This is really just a rumor,but a Cleveland Tea Party is planned for Painesville's Veterans Park on May 23,2009 between noon and 2:00p.m. I will keep you informed on any information I receive. My question is why does every protest come to Painesville for a rally? Will someone pay for the extra security this will cost Painesville.
I think the organizers are making a mistake by bringing this to Obama Country? Plan now for a counter-protest.
Where was this tea party group while we had a Republican President and Republican House? Remember who's Greed failed this Great Country. I can't wait to see the stars, and bars on display or 70year old people narching against socialized medicine as there all on Medicare and social security. The banks and companies went to the government for money, and want no strings attached. Bring it on I need to see who the fools are.
A nother grassroots, I smell a Dale Fellows behind this. Maybe that goofy drunk Glenn Beck will show up.
Great another Klan rally in town.
What kind of money on a bet can I get that the people that take out the pernit sor their tea party don't even live in Painesville? They come here so they don't anger their neighbors.
Maybe it's a fundraiser for one of the council candidates??.. $25 a head
And look what big fool is leading this country now.
This should be interesting. Some of the posters here should do a little research and find out what the original Tea Party (Boston) was all about. A protest over higher taxes.
What are the counter-protesters in "Obama Country" going to chant?
I must be missing all the economic growth and the huge influx of jobs in Painesville and Lake County that some people want to protest against a group that wants lower taxes.
I think the few people who think this is just a Republican or Democrat issue should realize that Obama doesn't pass the tax increases. Congress does. The last time I checked, Congress is made up of both Democrats and Republicans and Dale Fellows or Rita aren't members of that Congress.
In other words, this protest is against all our members of Congress to not blindly pass every stimulus package that comes before them.
Conspiracy ISN'T the problem here.
Financial Responsibility IS the issue.
Will someone pay for the extra security this will cost Painesville??????
There were protests like this all over the country on April 15th. I didn't see any Nazi's at those events on the news. People carrying signs peacefully questioning our tax policy in broad daylight one block from PPD and the Sheriff's Department needs extra security?? Why not call the Sheriff or the Chief of Police and ask if they intend to call the Swat team, National Guard or the Marines out for this event. Maybe a routine passing of the car on patrol is all that is needed.
The people here who want to protest against this might just be the problem. There is no reason what so ever to compare this to a Nazi Rally. The purpose of the Tea Party events are just to get people to ask questions of their Congressmen. Last time I checked that's a civic duty of all Americans. Even the so called purpose of this Blog. RIGHT?? Let's not just try and start a problem. Drive by and read the signs. You might be surprised to see someone you know or how ordinary these people are. Whole families attended the ones on the 15th. By the way, they were held in Willoughby, Jefferson as well as Cleveland that day. Honk if you agree. No need to start something.
By the way, wasn't there another protest at St. Mary's Church on Saturday? I didn't see any mention of extra security that was needed there. Maybe that one was peaceful too.
Here's one to think about, back when George Washington was President. The farmers refused to pay a liquor tax. Guess who sent troops to make them pay and restore order?
My mistake. I meant to say KKK and not Nazi. Memory is slipping.
Yes, Anonymous, George called out the militia. We also didn't have an income tax, social security, medicare, state taxes, sales tax, estate tax or city income tax. Liquor taxes and tariffs were the big taxes then.
Who we going to blame for this one? Democrats or Republicans?
How about the Federalists.
Good post, Badger.
What extra security, TERM? You mean Homyak?
Now now, remember all the great things Bush has done. He stopped 9/11... wait... he caught bin Laden... wait... Afghanistan... Iraq... Iran... North Korea... wait, he did nothing good for any of those issues.
Bush is the only President in United States history to cut taxes and spend big money on an war at the same time.
Term there is no party
Why do you lie like that ?
