Tuesday, March 19, 2013

"I KNEW YOU WERE TROUBLE" taylor swift

It seemed like only a short time I was claiming the virtues of Council person Lori DiNallo.
How fast things can change.

At last nights meeting 03/18/13 There was a resolution opposing uniformity measures for Municipal Income Tax resulting in a loss of revenue and unfunded mandates as proposed in House Bill 5.

Now the acting city manager and city finance director explained to council that with this change two things will happen. First the city will loss $30,000+ a year under the new collection system. Along with instead of the city receiving income tax receipts twice monthly it will only be payed quarterly. Now pretend your paycheck went from twice a month to four times a year and with this no knowledge what the next check's amount will be? Try running your city finances in the blind.
Now council only had five members present and they need all five to suspend and four votes to JUST send a letter to our leaders in Columbus to express our concern's and objection to this Bill.
On the vote to suspend four voted to suspend and one voted No. It never even got to a final vote. All this over a simple letter?
Now to confuse people even more Mrs. DiNallo claimed she didn't even disagree with the resolution? I guess she want's it both ways?
Now Mrs. DiNallo was defeated last November in her run as a State Legislature. The question after watching the going on's at last night meeting is her first concern to the residents of Painesville
 she was elected to represent or the Republican legislators and special interest groups  down in Columbus?

I will predict that if this Bill passes it will end any chance of her re-election in Painesville. Her first responsibility is to the electors of Painesville not to the party Bosses in Columbus..

Willoughby, Mentor has sent letters, as well as all 40 communities in Cuyahoga County in opposition to this Bill.
Maybe Mrs. DiNallo would like to explain herself? I know 30,000 reasons off the top of my hat to send the letter.

In other news the citys Spring clean-up dates have been changed  ( it's a little late) no matter what you have read in the Painesville Pride.
Waste Management will START picking up yard waste Monday March 18, 2013. Sorry for the inconvenience this may have caused city residents. No sorry... who's going to pick up all those bags around town that have been left out on the tree lawn that have blown into the street and hit by snowplows?


At March 19, 2013 at 10:56 AM , Blogger Jim said...

Six months ago (or so) it was Mr Flock not wanting to issue the proper paperwork to start the building of the bridge over the tracks west of Rt44. He was promptly slapped by the Law Director.

Now this?? What in the world is she thinking? What harm could have been done by sending the letter??

At March 19, 2013 at 12:02 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

She presented a weak answer last night. All my concern nis to what negative finances the city will face? These people on council must realize if this Bill passes we have big problems.

At March 19, 2013 at 12:04 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Once again misinformation about HB 5 is being spewed. This bill is meant to standardize municipal income tax ordinances and procedures statewide ro clear up the many administrative problem out there caused by having hiundreds of municipaliies eaching having a different set of rules that virtually no one can stay on top of.
Go read the bill, employers who withhold city income taxes exceeding $1,000 a month will still be required to remit them twice a month. Employers who total city withholding is less than $1,000 a month will remit on a quarterly basis. The idea is to relieve some of the administrative burden of the small employer to remit those taxes monthly. I am sure the vast majority of Painesville's income tax dollars are coming in via the large employers.

I am curious what the $30,000 expense is, please share.

At March 19, 2013 at 12:32 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

First call the finance director he can share these numbers with you.
Second Painesville is incorporated having something called "home rule'
Now if you can explain why the state wants to get involved with not only our city income tax but every others citys?

At March 19, 2013 at 1:06 PM , Blogger Jim said...

Without getting into the specifics of the bill, perhaps you can explain why the State wants to "involve" itself in the taxes for every community?

Always follow the money trail.

If they are getting involved, it HAS to be for a reason and I would really doubt that the reason would be to make things easier for the cities, the employers, or the employees. That simply makes no sense. RITA nad CCA don't seem to have a problem, right?

I haven't seen, or heard, of any of those groups crying that the current system needs to be fixed. It has to be more along the lines of reaching into our pockets to get another revenue stream.

