"BLACK WATER" doobie brothers
I found out at the last council meeting that we live in a city with "ala carte" utility deparments. Well, in some councilperson's world we have to do a study on the water line on Elm St before we do anything about fixing the problem. Save your money and time... the problem is it's 91 years old. End of subject.
Mr. Fodor believes the most important job he has as a councilman is to not layoff any city workers. Noble cause, but I don't think that's the reason he was elected to council.
"We don't have the money", I hear from the city and the schools. No.... you don't have any money because of some of the dumb Resolutions the city manager gets council to pass. Example Resolution 11-11 [02/22/11] which is about community reinvestment that was passed in 1982. Buried deep in a paragraph it mentions the additional area would include the Hospital property? Also Chase Bank. Isn't that where the new "Urgent Care" center was supposed to be located? Guess that property owner will get the tax abatement also. The future crown jewel of Painesville...whatever ends up on the old hospital site... could receive tax abatements of up to 75% for 8 years. The schools better hope older retired people move into that project. How much tax revenue has the city and schools lost from the Millstone and Gristmill property? Our city manager seems to be destroying the tax base of Painesville.
It seems the board of directors of our city [council] and the administration can't figure how to pay for the upgrades to the waterlines. Maybe they shouldn't be in the utility business; this water line fiasco along with the crazy AMP-OHIO contract that hangs the possibility of a charge of $2.7 million cost to the city.
Lest we forget.... the storm water problems. We, along with the state, spent close to $600,000 on a retention basin on the old Huntington school property and guess what... some basements and backyards still flood 200 yards away.
Can you imagine a private company operating in this manner? No, that company would be out of business. But like I said in my first sentence, our utilities get to pick and choose what parts of their jobs they are going to do.
To Mrs. DiNallo: next campaign slogan... "Live..Work..Play... and Clean and Replace all appliances in your Basement, including the furnace"
I really am starting to believe the only reason this city exists to to provide 350 jobs for people.... with the "Chiefs" at the top the ones being most over-paid.
I asked them about flooding in the Cedarbrook area and the answer I received from the Council President and the City Manager was silence. I guess that said it all.
No solutions. Can you imagine a public company with 30 million dollars in "carryover" acting this way?
I wanted to ask Ward III councilman Fountain why he didn't answer his phone Tuesday, but he failed to show up at the meeting. I pray his health is good but maybe it's time to turn the reins over to someone else?
RU willing to pay more taxes? No, didn't think so. Unless someone on council has the backbone to suggest this, nothing can get done and you will still be complaining about everything.
I wouldn't mind paying more taxes if I got what I thought I was paying for from the taxes I've already shelled out. For instance, what we probably will end up owing AMP Ohio would pay for the water line replacement on Elm St. You want council to talk about a tax increase proposal...well how about questioning why the city administration would suggest a big tas abatement? Kind of going in the wrong direction don't you think? And speaking of that proposed abatement....isn't that kind of penalizing the businesses that have stuck it out downtown? An abatement should be the last carrot dangled...not the first.
the city should have the people onelm pay for part of the water line.. kinda like when they replace side walks ..fair is fair! they bought their house knowing they had a 100 year old water line
You know, that urgent care center was another lie they told us. Everyone knew it was, but they just kept saying it and saying it. Term, you were one of the ones that doubted it would materialize and checked and checked with the city over it. You called them out on it several times. Each time you were assured that your fears were for nothing. And here we are, no urgent care center. If we get anyone to investigate what goes on in this city, that is one of the things that I think needs investigated. The city ended up in the middle of that deal, too, with the demolition, etc. There are just always these huge million dollar deals going on in this city that the citizens cannot make heads nor tails out of, and they never do, no matter how many times they are asked, come clean with the total information. I contend that if they have nothing to hide, then this would not be a forever-ongoing issue in this city.
2:50 Yes, this is your solution uh?
The city could do the same with the street's in front of your house. "You knew when you moved here the street hadn't been paved for 25 years here's your assesment and bill.