Anonymous, Obama is going to do all that and solve world hunger, stop the war, and bring peace to the middle east and put a big stimulus check in your hand. How's it going so far? What did you do with your check. If he can't name an honest tax paying cabinet member, how can he choose a Supreme Court Justice? Deficits of less than 50% of tax revenues to approach 80% in the near future. Yep can't wait for the chosen one to kill our country. Wake up. Bush is gone. So just sit on your butt and wait for your next govt. check. What's going to happen when those expecting a free govt. handout when the working people stop working and get in line for their check? Good Luck
Expecting my check? It seems the only ones getting checks so far are the big banks, and Wall St. and everybody knows these big shots are all Democrats? right.
Barney Frank come to mind Anonymous. He started this mess under Clinton. Sub-prime loans and every American has a right to home ownership. Screw the payments, the government will bail us out.
Well the bubble burst and we have a long way to go to get out of this mess. Well Bush is gone and so is Clinton. We need to solve the financial problems now and stop trying to blame the other party.
Passing the largest spending bill without reading it, isn't being financially responsible and either are record deficits and mortgaging our future.
We need to contact our elected officials and tell them what we think. We elected them, now it's time for them to work for us.
Anonymous expecting a check.
Who passed the Stimulus package? Who is in control of Congress now? Who included the big bonus' in this bill? The auto makers and their union employees get any money? I think these big shots are Democrats.
You know what. Bush didn't pass the $700 billion plus stimulus package. Bush isn't trying to pass the Cap and Trade bill that is nothing more than a hidden tax on energy. Let's stop blaming one party or the other.
The Cap and Trade bill is a method of trying to reduce CO2 by buying and trading CO2 credits. It doesn't work in the countries that have adopted it so why would it work here. So if you don't use any gas, electricity or gasoline you should be fine. Otherwise, be ready for this new hidden tax to increase your energy bills by hundreds.
We need to question our congressmen and women more on this and other important tax policies. Do your research. Call your congressmen. Attend a peaceful rally to learn more and let your elected officials know how you feel.
That's what this Tea Party is suppose to do. Not, put blame on any one president or party. Let's look at the real picture. The economy and tax policies.
I don't think Term's lying. Google is a wonderful thing.
Painesville Tea Party
Badger, I must say you make alot of good points,and you do seem to realize theres enough blame to go around. Ifs going to be everyday people that are either going to get them to straight this out or everyday Americans are the ones that will feel the blunt of it. I think alot of fustration comes from no one having an "easy" answer.to bring forward. Plus no one seems to trust either side.
I'm going to quit work tomorrow. I want Obama to take care of me.
I love taxes! Especially since I don't pay any. and I love entitlements. especially since I will be getting free health care, free house, free, free, free. I will not support the tea party. I am happy.
I'll be there. I have plenty of time on my hands since I'm getting laid off. I had a full-time, well paying job during the Bush administration. Of course, I was "rich," as I made over $50K a year. At leat maybe I can collect on all the money I've given this government.
The whole cap & trade policy is insane. It will drastically increase the cost of energy, and do practically nothing to stop the alleged "global warming." China, India, and many other countries will continue to burn fossil fuels and release CO2 at record levels. Decreasing our consumption a little and lowering emissions from cars will have a negligible effect if any on this pie in the sky "global warming." We will just continue to pay more for energy, build cars that we can't export because they are too expensive, and continue to fall behind the productivity of other countries.
We have to lower car emissions, yet school buses and semi-trucks nearly knock you out with their exhaust if you get caught behind them.
I will be there, but I will be dressed as an ordinary over-taxed American, not dressed as Chief Wahoo. I can't wait to see Painesville over react on this one.
Badger, See what I mean it all about race, to some of the yahoos out there. The last time I looked alot of "white" people voted for him. If they didn't he wouldn't be
President now. I personally don't care if he's blue or green as long as we find a solution to the mess were in.
President Obama will not solve this problem because he is black, that said he will neither fail because he is black. I'm waiting for a solution from the other side but only hear the same things that got us in this mess. lower taxes and less regulations. The greatest country in the world and it can not provide excellent healthcare for everyone? Some people lose their homes or go bankrupt from our medical system. If you believe some healthcare corp. cares about you and not their bottom line wake-up.