BTW, assuming that the current system is so confusing, what governmental agency allowed that to occur? Maybe the State because it sure wasn't the City.

At March 19, 2013 at 2:01 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Follow the money...you will find the power find the power.... you will find the control.
The Republican legislature is just being lobbied by the CPA to make THEIR job easier, the reward anything you can skim off the cities.
The law dates back 100 years. Now we will have to change? "Home Rule"
The question remains whats Mrs. DiNallo's agenda how does this benefit Painesville?

At March 19, 2013 at 6:43 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Having read ODOT analysis .. the streetscape project will end up destroying and severly crippling all the business involved financially for a long time. People stay away from construction sights, which businesses can take the financial ruin ?

PAINS VILLE may have a pretty street when it's all done .. but it will be completely devoid of businesses.

We're frum da gubermint and were here to help.

At March 20, 2013 at 5:09 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ohio is one of about only 7-8 states that actually allow municipalities to collect income taxes. I would like to see us join the other states and get rid of this. It is a nightmare to figure out who owes what to where. For instance, imagine you are a plumbing company. You send your guys out to jobs in Mentor, Painesville, Painesville Twp., the JEDD in Concord, Madison Twp., Grand River. Now, that plumber who goes to the different jobs has to figure out how many hours he worked in each municipality and pay the appropriate income taxes to the cities and villages that have an income tax. Or what about a mail carrier that spends a few hours in the post office in Painesville every day sorting mail, then goes out to Painesville Township to deliver it. They owe income tax for the few hours they are in Painesville, but not the hours in the Township.

Imagine trying to explain this to Painesville that you don't owe taxes on the full amount of your income. Try fighting City Hall on that one.

At March 20, 2013 at 5:31 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

5:09 It won't get rid of anything. It will just make the state of Ohio the Grand PooPa.
Get ready to pay sales tax on your veterinarian bills.

At March 20, 2013 at 6:52 AM , Blogger Jim said...

Well, it is not as bad as you seem to think.

I worked at a job where dividing up my hours was just part of the job. At the end of the day, if I spent 2 hours in Painesville, 2 hours in Mentor, 2 hours in Kirtland, and 3 hours in Pnvl Twp, that was the way I coded it. The 2 hours in the Twp went to Painesville anyway since that is where I lived.

At the end of the year my employers provided tax forms reflected this all based on how I coded my time sheet.

Keep in mind that the ONLY way you avoid the tax is if you live in a township and you are working in a township. Otherwise, someone gets your money.

Regarding your description of a mail carrier, I fail to see how dividing the time (4 hours and 4 hours OR 3 hours and 5 hours OR whatever) is so difficult. The math is not that tough.

IMO, allowing the State to be the collecting authority would just give them another club to wield over the municipalities. Kind of like the way our current Governor has balanced the State budget on the backs of the cities and school boards.

Besides, now that I think about it a little more, how would turning this over to Columbus reduced the work required?? It would just mean that someone (who knows who that would be?) in Columbus would be "responsible" for deciding how much goes to Painesville and to Mentor and to Kirtland. In the end, what has REALLY changed?

At March 20, 2013 at 6:57 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Painesville Pride quoted service director Lynch as claiming March 1,can anyone get their act together around here?
They claim to be professionals I have to ask at what? Misinformation?

At March 20, 2013 at 7:51 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

6:52 AMEN....

At March 20, 2013 at 8:28 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The State will NOT be the collecting authoritym it is merely attempting to standardize the rules somewhat. Municipal income tax had been a disaster in OHio and only goes back to the late 60's. HmMM isn't that about when Ohio started losing jobs to other states. The municipal mtax system is the most complicated and inefficient in the country and has long been identified as a dtering factor to business.
So as a small employer with a couple of employees performing services at residences, my employees could potentially work in 4 different cities in a day. Take that times 250 working days a year and I now need a full time person to rack the tax reporting of 2 employees. Thats a costly and inefficient system.
These things all sound easy until you have work in the details of complying with them.

