"BUS STOP" hollies
Under that umbrella? Those green shelters look like umbrellas.
Laketran announced an improved hub for downtown Painesville for routes 1-4-5, great it will be opposite the spot where the current bus stop presently is.
The construction including pavement (hope they use the fake red brick, sorta to blend) construction and landscaping will cost $287,752. 80% funded with federal money, the LOCAL match works out to $57,550.00 Begs the question how local. Painesville local, county local , Laketran local? Was any thought put in to merge the style of Main St. streetscape and the bus hub? Can we see the possible see a rendition of what this will look like, ( not just an overhead drawing) you must have them, you already know the cost.
Look great... but again I ask why no Laketran route to Tri-Point and here's my reason for asking. First name me a hospital in an area that has bus routes but not served by one? I meet a person from Painesville who was at Lake County West Hospital for blood work because they didn't drive and the bus was their only form of transportation. Whatever happened to that promised Urgent Care Center promised for Painesville? Another pipe dream or just a blatant lie? Another person mention to me they didn't care that much for their doctor I suggested seeing mine a the Physician Pavilion connected to Tri-Point again no transportation they must find a doctor close to a Laketran route. More and more doctors seem to be locating in Concord but still no bus service. Is that a Laketran decision or a Tri-Point one?
Both entities are supposed to serve the communities they are located in but neither seem willing at this time to fulfill that obligation.
Hub all you want but it appears your travels lead you; "No Particular Place to Go" c.b.
In other city news;
The electric department has cut down the hedges along the street by the cooling towers, either they got tired of trimming them, or they wanted residents to see what wasn't operating at the electric plant besides them?
R.E. Gibbs letter in the News-Herald today ... Where's the street fund money? Good place to start looking is to add up the invoices the former city manager paid to the law firm of Buckingham, Doolittle and Burroughs during her tenure.
Have to wonder what fund the city is now using to pay the person or law firm to handle "Human Resources".