I didn't vote for him and now I'm happy I didn't.
Look what he and his wife are doing, how much did it cost, for him to go to ND and talk, how much did it cost for her to go to New York and talk ?
What about the 50 million stimulus package he put up for the art's ?
What about the hungry people ?
Susan, if you think health care is expensive now, wait until it's free. National health care is not the solution, and will only perpetuate the problem.
No one should have voted against O because he is black, just as no one should have voted for him because he is black. I am sad that so many blacks were so anxious to see a black president that it just didn't matter if this guy had any qualifications! And now we all pay the price, big time. And didn't one of our council people vote for him because "he's cute"?!!!!! Yeah, that's a good reason.
TERM, all of the posts, and you pick out a black comment. You, sir, are perpetuating the myth.
Instead of being the time of year to enjoy and focus on caps and gowns, we now have to have cap and trade thrust down our throats. Does anyone really fall for this line of crap? It is not going to make one whit of difference in the global warming saga. you want to cut carbon emissions, get after Gore and his carbon producing mansion, and Obama and Michelle for all the carbon set loose from their little joy jaunts around the globe.
One of the reasons we are in this mess is because of over regulation, not de-regulation. The mark to market accounting practices that were forced into place is what tanked the capital for most of the large banks. That, and the rating agencies that were put in place by the government to monitor securities and companies were asleep at the wheel, but since they had a government issued monopoly, there was no way for anyone to say different.
Higher taxes and more regulation are not the answer. The government needs to stay out of banking, stay out of the housing market, and stay out of my paycheck.
Why no mention about the council meeting ? didn't go your way buddie?
Did you get your flyer for the Holy Ghost Crusade this Fri, Sat & Sun at Harvey High School 6 PM
Along with the Tea Party what fun we will have in Painesville this weekend.
"Higher taxes and more regulation are not the answer. The government needs to stay out of banking, stay out of the housing market, and stay out of my paycheck."
And stay out of the Car business.
"you want to cut carbon emissions, get after Gore and his carbon producing mansion, and Obama and Michelle for all the carbon set loose from their little joy jaunts around the globe."
They should also stop buzzing NY with Air Force One and causing a panic at the cost of roughly $385,000 of taxpayers money just for a picture. Photoshop anyone????
Just wondering the direction this stimulus package and president is headed in order to help this economy and honor his campaign promises.
Maybe the system of checks and balances should be just the people and the government. Oh wait, that's been said before.
"We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."
Well we are the people. Let's get to work.
I'll keep my guns, money, freedom --- you keep the change!
Badger, first the banks and car companys went to the government, if you don't want someone in your business don't go looking for help from them. That said maybe some of you can explain to me how getting rid of all these car dealerships helps the car companys? They are independent businesses that own their own property, take care of their own employees, ect. Whats the purpose of getting rid of them?
Less competition higher prices?
Council Meeting everything is perfect in town.Just don't ask them.
Yes, let's get to work. We the People! And part of getting to work is organizing and attending tea parties.
that change isnt working out so well is it? i'm with keeping guns, my money, freedom and a good work ethic. see you saturday-might be a little late, have to work till noon
Nothing seems to be working out to well, good luck on keeping your money,
TERM, this has all been done under the direction of your beloved O. Have your eyes been opened yet? Will we see you Satuday?
My Beloved O. Sorry but he was handed a first class mess from your Great "W" sorry with the exception of Lincoln and maybe Roosevelt no other President has ever inherited such a screwed up....
Even if you think the man is not the person for the job, he didn't start out first and ten but first and forever.
Let's face facts. the dem's blocked everything W tried to do. Also, regardless of what he was handed, what he has done on his own to turn this country into a socialist nation is unconscionable. He and Michelle both quote Saul Alinsky (A socialist/Marxist) verbatim in their speaches. This is frightening. So quite falling back on the old and tired "it was W's fault". time to take some responsibility. do you really want to leave a socialist nation to your grandchildren?
