Sunday, October 29, 2017


Thank-you Bob Dylan

I'm not the one you want,babe
I'm not the one you need

Some of you might have seen the story in Thursday's News-Herald about some gym equipment being replaced at Harvey High School along with the uproar it caused.

Easy 1,000 words about nothing! Well just maybe not?

Seems the administration bought some new equipment for the weight room at Harvey. Part of the contract was that the company that won the bid also remove  the old equipment and paid the board $4,763.00 for the old equipment. This old equipment which they had no need for was offered to staff, administrators anybody that wanted it "help yourselves" end of story? Not quite.

Seems only one person who was mentioned  Principal Van McWreath who had to retain an attorney due to the fact that Superintendent Shepard issued a letter of reprimand after a thorough investigation.
Mr. Shepard expressed a lack of professionalism by your actions. What actions ? If you want this crap help yourself? Adding taking items from the district was not only improper, but unprofessional.
Unprofessional? You mean like the way you spoke to a city resident after a board meeting? Talk about someone needing a reprimand.

Further Mr. Shepard stated but my job is to protect that investment. I have a duty to report.

In this investigation the Ohio Department of Education as well as the Painesville Police were brought in to conduct the investigation if they didn't have enough screwy things to worry about.

Painesville Police found that NO unlawful activity occurred.

Remember now the used equipment no longer were property of the City of Painesville Local Schools but of the winner of the new contract. Who had the right to dispose of it any way they  chose.

So What's Really Going On?

Seems I believe a high ranking administrator who only received a short renewal of his contract went to the castle on Jefferson St. and asked the mirror "Who can do the most for the Painesville Schools?" and the mirror spoke back,"Well that guy over at Harvey seems to have straightened out quite a bit of the problems there!"

So let's smear the name and reputation of someone doing their job as to what? Make someone else's job secure?

I only wish someone had as much concern over the state grade of Painesville City School as they do who got some old dumbells being thrown out.

Myself I will ask that the board that the letter of reprimand be removed from Mr. McWreath file. Also if it wasn't for Mr. McWreath and a few board members I hold in high regard I would never vote for another levy of any kind.

Maybe its time someone did the job they were hired to do?

Go lightly from the edge, babe

Friday, October 27, 2017


A little Disco?

Say it again

All  that I've been through
I'll do it again

Well second "Meet The Candidate Night" was last night , offhand many more direct and better questions. We touched just about everything. From the Fire Department, Economic Development, Opioid's, Downtown Architecture Review, Policy 413 as well as a Senior Center.

Padilla and Acosta are two big fans of our fire department, Chief Mlachak has two determined  supporters.

Although I'd like to see more diversity on council I believe Ms. Ferguson would be better suited on the School Board. That can also be said for Tracy Montgomery a staunch school supporter.

Heard about Economic Development but not one ide that could be taken to Doug Lewis or Cathy Bieterman an told try this or this is a plan?

Policy 413 it seems everyone believed illegal immigration is a federal responsibility and I guess we shouldn't involve city council?

Councilman Fodor seemed the most prepared as well as Tom Fitzgerald and Hal Werner.

So to handicap the race we can assume DiNallo , Fodor and Fitzgerald retaining their seats on council. That said very few Painesville resident's care or even know about Councilman Fitzgerald's absences.  Then again if there s all this anger about Illegals in Painesville Werner should win that seat easily? The question is  that anger from 4 or 5 people that come to this blog. or is it city wide issue? Election Day will tell us if this is a real concern of Painesville resident's.

My biggest fear is that it always seems council becomes advocates for the city administration and not the resident's of the city. That's how we end up with screwy vacant property laws, kickbacks to the city on garbage pick-ups and outrages electric purchases.

Wednesday, October 18, 2017

"NO MORE MR. NICE GUY" alice cooper

No more Mister Nice Guy
They say he's sick, he's obscene.

Well next Thursday the 26th we will have our second "Meet The Candidate Night" at Harvey High.

