Wednesday, July 30, 2014

"BUS STOP" hollies

Under that umbrella? Those green shelters look like umbrellas.

Laketran announced an improved hub for downtown Painesville for routes 1-4-5,  great it will be opposite the spot where the current bus stop presently is.

The construction including pavement (hope they use the fake red brick, sorta to blend) construction and landscaping  will cost $287,752. 80% funded with federal money, the LOCAL match works out to $57,550.00 Begs the question how local. Painesville local, county local , Laketran local? Was any thought put in to merge the style of Main St. streetscape and the bus hub? Can we see the possible see a rendition of what this will look like, ( not just an overhead drawing) you must have them, you already know the cost.

Look great... but again I ask why no Laketran route to Tri-Point and here's my reason for asking. First name me a hospital in an area that has bus routes but not served by one? I meet a person from Painesville who was at Lake County West Hospital for blood work because they didn't drive and the bus was their only form of transportation. Whatever happened to that promised Urgent Care Center promised for Painesville? Another  pipe dream or just a blatant lie? Another person mention to me they didn't care that much for their doctor I suggested seeing mine a the Physician Pavilion connected to Tri-Point again no transportation they must find a doctor close to a Laketran route. More and more doctors seem to be locating in Concord but still no bus service. Is that a Laketran decision or a Tri-Point one?

Both entities are supposed to serve the communities they are located in but neither seem willing at this time to fulfill that obligation.

Hub all you want but it appears your travels lead you; "No Particular Place to Go"  c.b.

In other city news;

The electric department has cut down the hedges along the street by the cooling towers, either they got tired of trimming them, or they wanted residents to see what wasn't operating at the electric plant besides them?

R.E. Gibbs letter in the News-Herald today ... Where's the street fund money? Good place to start looking is to add up the invoices the former city manager  paid to the law firm of  Buckingham, Doolittle and Burroughs during her tenure.

Have to wonder what fund the city is now using to pay the person or law firm to handle "Human Resources".

Tuesday, July 29, 2014


Well at least until August 18th.

A couple of posts ago someone complained about the condition of our schools landscaping. I apologize here for blowing them off.  Someone who I respect called and told me to go look around, with the statement "why wear a $1000 suit with worn shoes with holes in them. Making the assertion that Painesville has invested ( along with the State of Ohio) 100 million dollars in new schools and presently they don't look as sharp and well manicured as they should be.

I realize the administration has outsourced the grounds keeping but was it for landscaping or just lawn mowing? What ever the grounds around the schools should be attend to before school starts.
I now understand what the comment was meant to relay to me, again I apologize.

On another school matter I understand the  vice-principal at Heritage has resigned  to take a job in his home town.
I know Ms. DeAngelis loves here students but some seem to be pushing the envelope. First the school needs a Vice-Principal the will expect proper behavior from these 6-7-8 graders. This along with an SRO officer at the school. Many parents as well as students claim they are in fear of violence with certain students. Plus the fact the school is isolated from the rest of the city due to the railroad tracks. I don't know if this is fact, but as I watch the behavior of some of the students on the way home from school, the fights that might end up in a neighbor's yard, no regard for traffic, A 120 pound body doesn't sand-up well against a 4000 pound vehicle, everything from not looking to defying the vehicle to just being pushed out in the street?  But then they haven't taken physics yet. This plus the profanity loudly displayed makes me wonder? (Remember when you were a kid and how embarrassed you were when an adult heard you use profanity ?) Not anymore.

Interesting list of what students are expected to be supplied with for the coming year.
Along with all students being academic dressed. (I think a good idea)

Third Grade Elm Elementary

Book Bag
1 Supply Box
1 Scissors
6 White Glue Sticks
4 pkg #2 Pencils (Ticonderoga)      A certain brand of pencil?
1 pkg Cap Erasers (for pencils)
1 bx  24 count Crayons
1 pkg Markers ( not permanent marker
1 pkg Colored Pencils
2 Highlighters
1 pkg Dry Erase Markers (4pk assorted colors)
4 Notebooks ( blue, red, yellow, green,)
1 Composition Notebook
5 2 Pocket Folders (blue, red, yellow, green, orange,)
3 pkg Filler Paper (wide rule)
1 bx of Ziploc Bags (sandwich and gallon size)
3 bxs Kleenex
1 pk 3x5 Index Cards
1 pk 4x6 Index Cards

What percentage of students will have this on the first day school?