At March 20, 2013 at 8:30 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Once again Term you obviously have still not read the bill or responded to the fact that the large employers will continue to pay the way they have. The money will NOT be running through Ohio's treasury it will continue to be processed by either the city, CCA or RITA however the city chooses to administrate, its just standardizing some rules.

At March 20, 2013 at 9:36 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

I see the people on the Park have chimed in? Why is the state even changing ameendments this Senate Bill 47 explain how that is a good idea also. The fact is the city will lose money.
Maybe you should read the Bill and ask yourself who in the end benefits?
We started losing jobs when venture capitalists started changing trade agreements to rob Americans out of jobs. The city income tax did not move one job to China.

At March 20, 2013 at 10:24 AM , Blogger Jim said...

So if I am understanding you correctly, you would rather pay for a nameless, faceless bureaucrat in Columbus to do the work for you? Remember that the work will still needs to be done, the question is by whom?

BTW, how did you go from having four employees working in different cities to needing one full time employee to keep track of the taxes for two employees? Does this mean you would need two full time people for your four employees? That seems like you are trying to make a point that isn't valid.
BTW, if those numbers are accurate it would seem as though your tax person is not very efficient.

If it is as bad as you think, once again I have to ask who is responsible for the rules that are in use right now? Is it City Hall (ANY city hall) or is it Columbus? If the answer is Columbus, why would you think they would have a better answer now??

Once again, follow the money and see who benefits in the end. If the cities are going to reap the rewards, I doubt they would be against what they are seeing from Columbus.

Keep in mind that I don't have a dog in this fight, it is just that I see no logic in it.

At March 20, 2013 at 11:08 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jobs have been leaving Ohio since the early 70's (remember Diamond Alkali). They went south along with a bunch of other companies. Later those jobs and other strted leaving the country. The point is Municipal taxation is headach for business. Municipalities have created the problem, they wrote different laws for each city. I rarely advocate for state control and in this case its not necessarily control only but requiring some standardized rules. Who beneifits now is the cities in many cases people are being double taxed by their work and residence cities.

At March 20, 2013 at 11:15 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Any and all regulations are a problem for businesses.
From washing dishes at a a proper temperature to weight limits on cargo.
Think without people watching we might be eating horsemeat instead of beef?
Look theres more to this than doing this to ease anyone.
They went south for cheap labor, and overseas for the same reason. Not city income tax.
Am I to believe CORE would still be in business if this law passes?

At March 20, 2013 at 4:34 PM , Anonymous COC said...

11:08 So with what your saying this Bill will guarantee my job/ Along with cheaper prices for goods and services?
I didn't think so.

At March 21, 2013 at 5:26 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to ask what are the unfunded mandates,is this council person even concern's herself with them?
You were right about her when she ran after less than two years on council and she will be defeared in the faLL.
No one likes a loser!

At March 23, 2013 at 6:55 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kudos? Do I understand that residents now have a grace period for their utility bills?
Can you do something with the gas company now? I got my bill 3/22 it is due on 4/4 AND they have NO-Grace period. What gives? Just one voice does nothing, do you think you could do battle with them also?

At March 23, 2013 at 9:15 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

They will go where people are willing to support them by spending money. Last year I spoke with two of the vendors that said they quit going to Willoughby's because they were not making much money. They both said they sold the most produce at Painesville (probably because w don't have a grocry store).
Bottom line if they can make money they will be here if people don't come and spend they won't.

At March 23, 2013 at 9:15 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Look John Murphy, and Lori DiNallo deserve the credit for promoting this to pass. I was hoping that we could get 10 days.
Now the Gas company is subject to the Ohio Public Utilities Commission. They have nothing to do with Painesville. You could write a letter or attend a meeting.
I believe the selling point of the Painesville grace period was that it included three utilities.

At March 23, 2013 at 11:10 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

9:15 You might have commented on the wrong post. That said I agree the purpose is to make money, hope they all return.


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