Friday, March 1, 2013


There's a lot in a name. It may describes who or what you are.
Presently I concerned about the name on one of Painesville most prized assets. Our 125 year old electric plant.

Is it called "Our Sisters of Charity Electric Plant"?

Is it named after a former or present city leaders?
The "insert name here" Electric Plant

Is it called the Patriot Electric Plant owned by a large electric conglomerate?

None of the three examples above are correct.

It is the Painesville Municipal Electric Plant. Remember that it's an important fact.

Recently the third largest employer in Painesville closed it's doors abruptly. Or was it so abruptly?
Seems the city, county and state had been working on this situation for some time. I have been told the handwriting has been on the wall for six months? A court order I believe was ordered January 25,2013. The trucks really didn't appear unannounced.

It is a sad affair that 400 employees lost their jobs. My question is where will Painesville find the resources to find the over $400,000.00 in unpaid utilities Bills? Last I looked we are not a charity, or a incorporated company with stockholders as well as a CEO,CFO, and the other C somethings.

I know it's not named after the person or people who made this decision there not on it.

So my question is very simple who or who were the people that decided to let this loss grow to this amount? Was it Council? I don't think they knew to much in advance what was going on? Begs the question why do we have 7 council people if they are not in the loop?

The interim City Manager? Doug Lewis seems like a very reasonable person and at the same time I don't believe he or anyone else in the administration would make this decision?

One of the thirty or so at the electric plant fail to enforce a shut-off notice? Nah

Who then? Will that person stand up and explain to us why something they didn't personally own decide to keep the power on? I plan on hearing about 400 employee's along with their families.
WE heard that during the Millstone debate. The difference it wasn't city money it was a FEMA Grant. Will we be able to get a Grant for our loss?

Shouldn't there have been a formula in place that when you consumed so much, and you were behind some much it's out of everybody's hands?

If it comes down to one or two people I would hope that they looked towards other people before embarking on a decision like this. Remember we haven't had a City Manager since November .

For the bill to be this large how long a period was it for two months six months. What knowledge did the person or people have in making this decision? They must have seeked expert advice?

If it was done the way I believe it happened  that person should be prepared to make us whole and to proceed and purchase the plant put there name on it and make all the bad decisions they wish.

The scary part wonder if there are any more large delinquent are there?

Yes and at Mondays Council Meeting we again will hear why adding 7/10 day grace period will destroy Painesville's finances. You residents better pay your bills or we're coming to shut you off.

The best story I've heard is a city resident applied to the city for automatic bill payment. The city screwed up didn't make the withdrawal he was then sent a shutoff notice. Called the city about the problem and they still wanted to charge him a late fee. Like I said you can't make some of this stuff up.


At March 1, 2013 at 2:11 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

So who do you believe the villian in this story is?

At March 1, 2013 at 2:45 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

If you have read this site for any length of time you must have a pretty good idea who I believe made the decision.
When I bring it up Monday I expect to receive this answer.
"This is now in the hands of the law department and with a lawsuit pending we will not comment presently on the situation"

Hope above Hope that everyone will forget soon. Bad plan I won't let them .

At March 1, 2013 at 3:40 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't believe your being political correct Term?
Most are talking about job fairs and the people out of jobs,
You on this seemed more concerned about what the city did or didn't?

At March 2, 2013 at 8:42 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

3:40 Your probably right.
It seems enough people have shown concern for the people left out in the cold. ang I am GLAD they are.

Who's worried about the 19,000 Painesville residents left with this huge bill.
How did it happen and why?
Now I believe if it was anyone out there if this was their money this wouldn't have happened. You would care more about what a toxic customer like this could cause your bussiness this much harm.

Plus I've been listening to the administration tell council about ALL the financial problems adding a 7/10 day grace period on a residents bill, all the while knowing this train is coming down the track.

At March 2, 2013 at 11:06 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The city cut off my neighbors power last year and his bill was around $275.
They mentioned to him to be more responsibe? Now this.

