to Cap and Trade. Health care prices built into every day costs or added to our taxes in one form or another. Health care is not and never will be free.



I just don't want to lose my choice of care. Do you?

VAT = Value Added Tax
A national sales tax on everything. Goods and Services???? 10%, 15% who knows.

At May 27, 2009 at 6:20 PM , Blogger Sandy Miller said...


Our society promotes illness. We don't have one single damn pill in our medicine box and only have been to the Dr. once in the last 40 years for poison ivy. The Prednizone was worse than the Poison ivy and tossed it. Bleached the rash and it went away.
Good old Clorox.

If you need it, great but nationalized health care is going to be a nightmare.

Both my folks had a lazy susan in the middle of the kitchen table full of meds. I asked my Mom ..... if you spin it do you take what lands in front of you?

Dad had to do a de-tox at one point.

They had GREAT health programs from BF Goodrich and the Federal Government. All meds for $1 they used to brag. Can't see where the med's did them any good.

My kids didn't have immunizations until they were 5 years old and they never went to daycare. They don't have allergies or any other dreadful problems.
Although they have been stitched up a couple times, me too. Although I just cut myself the other day and pour cayenne pepper on it and the bleeding stopped immediately. Great!

Have ya seen who is in the waiting room? Coughing, wheezing people I don't want to sit next too. Find it's better to stay home and drink tea or sit in a sweat bath.

Eat decent, exercise your butt off and turn off your computer....... sleep eight hours, drink water and toss your soda away. Eat your veggies and then if you still need a DR ........ great but I don't think I should pay for it. Hell half the Dr.s covered on the plan are not the ones I would go too anyway.

Dental program...... chew on the other side!
Still got all my teeth too and the kids have no I repeat NO cavities!
We don't eat much sugar either.

Take some responsibility instead of asking for a pill.

the death rates go down with the Dr.s go on strike.

Not sure national healthcare is the way to go.......

At May 28, 2009 at 3:19 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The truth be known most peoples high medical costs happen to the elderly in the last year of their lives.

At May 28, 2009 at 4:17 AM , Blogger Sandy Miller said...

That might be true but must say we have a mother 94 who still lives in her home and takes care of herself.
We call and cook her a meal every once in awhile but for the most part she is great. She doesn't take any med's.

We have another grandparent who lived to 98 and lived on her own, in a small house she and her husband built during the depression; had a beautiful garden until the day she died and never apologized for the dust in house in summer or messy hair. The smile on her face negated those oversights. no med's here either.

Worked for a guy in Columbia Station who is 101, he called this spring to brag about planting 100 broccoli plants with hopes to sell them to local food coop in Wooster, Ohio. A local woman cooks for him. He still takes vitamins and walks everyday.
He likes to go to the Dr. make them scratch their heads.

All three of these folks have told us to stay excited about life and keep involved. All read, all are active in church, all three have gardens and nice yards. Two have outlived their savings and income but the family has helped out. Sometimes it's hard but as Mr Bartter says........... you take you lumps, kick the hard stuff upstairs to the big guy and if you're lucky get up in the morning and always eat your vegetables. Last time we talked he thought the world had lost it's mind but he said after 100 years he thought things would right themselves again as they had in the past. He said the world looses it's mind 25 or 30 years and the only thing we could really do was vote.

So yes the national statistics might be high medical costs at the end of life but I think there are many many factors why those costs are higher. Stop treating the symptoms and treat the root of the illness.


At May 28, 2009 at 5:09 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who needs to do anything about health care. Madpooper has the the whole answer for every person in the country.

Close the hospitals, the doctors offices, fire all the paramedics, close down the Pharmaceceutical companies, the drug stores and all the health insurance companies. Nobody needs them if the have a gallon of bleach and a vegetable.

What worked over 150 years ago and for Madpooper is sure to work for everyone. You mentioned a few elderly people, but just what was the average life expectancy back then.

By the way, what happens to the economy when Madpooper, the self appointed Health Czar, puts all those people out of work? I know the current government will need them to print more money.

And, who turned on her computer to start this site anyway?

At May 28, 2009 at 9:23 AM , Blogger Sandy Miller said...

Just amazing that CVS, RiteAid and Walgreens are still building during the recession.

You can get pills everywhere!

go eat your veggies and take a pill, you seem a bit constipated.

Hey the farmers market is today you might want to WALK up there and buy a couple plants.

peace out

At May 28, 2009 at 12:10 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Right on, you would think she could fix the pot holes on Main St.

At May 28, 2009 at 5:38 PM , Anonymous GNFF said...

Madpotter makes some good points. As a society we seem to want a pill for everything. We don't take care of ourselves - abuse our bodies (and yes I'm guilty but am very fortunate to enjoy great good health in spite of that) but think a pill can fix it all. I'm sure that contributes to the high cost of care. And as Badger points out, it ain't free. SOMEBODY has got to pay for it. That's why I ask, how can we bring costs down?

At May 28, 2009 at 9:32 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Madpooper, what is it you smoke ?

At June 4, 2009 at 8:47 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whatever it is I'm sure it's grown naturally.

At June 4, 2009 at 2:40 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This buds for you

At June 5, 2009 at 6:30 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

LOL some kind bud would probably help some of the folks here relax and enjoy life!

At June 5, 2009 at 9:09 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hold on to you hats folks. I just figured out how to lower health care costs.

Madpooper will give us all A.C.O.R.N.s

At June 7, 2009 at 5:57 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fertilized from her illegal compost pile.


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