Just a little information here. Extended Housing has been looking for a site in Painesville to construct a three million dollar half way house with sixteen apartments to bring people who are ready to be rejoin society as productive citizens.
A site on Chester St.was rejected. Also the plan to put it on the former State St. School property met stiff opposition. Now it appears an agreement with Father Steve at St. Marys in Painesville to purchase property on church grounds is in the works. What do you think?
_____________________________________________________________________________________ Just a reminder Andy Flocks Town Hall Meeting is tonight Thursday evening at 7:00pm at the "New" Huntington School on Elm St.
Tonight Andy informed me he has a guest speaker who will answer question about gangs and what a community can do to keep them out of their town. Along with other issues that any city resident may bring up.
I think all of you should go over to the Kathysak site. Very interesting facts on what your charity costs you.
Hey Term,
Has a date been set to tear down Steele Mansion. Is it true the owners in jail? The whole thing is sad.
I have no idea what the time line for the house is. Along with no idea where the owner is presently.
Father Steve's agenda
Preach politics from the pulpit while doing the steps below.
Step 1
Close School
Step 2
Sell property for halfway house.
Step 3
Close the Church.
It is just a distraction from his Hispanic work. Would that be more important than God's work??
Step 4
Sell Church and Rectory
Step 5
Build a Hispanic Mission.
I wholeheartedly agree with Badger. I think the only thing this priest cares about is taking care of the hispanics and making sure they eventually take over America.
A couple of years ago, I offered to help the church set up the "paper" program. I had already done the research on it for another church. I was attending these churches, but did not have much money to put in the collection basket at the time, so I thought I would give them the gift of my time until I could contribute monetarily. What I attempted to do was to help one church get more bang from the program, and I tried to help the church in question set up the program. He told me he had no interest. He said he already had a can (or something) program going and it was too much work. I told him again that the program was free, and I had all the information that was needed and would walk them through it. After that, there would be bins in their parking lot where the parishioners would recycle their newspapers and other papers. The company would come and pick up the papers when the bins were full and pay them money for the papers. Piece of cake. Extra money.HE WAS NOT INTERESTED.
I think he would like nothing more than to sell that land so he would have more money for the hispanics, and especially the illegals.
Badger, you have nailed it. I was going to say that any halfway house on church property will be used entirely for the illegal population. People, is this what we really want? Are we going to stand by the let this happen? I for one will fight this. If it got stopped on Chester and State Street we can stop it here. There is even more at stake in this location considering the ulterior motives of Vellenga.
6:13 I don't believe the extended housing building will have anything to do with the church or hispanics. The church will only sell the land to extended housing.
I'm sure there will be a public meeting for everyone to express there views.
Term, you are right. He will sell the land and use the money for his Hispanic work and not God's work. The half-way house will not be part of the Church. What better place to put this since it will be just across the street from that lovely restaurant we call Tony's. No chance of any problems here that the Priest would care about.
I use to kid that he would turn the school into a Hispanic dormitory. Maybe if he sells the property he can build them something new. I just hate to think about what all the past parishioners who are no longer with us would think about this. A church they put their heart and soul into and took all their Sacraments at. How about all the long term parishioners who now a watching the Church slowly be turned into a mission and not a Church they are welcome at. Might as well hang a sign above the front door that says "Hispanics Only". I would like to hear from other past or present parishioners if they feel as if they and God are a distraction to Father Steve's Hispanic missionary work. I was taught we were all God's children. It seems to me that Father Steve has decided that some people are more of God's children and the rest of us are just a distraction.
I also wonder if he needs more money to expand the staff in the rectory. With collections down, this has to be a financial drain.
As a former parishioner of St. Mary's, this has been hard to see how this church has changed. The school closes. A priest who preaches politics from the pulpit. One who supported a party that goes against the teachings of the Church on abortion just because he wants immigration reform. A priest who tells his parishioners to call their elected officials about immigration reform and not abortion. The Church is suppose to be a place to worship and that thing in the front is called an Alter, not a political soap box.
I know for myself I am no longer comfortable in that parish church. I disagree with his views on immigration and feel I would be doing a disservice to not only myself but to Father Steve by going along with his agenda. I agree its a parish and not a mission . He tends to believe the future of the American Catholic Church will be decided by Hispanic immigration. I have always felt that the obligation of the Church was to follow Gods Laws but also respect the laws of this country. I guess Father Steve can pick and choose which laws he likes? Try that one on Catholic Doctrine?
