Friday, March 4, 2011


I have been informed that there will be a citizens' open meeting this coming Tuesday March 8, 2011 - 7:00 PM at Jackie's Sports Bar and Grill located at 569 S. State St. next to the tracks near the former Coe Manufacturing plant. I understand this will be an informational meeting concerning the Painesville City Schools' May levy and how it will affect the residents' taxes along with programs that might be cut.
This meeting is being held because it seems our school administration is apparently running a "Stealth" campaign to pass this levy.
How much this will cost the average homeowner or renter along with what percentage of this $1,400,000.00 will go to save programs and/or increase employees wages?
Will this money really be "for the children"?
Chances are that a committee will be formed to educate the residents of Painesville and make them aware of what is coming down the track.... because it seems the administration has no desire to make this levy public knowledge. Everyone has an interest in this....whether it's the state of our schools or the price of our tax bills.
You can't go into a bank and ask for 1.4 million without a good explanation of what the funds will be used for.
Painesville needs full transparency of what the administration is planning to do with the funds from this levy.


At March 4, 2011 at 12:35 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't care what their planning to do with the funds from this levy. I'm voting NO!

At March 4, 2011 at 4:59 PM , Anonymous B.E.WARE said...

75% of the money the schools gets go into wages.
It will be interesting negociations this year for Dr. Hanlon he no longer can blame anyone but himself if he can't balance his budget.
Understand Hal almost got impeached the other night? You should have.
I'll come to the meeting but I've already made up my mind NO NO NO.
Three members in my family.

At March 4, 2011 at 5:39 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

WILL HAL BE THERE ????????????

Not at a bar, for this kind of mtg.

At March 4, 2011 at 6:04 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where did Hal almost get impeached? What's the scoop on this? And no matter how Hanlon presents this levy, I vote no and my whole family (6 votes) are all NO!

At March 4, 2011 at 10:16 PM , Anonymous Adam said...

Yes, I DEMAND more details about what happened the other night!!!

I'm interested in this meeting. Who spearheaded this and will any members of council be present?

At March 5, 2011 at 6:44 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I only have one vote but a big yard, and there will be as many signs as I am legally allowed saying "NO $".

At March 5, 2011 at 6:45 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad Hal put Jackie's on the map...he finally did a public service for his ward (even if it was in a back-handed way).

At March 5, 2011 at 7:14 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

My 5 kids are all out of the school system.. so it will be a cold day in Hell if vote yes.
Have theperents move to a different school district.. the only time I voted yes was when my kids went more vote NO!!

At March 5, 2011 at 8:01 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's going on? What hap[ened with Hal?

At March 5, 2011 at 2:19 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Adam, what other night?
Local members of the community who recently got together and decided that the people in town have been left out of the loop. [including myself]
No school principal is calling them and asking if they support the levy along with asking if they could place a sign in their yard?
The only people who are aware of this levy are people directly impacted by the schools.
If you by some fat chance you get called ask them what the plans are for the 1.4 million?
That's the question that needs answering.

At March 5, 2011 at 2:35 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

dont support the schools! they are no good.. children dont care if they learn why should we

At March 5, 2011 at 4:42 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think they deserve to have it voted down just because it's another stealth, creepy thing being pulled off by this city, if for no other reason and, of course, there are other reasons. They are doing this to pull the wool over everyones eyes, like they do most things around here. I think if people just put out "NO $" signs, however, that nobody will really know what that means, because nobody knows about the upcoming vote.

Another thing that really bothers me is that the city leaders wanted this to be a sanctuary city, and now it is. I say call in ICE, have them go after the employers to get all the illegals out of town, and see how much money we have for the schools then. If you have to consolidate schools at that point, then do it. They stupidly built these schools with all the illegals in mind, which is not my problem. We really need to get all the people who run this city out of office. We can start with Hada and McMahon. Their little followers Hach and Fountain will be nothing without them. They don't think about anything. They just vote yes and no as they are told to.

At March 5, 2011 at 6:10 PM , Anonymous Adam said...

Term -- March 5, 2011 2:19 PM: Adam, what other night?

I was asking what happened the other night that Hal was apparently making waves? It was directed to B.E.WARE -- March 4, 2011 4:59 PM

At March 5, 2011 at 6:38 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I would like to know about this "sanctuary city". What is it and how did It become one?
Is this blog language or where can I find if this is real?