When people purchase a product whether its natural gas or water part of the deal is that you will receive that product in a safe and efficent way. Should the residents of Fairport be held responsible by Dominion Gas because the lines or other equipment is old or in need of repair?
If Painesville can't send water to a resident that is rust-free and safe to drink maybe they shouldn't be in the business?
Water on Elm is rust free today, I just don't think leaving the fire hydrants open is a prudent answer to this problem.
It's no surprise that a city can't deliver water to residents, gets involved with 50 year power plant schemes along with basements flooding all over Painesville.
Somehow got involved with a real estate deal that has managed to get the residents involved in a lawsuit for the past five years. Along without knowing someone else owed property down there? If you believe that I have some riverfront property to sell you near Fairport Harbor. Sorry the city already bought that for $250,000 sorry off the market.
This administration couldn't run a Hot Dog stand!
Yeah 2:50, you are just too funny. Did you check out the entire infrastructure of the neighborhood/city before you rented or bought your current residence? Come on now. If this is not one of the things that you are guaranteed NOT to have to worry about as a citizen, then there is absolutely no reason to pay taxes to the city.
Water line down the street. Cities problem.
Water line from street to house is the owners problem.
to 7;06 and 2;50 painesville city leaders don't seem to be interested in tax dollars. we once had 80 home owners in Grismill and Millstone area paying taxes. WHAT HAPPEND. great leadership. tony.
its like we are in a recession...hmmmmmm! its not just Painesville.. its all over.. even Ashtabula feels the economic pains
I'm thinking about Painesville's poor water and sewer system and I wonder why Steve LaTourette wasn't asked get one of those terrible earmark's to repair our system.
hummmm! Now we compare Painesville with Ashtabula? Why not East Cleveland?
My way of thinking is we need someone as a city manager who is willing to put people's ideas to work, instead of showing us new pictures every year.
The most important question of all four candidates in November's council election. Will you retain the present city manager?
If anyone should have questioned that tax abatement it was councilman Fodor, as a former assistant superintendent he better then any on council would have known how the hospital site would be seen as revenue to the schools. Not now. That could have been eliminated from the resolution. Wonder if he took the time to read it before he voted yes?
Maybe he just voted the way he was told?
I think the majority of council has forgotten just who works for whom. Just a reminder....they work for US and the city manager works for THEM.
11:46: Excellent question, excellent point. When Hal Werner was running, he said he wanted McMahon out. The day after he was elected he was singing her praises. You are right. We need her out, and we need people in office who will accomplish that. This woman has been trouble the whole time she's been here. She's got our whole city in a mess, and it just keeps getting worse in every way. You can't trust her. You can't trust anything she says, and you can't trust anything she does.
Geez oh man! What the heck happened to the roads? I know it was a hard winter, but really - I don't notice roads in such sad shape in many other communities. Maybe a few potted plants in some of those pot holes - you know just to give a warning.
Kathy, We did get an award for the citys audit report?
There are a couple of doozies on North State after Falcones heading away from the square. If someone on a motorcycle hits those, it's all over but the shouting, as my friend Bud used to say at the top of the tobaggon hill just before we headed down. Hope they get to these soon. I managed to miss one of them and then went right into the second one. Not good.
Watching the City council meeting on TV, I was wondering why Councilman Flock had to address his question to City Manager McMahon, when the person who had the answers was sitting right in front of him?
Check the city charter, all questions must be directed to the city manager. A councilperson can't legally have a conversation about city business or ask questions to a city employee without the city manager present. Yes this is how you maintain control people.
POST 12;34 who was sitting in front of councilman Flock.
Council members are not allowed to talk to department heads without the city manager being present. He probably figured why bother asking anyone else the questions...Kind of squelches an open dialog, don't you think?
To 4:03 PM Term:
Well, the same rule didn't seem to apply to Councilwoman DiNallo! The fact is Mr. Flock is being disrespected, because he is asking embarrassing questions about the state of affairs, in Painesville.