Why does everything to do with public assistance have to end up in Painesville? Don't we have enough. Why would we even want more. Put your assited living where YOU live. See how you like it.
I'm starting to wonder if our priest emptied out our school so he could rent it out? Wonder when that deal was cut?
I wonder if anyone, or any group of people have tried complaining to the higher-ups in the church about this priest and what he is doing to this parish. I wonder if it could get a review or something from the bishops or - ?
He is no different from the rest of the hispanics. They are single minded in their quest to have hispanics take over America.
This is a half-way house not public assistance. Could be former drug addicts or people with mental problems. Ones who need some supervision. Not a jail but only a one or a few people at night to watch over the residents. People didn't want it by Term or the old State Street school. I have concerns next to a church and that close to Tony's Drug Emporium. One other thing came to mind. How many have been hit by trains in this area? Mental problems and train tracks go so well together. Ex drug addicts won't have far to go either.
The Painesville administration chases the homeless out of town and do they welcome this? Follow the money people.
I bet the Coe Mfg property will be up for sale. A halfway house is not what is needed in Painesville, but at least the money would not go to the church!
This will end up in Painesville because some of our larger landlords support extended housing. It is the perfect feeder system to make sure they keep all their units full.
11:34 First off this is just my opinion. I believe around twenty years ago St. Marys Parish in Painesville was chosen as the Spanish Parish by the Cleveland Diosese and Bishop Pilla. At that time I noticed the priests were either coming or going to Latin America. This church has always had three priests that must be supported by the parishioners contributions. Check around how many Preists are in other Parishes in Lake County?
I have felt that I understood the Churchs relationship with the Hispanic people, for the most part they want their Mass in Spanish and Americans want it in English.
I believe mixing the two together makes no one happy.
This is not the first time the Church has faced this problem. There was a time along time ago that the Irish sat on one side of the Church and the Italians on the other. Seems the Mass was in Latin back then, starting to understand why.
Father Steve is a good man who believes he is doing Gods work. As he mentioned in a sermon once "you can't be an ala carte Catholic. Then we shouldn't be ala carte American citizens either.
We are all taught to help our fellow man, this halfway house is a well meaning project.
What we all have to remember is that if a lifeboats capacity is 50 people and you try to save 100 chances are all souls will be lost.
My only problem with this this property will not generate any tax money because it will be run by a non-profit. Along with the government offices,housing, schools, college, churchs that don't pay property tax we will be expected to provide police, fire, ems, and all other services the city provides. I am not a hateful person but our lifeboat is full.
This is 11:34.I think it's nice, Term, that you give this priest the benefit of the doubt. I am not that nice, however. I have no respect for him or his conduct. He was given a very large responsibility with that church, and he cares not for it nor the country it resides in. I also have very little respect left for the catholic church in general, but that sounds like a personal problem, doesn't it? I had been away from the church for decades, but recently made a huge effort to get back. Didn't like what I saw this time anymore than I did before. Still like God, though, and I still love to be in the catholic churches when I am the only one there (so to speak).
I grew up in Michigan. My Pole/Russian grandparents went to the Polish church, and my French grandparents went to the other church. It was a lot different, though, than what is going on here. Those churches were still all inclusive while they were a special place for those groups. I liked them both, but liked the "other" church better only because it had a balcony where us kids could sit and get away with more goofing around.
This guy closed the school. He closed the school! I can't speak for God, of course, but if I was God, I do not think I would be very pleased. I think this priest has his priorities all screwed up, and shame on the hierarchy for not watching over him and stopping him. Ooh, there I go with the disrespect again. I'll go now and pray extra hard.
11:34 I just beleive that maybe the hierarchy has not only given its blessing but has helped sheperd these thing that are happening at happening at St. Marys?
Well said 1:44am. I, too, was thinking TERM was being too easy on Vellenga. I do not think that Vellenga is "a good man". He may have the backing from the diocese for his latin mission, but he does not act as a christian in his dealings with long time parishioners who are not latino. He is cruel. He has not even tried for any kind of balance between the races. It is all for the benefit of his beloved latinos with special emphasis on the illegals.
Term, if something should some how "happen" to you. The police will need about 10 buses to roundup all the suspects. The Hispanics, the city, and its employees, the Marines, school administrators, Salvation Army, the list goes on.
