As you know I believe some of the conversations that take place in executive session are in violation of the Ohio Sunshine Law.
The last meeting letter mention some of the things listed for executive session included liquor licences. Was this a typo?
Now lets look at some of the members of council.First we have a council person that presently works for a sitting Lake County Judge.
We have a council person that works as an assistant prosecutor during his campaign he mentioned that it was a plus to his ward and the city.
We have a former school administrator who should be well versed in what can and cannot be discussed in executive session.
One council person that has served over 30 years and another that has over 18 years.
This plus a law director who should know whats going on.
Myself I have no idea, only what I read in the minutes.
Those seven on council have a civic obligation to uphold the laws of the state. They even took an oath.
I have invoiced all minutes I questioned. Now I have to ask has any or all of you have knowledge of breaking the Sunshine Law?
Not what you think but what the law says.
If you didn't good for all of you.
If I see again where it seems that something happened in an executive session that shouldn't I will send all the finding to the State Auditor for review.
I asked a question last night. You all heard the answer.
Now on another question why are the utilities still on at CORE? The power should be turned off until the building owner agrees to pay the bills starting say March 1,2013. I can't see the city leaving a residents power on with a $400.00 bill along with a bounced $65.00 check?
Shut it down now.
An ordinance the city put on first reading seemed to be confusing at least to me. No more pole signs in B2 business area. They want ground signs. O.K. they mentioned grandfathering present signs.
My question is what if say Perkins becomes IHOP can they use the present sign with new panels?
Could a Convenient become a Redi-Go or changing names make a sign obsolete?
so you believe that they are breaking the law?
Minutes of a city council would hardly be enough to convict anyone.
Ask Andy, he will tell you what was said in executive session. Just tell him its a secret and you will not tell anyone
9:31 That's where it gets interesting. Andy has NEVER mentioned anything that happen there.If I find out anything he just looks at me and says really? Andy or I could care less if you don't believe either of us.
I asked a question and everyone heard the answer.
9:18 I not trying to convict anything I just wish they all are acting in a responsible manor.
The old top secret gig going on in Painesville ... they tried that stunrt in Galion until the courts slapped them upside their heads a few times .. they don't mess with the citizens anymore down here ..
See Marceline, MO is now talking publicly of defaulting on their debts ... what do you think will happen with the variable interest rates on Prairie State if they do ?
3.5 % rates will go to JUNK BOND STATUS and 15%
TERM you have a lot of nerve asking what is going on behind the curtain .. sit down, shut up, pay your taxes and your electric bill. Quit questioning these wizards of wisdom. Everyone of them is a mensa member, didn't you know that ?
I wasn't at meeting. TERM, what question did you ask and what answer did you get?
Andy or I could care less if you don't believe either of us. That statement speaks volumes, neither care less? He of all people SHOULD care, he is a paid councilman. You, that's an understatement. Of course you care if you didn't you wouldn't be so obsessed on what goes on, what is said and Sunshine. Why would you say both of you don't care?
The answer is that neither Andy or I believe if you believe he discusses things that go on executive session with me. He is loyal to his oath.
I read and hear things in minutes along with statements made in council meeting and I get a fair idea that these things are not executive session items. All I say to Andy is, you do know the law?
Andy as well as the rest of council must feel very comfortable if the law director doesn't stop it?
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