The reason I am passing this information on as this year  there will be NO  "Unity In The Community"  picnic where many students received much of their school supplies.

I do understand the Salvation Army is putting something together. If you know please post it on the blog.

 look for a "Letter to the Editor" in Wednesday's News-Herald

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

"ANYTIME" journey

Ask you  shall receive. Received this today.

Hi All!

Please come to Andy's Town Hall Meeting on   July 31, Thursday from 7 to 8. It will be held in our backyard so please bring a lawnchair.

Parking can be on the street in designated areas or a Kwanis Park (formerly North Park) which is a little stroll to  871 Hine Avenue.

Experts from the Chagrin Watershed will be here to discuss HOW A RAIN GARDEN CAN HELP STORMWATER RUNOFF.

Mr. Vince Crawford from Waste Management will discuss the concerns that have come up recently with our bills. Tell your neighbors.

Andy & Marge

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

"SOUNDS OF SILENCE" simon & garfunkel

Well Mondays council meeting was an award night of sorts.

First AMP-OHIO issued a $2,000 scholarship to a Painesville student.

Then T&T was the official bread of Painesville with 20 family members attending the presentation.

Garbage invoices? Tony Torre questioned the practice and was told that this had something to do with an ordinance from 2007 or 2010? Along with Waste MisManagement correcting the $4.00 administration bill on the latest invoice. No one provided when and who signed the latest contract for this 3 year contract?City council seemed perfectly happy with it.

Allen Watson asked when the Shamrock Bridge would be open. The ribbon-cutting will take place August 5th. He also question the Windmill project in Perry? That question was then directed to our law director? Lot of hot air but no wind?

All legislation passed. The administration I believes thinks that the old hotel can be demolished with the $600,000 grant? Good luck with that.

Councilman Flock questioned AMP-Ohio's invoice policy and was told AMP-OHIO did that as a one time favor ? Again who works for who? The small incident in May at Prairie State caused over 2 million dollars in damages. ( ever notice 2 million is a number AMP loves to  use?) Well damages will be covered by insurance, I guess we will see a rate increase shortly. The plant was back on line June 20th in the mean time Painesville paid for the unreceived power in those days along with having to purchase power to make up the difference. Maybe that's why the power plant operated for a time in June? Why no one but councilman Flock sees a problem here is beyond me. Councilman DeLeone even agreed AMP-OHIO's position.  Just to give you an idea how serious this problem is becoming is that Bowling Green University will pay  17.6 million dollar more for power from 2010 thru 2021 for electric power. Granted that city receives 50% of it's power from Prairie State but this issue has to be addressed and soon.

Councilman Flock also questioned the administration about the red brick sidewalks on Veterans Park? He was told the project material cost's are $25,000 and labor is furnished by the public works department.

Trains at Heisley Park. It seems now our former Congressman Steve LaTorrette has entered the fray with a meeting to be scheduled soon.

Vacant Property and Building registration. Does anyone on council have a clue what this is supposed to do and how? Someone suggested checking how Fairport's policy works.

The new police chief and city engineer were introduced. I see promise here with both of them also  our public works director is young and seems to be able to think "out of the box".

After seeing the audience I believed to keep my thoughts to myself if no one else seem concerned why should I be? I was told once if Tony Torre and I  didn't complain everyone else in town is perfectly happy with how things are done. Maybe their right?

I will continue to report on the blog. but with what I hear and see the apathy in Painesville is overwhelming.  You get what you deserve.

Sunday, July 20, 2014


Well city wants to teardown a house on Chardon St. and one on Nelson St.

The " T&T The Official Bread Of Painesville " The bakery as well as the Terriaco family have been a staple of Painesville. It's time the city recognized what an asset they are to Painesville.

Asbestos removal at the old hotel.

The usual old business;
 Prairie State
CSX Heisley Park
Vacant Property and Building Registration
Security concerning Bars, Night Clubs
Buffering of Railroads as well as Highways

Introducing our new police chief Anthony W. Powalie

Introducing our new city engineer Leanne Exum P.E. S.I.

Good luck to both in your endeavors with the City of Painesville 

Thursday, July 17, 2014

"FAITH" george michaels

It seems we go from one crisis to the next with a new one every week. Benghazi, Ukraine, Iraq, Veterans Administration, IRS, 50,000 children at the southern border and this week it's Israeli and the Palestinian's waging war.