At March 5, 2011 at 8:06 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

6:44 Why do you need so many signs? Do you get to vote that many times? Do you get paid for each and every sign you put in your yard. Signs aren't free, so let's spread them around unless you pay for them yourself.

It amazes me when people put more than one sign in their yard. Wouldn't it be better to put one in your yard and give one to a neighbor? Better yet, after yours, you find a corner lot or a house on a heavily traveled street to put any other signs. And please, confine them to Painesville only.

At March 6, 2011 at 10:14 AM , Anonymous Ja'bubu said...

I think having this meeting at Jackies is funny. Everyone knows Hal hates that place. Maybe we could have council meetings there until Adam can oust Hal in the next election. Besides...I think our meetings would be a lot more tolerable with Rita buying rounds of shots and Flock kicking the lobster machine after being narrowly thwarted from the best meal of his life. Want a good laugh after the meeting? Free drink to whomever can count all the cameras Hal has pointed off the side of his house toward the bar.

At March 6, 2011 at 1:42 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

6:38: Sanctuary City is a term used to signify that it is safe for illegals to be there. It means that they are welcomed by the city leaders and they will be unincumbered there. I will give you my opinion on what happened and is happening in Painesville, but if someone has a different take or different information, then they can correct me.

A few years back, as our city filled up with more and more illegals (mostly Mexicans), our city council president at the time, William Horvath, took part in a letter to our state leaders (without any of the legal citizenry knowing about it at first) about how we loved our illegals, and how we didn't want anything done about it. When we found out about the letter, he denied and denied and denied things about the letter. Finally, Veronica Dahlberg, who is a legal citizen, but who organizes and fights for the illegals, stood up and admitted that SHE penned the letter. Horvath had just put it on city letterhead (or let HER put it on city letterhead) and he signed it. Meanwhile, the illegals were filling up our town. We even had a city council meeting where illegals filled the chambers and spoke out about how they moved here because they feel so safe, etc., etc. There is even a song that circulates as far away as California (and I am sure in Mexico, and other countries, too) about Painesville. Come to Painesville and you will be safe.

We may not have an official title of that, where the city actually came out and declared it, because the legal citizens fought against it. But you can see by the number of illegals who continue to fill up our town, they feel pretty good here. It is my opinion that back then the city had told the police to lay off issues of someone being illegal. If you are an illegal, please note that I do not think there is an official declaration, as I said, and you can be captured and deported from here, too, but for all practical purposes, I believe that this is a sanctuary city, and it certainly has been for most of the illegals that are here. I believe at this point, that ICE needs to come and raid our businesses who are hiring them, prosecute the business owners, and deport the illegals. At the very least, we fought it hard enough that the illegals are no longer holding marches and rallies in our square and around our town. Certainly we need the authorities at this point to step up.

At March 6, 2011 at 3:34 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Ja'bubu Some people believed Jackie's had been given a bad rap and some people wanted others to know one person opinion doesn't hold for the whole city.
1:42 You pretty much hit it on the head along with cooperation from the Nurserymen, and the local Catholic Church.

At March 6, 2011 at 4:13 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

anyone ever try this site?

At March 6, 2011 at 4:17 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Also, Councilwoman at the time, Abby Delamotte, went on Fox news and said something like "we embrace the illegals." TERM, don't you have that video posted somewhere on this site? I think I remember seeing it here. Maybe it is time to dust it off and let some newbies become informed of how our city became a sanctuary city. There are two kinds of sanctuary cities. One is where administration officially declares them a sanctuary city, and the other is where by all their actions and edicts to city departments such as telling the police to lay off illegals, that the city is essentually a sanctuary city. That is what Painesville is. Their actions are totally for the benefit of illegals. I have never understood how council just sold the citizens of painesville out to the illegals.

At March 6, 2011 at 4:45 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

4:17 Look thru the posts in August of 2008.