Although I am thankful for the presentation I believe we would find out more about the candidates if the questions weren't censored by the moderator as well as asking all 6 or 7 the same question. Here's a few ideas.

Tom, you missed many council meetings as well as work session's in your first term. Is there any reason for the resident's to think this will change if elected to a second term?

You claim in your campaign literature you are a 23 year Painesville resident, a 13 year employee of Painesville City Schools and yet you only became a citizen in 2011. Could you explain how you accomplished this?

What are your views n Policy 413 ? If passed by council what would you do? What's your stance on this issue?

However? What exactly does that mean when discussing Painesville's Safety Forces? Are you aware of what percentage of the city's general fund goes? When it comes to the budget how can we know what you might "gift" The Downtown Organization with? More funding DPO or for safety forces?

Do we really need a council person to facilitate to bridge the gap between Lake Erie College, the city administration as well as the local schools? How will any of this improve housing prices and make Painesville a more welcoming community? What is an underrepresented population, please explain?

Being an entrepreneur, what direct suggestions do you have to get the ball rolling in Painesville? Presently Painesville's Economic Development ain't cutting it. Are you aware of the SRO program at Harvey? And at Heritage if they ever get it together over there.

I have to ask as you retired from being Assistant Superintendent for Painesville City Schools were you satisfied in what you had accomplished there? The blame for things like the 50% policy were not your fault but it seems you condoned the direction our schools were headed in. Besides the 'Process' what will you bring to the table this time you haven't brought forth already.

Now realistically I don't expect any of these questions to be asked next Thursday. I will hear about our diversity and great future just around the corner.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

"ALL I HAVE TO DO IS DREAM" everly brothers

Only trouble is gee whiz
I'm dreamin' my life away

Planning Commission Meeting tonight;


Applicant: Veronica Dahlberg on behalf of HOLA Ohio LLC.

Location: 265 North State Street

Well unless she figures out how to get those two tanks out of that building (they don't fit through the door) This story will be continued forever or until the building collapses on it's own.

Will someone please take the shovel out of our city manager's hand, please!

Seems a story in the News-Herald she is in the process of "educating" city council on the Mexican community.
Look that 413 policy somehow managed to pretty much upset everyone on both sides of the issue now is she really gong to take another bite at that apple? Last council work session there was a gentleman there with a video camera and many items were mentioned, I just hope that this pending lawsuit doesn't cost us some serious cash. Sometimes the best thing to do is just move on.

Another story this week in the News-Herald was funding for the "Shoppe In The City" has ended and the business will close. now the cause of this business to provide jobs for these people is  a good idea. The only problem is businesses such as these cannot make Downtown Painesville vibrant again. Let's face it the anchor store downtown is Joughins Hardware, period. The new store doing what seems to be fairly well is the Dollar Tree Store. I expect to see more funding for DPO in next years budget. Here's an idea, council people could donate their salaries to DPO! Never has so much been spent for so little results.

Last Night was Hispanic Heritage Night at Harvey High School  that should upset some of you good people, right?

Monday, October 9, 2017


Even in my heart I see
You're not bein' true to me
Deep within my soul I feel
Nothing's like it used to be

First off let me let you know I wear my heart on my sleeve.

I Love this country with all my heart and what's happening t to it now is breaking my heart.
I feel used.

Someone mentioned that our new President doesn't do photo-ops? Well what took place in Indianapolis Sunday was just that. First off it wasn't Mike Pence day it was Peyton Manning's Day. But as everyone expected some player's took a knee during the National Anthem and low and behold Vice-President Pence under orders from '45' left the game.  As if no one expected this? Now the Vice-President also has a twitter account and twitted out;

While everyone is entitled to their own opinions, I don't think it's to much to ask NFL players to respect the Flag and our National Anthem.

FINE ...My take

While everyone is entitled to their own opinions, I don't think it's to much to ask the President of the United States to not call citizens Son-of-a Bitches and to listen to their non-violent petition of grievances.