How quickly we forget who screamed we need 500 billion now or the sky will fall. Who shredded the Bill of Rights to protect us. If waterboarding isn't torture why not let the local police use it?
Like I said theres enough blame to go around, Do I think everything Obama wants to do is right? No. Do I think everything Bush did was wrong? No. Everyone better find some common ground or there won't be any left.
I can see why no comment on council meeting. $62.50 hr. to cut grass?
Let the local police use waterboarding. Give me a break. Compared to the beheading that the terrorists do to us, waterboarding is nothing. The marines go through waterboarding in their training.
Google S.E.R.E School. See what our troops must learn to endure and expect. This is part of their training. Most will not talk about it and must sign a release before taking part in this training. It is easy to say we should have known about the terrorists but you have to ask them nicely. Sounds good but doesn't work. I would like to see your opinion when they come to your door or attack your family.
He and Michelle both quote Saul Alinsky (A socialist/Marxist) verbatim in their speaches. This is frightening. So quite falling back on the old and tired "it was W's fault". time to take some responsibility. do you really want to leave a socialist nation to your grandchildren? Why would a President quote someone like this?
Everyone should know about Kennedy's "Ask not ....Ask what you can do for your country" speech. Well now is the time. Forget voting for the next American Idol. Call and text your congressman.
Even one of our founding fathers and Presidents, Thomas Jefferson, had it right when he said,
"I predict future happiness for Americans if they can prevent the government from wasting the labors of the people under the pretense of taking care of them."
So lets shredd the Bill of Right and pick and choose when we want to follow it? We end up no better than the terrorists. You dont invade a country because it a slam dunk that they have weapons they dont have. Then some terrorists make a fool out of your defense system so you invade rhe country that had nothing to do with the attack. Hold people without do process [ even the Nazi's had there day in court.] All this and the master mind is still running lose?
The reason all this happened was the guy in charge was on vacation cutting brush on his ranch.
Votes cast for President in 2008.
A little over 129 million.
Votes cast for American Idol's last season.
Final TV show ---> Almost 100 million.
Season --> 624 million.
How low is this country going to sink if voting for a few singers is more important than voting for our elected officials. Time to get off your butts and stop blaming W or O. The problem stares you in the face every morning. It's the person in the mirror.
$ 62.50 to cut a yard with tall grass is not bad, it will take about an hour to do 1 yard.
I bet maddog and badger and alot others that complain are union members, talk about socialists, maybe even the C word? They dont want to be in the union they have too. Maybe you and your buddies dont want the union to go away? Do as I say not as I do.
True American and NON-UNION
Badger, don't let the numbers fool you some people voted over 100 times. Your right more people care about American Idol than American government. You think thats done on purpose?
i remember the first union i belonged to. the us army. my first sgt told me that the army was a dictatorship and he was the dick.
i am also in private business part time, i see the goverment restrictions. i am no socialist.
from what i read of badger's posts he's no socialist either.
see you saturday on the square
bring your american and non-union friends to the anti socialism and excessive taxation protest.
May 20 9:03pm anonymous, the reason the mastermind even got a chance to do the horror on 9/11 is because Clinton didn't do his job. He was doing something else. Remember Monica? And he had the chance to take Osama and he chose not to. Let's not rewrite history, and pick and choose. That is the job of the liberal media.
There use to be a need for a union. Not any more. I am one of the bigger anti-union people you can find. If I have a fault it might be that I'm too Patriotic. Of course that seems to be a dirty word to some here. So be it. I'm proud to be an American.
Badger, good for you. I, too, am patriotic to the extreme. We all should be. I am proud to be an American! Who else on this site can say that? Let's see our numbers.
Badger said... There use to be a need for a union. Not any more. I am one of the bigger anti-union people you can find.
Yes, all union in our country should be eliminated and deemed unnecessary!
notice the support for the tea party today is common sense. notice canidate for council JOHN R MURPHY motto,vote for common sense I THING GOOD THING,S are coming to town. thanks murph. a waiting city hall employee.
