"JUST A DREAM" nelly
Recently a good friend of mine who happens to be Councilman Andy Flock's wife, sent me a copy of a letter she had sent to the News-Herald. She taught at Huntington School her entire career. She asks a very interesting question that I believe most know the answer to..... still, sometimes it's best we look in a mirror.
Getting the Dream House off the ground was a wonderful article in the 2/28/11 News Herald. It showed the team work needed for something great to happen! Will Painesville, Ohio ever be home to a Dream House? Painesville is home to the prestigious Lake Erie College and has a beautiful City Center. Some residents and rental property owners take pride in their homes, BUT …..more is needed. Don’t the City leaders and “movers and shakers” of this county seat city question why the Dream House doesn’t want to be a part of this town? Teamwork is the beginning key. Put aside all differences, and think of similarities. This is an overwhelming task, there is so much that needs to be corrected. Striving to work together to help make this town what it has NOT been for decades would be a good place to start. Begin thinking about how to make this a reality and not just a dream!
Mrs. Flock knows better than most of us the problems facing the city. Ninety-one year old water lines, storm sewers that don't work, problems within the school system and a host of other things that are wrong. I give her a great deal of credit for wanting to fix the wrongs and put Painesville back on it's justly deserved pedestal.
With what money would you use to repair these old water lines, fix things up and put Painesville back on that pedestal?
It costs money-lots of it. Maybe Mr. Flock would give up his councilman salary and donate it back. Then Term would volunteer his time to help and the Bear could give a helpful hand too. It's not nearly enough money but it would be a great start!
THIS WOULD BE A VERY GOOD ASSIGNMENT for each council member to ask the Y.M.C.A. leadership as to why painesville city has not been considered? each member could explain their answer to the residents at a council meeting in the near up-coming future. WHAT SAY YOU ??? [ a quote from BILL O' REILEY.]
There are a couple of vacant lots on Axtell..I think Ryan homes would beto cheap to donate a property.. but the property on Axtell could almost be stolen for near to nothing$$ for the dream home
We can start with her husband realizing his job is not to sit at Council Meetings and point at City Administration and blame them. They ultimately work for Council, and he was one of 7 people elected as the leaders of this city.
When is our council, including Andy , going to realize the buck stops with them. I am sick and tired of hearing the whining about council won't work with me. I hear it from Andy, I hear it from Hal. Well where are you guys when it comes to knocking Joe and his posse out of power?
I don't remember any of you coming out vocally and supporting any other candidates. I don't remember any of you standing up and publically saying, I support John, or I support Tony, or I support Elaine, or any of the other candidates over the last 12 years that tried to buck Joe/Bill and his group.
If you want change at some point you will need to quit protecting your precicious position and band together and vocally support other candidates that will tip the balance of power.
Sure, this is just a City level politics but it works the same at any level. This is a very generational, elite clique type city and if you are not part of it or kissing butt your odds of changing something are slim.
There are people in this city that can tip the scales the other way, but if they don't see a semblance of hope they are not going to step forward.
What is councilmens Flock's job? Agree with the rest of them even if he see something wrong? He can't even get a second to replace a 91 year old water line.
Do you think people in other communities would put up with what residents do in Painesville?
"There are people who can tip the scales the other way" Please point them out to me.
To 6:45...I agree substantially with what you said... and with Term as well. Changing the leadership would be hard because a new majority would have a steep learning curve, but I believe that the end-result would be worthwhile. There's also no guarantee that those elected would follow through on expectations (Werner and Fodor for example)
but that's no reason to keep the status quo. Where's the citizens' meeting for backing someone in the next election? I'll be there.
We need to get John Murphy in office, if he will agree to run again. He will need all the help he can get, because THEY always tell lies about him at the very last minute to keep him out of office. The fact that they don't want him in office so badly should give everyone an idea of how badly we need him in there.
Give John a rest and put somebody new on the ticket.
We all know Arlene Becks is going to run.
I only hope Hal has tread marks on his forehead from the people voting him out of office.
Arlene Becks was useless and rude and uppity and condescending when she was in office. Let's not go back there again.
I'm with ya on Hal, though. Hope the court door doesn't hit him in the A## on the way out.
11:16 What do you mean, give John a rest? John has already been helping out plenty of people in this town for years now when they can't get their council person or the city to help them, and I am one of those people. This city needs him.
As far as Becks is concerned, she had her chance and she was no good.
I, too, hope Hal has tread marks on his forehead from people voting him out of office. Let's just hope we don't get another Fodor. Although, really, we wouldn't be any worse off than we are now with Hal.
I agree with 7:48....John has earned the right to sit on council. He's put his money where his mouth is and worked very hard helping MANY people in many ways. To my way of thinking...if Murphy works just half as hard as a council person as he has fighting the powers-that-be to get elected...then he'll be a great addition to council.
You may not care for Ms Becks but she served her ward well (did her job) and gummed up the works of council just enough and often enough to slow things down on occasion. She wasn't an automatic 'yes' vote.
Mrs Flock is another citizen that has worked behind the scenes for years to make things better. She asks some good questions. There are several generations of kids that remember her fondly as a dedicated and positive influence on their education. (Anyone want to try to sit in a room with twenty 6 or 7 year olds on a regular basis?) She's certainly qualified to ask and deserving of some answers.
I do not recall Becks doing anything worth anything, nor serving anyone well. Liked to hear herself talk at council meetings so people would think she was doing her job, that's all.
john murphy is ready and willing to get back in the race for ward 3. he knows that the 3 on council will do what ever they can ,to keep him off, but, we need him to get on council and shake them up. they sit there like robots and don't do or say crap! at least john opens his mouth and says what is on his mind. you may not like what he says, but at least he is interreacting with he council. WE NEED JOHN MURPHY TO RUN IN THE NEXT ELECTION. IF YOU ARE IN FAVOR OF HIM, COMMENT,PLEASE...
I am certainly for John Murphy. I can never get anyone from the city to help me, including my own councilman. I always turn to John Murphy, who isn't being payed a penny to help anyone in this city, and he always helps. This city desperately needs him. That's why McMahon, Hada, etc. fight so hard to keep him out of office. They know that that will be the end of business as usual around here. I will go so far as to beg people to vote for John. And when he is running, do not listen to the last minute propaganda against him. That is how they always keep him out of office. Things have to change around here.
Remember, people, we got Horvath out. That means we can get the rest of the bums out, too.
To 11:10.....Well said!
This is 11:10: Just watched the last council meeting again. Lori DiNallo asks Murphy what would be the use of trying to talk to the Bear, or any of the other holdouts. My question is how could it possibly NOT be okay to try to talk to talk to them and work this out? Then at the end Fodor pipes in (as usual) and asks wouldn't the Bear and the rest of them have to drop the lawsuit before the city tries to talk to them. So to Fodor, I say "NO", and please refer to the answer I gave DiNallo. As far as I am concerned, DiNallo and Fodor are part of the problem in this city and not part of the solution. Whatever dumb thing they can say to be FOR the city and against the citizens.
I GUESS DINALLO AND FODOR HAVE NEVER NEVER NEVER HEARD OF ANYTHING BEING settled out of COURT. no wonder we have problem.s this is really really leadership. INTERESTING. [TO POST 5;30]
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