At March 2, 2013 at 2:30 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term will be hosting the next job fair at his house. It will be for the city employees laid off at the light plant and for the electric distribution workers that gets tailed around to see what or what not they do all day. What. Wait. Sorry he doesn't have the time to host a job fair because he's to busy spying on them and being in everyone else's business.
I would not want to be in your shoes and be the cause of a layoff due to what you are doing.

At March 2, 2013 at 3:15 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

2:30 Neither does he have the time to tail anyone.

I'm happy in my shoes,at the same time should we continue to pay people to work if they don't?

The electric department needs an overhaul and it's demise won't be caused oby this blog.only the reality of what's going on.

2.1 million for AMPGS
1.3 for nrw sub-station,. (that will make the power plant on Richmond St. obsolete.)
$400,000+ from CORE?

How much of a reserve do you believe we have?

At March 2, 2013 at 3:24 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have always wonder why Painesville needed these businesses. No one else around here has them?
If the stories about Amp and some of the others are true. These utilities don't seem to be run the way they should.
Plus the fact if you can't take the profits and fix a street or another civic project. Why bother.
Added up all three bills cost on the average $20 a month more than relatives in Mentor.Are we doing this to just employ people?

At March 2, 2013 at 7:24 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Payoffs and bribes not going on .. look at this from New Bremen, Ohio their city minutes ... if you scroll down to June 26 .. you'll see AMP gave a scholarship to Lindsay Pape .. she just happens to be the mayors daughter ... in these minutes you'll see they have doubled some of their electric rates now .. and charge a whopping 500 electric deposit now .. and it's still not enough. New Bremens bill for AMPGS was $1.1 million .. their population is 2,900 citizens... and they have not even started paying it yet.

At March 2, 2013 at 7:57 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Term you also have to factor in how much energy Core consumed .. if they don't need that energy Painesville may have to unload the excess power then .. and sell it at a loss .. like Galion is doing .. like Haniball, MO is doing, like Marceline, MO is doing .. like New Bremen, Ohio is doing ... AMP wants their money .. they don't care where or how you have to get it they want it for the next 49 years ... all this mess and it's just one year in .. wait until next year after multiple communities default on their bills

At March 3, 2013 at 7:57 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

7:24 MaybeI should have clarified this alittle better. In my little corner of the world I haven't seen payoffs or bribes.
I cannot speak for the rest of the AMP-OHIO communities, the Mayor's daughter?

I made a fuss at the last council meeting what could and couldn't be discussed in exective session.
Speaking with different council persons I get a very vague answer of where or when they learned about CORE?
This I have been told is what is called building a case.
7:57 If they had no intention of paying the bill Painesville would have been better off selling it on the open market at a loss. 100% of nothing is nothing 50% of something well.

At March 3, 2013 at 11:43 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder what the Painesville Municipal Electric Plant and it's customers are worth? If it was sold, how much would it sell for. Anyone know?

At March 4, 2013 at 5:33 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

I wonder also. It's not worth as much as it was worth 10 years ago.

You need a buyer who would buy it with all the deals we have done.

At March 4, 2013 at 8:30 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It's worth a negative .. the enviromental clean up would cost hundreds of thousands of dollars alone ... it's a TOXIC asset

At March 4, 2013 at 3:07 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where would those thirty workers hang out all day? The square? the homeless have first divs's. Shut it down lay them off pay for the clean up with the money your wasting on wages.

At March 4, 2013 at 7:55 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lay those 30 "workers" off. They haven't worked in a long time. I'm not being cold. I'm being realistic. I would lose my job if the company I worked for wasn't operational. They've already had a 7 month vacation on us. Now is the time to stop this madness. Sorry, but this is the real world.

At March 5, 2013 at 5:08 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

OMG you missed it? City trucks at the end of Lucille Ave yesterday. What were they doing? Why were they there? How many people on each truck? Thats right in your neighborhood. Where's the scoop? Did you or the mayor of Miller speak to them? Gotta know these answers- tell us the truth please.

At March 5, 2013 at 5:29 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

7:55 The real madness? The city hasn't cut off the utilities at CORE yet.
5:08 They were probably doing their jobs? I witness man workers doing a full days work daily.