At March 6, 2011 at 5:37 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Another point that people in power miss, whether it be the Feds or local government, is that the more they are here, the more babies they hurry up and birth, the quicker no non-hispanic will ever hold any position of power in that country, state or city, whatever the case may be. They don't even need to be legalized anymore to take over, they just need to be left alone so they can stay here and keep giving birth. Every election season that is held in this country is more and more taken over by Hispanics because more and more anchor babies have come to legal voting age. All we have to do is to not get them out, and they will take over this country sooner than anyone can imagine. As we already know, any Hispanic in power is for Hispanics first and foremost, and America is only a country that they want to take over. Nobody actually thinks that they will vote for a non-Hispanic when a Hispanic is available, no matter how unqualified, right? So just keep letting those illegals stay here. The Mexicans and the rest of the illegals, including the Muslims know this, and they also know that Americans are so stupid that THEY don't get it, and are letting it happen right under their noses. As I have said before, those anchor babies are the best Trojan Horses ever created.

At March 6, 2011 at 9:58 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so tired of being lectured by members of the lucky sperm club that food, shelter, health care, etc. are PRIVILEGES that have to be EARNED...

At March 7, 2011 at 6:13 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 8:06....I guess I wasn't clear enough...I DO live on a large corner lot that is very close to downtown and at a heavily traveled intersection. I did not mean to say that my yard would be filled up with "NO $" signs to the exclusion of anything else but if that's the only sign available that states my position then so be it. Also, it has been explained to me that several signs in one place catches the eye faster than a single sign and so has a quicker impact on potential voters. You are right about spreading them around town though...single signs are very important too and, for example, the "NO $" signs were very popular but you only found them in certain parts of was a really good way to see how the demographics of Painesville work.

At March 7, 2011 at 6:38 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 5:37pm

You sound like you are living 100 years ago, just take out Hispanic and fill in Irish, or Italian.

At March 7, 2011 at 9:08 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 9:28: This is 5:37.If your post was in response to mine, and if your post is sticking up for the illegals being here by saying that I think food, etc., is a privilege for them, that is not the case at all. They just have to do it IN THEIR OWN COUNTRIES! Just like I do. Americans cannot just go into and live in Mexico illegally, for example, but we're wrong if we don't want them taking over OUR country. Think not. They have to go, and I hope our government does something soon or it will be too late, then you will see that nobody has anything in the good ol' US of A because there just wasn't enough to take care of the whole world, expecially millions of people who don't pull their own weight. If you want to see what we will look like pretty soon, just go to Mexico and take a good look. They're the ones who will be in power.

To 6:38: This isn't even CLOSE to the same thing as that, and if you are going to sit around saying that as America is taken over, then you are not a very good American, if you ARE American.

At March 7, 2011 at 9:17 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

6:38 You without realizing it made 5:37 argument.
100 years ago the country decided for itself what percentage of Irish, Italians, Germans, Poles, were let into this country they knew it was easier to assimilalte into American society.
Can you imagine if 20 million Germans, or Italians showed up in America illegally in the 1920's and 30's all at once, what the problems there might be?
Read some books about the fall of the Roman Empire and you might see the same course the United States seems to be on.
I personally know some Hispanic people that I think the world of. At the same time I don't understand walking into an American school in Painesville and seeing everything in dual languages?
I see more and more businesses doing the same thing, Rite-Aid Home Depot, Lowes.
My question is do these people want to plege an allegience to America or Mexico?

At March 7, 2011 at 11:05 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It doesn't even matter if their allegience is to America or Mexico (even though it WILL be to Mexico). They will take down this country if they are not forced out NOW. We also need to change our immigration laws altogether. We've got enough people here already, and our country lets people in by the millions every year. We cannot sustain this, and we are NOT sustaining this, but it seems to be the multi-billion dollar elephant in the room that our leaders sort of forget to mention when they are telling us how much trouble we are in and how many things they must cut.

At March 7, 2011 at 2:09 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Better check your numbers? Presently the only increse in our population comes from one source
Mexico. That's was my point.

At March 7, 2011 at 2:11 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Would it be asking to much to stay on topic?
This post was about the school levy. Please.

At March 7, 2011 at 4:04 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This all started because I said that I think they need to call in ICE to go after the businesses to get the illegals out, and then we could see how much money was left for the legal citizens. At that point if they need to consolidate some of the schools, then so be it. I do not want to pay for the children of illegals, I am tired of paying for them for years now, and I will vote no. It's a real mess around here, and I am not forking out any more money for anything around this city until this illegal mess is cleaned up. Let Horvath, McMahon, Hada, Fountain, Delamotte and everyone else who wanted them here pay for them. I just cannot afford to pay out any more money.