Now the Church whos next?
This is 1:44. I'm with you 6:49. This guy didn't have an ounce of energy for the "paper" project I tried to get going at his church (before he closed the school), but he sure had energy to harbor the illegals there a while back, didn't he? To take an entire institution that was entrusted to him and to spit on its legacy like he has, as he disassembles it, is a travesty and certainly a sin in my eyes.
Term, why do you think he does all this with the possible blessings of the hierarchy of the church? Oh, you previously said that they probably figure that the Latinos are the future of the church here, as attendance from the non-Latinos drops? Hadn't thought of it that way, but it certainly makes sense. That just leads me back to my disrespect. Anything for the church, and screw the people. Or should I say screw the non-Latino people. Whether it's covering up wide-spread pedophilia for decades or getting rid of decades-long parishioners so you can turn their church into a mission -- whatever it takes, I guess. That would give him another reason for fighting so hard for the legalization of the illegals. What is going to happen to his "mission" if all the illegals are sent packing now that he has alienated so many of the original members? I pray this church survives, and that someone will come who cares enough about the history there and reopen the school. Looks like wishful thinking at this point, though. Then they could send this priest to Mexico to help the people in their OWN country. They don't want to do that, though. They want them to have our country.
Please tell us what streets in what neighborhood you travel down?
I will agree some houses have made huge impovements, but then I can take you to some that are a in ruin.
Funny some of the Hispanics goals are to move out once they can.
Don't belive any one race or nationality can be viewed as a savior of Painesville.
4:07, what kool aid are you drinking? Look at Parkview. What a lovely street up until a few years ago when the hispanics invaded. Trash, too many cars, wrecked yards, kids running around unsupervised. All over this city you can tell the homes that have hispanics. Too many cars and they are parked all over the yards. Too many kids. Unsupervised kids. Excessive trash. Loud music. 4:07, you must be one of the few that has a good neighbor. Unfortunately, that is not most of us. Not most of Painesville.
At Andy Flocks town hall meeting the speaker spoke about gangs.
It seems to me that he painted Painesville in the crosshairs of a long hot summer.
As I listened I felt our administration had lost control of a coming situation and all the B.S. won't save us.
He even mentioned the snowball, broom confrontation might have empowered the partisipants.
On my street, the brown skined people did major remodling on there house (inside and outside) without a permit, I called the building dept. and reported them, the work never stopped, now they are doing electrical work, no permit, I had a sump pump put in at my house with a permit, when they came to do the last insp. they then told my I had to get a lic. electrican and a permit to change the receptical, I will never, ever get the city involved when I do work on my house again.
Wish I was browner....
4:07 is obviously hispanic. . . .and likes kool aid.
Everyone that loves a good story of how the housing in this city works should look into the "Housing Task Force" that our council president appointed.
Lets see, members are... Father Vallenga, anyone doubt he will sell that property for more low income rental? ....Richard Tibbets, president of the Lanlords Organization and a biggg supporter of extended housing anyone doubt that property will get bought for more low income rental? ....Director of Fair Housing Board (can't remember her name) oh yeah, that property will make great low income rentals!
Wondering if the City will approve it?, Remember Joe Hada appointed these people, and he runs this city. I'm sure I will hear that Extended housing is not low income rentals!, sure about that?, do the residents pay rent?, do they own it?, do they make a good income?
Father Vallenga is on our Housing Tax Force????!!!! I can't believe what goes on in this city. The more I know the scarier it gets. These people (McMahon, Hada, etc.) have got to go. Too bad we can't get Vallenga out, too, but we can sure get him off the Housing Tax Force once we get rid of the rest! Unbelievable.
Did you ever think that Mr. Hada wanted to put some of these people on the Housing Task Force so people like Father Vallenga could maybe understand alittle better what the problem the city was facing? I'm go great fan but in this instance it may have been the right choice.
I know I'm gonna catch it but now!
We fully understand Term, you think that because you are in the same camp as Tibbets and Flock and wouldn't want to upset them, would you?
This is 11:01. I'll take it easy on you Term, but I think it was probably to continue to kiss the (feet?) of the people in this city who are for the illegals. All part of the Sanctuary City thing.
Now I'm in a camp?
Believe me I don't take there advice and they don't take mine.
I have yet to hear Father Steve make any statement about housing that could be taken as pro anyone. Spend some time at these meetings before you pass judgement, O.K.
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