11:58 Mrs. DiNallo might not even know about this charter rule. As long as she makes nice, doesn't bring things up. That certain people don't want heard she will be given a pass. Atleast I give her credit for reading legislation.
I also think she is very uncomfortable with the argueing on council. Sorry,Lori your responsible for the welfare of 19,000 people and close to an 80 million dollar budget. This ain't a P.T.A. meeting.
As far as Flock is concerned he has watched this city fail in seving residents numerous times and believes it must end. Yes his crime is bringing up embarressing items in the city. To an administration that either doesn't care or has no idea how to fix problems.
38 million dollar roolover? What's Mentors, Willoughbys,rollover?
It occurs to me that we could have someone running this city besides McMahon and probably be doing much better. This seems like an obvious statement, I am sure, but let me explain. With all her supposed training in managing a city, she has done a horrible job. There are obviously some rules and knowledge that someone needs to know to do all of this, but it seems that even just a good business person would at least keep us out of all the million dollar debacles that she keeps getting us into. I just keep thinking investigations, investigations, and let's get her the heck out of here. Send her back on the same rail she left on last time. You can never even get the straight truth from this woman. Whoever said previously on this blog that the first question we need to ask people who run for council is do they want to get rid of McMahon was absolutely correct. That must truly be the first prerequisite for our votes.
If Mr. Flock is soooo great, what is he doing about the illegals here? Fingers are pointed at other council people for not stepping up to the plate to address this. What is his plan?
To 12:47: I previously slammed all our city leaders about the illegal immigrant issue. Apparantly it was not on this portion of the blog, however. I asked in that post what were Flock and Becks doing at the time that the rest of them were advertising Painesville as a Sanctuary City. I don't remember them doing anything to stop it. Hal Werner (current councilman) ran his campaign on getting them out, and now has done virtually nothing.
Having said all that, however, let me say that Flock is my councilman. After approximately 20 years of doing absolutely nothing for me or my neighborhood, he is now doing his job extremely well, in my opinion. I greatly appreciate everything he is doing for the people in his Ward, even though he has never done anything for me or my problems yet. Based on this current conduct, I don't have anything bad to say about Flock right now.
To answer what is doing about the illegals? My guess is absolutely nothing, just like the rest of them. He (or any of them) can correct me if I am wrong.
12:47: The rest of council not only didn't do anything to stop it, they created it. They wrote letters to government officials saying that we here in Painesville love our illegals and did not want them stopped in any way (Horvath). They went on national news outlets and said the same thing (Delamotte)(spelling?). They (Hada, Hach, Fountain, McMahon) all went along with it. It also appeared at the time like they were all equally involved with covering up what was going on so the citizens would not know. Real great bunch we've got here. And they are still here. What is wrong with that picture?
I'm just saying, all the grandstanding Mr Flock does, why not take on one of the real problems we have here in Painesville? Much is small potatoes compared to the illegal problem. I believe it would begin a trickle-down effect and other problems will begin to start solving themselves too.
4:32 Flock has only been in council for 15 years, he told me once it feels a lot longer than that.
Grandstanding? AMP-OHIO 2.7 million, rusty water lines, water in basements, streets right out of Beirut, when seconds count waiting for an ambulance for nine minutes small potatoes?
I thought that rag, tag Rally group was handling illegals?
I exposed Horvath and DelaMotte for them what else do they want?
Maybe the Ducks and the Bear have a plan.
To 6:33: I agree with Term about Flock. Grandstanding?! I've been slamming him for years for not doing his job. He is now doing his job. Are you actually listening to the serious issues he is trying to get taken care of and the resistance he is getting from McMahon, Hada, Gurley, Fodor, DiNallo, etc.? Pretty shocking stuff. No grandstanding there, just working hard for the citizens. I get your frustration about the illegals. Taking care of that problem is not going to fix water pipes, etc., however. But clearly the illegal problem should be a top priority, too. Apparantly the council still likes them all here and does not realize that they will take over Painesville (and all council/management jobs) soon enough. And you are right -- there isn't one peep out of anyone in charge of this city about the illegals. Nobody. Nothing.