AS I mentioned my love of country and the respect I hold for all members of  our military, this isn't and never was about the military.

See I was always under the impression they fought to uphold the Constitution of the United States and the Amendments it hold, which includes the right to protest?

Sunday was a photo-op and nothing else. We are all being played!

Even the press that travels with the Vice-President was told to wait as to get photo's of the Vice-President leaving the stadium.

This protest seemed to have been losing momentum until someone brought it back to the forefront, why?

I have a theory;

A few years ago Donald Trump wanted to buy the Buffalo Bills, the NFL owner's rejected him into their club, smart people. Did the NFL impose a lifetime ban against him in the 80's? I believe they did.

Well back in the early eighty's Donald Trump bought a fledgling team named the New Jersey Generals in the then  United States Football League. There games were held in the spring opposed to the NFL that started in the fall. Well Donald Trump in his wisdom decided the USFL should go head to head against the NFL and play in the fall also. That decision  doomed the enterprise, first the NFL had the networks locked up and the USFL lost television revenue. This league collapses and later sued the NFL over being monopolists. Low and behold the jury did find that the NFL  was monopolist and had harmed the USFL which had asked for $1.2 billion in damages, The jury awarded the league $1 dollar, and the antitrust case tripled it to  $3. Add interest that's a final verdict of $3.76.

So is this really about the Anthem and the Flag? Or let's face it payback is Trumps middle name.

Sooner than later I have the feeling we will all be "Son's of Bitches"

Sunday, October 1, 2017

"NEW KID N TOWN" eagles

Great expectations, everybody's watching you
People you meet, they all seem to know you.

Well, attended "Meet The Candidate Night" Thursday at Harvey and came away with one important thought do these "new" candidate's realize they are running to be the board of director's to a 75 to 80 million dollar enterprise?

Councilman Fitzgerald was out of the country will attend next months meeting. Not showing up might be good for 50 extra votes?

Two Fodor and DiNallo and probably Werner realize this isn't running the Downtown Painesville Organization? We are talking serious money here folks. Seems like most candidates serve on the DPO? Expect more cash flowing to them!

One suggested to hold more "Party in the Park to fund city employee salaries? Hell, I'm for turning the town over to the PCIC.
With many candidates claiming departments are all understaffed.

Everyone was for the road, fire and school levy although Ms. Furguson hadn't decided on the school levy yet.

Were any of them versed in AMP-OHIO? Waste Management $9,500 kickback to the city? Do they realize the infrastructure needs of our city? I would have liked to know if any of them knew the general fund budget for this year?

Do any of them have any new ideas to bring good jobs and capital to Painesville? This city cannot and will  not survive on $8.00 job wages.  Everyone talked about economic development but not one idea was presented.

Councilman Fodor suggested a 'new' community center as well as bringing the Senior Center back into Painesville.

Hal Werner spoke of 'law and order'

Maybe at the next meeting we can understand how much these candidates know about Painesville and it's finances?

This ain't the Painesville Garden Club ladies and gentlemen.


 Sorry but I have to ask;

When you sign up for Military Service I always thought you swore to defend the Constitution from foreign and domestic forces. Not a Person, Flag or Anthem? 

When did it become "disrespectful to "take a knee" or "lock arms"?

When at home do you stand during the National Anthem? How about when your at a sports bar? And if not why not?

Isn't it better to have non-violent protests than violent ones?

Myself I have always stood with my hand on my heart during the National Anthem, but I haven't walked in other peoples shoes?

Could this all be a big misunderstanding?

This was never about the military? Only what some felt as an injustice on members of our society?

Should we be a country of "forced" Patriotism? That is a mile wide but only a half inch thick?

Or should our love of country come from our hearts to this country and fellow Americans?

And no American should ever be called a son-of-a- bitch by a leader, period. Or be threatened by that same leader.

We as a people are better than this.

"Those that make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable"

John Fitzgerald Kennedy

O.K. I said my piece, I will now become the nail for all you Anonymous hammers out there.

Tomorrow we can meet the candidates!