Well let's get back to the one affecting us the most here in the USA.

50,00 children refugees, why, how and who sent them?

Blame whoever you want Obama, Bush, the 98 Senators that passed that Bill in 2008. remember no one at that time realized the consequences of that law. It was only to stop human trafficking.

Sen. John Cornyn (R) Texas mentioned someone found the loophole in the law and are presently taking full advantage of it.

My question is where and how is the Catholic Church involved in this situation?
The church has many priests and Missionaries along with many other Denomination in the region where these children are coming from. Why are they NOT suggesting to the parents not to send them and explaining how dangerous the trek is?

Why isn't the administration not trying to get these missionaries to help?

The Pope has mentioned that the children should be treated with respect and welcomed to this country? It is a part of Catholic Doctrine to "Welcome the Stranger". But is the Church or its representatives doing their part in stemming the flow of these children?
Most American Catholic Diocese's  in this country have mission in many central American countries. What are they doing to help  with this dangerous  immigration?

We attend Mass and our Priest's tell us we should be more welcoming? I look around at some in the pews and sorry, many ain't buying it.

Then again I see some of these "Patriots" blocking buses of children some with AR-15 strapped on their backs. Some with signs and some just screaming. Yes you bring so much to the table, these are women and children, It's an invasion, these children are bringing diseases to our country.  Are these actions what being an American means? Along with a government that seems fearful of a confrontation with these nut jobs. Let's get something done before some idiot shoots up a bus with 'Y' camper's  thinking there part of some invasion.

Yes a loophole was found and must be corrected. Why should a Salvadorian have more rights than a Mexican or Canadian? Sorry, it's a good law that some seem to abuse. I still feel the citizens of  the United States have been manipulated.

First President Obama must go to the border and eloquently as he can announce to the world there's NO get in free card to the United States.

The Congress must provide funding for the children presently here. Along with funding for medical  care and Judges to hear there reasons for coming here. proper deportation to the many who believed were told they could just come in. No more sitting on your hands and just complaining Congressman.
(I wonder if I could sue Congress for not doing their job?)

This is truly a humanitarian  crisis and the government as well as all faiths must work together to solve it,

Wednesday, July 16, 2014

"WE'RE HAVING A PARTY" sam cooke

Yes this weekend is  Painesville's "Party In The Park". The largest free music event in the state.
I guess if you can call Reggae music music?  ( can't wait for the comments on this one)

Also new this year I have been told pet's are no longer welcome. ( not a bad idea) I watched police escort a person out of the Maple-Feast who brought their dog) This may be a good idea for everyone including the pets?

Let's understand Main St is presently pretty torn -up with 'streetscape' . People parking in county lots will not encounter problems when they arrive at the event in daylight but leaving the event after dark and  after a few beer's could some stumble into a few construction sites?

Let Painesville put it's best foot forward this weekend and welcome over 50,000 people to our town.

RUMORS  that's all!

Ward II might have an Hispanic run for that ward next year.

Police morale has improved.

Should Painesville sue AMP-OHIO for not releasing requested information?

Is someone being charged by the city  over $5,000 for a home that they inherited because it sat empty for five years?

The police have someone in custody over the Fourth of July killing on Hine Ave.

Both Rider's Inn and Steele Mansion are booked solid for the GOP Convention in 2016?

Tuesday, July 15, 2014


Seems a Kirtland resident has been.

This letter to the editor was in Mondays 07/14/14 News-Herald

In response to the June 15 News-Herald story about Painesville's revitalization efforts: Consider this: 1. Painesville's Main Street has lost a majority of it's business blocks. 2. It's a downtown mostly given over to government. 3. The once thriving Main Street now has approximately seven stores.
Therefore, how can Painesville ever return to what it once was-- filled with hustle and bustle, a mecca where shopping and browsing brought pleasure to ones senses and income to assorted merchants. It's neglect led to some slowly decaying nearby neighborhoods. Where is pride of place? Blame for Painesville's sad state of affairs goes back many years. Let's lock those memories in a vault and truly settle down to consider the future.
A chance recovery would be to give Main Street a two story business building stretching from St. Clair Street to State Street (The child and Family Services building could take over space on East Washington formerly occupied by the hospital). This would create a semblance of balance with stores on both sides of Main Street and the feeling of a downtown center. On East Main Street' demolishing the empty former hotel would create space if for not stores then perhaps a pavilion or playground area beneath the shelter of the lovely old trees.
On my travels around the country I have visited many towns like Painesville where formerly empty stores now house antique shops turning a  "lost" downtown into a thriving place with shoppers aplenty. Could this be the answer to Painesville's dilemma?
Meanwhile this historic and once beautiful town languishes as it waits, and waits, and waits for the miracle of rebirth. I pray it is soon.