At March 7, 2011 at 4:08 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think the influx of Hispanics has almost everything to do with the need for the school levy. The two are tied together.

At March 7, 2011 at 4:44 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

So "santuary city" isn't an official title and someone is saying because those words are being thrown around, the police have been instructed to look in another direction at the illegal people? Isn't that breaking the law too? Arizona seemed to be on the right track, but the President won't support the Federal and local laws. We can write council, state and federal officials until we all run out of ink, but they also are turning a deaf ear on us. What is the solution to this problem?

At March 7, 2011 at 9:14 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

4:44: I'll tell you one possible solution to the problem, but it involves everyone getting off of their butts, getting into the streets, and staying there until all illegals are out of our country. Then both parties can blame it on the citizens, do their jobs already of protecting our nation and come out smelling clean. If we want the same thing to happen in Painesville, then we need to do the same thing. EVERYONE has to get out and do it. We have to force our government. They certainly are not going to do it on their own.

Sorry Term, I know you want to get it back to the school levy so I will try to stop talking about this, but when you watch the school busses empty out and they are all Hispanic, this IS a school issue.

Other than that, I have no idea what would work. We have no idea who the hell is in our country in an era when we have terrorists, but apparantly neither party is willing to lose the votes. If they BOTH did it, then neither party would lose and we all would win. I cannot even fathom how much it is costing us in Painesville for the illegals, let alone throughout our whole country. And they MUST stop this anchor baby nonsense. That alone is going to take us down -- and soon. All you have to do is watch the school busses to see what I mean. Again, I just won't pay any more for illegals.

At March 8, 2011 at 6:37 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the paper the Landlords do not want the school levy to pass,
I understand that, but what about all of there tenants, most of them have kids in the schools, do the landlords not want them to have good schools to go to ?
If the levy fails, there will be about 115 school workers out of work (some of them rent too) with class rooms of about 40 kids,
What if all of the tenants moved to better schools ?

At March 8, 2011 at 6:44 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

And one more thing, I pay $ 720.00 per month rent.
There are more then 12 units in my building, that is more then $8640.00 per. month, and $103,680.00 per year, I think the landlord can pay a little more for the schools.

At March 8, 2011 at 8:14 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

6:37 Something to think about Painesville city residents presently spend over $12,000 a year per student with a failing system. Riverside District spends around $9,500 per student with an excellent rating. What's wrong with this picture?
6:44 Where have you been The landlord can pay a little more?
YOU and the other 11 tenants are going to pay the increase. Guessing I would guess your rent will go up $225.00 a year.
Landlords are not a non-profit business. If you rent and the levy passes your rent will go up. Sorry.

At March 8, 2011 at 9:42 AM , Anonymous B.E.WARE said...

What are some people thinking? I rent so the levy doesn't affect me? Your rent will go up to meet the increase plus a little more.
The person you rent from isn't going to eat the increase.
Now at least I know why you rent.
Vote yes and your rent will go up.
Also please explain where you got the figure 115 school workers will be left jobless?
That's a number I haven't heard.
Is Hanlon one of them?

At March 8, 2011 at 3:59 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

ICE does not have the time, money & manpower to come to Painesville.
Budget cuts have hurt them also. What can the average citizen who is fed up with all of this do? Again, voicing opinions to politicians will do nothing as they will do as they see fit to keep their position. (See HB5, note all the protesting and still passed it, regardless). They just don't get it and it keeps getting worse here and I for one am angry about it.

At March 8, 2011 at 5:45 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If it's so bad here, move! Oh wait, you're not going to be able to sell your house when the schools in your city have huge class sizes and pay to play athletics (if they have athletics at all)etc., etc..

If you don't like how the Board handles the money then go to the Board meetings and take them to task. Make your voices heard there, not as an anonymous comment on a Painesville bashing blog. Keeping the money from the schools is not solving anything. All of you might want to do a little research on what happens in a city if the school system fails. It's not pretty.

BTW, Sounds like a lot of you should move to Arizona!

At March 8, 2011 at 5:55 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

5:45 just letting you know I have attended every board meeting for the last year, introduce yourself.
I have asked questions and don't seem to get very conclusive answers? Do you?
Painesville City Schools spend over $12,000.00 per student with the worse rating in Lake County.
Riverside Schools spend app. $9,500.00 per student with an excellent rating. What's wrong with this picture?
The research is in... this school system has failed.

