COMPLICATED" avril lavigne
For the last eight Sundays, I have been attending a local church group whose mission is to understand migration. "Crossing Borders" a study for Catholics to understand migration.
I have now been to meetings on this subject from both sides.
I came to realize that the main opposition of illegal immigration for me was not the people coming but how some were framing the issue. First, I was upset with HOLA's demands. This includes Veronica Dahlberg’s insistence that the laws were wrong and any opposition was racist along the allegations that ICE agents were breaking down doors and spreading terror in the community. The "Letter" that ended up in the United States Senate that appeared to come from then-Council President William Horvath. This letter was composed by Dalhberg and rubber-stamped by Horvath. The final straw was a march through downtown Painesville with Mexican flags in the forefront and the American flag dragged by children through town, later followed by a rally in Veterans Park by out of state speakers claiming to take back what was originally theirs. All to the applause of Ms. Dahlberg and the crowd.
A member of this church group questioned the motives of the Rally Team. I explained to them that I believed Ms. Dahlberg is the main reason the group started.
We studied migration back to the time of Moses in the Bible. One constant I learned through all these weeks about the region, country or empire that was being migrated to; if they did not have control over the migration it usually ended with negative results for them. The American Indians’ policy (or lack of) towards European settlers is a good example.
At present, the United States does not have a policy.
First, these are my thoughts and not the thoughts or findings of the church group. I believe the first thing the United States government should do is control the border, not only to keep illegals out but that large area that doesn't have a fence is desert and people are dying trying to cross it. Let us put boots on the ground not only for security but also for the safety of the people trying to cross in that area.
This country has a strange policy over the years; a sign that says "KEEP OUT" under a sign that says, "HELP WANTED."
A myth most will find hard to believe; these people do not want to leave Mexico, they just do not want to starve to death. America offers a new life. They can watch American television as easily as we do. I do not believe there is a conspiracy to take over the country or destroy our culture they just want a better life. America has away that sucks you in... You become an "American" first and fast.
How is it that the country south of the richest country in the world is still a third world country? Instead of Mexico sending migrants north, why hasn't our government and religious leaders asked the Mexican government to get their act together. Mexico is rich in natural resources but its wealth seems to be concentrated in a small group of individuals. (Sound familiar?). Has NAFTA worked for or against the Mexican economy? How long before the drug gangs infiltrate our society to the extent they have in Mexico. Let us not forget about human trafficking… such as in the case of Jalapeno Loco in Mentor a couple of years ago.
For the last eight weeks, I have listened to what we, as Americans should do. The church should hold meetings for the migrants and explain what is expected of them.
Last week during the Republican debates, Newt Gingrich made statements that might end his chances of ever becoming President. I give him credit for a being somewhat of a realist. If the Hispanic population goes to the Democrats I believe, as he does, it will be the end of the Republican Party. I disagree with his premise that we should set up a group as second-class citizens, with local selective board panels. What is that famous American slogan "No taxation without representation?" I would like to hear a whole debate that just deals with illegal immigration so people will hear not just sound bites but each candidate’s solution along with the costs of their solution. Yes, President Obama's also.
I mentioned before that our Congressman receives mail 10 to 1 against amnesty. The numbers here on the blog will be higher. Only when you inevitably complain about this post will you please also give your solution to this problem. I for one do not have an easy answer.
Also on the blog. who or what you say is Anonymous, to myself and the readers..... Before you start to type remember a time will come when you may have to explain your comment to a higher power.
Yes it is Complicated.