Margaret J. Hommel

I'd say a pretty fair assessment of Downtown Painesville. The question I'd ask would you invest over 1.3 million dollars in a two block 'streetscape' before some of these idea's become realities? In her travels did she find other cities like Painesville, putting the cart in front of the horse? What are the chances of the county moving to East Washington, who will invest in a two story block of buildings?
What will be accomplished will be fewer parking places, six feet wider sidewalks with afew fences and a very narrow Main Street.  That's it!


Much has been made about the 11% increase in refuse collection along with a message on last months utility bill explaining Ordinance 955.03 which for one reason or another I don't read into the statement at the bottom of the bill  (look for yourself)

What I have found out was;

Unlimited service: $21.97 per month ($65.91 qtr.) Up to 2 green totes plus the recycle tote.
 $25.02 per month ($75.06 qtr.) if you add a 3rd tote
$34.13 per month if you add a 4th tote Cannot have more than 4 totes.

This service allows an unlimited amount of trash bags ( along with totes) to be set-out on pick-up day.

Low Level Orange Bags: Buy your own orange trash bags- when ready to put them out they said you would have to call them for a Pick-Up?

Now back to 955.03 council meeting 12/03/07  I read nothing in that ordinance that claims you must have garbage pick-up. ordinance 24-07.

What if you own a business and you have commercial refuse pick-up and you just dump your garbage off at work?
What if your 88 years old and your daughter takes your refuse and recycles it?
What if you use the orange bags and at the same time Waste Management sends you a three month invoice?
Better yet what if Waste Mismanagement sends you that invoice for July-August and never provided you a tote? so what you have already paid two weeks for nothing?
This along with the 'error" $4.00 charge. Administration fee.

Anyone want to bet whoever negotiated this contract for us doesn't  live in Painesville?

Friday, July 11, 2014

"OUR HOUSE" crosby stills nash & young

By now everyone in Northeastern Ohio realizes LeBron James is again a Cleveland  Cavalier. Myself I didn't think it would happen glad it did but not for the same reason many of you are.

When Mr. James made a spectacle of himself when he announced he was going to 'take his talents to South Beach' I was upset not only for the cruel way he did it, but deep inside I thought if this guy is leaving what have I been thinking about for the first sixty years of my life?

I have lived around Painesville my whole life with many opportunities to seek greener pasture. Some of my siblings moved to different regions of the country as well as friends, fellow workers and classmates.

I always found a reason to stay put. Did I really like Northeastern Ohio or was I afraid of failure? During the winters of 76'-77' that belief was tested greatly.

I created my own comfort zone.

With LeBron's  'decision' came the hidden thoughts this guy is treated like a King and he's leaving  what was
 I holding onto here.

Sports in Cleveland? I barely remember Herb Scores eye injury, the trade of Rocky Colavito before opening day. "Red Right 88' 'The Drive' 'The Fumble' along with Belichick can't coach! Then the goof off owner moves the team to Baltimore.
Jordan's fade away jumper the last time the Cav's were good. (PreJames) Then we even hung our hats on 'The Miracle of Richfield, the miracle is why we remember.  The Jake... how did those teams of the 90's team never win a World Series? To top it off Miami won the series' in a game seven! Jose' can we see?

Cleveland is the "City Where Sport Dreams Go To Die" Think about it three major sport franchises and nothing in 50 years? 150 seasons of one failure after another. Even a blind squirrel finds a nut every once and a while, right?

If any place has a CURSE!

Cleveland a manufacturing giant in the first half of the 20th Century now another 'rustbelt city'.
Many of our children flee the area at the first opportunity.

Now presently the best sports professional in the world wants to come home to NE Ohio, and I believe he is sincere. Thanks LeBron and I didn't have to go to South Beach to know where  'The Best Location in the Nation"  OUR HOUSE

Thursday, July 10, 2014

"TOM JOAD" bruce springsteen

Lazy haze days of summer. Waiting for the fake cement crosswalks to dry, one council meeting a month. Lot of time to catch up on my reading.