To Term: I don't know how it can feel so long and tedious for Flock to have been on council that long. He just now started to do his job. As far as that "rag-tag" (your words) Rally Team goes, they were not even in existance when Horvath, DelaMotte and the rest of them were selling out our city. And if you don't think they are doing a good enough job now, then why don't you get out there and help them? I think you need to direct your crappy words about the lack of the fight concerning the illegals in our city to our city leaders, county leaders, state and federal leaders, and take up the issue with THEM already. You slam the Rally Team every chance you get and then criticize them for not doing enough. You and your friend are just mad because they didn't come to you for permission/help and to ask you to be leaders. Stop that ridiculousness already. It's stupid. Organize your own Rally Team if you think you can do better.
Seems one of our utility directors has had it. Understand theres an opening in the water deptartment, hear anything?
2:15 I sorts knew that rag tag remark would get to you. Here's my way of thinking If you have a local group that seems well organized, has a mission and doesn't seem to be making much head way . What do you expect one or two councilmen to do? Hal Werners platform seemed to have been based on riding the city of illegals, seems the only thing he's interested in doing presently is getting rid of Jackie's.
If you and some other residents that live in Painesvile seem to believe the downfall of Painesville rests in the illegal residents, why in the last two years have I not heard anything about the subject from a resident at a council meeting?
Issues that need resolved in Painesville need more than "You know what you should do" Where was Hal's support? Where is yours?
TERM, what the heck is wrong with you? Rag tag? Really!!!! You are totally clueless about what they are doing. Weekly trips to testify in Columbus. A lot of behind the scene workings of which don't feel they have to inform you. No matter what they do you rag on them. You undermine everything they do. You may not be seeing them, what's the point in holding rallies in a town that most of the legals are afraid of being seen fighting this fight. But believe you me, they are doing more than you can ever imagine. Grow up, TERM. By the way, you and B.E.WARE have never answered this question. When and what business are you going to go after for hiring illegals. That is your mantra. Go after the businesses. Well, I'm waiting.
Term 3:47. This is 2:15. I was the first one to work on this illegal issue in Painesville that I know of. I started to write Letters to the Editor in The News-Herald long before anyone else dared to say anything out loud. I still work continuously on the issue. What exactly I do is none of your business. One thing I DO NOT do is to malign a group that has worked tirelessly on the issue like you do. Another thing I do not do is to blame ordinary citizens for things that government entities should have never let happen in the first place, and should be handling now that it has happened. There shouldn't even have to BE a group. For you to take the responsibility out of council's hands and place the blame with ordinary citizens is ludicrous.
As far as Hal is concerned, I do agree with you on that issue. Hal ran on two big issues. Get rid of McMahon, and get rid of the illegals in Painesville. As soon as he won the election, he started to sing McMahon's praises, and everyone knows what little he has done to rid Painesville of the illegals. The only thing good about Hal being in office is that it got Horvath out. Period. If all this you are doing now is to cover Flock's behind, then go ahead and tell me what Flock was doing when the rest of Painesville Council and McMahon were making this a Sanctuary City. What has he done since? Don't be blaming things that the city leaders should be doing and are not on ordinary citizens.
4:10 Read the above comment, if your group can't make any head way. I know I can't or a councilman or two aren't the answer.
You and people like you are going to have to go to council meeting and complain.
Her's an example our Muncipal Judge Cicconetti and myself might be miles apart on how we view the illegal problem. I still believe he is a great judge and many others must feel the same way. Have you noticed he's running unopposed?
Maybe our community doesn't see it as big a problem as you do.
I WILL agree with you, but our President, Senators, Congressmen, Governors, Commissioners don't.
