"DOWNTOWN" petula clark
Much has been said about keeping our purchases local
We have the "Shop Downtown" ad and advertising in local papers as well as city literature.
What I propose, and we can be honest with this . In the next 10 days you can only make purchases within the city limits.
Gas, food, clothing anything you might need for 10 days. No sneaking out to Giant Eagle, Marc's Walmart or even out to Macy's.
Lets see how well developed our local; community is in providing all our needs for 10 days.
Hope you don't need a new pair of dress shoes?
Has anyone become addicted to a television show?
The Following
Monday Morning
The Wire
Mad Men
One that I became a binge watcher of is a Nexflix Original by the title of "House of Cards" starring Kevin Spacey as Congress Majority Whip Francis Underwood and Robin Wright as his wife.
Along with this being a great show will this become the future for television series?
Along with it seems everyone I know loves "The Big Bang Theory"
There is barely anthing to buy DOWNTOWN and what is available is 40 - 50 % higher priced than what can be bought elsewhere.
The farmers market is about the only thing worth visiting and they want to jack with that.
Then why are we bombarded with "Shop Downtown Painesville" I wish some would try to do this and the longest I went was 6 days.
Very close to the shows I watch. My problem is when people watch some of these shows does it put evil ideas into their minds?
Criminal Minds, is this show giving some people ideas?
I didn't know about House of Cards what I have seen about it on the internet it seems like something I could get into.
*I guess the only way to watch House of Cards is to subscribe to Netflix?
I guess House of Cards all the episodes were released on the same date near February 1st? 1 thu 13 What a new way to do this. No wonder some many watch 13 hours at once. Justified I thought I was the only one that would appreciate a U.S. Marshall crime story set near Lexington Kentucky.
It is a change from L.A. or N.Y. city.
Only thing left to buy in god forasken PAINS VILLE is NWEPORTS, CAMELS, 40 OZ beverages and lotto tickets.
Real Classy....
I like to shop at joughins hardware their prices are only a little higher than the big stores but the service and knowledge is outstanding and you don't have to buy bulk packages and end up with more than you need, I also like to buy my meat at richmond street redi-go the prices are lower than giant eagle and they have small servings good for one or two people and the quality is just as good sometimes better but to be honest I couldn't go more than 2 days trying to shop Painesville
6:13 The service at Joughins can't be matched. Also they seem to have items no one carrys anymore.
Red-Go Meat and Deli prices are cheaper than even Giant Eagle. One time in the past year I forgot to buy Marzetti's for my cole slaw. Purchased it at Redi_Go went back to GE the next week it was 22 cents cheaper at Redi-Go? Overall prices are higher at a Redi-Go but you really have to watch what you purchase at Giant Eagle. That 10 cents a gallon for gas has to come from someplace.
This winter I bought ice melt at Marc's for $3.99 the same size and brand was $6.99 at Giant Eagle.
Buyer Beware.
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