I am looking to defect to another country .......
glad you're so happy after the last eight years I am suicidal and am so damn happy we have an educated man and his wife who form complete sentences and seem to understand waterboarding is torture. Maybe we should have waterboarded Cheney after shooting his buddy in the face.
Go big "O" and keep rolling, been in office 4 months and already done more than "W" did in 8 years.
no tea party for me but the beer truck is on it's way!
Let me see the car companies could go bankrupt or wait for Fiat or Daimler to step in....... glad the government did step in. A few more will keep jobs with the titanic gets turned around.
most on this list are clueless
Cuba is looking better and better..... how long until the boats start going the other way down in Miami
big Louie
I believe you misspelled traitor.
Wanna come with me or do I have wait to
pry the water bucket out of your hands.
I believe the US fell away from their moral ground when old "W" was in office. Freedom at any price is not freedom my comrade.
electing Obama was the best foreign policy this country has done since Madeline Albright.
Is it possible you are just having a difficult time dealing with loosing the last election?
Get over it and yourself
big Louie
Well, big Louie, I would like to be the first one in line behind you when your Chosen One starts taxing your beer, wine, tobacco and soft drinks. I need a good laugh. Please do us all a favor and sneak into Cuba quietly. We need to get rid of people with your attitude.
People want to get to this country so bad that they will risk their lives to get here from Cuba and you want to go there. Hop on the first raft you see and you will find what real torture is. Sharks included.
Sorry, but it is easy to whine but a lot harder to get off your butt and do something to make things better. Sounds like you are just another one who expects the government to hand you everything.
One less person here means one less the rest of us have to support.
Send me a post card from Havana.
Big Louie, when you say he can form complete sentences, have you forgotten teleprompter? He can't even talk if he is not reading a prepared script, and when the teleprompter breaks, he can't even ad lib. What a joke.
Foreign policy my a**. Bow to King of Saudia Arabia. Shake hands with Hugo. First interview after election with Arab news. Snub our allies including Great Britain and Israel. Foreign policy is more than a popularity contest. One doesn't parade around the world like a rock star. You need to know who your friends are and who your enemies are. If you are the leader of the most powerful country in the world you need to lead and not try to be everyones buddy.
Not everyone is our friend or to be trusted. Wake up and take a look at the world. There has been more tension and saber rattling by countries all over the world since the election. We just stopped a terrorist plot in our own country against a religious group AND our military in New York. Funny thing is that the investigation started over a year ago. I'm glad they used every means necessary to stop this plot. Think of the lives saved. Do these 4 terrorist deserve our rights and freedoms? Sorry, I believe if you are going to plot terrorism against any American you lose your American freedoms and any rights. This is a different world than 50 or even 10 years ago. 911 changed that. Everyone needs to be vigilant now days and we must be careful who we might think are our friends. Friendships (allies) are made over time and not by a handshake and a smile.
So big Louie, take your foreign policy to Cuba with you. It belongs there.
Remember, another liberal Democrat tried to invade Cuba and overthrow Castro. Not sure if he will welcome you either.
just talked to the head professor at the Crimson Tide, Lowell Baker. He has been taking students to Cuba for the last year for a ceramics program. There is now an exchange program with students going both ways.
Sat with Lowell at the Alabama Clay Conference and had a stunning conversation about what is going on in Cuba. The press paints a very different picture of what goes on in Cuba than the reality. They have one of the best clay centers and host a World Conference attended by everyone and this year the U.S.. Funded by the government, and yes there are political artists in Cuba not very complimentary to the Castro regime. They are not jailed but allowed to work with supplies provided by the government.
Yup, I would visit.
and Badger I have been out in the world more than most, and quite involved in Africa and Bush did more to hurt this country than any other President we have had in office.