You and your group have presented the facts honestly and factually and I believe you are all still being ignored. Rag Tag was mean't to mean the persistence of your group against all odds.
no, then what did you mean by "rag tag"? It was definitely a disparaging remark aimed at the members. I take offense. And just because you don't see a change happening and that you don't think a change will happen, then we are just supposed to sit back and let the illegals take over without a fight? Well, I for one will continue to fight this battle, be it a losing one. If you and more like you would have joined the rallies and made for a bigger presence that Veronica and others could see, that would have made an impact. So just sit back. We will continue to do what we can with all our energy, money and determination. You call us rag tag, others call us racists, and terrorists. We are a peaceful group, but we are determined. Call me whatever the heck you want TERM.
This illegal situation really has me concerned more now than ever before. I live next door to a family who have relatives living in Painesville who are illegal. A couple of months ago they told me that illegals from California are migrating to Painesville. Due to California being bankrupt, benefits that they had been able to receive have been cut. They were told that they can get full benefits in Painesville. They have several friends (Illegal) who have already obtained rental housing in Painesville and they are encouraging more t come here. They have their Wic and food card already and they are thrilled. Well, I am so tired of paying for illegals and now we are picking up illegals from California because they have cut their benefits. We will be bankrupt before you know it. We all need to unite in this cause and forget the internal bickering. Our whole way of life is at stake.
Maybe Term was calling you guys out? I have noticed no matter what the subject a post happens to be about somehow someway illegal immigration gets into the comment section. Illegal Immigration must be stopped but start your own blog. instean of always bringing it up here. It's getting old.
Take his advise take your issue to council.
Legally Blonde, they have taken it to council. And I don't believe all the anti illegal comments are from rally team members. There are a lot of Painesville residents against illegal immigration that only feel free to voice that here on an anonymous blog. And I do believe that most of the rally team don't read this blog any more. They have gone to the conservative Painesville site. I do both blogs, but I am not officially a rally member.
Legally Blonde, it is me who brought up the issue of illegals as it concerns the school levy. You cannot possibly think that the illegal problem in Painesville and the schools asking for more money are not related. I do think they are related, and I will not pay one more dime willingly until all the illegals are out. And it's people like you, I am guessing, who are sitting back and allowing it to happen. 7:27 is telling us that now we are getting all the illegals from California. Soon you will hope you and others like you fought with the Rally Team. Who do you think is paying for all the food cards and benefits all these people are getting? It's us again. We have Americans who desperately need benefits and wait and wait with many denied after paying into the system for years, but illegals come here and get money right away. And now we will be paying for all of the California illegals children to be born, all their healthcare and their schooling. Really, how could you possibly think that the two are not related? We need to be cutting their benefits like California just did. That would be a good way to start getting rid of them -- no more free lunch, or at least not as much as they are used to. We're losing our country fast, and nobody wants to hear it.
8:42, what is the conservative Painesville site, please. Would like to check it out.
To 8:00: It is a waste of time to take any issues to council. Have to get a new council and city manager. The present ones are broken.
Is it a secretor where can we find this "conservative" Painesville blog.?
Is there a reason to keep it secret??????
1:49: I doubt it's a conspiracy. They just haven't gotten back to us yet, that's all. Anyone out there who knows?
yes, I would like to know where this blog is also. Maybe it is kept private so as not be be taken over by liberals, but blogs are public so if it can be found anyone can go on it. I am conservative. If there is a way to let me know where this blog is, I would like to participate.
This is 4:00. If it is filled with Republicans that are as rude as I believe 6:52 is being, then never mind. I, for on, can live without it.
7:52, this is 6:52. Why are you calling me rude and how the heck would you know if I am republican or not? I just want to know where this site is too. You are rude, and you are prejudiced. Not someone I would like to know. I hope I locate this site and you can just live without it. I can't believe you actually posted that comment. What the heck??!!
7:52,what does party affiliation have to do with anything? You sound like you are from the party of intolerance. The party of "my way or no way".
My apologies to 6:52. I thought you were answering 1:49 and saying that liberals need not apply. But "conservative" usually does mean Republican, that's where THAT assumption came from. Again, I apologize. I also wrote 4:00.
apology accepted.
To 7:48 (from 1:44):
Thank you.
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