At March 8, 2011 at 7:09 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Meeting a Jackie's attended by about 18 people will have another one next Tuesday, same place same time.
I will be posting items that were discussed at the meeting shortly.

At March 8, 2011 at 7:13 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

how did the citizen's meeting go tonight?

At March 9, 2011 at 5:36 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

You probably don't get good answers because they cannot tell the truth in public.

I believe if we didn't have to be so politically correct what they would really tell you is the majority of our students are low income and trying to get parents involved in their education is nearly impossible, then another large block is children with non english speaking parents who actually care about their childrens education but have a difficult time helping because of the language barrier.

Another factor no one wants to talk about is the "standard tests". Who are they written for? Should we expect a school full of children in a city like Painesville to get the same scores on the tests as a school full of children in a city like Perry, or Madison?

I have worked as a volunteer in the high school and the majority of students I came in contact with in no way made me feel like they were as uneducated as the tests scores would lead you to believe.

At March 9, 2011 at 9:36 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

5:36 I guess my next assignment is to find a school system with around the same "Diversity" as Painesville.
That might be very sucessful in educating it's children.

At March 9, 2011 at 12:17 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


Why do you feel like you have to prove everyone who supports our schools, wrong?

At March 9, 2011 at 12:29 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

I guess my question back would be "why do you support the schools?"
I've looked at the money we have spent and I look at the results of a Painesville City education brings a child and can't understand why would throw more money at this situation.
There are many great teachers in the system but for some reason all that they have put into their job of educating children gets squandered. Why?
No one should be asked to increase their property taxes around $200.00 a year without an explaination of where the money will be spent. The system will be hearing something from the state before the end of the month. 10% cut 12% cut. I expect an answer sometime in April what and what not will be saved.
I guess I don't believe this administration will take this 1.4million dollars and spend it wisely.
I don't mind spending money if I know I'm getting my moneys worth.

At March 9, 2011 at 1:29 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

Some of the items that were discussed at the meeting was the formula on how to figure what this levy will add to your tax bill.
Two homes in Liberty Green were compared one in the Riverside District and one in the Painesville district if Riverside's levy passes and Painesville's passes although both homes are in Painesville City the home in Painesville School District will be almost $700.00 a year more than the home served by Riverside.
Again they compared the costs of education between Riverside and the Painesville Schools. These are from Ohio Dept. of Education.
$12,011.00 PCLSD $9675.00 RLSD
Administrative costs
PCLS $1,635 per student 13.6% of budget.
RLSD $1,127 per student 11.7% of budget.
We discussed the cost of signs, billboard, sending an informational letter to registered voters in Painesville.
Along with the posibility of starting a PAC.
If the local schools don't want to be transparent maybe people should be made aware.
Presently I'm just reporting what went on in the meeting I will tell you it was a cross-section of Resident youg, old rich and not so rich.
The end goal seems to be just let residents what's coming down the track. You can vote "For" or "Against" the levy but the people should atleast know about it.

At March 9, 2011 at 4:19 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hope all of the renters move out after the levy fails, this would help Painesville get back to a normal city.

Vote no for the school levy, do it for the landlords

At March 9, 2011 at 4:51 PM , Anonymous REW said...

I truly believe that education (at all levels) is one of the most important investments a person can make...both for themselves and for their children. The whole community has let the students of Painesville City down...beginning with the parents and including the school and city administrations. We have a broken school system that did not happen in a vacuum. It is a vicious circle that includes an apathetic resident base, an arrogant city administration and an out-of-touch school administration. There are individuals at all these levels that care, work hard and contribute to the community but that's apparently not enough. I could go on about what parents should be doing, and I could write a book about the city's part in all this, but this post is about the schools. All I hear is a deafening slience from the school administration as to what the nuts and bolts of a plan are...not only the immediate future but long-range too. I have heard nothing about what they intend to do to turn this system around. If they cannot (or will not) do their jobs then quit letting the kids down and go find another line of work. Or is the competition for flipping burgers too hard here because that's about all alot of Painesville students are qualified for. Hanlon and company, I can't hear you !