I will share with you three books I have read so far this summer. The first the story of the  WWII  submarine USS Batfish by Don Keith "In the course of duty"  who's claim to fame is that it sunk three Japanese submarines within 72 hours. The story goes back and forth between  the war and how it ended up as a war memorial in of all places Muskogee, Oklahoma.

I've been a sucker for WWII submarine stories fiction or non-fiction since first seeing "Run Silent Run Deep" with Clark Gable and Burt Lancaster. A cross between Moby Dick and Mutiny on the Bounty".

It was then suggested to me maybe I should read books with a local interest?

Next book " Blind Man's Bluff: The Untold Story of American Submarine Espionage. Story of American submarines spying on the Russians during the Cold War in the mid 50's. This was in the days before the "Nukes". Painesville connection? Well it seems our infamous Robert "Bear" Gibbs served on one of these submarines. Yes that's him in a picture in the novel. You have to wonder how a tall lanky kid moved around on that class of submarine. Thank-you Bob for your service we almost lost you in the Baltic Sea. See just when you think you know everything about someone.

The Heartbreaker; I had to put it down more times than I care to remember.

"I Lost My Love In Bagdad" by Michael Hasting

This is the true story about Michaels fiancée Andi Parhamovich the girl from Perry, Ohio killed in Iraq in 2007. while doing humanitarian work when she and three others were killed by an assassin with  a rocket grenade as she sat in the back seat of an automobile.

Many of you might remember Andi's father Coach Parhamovich from Harvey High School. Who Michael credits the title of the book.

This story pulls you as can feel Hasting's love for Andi. The Love from Andi's What was stolen from her mother and father older sister as well as her twin younger brothers. This family suffered this loss in war but only because Andi wanted to help these people.

Later Michael married and was killed in an automobile accident last year. A truly tragic story. 

Anyone care to share any good reads?

Sunday, July 6, 2014


Sometimes........ but four times a year?

As most of you have by know received your Waste Management invoice for the next three months. Along with an increase Waste Management has included a $4.00 administration fee?

WTF give me a break I need to pay an administration fee on having garbage picked up once a week?

Our garbage pick-up for city resident will be almost $280.00 a year and $16.00 of it will be do to administrative costs?

Did the administration or council approve this added fee? What next a fee to wash the garbage trucks?

Will ANYBODY question these rate hike at the next council meeting?

Odd, was I the only one who missed the notification on channel 12, the city web site, in the Painesville Pride, and the city newsletter? Another if they don't ask we won't tell?

Maybe it's time the city found a new provider of this service?

Look how late some people are getting their garbage picked up. Seems Waste Management has a weird time schedule?

Also how can there be no difference in charges from someone who leaves one tote and another who leaves four?

I better shut up before some Gomba shows up and invites me to swim with the fishees.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

" THAT'S JUST THE WAY IT IS " bruce hornsby



After me asking about the problems the Cedarbrook area was having with the sounds emitting  from Atwell's gun range Councilman Mike DeLeone asked the city manager to look into the situation.

City Manager Tony Carson assigned Lynn White to research Atwell Gun Range. After spending considerable time on this project here are her findings

The Italianized  questions and remarks are mine and are not included in Ms. Whites report.

205 Chestnut Street (Atwell's) was issued a building and zoning permit in 1974 for the construction of a building. The property was located in an M-1 Restricted Industrial District at that time. The structure that was built houses the firing range. There was no indication on the application in the file the structure was to be used in that manner. The permits were issued without any variances granted.

Sounds like " don't ask, don't tell". No variance was granted because no one asked for one, or was one not needed at that time (e) on the ordinance was it included in another ordinance before 04/19/82?

In 1978 a variance was requested for an addition on the building fronting Chestnut Street which houses the retail sporting goods use. The variance was granted and after reviewing the minutes there was discussion regarding the shooting range operation. There was no mention at that time as to objections to the "nuisance" of the use. The variance request was a public hearing item and surrounding property owners were notified appropriately.

Now were the residents notified about the variance of the sales area or the gun range? It would be interesting to see a copy of that letter. Now I remember at one time Atwell's housed an Dairy Queen type ice cream shop on that property in the early 60's also Bernie Atwell ran a towing service.
Wonder if and consideration was given to ask the right questions?

