You have to wonder where the City of Painesville is financially at the present time? First off we just raised water rates approximately $8.00 a month on residents bills.
Although this is a fee you could also look at it as a $96.00 tax increase on a homeowner? What items has the city purchased this year that we could have done without? First thing comes to mind is red paint. We have purchased four new parks in the last year and with the exception of two it seemed like a good idea.
We were told by an AMP-OHIO offical that the city owed over $2,000,000.00 in sunken costs at Meigs County AMPGS Plant? That hardly brought up a sweat from anyone at city hall.
Now Mr. Fodor brings up the "L" word a levy for street improvement. Why not just tell the city manager to include it in the 2012 budget? Find savings please that's what we pay her big bucks for. Under the "Golden Dome there happens to be close to $950,000.00 in Manager, and Directors salaries. This doesn't count the other employees in that building or the directors of the utility departments. Do we really need all these people in a town with a population of around 19,000 people? Where is the accountability,where is the justification, who decides this? Why do we spend $100,000.00 on road improvements and at the same time tell residents it costs $500,000.00 to maintain two cemeteries?
I'm starting to believe I wasn't as fortunate being born here as I thought. Well atleast 350 who work for the city seem happy?
I'll tell you something else that seemed really suspect to me, and that is when they said how much money it cost the city to maintain the recycling center. I can't remember what the figure was, but it was outrageous. I remember thinking that I couldn't in my wildest dreams come up with a scenario that could account for that amount of money.
The claim was made that the city spent $20,000 for six months and 40 man hours a week to keep it "clean"?
Investigations investigations. We need investigations.
to 11;20 post. this is true and we also need new members for our city council.then and only then you WILL be able to follow the spending.
Yes 3:26. This is 11:20. And we need to go back and see just what has happened to ALL the money over the last 20 years.
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