At March 9, 2011 at 5:03 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

For those on the blog interested in other schools and looking at education in a positive light here is website you might enjoy. So many good ideas here and many that could be used by the Painesville City Schools. They also have a great newsletter you can subscribe via email......... it's free!


At March 10, 2011 at 12:56 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

We paid to much school taxes in the 70's.. Most of our kids are out of school so why should we help the school? Tell the parents of the kids today to quite one of there jobs so they can be home for their kids and help them with their home work. common sense people..

At March 10, 2011 at 3:35 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 12:56: I am someone who will vote no for this school levy, but wanted to rebuttle what you said in your post. You are entitled to your opinion, of course, but my opinion differs from yours.

We do not live in a just-me society. If it is not the job of the elders in the society to make sure that the young ones are educated properly, then we have lost our way. My kids are long since grown up, too, but I don't feel that that takes away my responsibility to the citizens who are currently growing up. If you don't care about them, then care about yourself. These are the leaders and citizens of tomorrow. They will be running our country soon enough.

As far as someone quitting a job to stay home with the kids. Unfortunately, that is just not possible for the majority of families, unless they don't care about being homeless or going hungry. It's just not possible today.

At March 10, 2011 at 8:26 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is 3:35 adding to my last post. Having said all of that, I think this particular city and school district are out of control. I think we pay too much already, and I cannot afford to pay any more. For one thing, they knew that homeowners were maxed out before they built all new schools at one time. They knew that the state promised relief that has never materialized. I just can't pay any more. I am making an exception and voting no, and I will continue to do so no matter how often they bring it up for a vote. I also think there should be a limit on how often these school levies can come up for a vote per year.

At March 10, 2011 at 11:36 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Talking about the school deficits, city deficits, state deficits and federal deficits without talking about the illegals is like walking around the elephant without acknowledging it is there. Clearly there is not much that we as citizens of Painesville can do immediately to remedy this problem, but by forgetting about it and not bringing it into the conversation is leaving out a huge portion of the problem, if not all of the problem.

The Mexican government estimated several years ago that there were 20 million illegal Mexicans in our country. That is only the Mexicans, that is not the rest of the Latinos, nor does it account for the other millions and millions of people from other countries that are here.

I think all these conversations have to go back to the beginning. Make the feds do their jobs and get these people out of here, and then see what is left and what happens. They have been running the well dry for a long time, and now it is dry. Everyone is asking for money, including the federal government, yet this is never mentioned. It's ludicrous. It really is. I know the schools are legally obligated to educate everyone, and it is not their fault that there are so many illegals in our city (or country), but why must we continue to pay for them in every way possible? I just can't pay anymore. Sorry. I hope it does not pass.

We have families working two or more jobs and still struggling while the illegals get all the free health care they want, for example. Most of their parents do not pay taxes, but we do. So we are educating not only our own country's children, but everyone elses too. I just feel like enough is enough already - in so many ways.

At March 11, 2011 at 2:45 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let McMahon, Hada, Horvath, Delamotte, Fountain and Hach pay for them. What were Flock and Becks doing when our city was advertising for illegals to come here to make this a sanctuary city? Are they responsible, too, or were they fighting it. I know that it was only the citizens who put a stop to as much of that nonsense as we could. Anyway, they wanted them, they got them, let them pay for it. Or Veronica Dahlberg (defender and promoter of illegals). She can pitch in with the rest of them. And what about Judge Cicconetti? Wasn't there a nice, big article in the newspaper at the time all this was going on with him telling everyone how he feels sorry for them when they are caught without a drivers license and how he just gives them a little slap on the wrist?! Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't that what he said? He can pitch in his share, too.

At March 12, 2011 at 5:50 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Now the Republicans are talking about cutting Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid. Again, not a word about the millions of illegals draining the poor tax-paying citizens they are talking about taking the cuts on, nor the millions and millions of legal immigrants they are still letting into this country every year. This is just stupid. As stupid as Painesville school filling up more and more every year with the children of the illegals and the tax-paying citizens being asked to pay more and more. (Sorry, Term, can't help it. We're all letting them take us down with almost no fight at all.)

At March 12, 2011 at 6:58 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

And what democrat has spoken up against the illegals? They not only don't speak out against them, they want to give them more benefits. IT is the democrats that have pushed for instate tuition for the illegals and did you know Ohio provide instate tuition to illegals? We do.

