Painesville school superintendent Dr. Hanlon fires all teachers and administrators at T.W. Harvey High School with full blessing of the school board.
Couldn't happen you say? I hope your right, but a school system in Rhode Island did just that.
I read the report, those damn union teachers are destroying a high school.
All 88 teachers. Not 25 or even 10 good educators in that building?
Were they all incompetent? Only 48 percent of the student graduated in 4 years.
Lowest proficiency scores in the state. Math 7 percent, 55 percent reading, 33 percent writing. Its about time we get rid of these high school teachers.
Then a little bulb went off in my head, somethings wrong with this story. As the late Paul Harvey used to say "and now the rest of the story." First off if your building a house and it collapses while the roofers are nailing the roof on, is it the roofers fault the house came down? What about elementary, and middle school teachers?
Then again dig a little deeper and look up the makeup of the student body. 14 percent white, 13 percent black and 63 percent Hispanic that come from migrant family's that speak English as a second language. You wonder why no one is passing proficiency tests? Its pretty hard if you can't read or write the language.
Someone must be held responsible, why not the teachers. It ironic if the very people who go to bat for these children will someday find themselves on an unemployment line for a failure they had no control over.
Oh, and to the Superintendent in that system the teachers need not work for free, and they should be able to eat lunch with whom they choose to.
Only in America.
Council Meeting Monday 03/01/10
A deal with AMP-OHIO will be discussed, along with petty cash.
I watched the President of Toyota North America explain that Toyota had a misconception of how we would use their vehicles?
I thought this guy must be the dimmest CEO in the world.
A few days later Sea Worlds CEO arrived on the scene to make a liar out of me.
Council meeting went pretty much as planned. The petty cash issue passed, along with the new AMP-OHIO Landfill Gas Electric Purchase. I don't understand this one. How much electricity will we get out of this, enough for one home? Maybe I misunderstood something.
Andy Flock put the Clean Ohio Grant for the Hospital on first reading only to have a chance to read it. Hal Werner asked what would happen if the grant money doesn't cover the costs?
Lori DiNallo wants to change the language and restrict inspectors rights to view your property without the homeowners approval.
Painesville Police officers were given awards for service and special duty beyond the call.
Chief Smith was thanked and will be missed by all.