Sometimes........ but four times a year?
As most of you have by know received your Waste Management invoice for the next three months. Along with an increase Waste Management has included a $4.00 administration fee?
WTF give me a break I need to pay an administration fee on having garbage picked up once a week?
Our garbage pick-up for city resident will be almost $280.00 a year and $16.00 of it will be do to administrative costs?
Did the administration or council approve this added fee? What next a fee to wash the garbage trucks?
Will ANYBODY question these rate hike at the next council meeting?
Odd, was I the only one who missed the notification on channel 12, the city web site, in the Painesville Pride, and the city newsletter? Another if they don't ask we won't tell?
Maybe it's time the city found a new provider of this service?
Look how late some people are getting their garbage picked up. Seems Waste Management has a weird time schedule?
Also how can there be no difference in charges from someone who leaves one tote and another who leaves four?
I better shut up before some Gomba shows up and invites me to swim with the fishees.
I couldn't agree with you more. That's a nearly 17% rate hike which is outrageous for the service that's being provided. I don't understand the administrative fees at all. I'm not certain who negotiates these contracts but it's high time something was done about the atmosphere of gross mismanagement that's permeated pretty much every area of this city's government.
Administration fee???
Shouldn't that be part of the cost of doing business?
With most business, that is called "paper work" and it is a necessary evil.
Why is this business any different?
Time to look for a different contractor.
I've called Waste Mismanagement three times this year because they've forgotten to pick up my garbage or recyclables.
Surely, we can do better. There are other providers in the area.
Unrelated note: I've had a hole in the sewer line on my street since May, and the street has been spraypainted and awaiting replacement. Anyone wanna bet how long that will take?
10:07/ 10:38 100% agreement.
12:35 Adam maybe the city will get to the hole in the sewer line after they complete important jobs like rocks behind city hall and fake cement brick crosswalks?
Glad I wasn't the only one who didn't know about this increase. I opened my bill and couldn't believe it was almost $70! I remember when we started with waste management and it was under $40. Was that 5 years ago? $70 is outrageous!!!
If a household does not generate much trash, I believe service level A would be a more cost effective solution. Compared with level B which most residents have is unlimited trash and recycle pick up at 300 bucks a year.
Waste Mismanagement, love it!
We have really cut back on our trash but increased our recyclables. Called to ask for another yellow lidded toter for recyclables. They want another $30! We pay for unlimited pick up and rarely use our regular brown trash can. So I guess paying for unlimited pick up doesn't include recyclables.
Time for a review on the contract.....
OH NO......
And it's red, too!
You guys missed the best part about garbage pickup, apparently there is a stealth ordinance that went into effect July 1st that all garbage pickup accounts have to be billed to the property owner.My step daughter lives with her family in my second house, they always pay all the utilities, this month their garbage bill showed up in my name at my house. When I called waste management they informed me they could do nothing about it because they were informed as of July 1st by law all accounts had to be under the property owners name.
Then if you read the bottom of your latest utility bill there is a notification that by ordinance any and all garbage pickup in the city has to be with waste management.
So, take that, we will raise your rates, screw with your billing and then make it illegal to choose a different alternative, sounds like a dictatorship or something!
The Township has 4 different garbage providers, so there are definitely options out there. The city better look into one of them.
Well in response to these comments a reliable source told me the administrative fee was a mistake? A new invoice will be sent out. I think the whole invoice is a mistake.
7:20 How can they charge you if you use bag service? Is that option going away? (If not expect bag prices to go up)
6:23 Yes its fake red brick. and where did the money and how much is it going to cost? Maybe it's paid with fake money?
Sandy, "that's just the way it is"
Yes and I have heard complaints of the cemeteries too. I didn't know Evergreen was in poor shape.
Something to share with whoever you can to listen in the City of Pain....
As of June 30th you get the service you do now at $55.98 as per Painesville News Letter July- September. Now get this.
Mentor also has a contract with Waste MisManagment
In 2012 the City of Mentor entered into a FIVE year contract with Waste Management to reduce rates for both garbage and recycling, . Garbage will be collected on the same day as before but recyclable material will be collected every other week, rather than weekly.
Your cost for BOTH garbage and recycling will be $7.79 a month.
7.79 X 12 =93.84
$65.00 X 4 = $260.00 ( without administration fees)
Anybody else see something wrong with this picture?
Plus with the this along with the water surcharge Senior's seem to be taking it on the chin!
In response to the post at 4:11 that is because the city of mentor pays, I believe, 90% of the garbage tab for city residents. That was a sticking point 8-10 years ago, city council felt strongly that garbage should be a covered city service.
Yes, the result is no management. The proposals are given to the service director, who then negotiates the rates and makes a proposal to council. There is no longer a service director and the proposals, if there were any, would have been shuffled along. "NOT ME".
Can't blame waste management, they are a business after all and money to be made. No oversight, why not. Passed along on water as an improvement fee, passed along on electric as power cost adjustment. Just as with all utilities, no choice, just pay. Sad truth. Council did pass this contract, can't cry foul now with waste management
Seniors arent the only one taking it. We are middle age (both working good jobs but with out raises to keep up with cost of living) with 30 something married children. Both generations are feeling it bad as well as our folks. It's bad everywhere unless you are wealthy or on the Dole. The trash 4.00 bill was a mistake and WM sent out a mass phone call telling everyone to deduct it, don't pay it. Oops. Too late for me I paid on line & will deducte it next month.