At March 12, 2011 at 7:44 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Both parties have let us down on illegal immigration.

At March 12, 2011 at 7:52 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

2:45 6:58 You both seem to have a one track minds. I believe both parties are guilty. Remember Bush and McCain pushing Comprehensive immigration plans?
Although I agree with 6:58 that I probably could count on one hand the major Democrats that are against it.
I'd love to agree with you that if tomorrow every illegal left Painesville our problems would be solved, but I don't believe that and I hope you don't also.

At March 12, 2011 at 8:25 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is 5:50. I was not giving a pass to Democrats, not in the slightest. I was talking about both parties and the whole country as it concerns the illegals. I WAS talking about the Republicans concerning their efforts now to cut Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid benefits without ever mentioning the illegals.

No, Term, I don't believe that if every illegal left Painesville tomorrow that it would solve all of our problems -- there are just too many of them in too many areas. It would certainly be a good start and go a long way though. We are so used to incorporating all of the illegals into our cities and country, that I don't think we have any clue as to just how much it is impacting every part of our country and our finances. I think we would just be amazed if they all left to see what was left over for the rest of us. For one thing, we could probably all have our medical policies paid for by the government and still come out way ahead. Now calm down everyone, I am not talking about government-run health care. I'm talking about the private policies that we have now and that the Obama health care plan wants us to keep.

At March 13, 2011 at 1:55 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

It was about five years ago now, I think, that the Mexican government estimated that there were 20 million illegal Mexicans here. How many are here now? How many more births have their been here that we are all paying for? How many millions of other Latinos are here? How many millions from other non-Latino countries? My guess is that it must be 30-40 million illegal people. Most don't pay taxes, I am assuming. Most don't have health insurance, I am assuming. Most take jobs from Americans. Most need health care and get it free -- free for them, anyway. If we take their jobs away from them and give them to tax paying Americans, that would be an astronomical difference. Millions of Americans now employed instead of unemployed, AND all that tax money coming in to cities, states and the federal government. Now say they all go home and quit draining our health care and every other kind of service that they steal here, etc., etc., etc. We don't even think about, let alone talk about what a burden they are on our country. It would be mindblowing if we knew the details. Yet it is never mentioned by our governments (or the schools asking for more money). And, again, now we have the Republicans talking about cutting Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security for the tax payers who are carrying the burden of all these thieves that are here from other countries, and they are not even mentioning it. (And let me say here, again, that this shame belongs to BOTH Democrats AND Republicans and, yes, there IS more shame for the Democrats, but now the Republicans have caved in. They had been our only hope there for a while.) We're so used to them being here that we don't even incorporate them into our conversations even now when our country is collapsing on every level. It is astronomical what they are doing to us. And it starts right here in Painesville schools for the residents of Painesville who are now being asked for even MORE money.

At March 14, 2011 at 7:58 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Consider some of this, please. We have over 20 million illegal Mexicans here. There are probably millions more Latinos from other countries. There are probably millions more people, in general, from other non-Latino countries. Probably almost none of these people are paying any kind of city, state or federal taxes. They are taking all these millions of jobs away from Americans who would be paying all these taxes. Between the hospitals and free clinics, etc. they get free health care. That's a lot of health care. Who pays for all of that? We do. Most of them are having babies as fast as they can because we are giving away our country and all that belongs to hard-working Americans for nothing. Who is paying for all those childrens' health care? We are. Who is paying to educate all those children? We are. And you can go on and on about how they are draining our money and jobs. We are so used to it, that I don't think anyone really ever thinks of the big picture and what it is doing to our country and to each one of us as individual Americans. It is clear that neither the Republicans or the Democrats are going to do anything about it. Where is the outrage from Americans? Other countries are fighting their governments and getting killed for it. Nobody is going to kill us, but still Americans just let it happen, and our schools, for one, keep asking for more and more money. I don't get it, really I don't. Send the levy bill to Mexico. I would suggest that we send the health care bill to the feds, but that's OUR money, too, so it won't do any good. I don't think the average American even stops for one minute to think what all of this is doing to them personally.

At March 15, 2011 at 6:28 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Question of the day...
News reported Gov. Kasich is increasing school budgets by 2% this year and 1.5% next. Why are the schools still going to have lay offs?


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