The current use in a B-2 General Business District would not be allowed today if it were to be constructed as a new use. The code defines a non-conforming use- a building structure, premises or use legally existing prior to the adoption of this ordinance that does not conform to the current regulations of the district in which it is currently located. This particular issue would fall under that category.

I guess the legal minds must decide if the Gun Range had a legal variance?

The noise can be monitored under the noise ordinance and a citations could be issued if the operation is violating the code.

Question who would monitor the noise, at what location. Today the gun range is closed.
I can't understand why the city wouldn't enforce the nuisance ordinance? It's like an  M-80 barrage at times?
What does the neighborhood want? Some peace and quiet that's all. They don't want to stop the use of the gun range or put anyone out of business. This all could be resolved if the owners took responsibility. Two neighbors even said they would support a variance for a larger range if there was proper sound deadeners in place.

Question can anyone explain why this request is unreasonable?   

Thursday, July 3, 2014


Enjoy your long weekend and take some time to remember the people who gave us these freedoms.

At the time of the Revolution  33% of the people wanted Independence 33% wanted to stay loyal to King George and the British Empire and 33% didn't care one way or the other. Pretty much how the country seems to be divided presently.

Although since the year 2000 the country seems to have lost it's will or desire to compromise, for fear compromise somehow meant defeat. I'm amazed how well we are doing presently but could you imagine if everyone would sit down and be willing to work together? Has that dream ended?

We need a President that needs to work with the Congress and a Congress willing to work with him. Not so he has a great legacy but something that will be beneficial to all the American people.

We must be doing something right seems everyone in the world wants to come here. The American Dream is still alive all we need to do is work together.

Let's stop treating this country as a sporting event truth be told we can all win.

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

"SUSPICION" terry stafford

This is off subject but in the end it may concern all Painesville residents.

This flood of 50,000+ children flooding our southern border. Now many blame President Obama, others blame President Reagan, Clinton along with the two Bush's. There's plenty of blame to go around.
One of the biggest problems seems to be how we handle this quickly.
President Bush signed the CHILD PROTECTION ACT OF 2007 that means all these children get a federal hearing that could take years. I believe at the time he had no vision of 50,000 showing up in a year.

One thing is clear they have to be sent back or 50,000 more will come every year. The  people in these Central American countries must see that this policy is not a free pass to get into this country.

This brings up an interesting question. I believe Hispanic parents love their children as much as anybody. What would possess them to send an 8 year old child on this trek? Yes things are pretty bad down there but what mother would think this a better way and why and by who?

Do they believe the  newspaper stories? town leaders, even the drug cartels? Or is someone else they trust telling them it will be alright?

This wave of children seem to be orchestrated but by whom? Immigration zealots?

Who has a large American presence in that part of the world and why hasn't the Obama administration reached out to them to try to explain to the people this isn't going to accomplish anything.

Give this some thought and see if you might come up with the same answer I did.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

"LOCO-MOTION little eva

I know GFRR also recorded the song in the 70's

Picking up today News-Herald 07/01/14 was a front page story about Painesville's Heisley Park. Also featured was a picture of Heisley Park residents that included our Congressman David Joyce. Remember all politics are local. I noticed in the picture tank cars behind the congressman also in the story, it included a video of a train passing by that included a tank train going by Painesville at over 50 mph. Worry all you want about noise and polution. but if something goes wrong those tank cars will take out your neighborhood. What was in those tank cars? Chemicals, corn syrup, maybe ethanol? I understand the noise and polutition  are a problem but whats going past your home every day should have you more concerned. Did the builder as well as the city even bother to check placing homes so close to one CSX most used tracks? Don't believe me ask our Fire Chief..

I guess I question the homeowners the most.  I believe these are $160,000 to $200,000 homes. To afford a home at that cost you must of had many options. Why so close to a busy railroad?

I must admit someone down there has "Juice" a Congressman really? Then again the good congressman  he should know  better the FRA will back CSX 100%. Well the city did get them to donate up to five trees as a match to the city or the homeowners association? Hope there Redwoods I don't see ten trees making much of a difference. Ten tree's problem solved...... let's move on.

Assitant City Manager Doug Lewis had a problem with where the signal was located. It's placed there maybe sixty years ago  because the siding ends a little to the west it was not stationed there to upset neighbors.

City Manager claimed the city can do little, with the exception of enforcing  NOISE ordinances? Well I know a place you could start.

Whoever has the juice down there could you please throw me a bone and have a councilman or city administrator answer my questions?