Waste Management left me a voice mail about the admin fee being a mistake.
2:35 yes I got one to.
10:54 Senior and single family homes are getting hit with the same surcharge as a family of seven. $8.00 water surcharge, same fee for a quarter filled tote as a family with seven people. Why?
6:53 We are constantly told the city is being run by "Professionals" my question is in what?
5:46 There was no mention of this when I checked also if Mentor was paying 90% the bill would be near a $1000.00 a year.
I got my rates from the Painesville Newsletter July-September 2011 and googled Mentor's rates.
Good question why do I pay the same rate with a half tote as someone with 4 totes plus? Makes no sense. Poor management, poor negotiations.
My 90% guess was wrong, here is the quote from a NH article 2 years ago:
The city pays half the cost of residents' basic garbage service and 100 percent of yard waste collection, and residents pay for all of bulk pickup. They would pay for all of recycling costs under the new agreement.
Still, nice that mentor pays a good potion, that's why their bills are so cheap
Maybe we should start to pool our trash? One person with a tote the rest with orange bags. I believe these need to be bought from WM.
That'll save a few bucks. Am I the only one having issues paying the big bucks for a newspaper too? I realize paper vs trash is different and one is necessary one is a luxury. I had to drop my paper due to the huge increase.
Interesting information about he Mentor waste contract. Even without the administrative fees, that's an additional 10% for Painesville City which I maintain is still far too large of an increase. And, the city hasn't even seen fit to officially inform the residents about it. The information on their website is still from the last contract.
The council needs to present a free alternative for those of us that are fed up with the status quo. At this point, I would rather take my one weekly bag of garbage to the dump myself than continue to overpay for minimal service.
Painesville is rife with this sort of incompetence and yet people keep electing council members who apparently don't need to live within the constraints of a budget like the majority of the city residents do. They're just blithely passing along increases and surcharges without calculating how these cumulative increases affect the residents. Apparently if you aren't affiliated with the college or don't live in the historic district the average homeowner can go soak their head. I intend to complain loud and long about this latest round of nonsense and I've added it to my very long list of things I pester the council about.
6:20 Well lets assume Mentor pays a TOTAL on half. Painesville's contract for 2011 $55.98
Mentors contract started in 2012
Half of Mentor's a year later was $188.00 at the same time Painesville's was $224.00 $3.00 more a month even with an older contract. Now we will be paying $260.00 for that service $72.00 more a year.
8:23 Maybe some of you might start to realize some of the Mismanagement under the Golden Dome.
Believe me, Term, I'm very well acquainted with how poorly this place is run. I've been a victim of Painesville's lousy management on a number of occasions and could tell some horror stories that would leave you shaking your head in disbelief. Unfortunately, not enough people pay attention to how dysfunctional the administrators and the council are to vote them out or to organize in order to effect change in the way things are done around here.
4:16 - What The News-Herald keeps doing to me is billing me for special inserts, even though I have opted out for two years in a row. Now I have to call them monthly, because they keep making my due date earlier every month again, because they keep charging me for these same inserts that I keep opting out of. I literally have to call them monthly. Now I currently have a bill that is due the 19th instead of the 20th again, and I have to call again. Unbelievable incompetence over there and I, too, have about had it.
Cancel your paper and eventually they will make you an offer you can't refuse. Got my offer yesterday - a great deal for the entire year. Hoping they will survive that long. As for the trash, spoke w/a friend in MadTown. They have a choice of 3 or 4 providers, went with the best deal they had and pay over 90.00 for 3 months. Maybe ours isn't so bad?
Painesville has over five times the population of Madison so, yeah, ours is that bad. This city is in a position to pretty much dictate what residents are going to pay but,instead of playing hardball, city hall just rolls over again and lets suppliers walk all over them and us. Useless.
You better then anyone should realize after seeing the electric contracts did you really believe they could do an advantageous garbage contract?
Why does Painesville pay more for trash pick-up?, because it is as the name says a PAIN. Many, many, uncollected bills as our "renters" move from apt. to apt. and just figure screw the garbage guys. This might improve with the next contract because of the new regulation that all garbage contracts have to be under the property owners name. When our "renters" move, even if the bill is paid how many times do you drive down a street and see all of a persons belongings on the curb, someone has to take a lot of extra time to pick up that garbage.Want to guess how many people pay for minimum pickup and then get on the phone and complain when the two extra cans they put out are left? Or how about the houses like next door to me, two families living there and the landlord will only pay for one service?
7:34 I understand but how do you hold someone responsible for something they didn't contract for? If you hold landlords responsible then they have the right to raise the rent, along with any security deposits.
The problem in Painesville is not the renters.
The problem is the city administration and BOE that drives homeowners out and leaves no reason for a homeowner to buy here. Causing high rental numbers. High taxes, high utilities along with
Redoing Main St. and fake sidewalks won't improve the quality of life here.
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