At March 5, 2013 at 6:11 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What kind of special event are they havind at the electric plant today? Maybe produce power?

At March 5, 2013 at 7:00 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Nothing at the electric plant. If you remember today the city is having a job fair at the Morse Ave. Community Center for CORE workers looking for employment.

Produce Power?

At March 5, 2013 at 9:37 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your wrong!
What would the electric plant have to do with a job fair.

At March 6, 2013 at 5:13 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Doing their jobs? Witness men doing a full day job? You should go back where you "found" them and questioned their work ethics. You speak with a forked tongue.

At March 6, 2013 at 5:18 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Forked tongue? I watched a water crew work in the worse weather conditions to repair a waterline. They earned every penny they made.
They all appeared to have an excellent work ethic.

At March 6, 2013 at 9:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Has anyone actually gone to the electric plant to see what is going on there? Won't they need those workers when the plant starts back up? If I was going to make the accusations I see in these comments, I know I'd want to be able to back them up.

At March 7, 2013 at 5:32 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Only the administration can answer that question. As long as they have other obligations and can purchase power cheaper than they can prodoce it I believe things won't change.
They seem to "idle" the plant in case we would get knocked off the grid?

At March 7, 2013 at 5:36 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you not point out the big red utility trucks hiding out on this site? You printed it I saw it. Then you said point blank -no more discussion about it. Now city workers are on your pedestal. That is your forked tongue speaking. You bash them, when ones come to their defense you bash the defenders then you turn around and defend those employees you could have gotten fired by your actions. I've said it before you are not happy unless you are causing trouble for others. You DO speak out of both sides of your mouth.

At March 7, 2013 at 9:46 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Yes I do. good and bad. When I am told employees hiding and not doing their job it's one thing. If I see a water crew working in freezing weather repairing a water main, they should know the people appreciate them doing their jobs.
The crew hiding, Why and how can you defend them?
Maybe a wake-up call from here might save someones job, no one is going to get fired by what's on this blog. But for some reason your reasoning just plain sucks. I don't know why? I see it more as pointing out trouble to others. We have enough leadership in this city to sink the Titanic without an iceberg. Sorry.

At March 7, 2013 at 10:05 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You people are delusional .. the electric plant will never be fired up again .. it's coal fired and Painesville does not have the EPA permits to use it anymore .. that's why it's been shuttered .. snap out of it people.

At March 7, 2013 at 10:20 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Living here many are delusional. How can we find this out the way you did?
I also have been told the plant could be easily converted over to gas which it has run on before and we could use it at peek times?
I find it hard to believe that after asking the city they did not mention any of this.
That's par for the course though.

At March 7, 2013 at 10:50 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Curious by what you mean by "easily" converted to gas from coal fired. From what I have read the oublic utilities pay 10's of millions of dollars to convert.

At March 7, 2013 at 1:17 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Easily might not be the right word.
Mr. Green was asked at a townhall meeting about it.
His answer was that they had run the plant on natural gas. I believe him.
This may be a better solution than the ones planned?

We have spent millions on turbine repair and other upgrades, cooling towers if we knew his why did we do it?

At March 8, 2013 at 3:36 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Green? Tom? Didn't the retire? Years ago? Living in the past again/still. As usual.

At March 8, 2013 at 5:29 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Well it wasn't that long ago. He was still on city payroll in 2012but you already knew that.

At March 8, 2013 at 11:07 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:36 This is 2013 most people have cell phones. These cell phones have camera's, even video. Let me explain I need not a blog or Term to report improper use of city equipment and time to the proper authororities. Your personal rant here seems to make me believe that you think these people are due special treatment?
Live and learn what a camera can do.

At March 8, 2013 at 11:03 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

@ 10:05 - Painesville doesn't have the EPA permits to run the plant???? Where did this bit of info come from? I've searched and searched and cannot find anything to back this statement up. Seems like another person spouting off without knowing what they are talking about. Seems to be par for most of the comments on this blog.

At March 9, 2013 at 7:12 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

11:03 I agree. If they don't have EPA permits there would be no need for 30 employees.
The administration claim that it could be operational would not be true.


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