I could not disagree with your ideas on foreign policy more! Agree, the world changed after 9/11 but have not done much to change the world for the better. Instead we have fueled the terrorists hatred toward America because of Guantanomo and shipping off people suspected of terrorism to countries like Egypt, known for their torture techniques only to find these "suspects" were normal people (including a Canadian Dr.) in the wrong place at the wrong time. We owe many in the world an apology for the terrorist Bush regime.
Give it up MP. Your broken record is getting annoying. Bush kept us safe, and I now am waiting for the next attack since the terrorists in the world think we are now just going to sit back and take whatever they blast us with. And under Obama that is what we will do. According to Obama, I am the terrorist. the prolife, pro 2nd amendment, right wing american.
Madpooper, go back to you little world of compost piles and complaining about pot holes. You are so self absorbed and self righteous that you think you can preach to us from you liberal soapbox. You couldn't even stay committed to this blog. You gave it up to Term to save your pottery business.
Rules don't apply to you? Sold out to the very people you were complaining about. You found out that people didn't give a hoot about your opinion and how shallow you really are. Time to get off your high horse and go hide in your little corner on Casement.
People love or hate Term with a passion, but at least he stuck with the blog and didn't hide because he had a kiln in the basement. You are like all the liberals because you think you, and you alone, know what's best for the rest of us.
Knows it all......
I consider Madpotter a good friend and I respect her views. I consider maddog a friend and consider his views also. Neither is trying to jam what they think down your throat, but at least consider their arguements. Thats what the blog is about finding out what we all think. Madpotter didnt give the site up because she had a kiln in her basement she didnt want to expose herself to alot of negative rants. She's got more balls then alot of people who post on this site. We all know who she is? right anonyous
Bush kept us safe? Ask the people in the twin towers on 9/11 how safe he kept us?
On vacation in August [the whole month] The ranch needed some brush cut I guess? Condi don't bother me with those assessments I'm busy.
Osma Bin Laden has made a joke out of his administration.
One thing Sandy has is balls.
Then who in the city threatened her about her kiln in the basement? Does a building permit enter the picture here. If you really believe in your cause, what's a few negative rants. Maybe she didn't want to consider anyone else's Arguement.
For the record the city worked with me to get my kiln wired to code. I paid many thousands, yes, thousands of dollars to pay an electrician to upgrade box, wiring, and meters.
I took the plans to the building dept. they made adjustments, I fixed what needed fixed and it was done. Got the permits and the sign offs.
Not sure where you got you information about the city threatening about my kilns because it is incorrect.
M. Potter
I bet Mz.Potter, likes the lower elect. rates she gets from the city, and she wishes she could move to the Twp.
Hey could you use your cracked glazed pots to fill the "potholes" on Main St. ?
MP, how is it that you can openly have a compost pile, yet it is against ordinance in the city? I can't have one? But then I'm not MP. What is the real deal going on there?
Why no response, MP?
MP is uncharacteristically silent.
She must be on another lecture tour. The Bush rants are getting a little old aren't they? Easy to cast blame from a soapbox, but a lot harder to climb down and actually do something to make things better. Seems to be a major problem here.
Quote anonymous.
"According to Obama, I am the terrorist. the prolife, pro 2nd amendment, right wing american."
Quote Madpooper
"Wow you are a terrorist!
Duck and cover."
Let's see
According to Madpooper, You're a terrorist if
You believe in life for the unborn--ProLife. Against killing the innocent.
You believe you have a right to protect yourself and your family-- 2nd Amendment. Against getting killed.
And just happen to disagree with her liberal agenda. Open us up to get killed by the fanatics.
Once she gives away all our rights for her, I know what's good for you philosophy, what happens to the rest of us.
I know who is to be feared now.
So if Madpotter doesn't agree with you shes a terrorist? Seems to me she has a right to her beliefs I've been told thats the American way. Shes not going to change your mind and your not going to change hers,
Afraid she'll give away our rights is a far cry from calling someone a terrorist. She used the term, not me. I only said I disagreed with her.
Now that we have a Great Lakes Czar, maybe we can get a Painesville Czar with our stimulus check. That might put a end to our problems and calm people down in this Blog.
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