Tonights council meeting has only two items on the agenda.
Resolution Authorizing Application for a Nature Works Grant.
Resolution Approving Purchase of Landfill Gas Electric Generation.
A presentation from the Economic and Community Development Director.
I can only hope that some one on council puts a block on the AMP-OHIO Landfill Gas Project until we find out the whole story of our involvement in the Meigs Co. plant.
They claim they have to know by March. Well some of us Painesville residents want to know all the facts now!
At the present rate we're involved with AMP-OHIO they will have control of our electric rates not us. Look before you leap,Council.
Here are a couple of Questions for our building department. Would you think it would be wise to put on the citys web. site interested local landscapers to offer bids and requirements for tall grass the city has to cut? It beats picking five names out of the phone book.
One more thing I wish they would look into property owned by a just appointed Mentor councilman and his wife, for starters the truck is unlicensed. I am sure he doen't want to be know as owning rundown property in a neighbor city. This is one the inspectors can look into.
have you been to Board of Education website and tried to find dates for the meetings? Good luck! They really are making this hard to find.
The city's site isn't much better.
why is so hard to get a website with information for citizens to get information instead of propaganda.
What propaganda are you talking about?
Is it the story with the headline:
Thomas W. Harvey High School Dedication and Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
Heritage Middle School Named “Cool School” by Fox 8
James Dillard Elected President of Board of Education
Heritage Middle School Invites Parents and Students to "Eat With A Teacher" Night at Chick-Fil-A?
What kind of stories do you expect? Maybe they should run an honest one. One that says:
"If you send your kids to our schools they may be exposed to the bloggers on this site. Beware, stupidity is contagious."
They are running relevant stories about the district. Bend over and pull your head out.
Here are some instructions:
You are looking for a Board of Education Meeting right?
1. Click on the link that says "Board of Education".
2. Get a friend who is literate to read to you.
3. This kind person will tell it that it states very clearly the following:
The school board meetings are held on the second Monday of each month at 7 PM in the Board Room at Thomas. W. Harvey High School (200 West Walnut Avenue, Painesville, Ohio) unless otherwise stated.
There is nothing worse than aggressive stupidity. Everyone is entitled to be stupid, but some abuse the privilege.
All done.
Have a nice day.
Hey 7:11-
I followed your instructions and found the time of the BOE meetings is 7:00PM. Then I opened this page- http://www.painesville-city.k12.oh.us/Downloads/BOE%20Fact%20Sheet%2020102.pdf and it says the meetings are at 7:30 PM. I guess you can add the school website as another one where you can't believe everything you read!
They are 50% correct...
All done.
Have a realistic day!
This doesn't seem the proper way to treat people you want to vote for an upcoming levy? "Aggressive stupidity"?
I bet the first person see this as harassment?
Maybe implying that the board is trying to hide when their meetings are and that their stories are just propaganda isn't the proper way to treat the educators of our children. Maybe making these accusations about the schools is harassment.
Angelo you are so transparent with your bias. Look at it objectively. The poster was making up some crazy conspiracy theory about the board not wanting us to know when meetings are when the info was one click from the home page. It was a sad post that got a sarcastic reply. The FIRST poster was the attacker and the second merely pointed out its absurdity.
I will even go as far as to say that the first poster himself is not a stupid person. Just a person who wrote a stupid comment.
The question, what time are the board meetings? Get it right. Why BOE in the morning?
Do the new schools have heating and roof leaking problems?
Why hire people to increase your enrollment after you layoff teacher aides?
Board meetings have been held in the morning on occasion for years to accommodate conflicting schedules and that is also the normal time for disciplinary sessions--No conspiracy here, nice try
If you want to know about leaking/heating problems, call the Board Office. I'm sure the geniuses on this blog will only provide you with further crackpot theories and incorrect information--per usual.
The seasonal migrant recruiter is a position required by the state & the school district can get in trouble for not hiring one--have a problem with that? Call Columbus.
How about you start getting it right and stop your unnecessary whining.
Funny you didn't answer the question 7:00 or 7:30 its there web.site?
Please show me where a seasonal migrant recruiter is required by state law? Who else in Lake County has one? I know they have heating problems, and leaks in the roof thats also not a conspiracy theory, thats a fact.
Whining? your on the outside here. People are not to satisfied with the school system, don't come "Whining" when levys don't pass.
When was any conspiracy mentioned, What time do the BOE meetings start?
Other wise hope your having a good day.
This is my first comment on this post. This seems to be a post about the schools? (Nature Works Grant/Landfill Gas Electric Generation???) Anyway, to further answer some questions....Go to pcls.net. Click on top - "Board of Education" It states that meetings are held the second Monday of each month @7:00pm. Go back to the home page. On the bottom left there are some "quicklinks". Click on PCLS Rumor Mill" There are the questions and answers about the roof leaks and heating issues. Go back to "quicklinks" Click on "streamling video". Go to the "District Fiscal 2003-2011" Below that there is a "E School View" Click to watch video. It is Dr. Hanlon and Richard Taylor discussing the budget and the things they need/want to do to improve/cut. It may not give you all the answers you want but it could give you a better overview of their situation so you know if you will vote yes/no for any levy they may seek. If you have further questions, GO to the BOE meeting and ask - as a taxpayer you have a right to know what is being done with YOUR dollars. I will be voting "no" to any tax levy. I feel there are other ways they can cut money from the budget and the way I took the video, it looks like they counted on some state funding and then didn't get it. Sounds like an unfortunate bump in their plan that caused people to lose jobs. Very sad, but that is not the taxpayers problem and I hope those people are able to regain their employment in the future. Most people this area are stretched out as far as they can go economically. I am currently unemployed with no job offers in sight. (Yeah, I'm blogging, but I did apply to 2 jobs this morning!) As for the posts above - No one is "stupid". If you need information you ask and if you can provide it, you give. If we all can't start helping each other, we're not going to make it. I hope the web info was helpful. Best regards to all! (Play nice!)
OMG a wonderful sane blogger!!
6:28 much good luck with your job hunting!
and Thank You!
and agree I will not be voting for a levy anytime soon as my dollar is stretched so far I can't even tell who's picture is on the front anymore.
TERM, can you give us an update on what happened at the council meeting Monday night? I know you have been busy with this police/freedom of speach problem, but I don't have cable so I can't see the meeting on TV. Would be interested to know how it went. Thanks.
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