SAIC Advises American Municipal Power on New Generation Facility
MCLEAN, Va. (March 15, 2011) — Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC), through its wholly owned subsidiary SAIC Energy, Environment & Infrastructure, LLC, is providing due diligence and advisory services to American Municipal Power, Inc. (AMP) for the purchase of the Fremont Energy Center from FirstEnergy Generation Corp., a FirstEnergy subsidiary. AMP is a nonprofit corporation that owns and operates electric facilities with the purpose of providing wholesale power to its 128 member municipal electric utilities throughout Ohio, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Virginia, West Virginia, and Kentucky.
The Fremont Energy Center is a 700-megawatt natural gas combined cycle electric generating plant that is scheduled to be completed in July 2011, with testing/commissioning thereafter. SAIC conducted a long-term power supply analysis for each AMP member to determine the optimal portfolio of resource options, including a combined cycle plant option. In support of AMP's purchase of the facility, SAIC is providing review and analysis of the technical, operational, and commercial aspects of the facility.
SAIC Energy, Environment & Infrastructure, LLC is a wholly owned subsidiary of Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC). Learn more at www.saic.com/EEandI
About SAIC
SAIC is a FORTUNE 500® scientific, engineering, and technology applications company that uses its deep domain knowledge to solve problems of vital importance to the nation and the world, in national security, energy and the environment, critical infrastructure, and health. The company's approximately 43,000 employees serve customers in the U.S. Department of Defense, the intelligence community, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, other U.S. Government civil agencies and selected commercial markets. Headquartered in McLean, Va., SAIC had annual revenues of $10.8 billion for its fiscal year ended Jan. 31, 2010. For more information, visit SAIC: From Science to Solutions®
Business Lobby Kills Arizona Immigration Bills
Under heavy lobbying from business interests, the Arizona state senate defeated five bills last week that would have created additional deterrence to illegal aliens. (New York Times, Mar. 17, 2011) Republican state senators were split over the bills, which included two bills designed to eventually force the United States Supreme Court to restore proper applications of the birthright citizenship provisions in the 14th Amendment. (Id.; SB 1308; SB 1309; See FAIR Legislative Update, Jan. 31, 2011) Three additional bills would have required hospitals to notify authorities of aliens suspected of being in the country illegally; restricted illegal aliens from attending state universities and collecting federal benefits; and required public schools to record how many children of illegal aliens attend classes.
The Greater Phoenix Chamber of Commerce and other business executives lobbied hard against the measures. (Abc15, Mar. 18, 2011) Along with the Greater Phoenix Chamber of Commerce, executive officers of over 60 businesses wrote to the state representatives urging the to stop the legislation, saying it would hurt the economy. (Greater Phoenix Chamber of Commerce, Mar. 15, 2011) Todd Sanders, President and CEO of the Greater Phoenix Chamber of Commerce, said the state’s borders need to be better protected, but argued that Arizona legislators need to push President Obama and federal legislators to “implement meaningful changes to our antiquated immigration system.” (Id.) Republican state Senator John McComish agreed, saying. “It’s time for us to take a time out. It’s something the people don’t want us focusing on.” (Id.)
After the votes, Arizona state Senator and sponsor of the immigration legislation Ron Gould stated that there were some legislators who were “bought and paid for by the Chamber of Commerce.” (Abc15, Mar. 18, 2011) The bills are not expected to be brought up again during this year’s legislative session, but could be placed on the ballot for a vote. (Politico, Mar. 18, 2011)
Information for the Voters of Painesville
A message from Painesville’s new Political Action Committee:
One of the Painesville Oversight Committee’s mission is to question positions and issues; bring facts to light that will help all voters understand issues that will affect our quality of life in Painesville.
P.O.C. is a bi-partisan organization with members from all political parties including independents. We welcome new members and contributions to help bring transparency to government and issues
Facts and Information
Painesville Special Election: May 3, 2011
A proposed emergency 6.56 mil levy added to your property tax.
Added property tax on a $100,000 home; this levy will add $200.00 per year to your taxes. Amount generated for school system – 1.4 million dollars per year
Current cost per student per year – Painesville City $ 12,011
Current cost per student per year- Riverside 9,675
Administrative cost per student – Painesville City 1,635
Administrative cost per student – Riverside 1,127
Painesville City’s Results on State Proficiency Tests
Grade 3 – Failed; Grade 4 – Failed; Grade 5 – Failed; Grade 6-Failed; Grade 7 – Failed;
Grade 8 – Failed; Grades 9,10,11,12 – All Failed to reach minimum standard state requirements!
Number of state indicators met out of 26 – Painesville met 2
Number of state indicators met out of 26 – Riverside met 25
Consensus of Opinion of the P.O.C.
The state of Ohio has declared that the Painesville City School system is in academic emergency. Yet we spend more money per student than any of our neighboring communities. When questioned why our schools have such poor results, the schools try to direct our attention to our Hispanic population and the percentage of apartments in Painesville. The P.O.C. finds this reasoning unacceptable. Many school systems in the Southwest United States have higher percentages of Hispanics, yet higher rated schools. Many cities have higher percentages of rentals yet has higher rated schools. Our position at P.O.C is we will recommend that the school levy be opposed until real progress is made and state minimum requirements are met coupled with line item expenditures for where these funds are to be used and revealed to the voters.
I have printed four stories that all could have an impact on Painesville.
A letter explaining what happened to the Millstone Condo Association. [click to enlarge] All names have been removed.
A news story of what SAIC stands for and what will this cost us?
A story about illegal immigration in Arizonia and who killed the Bill. Anyone in the Rally group surprised?
The POC is in it's infancy we will be working to find a permament location for the meeting. We will also be holding them later in the week, Wednesday or Thursday.
At the meeting last night we decided that we don't want to be a group of "NO's" but a group that wants to be a group of "KNOW's" You ask for 1.4 million dollars we want to know what it will be spent for.
Presently the administration must explain where every dollar will be spent. Will it save programs, which ones? will it be used to keep teachers in the classroom where and what classes? If any of these funds will be used for pay raises or in union negociation we want to know why, and how much.
This last post was late due to my time schedule.Sorry.