Well, I was hoping to pass on some great news to city residents. It has been over a month since the city purchased Millstone and I have been made aware the deal was finalized. The rabbits should have received their checks from the Queen so ,"We can all live happily ever after." What there's some kind of snag? You better get and cash that check before August 2nd, seems we might have a problem with that account?
So you all know the snag has nothing to do with the Bear, he just giggles with a paw in his honey jar.
As most of you might have guessed by know I have been blamed for the "terrible rumor" as one councilman called it about the rezoning of that 3 acres of commercial land the Goldberg Properties owns that the city wishes to rezone residential? As Council-President mentioned the other 6 plus acres they own behind Cedarbrook, between Chestnut to Hickory they could start building on. I went to the County Auditor's site and sure enough there are 45 plots that can be developed already, or could they? I believe the city or the developer would have to put in all new infrastructure if a development was to be built. I also believe the city would end up in a legal battle with the present homeowners.
Someone mentioned why I didn't take the city at their word? I told them I had good reason to look out a window if anyone at city hall told me it's sunny outside. When asking questions at council I get many half-truths such as "We will not pay a dime for AMPGS until we start receiving electricity" or The Painesville's portion of the EPA fine at Gorsuch is $8,000.00 don't look now it's $86,000.00 now.[ These remarks I have kept on videotape] How about that promised Lake Health Urgent Care Center? Along with a little retention pond in the northwest corner at Huntington Park, have you seen that corner? What about the $250,000.00 spent on a park by the Grand River next to the Richmond St. bridge [Horvath's Lagoons] over 7 years ago? Looks worse now then when we purchased it, without even a clear reason to spend that much money on swamp land in the first place. I could go on and on. It's a sad day when residents can no
longer trust what they are told.
A city resident shared with me a story about a conversation with a city official. This resident wanted to know the number of city employees in the DROP program. This is a program where an employee can retire and come back to work, also known as "double-dipping" This resident didn't even want to know who the people were only the total number? He was told by the city official the city wasn't obligated to release that number by law and wouldn't. So again "just pay the man."
Now a another Painesville resident has suffered another coincidence, We started a community organization to look into ways to alleviate the flooding in the Cedarbrook area, he has had two meeting with as many as 50 residents attending. Low and behold he goes to city hall where a clerk assess him a $100.00 for a new electric meter band for his house. It seems the clerk mentioned the old band was tapered with and the only reason she could give was that the resident possibly was stealing electricity? This person lives alone has been a homeowner in Painesville for close to 50 years, probably has more money then dirt. Along with knowing this person I trust him.
Riverside Schools will be looking for a levy this coming Tuesday I have read this levy will cost the averge homeowner of a $100,000 an extra $186.00 a year, $15.06, a month. Never in any of these remarks is it mentioned that that average homeowner presently has a property tax bill of over $1,700.00 presently.which with this levy passing will make his property tax around $160.00 a month. Something to ponder.
Riverside Schools levy failed almost two to one. I guess people can't afford to pay anymore. The next question the teachers will have to ask Do we layoff peer's, or agree to a pay cut? I'm guessing layoffs, Then try to explain "it's for the children?"