There's a lot in a name. It may describes who or what you are.
Presently I concerned about the name on one of Painesville most prized assets. Our 125 year old electric plant.
Is it called "Our Sisters of Charity Electric Plant"?
Is it named after a former or present city leaders?
The "insert name here" Electric Plant
Is it called the Patriot Electric Plant owned by a large electric conglomerate?
None of the three examples above are correct.
It is the Painesville Municipal Electric Plant. Remember that it's an important fact.
Recently the third largest employer in Painesville closed it's doors abruptly. Or was it so abruptly?
Seems the city, county and state had been working on this situation for some time. I have been told the handwriting has been on the wall for six months? A court order I believe was ordered January 25,2013. The trucks really didn't appear unannounced.
It is a sad affair that 400 employees lost their jobs. My question is where will Painesville find the resources to find the over $400,000.00 in unpaid utilities Bills? Last I looked we are not a charity, or a incorporated company with stockholders as well as a CEO,CFO, and the other C somethings.
I know it's not named after the person or people who made this decision there not on it.
So my question is very simple who or who were the people that decided to let this loss grow to this amount? Was it Council? I don't think they knew to much in advance what was going on? Begs the question why do we have 7 council people if they are not in the loop?
The interim City Manager? Doug Lewis seems like a very reasonable person and at the same time I don't believe he or anyone else in the administration would make this decision?
One of the thirty or so at the electric plant fail to enforce a shut-off notice? Nah
Who then? Will that person stand up and explain to us why something they didn't personally own decide to keep the power on? I plan on hearing about 400 employee's along with their families.
WE heard that during the Millstone debate. The difference it wasn't city money it was a FEMA Grant. Will we be able to get a Grant for our loss?
Shouldn't there have been a formula in place that when you consumed so much, and you were behind some much it's out of everybody's hands?
If it comes down to one or two people I would hope that they looked towards other people before embarking on a decision like this. Remember we haven't had a City Manager since November .
For the bill to be this large how long a period was it for two months six months. What knowledge did the person or people have in making this decision? They must have seeked expert advice?
If it was done the way I believe it happened that person should be prepared to make us whole and to proceed and purchase the plant put there name on it and make all the bad decisions they wish.
The scary part wonder if there are any more large delinquent are there?
Yes and at Mondays Council Meeting we again will hear why adding 7/10 day grace period will destroy Painesville's finances. You residents better pay your bills or we're coming to shut you off.
The best story I've heard is a city resident applied to the city for automatic bill payment. The city screwed up didn't make the withdrawal he was then sent a shutoff notice. Called the city about the problem and they still wanted to charge him a late fee. Like I said you can't make some of this stuff up.