Thank-you Bob Dylan
I'm not the one you want,babe
I'm not the one you need
Some of you might have seen the story in Thursday's News-Herald about some gym equipment being replaced at Harvey High School along with the uproar it caused.
Easy 1,000 words about nothing! Well just maybe not?
Seems the administration bought some new equipment for the weight room at Harvey. Part of the contract was that the company that won the bid also remove the old equipment and paid the board $4,763.00 for the old equipment. This old equipment which they had no need for was offered to staff, administrators anybody that wanted it "help yourselves" end of story? Not quite.
Seems only one person who was mentioned Principal Van McWreath who had to retain an attorney due to the fact that Superintendent Shepard issued a letter of reprimand after a thorough investigation.
Mr. Shepard expressed a lack of professionalism by your actions. What actions ? If you want this crap help yourself? Adding taking items from the district was not only improper, but unprofessional.
Unprofessional? You mean like the way you spoke to a city resident after a board meeting? Talk about someone needing a reprimand.
Further Mr. Shepard stated but my job is to protect that investment. I have a duty to report.
In this investigation the Ohio Department of Education as well as the Painesville Police were brought in to conduct the investigation if they didn't have enough screwy things to worry about.
Painesville Police found that NO unlawful activity occurred.
Remember now the used equipment no longer were property of the City of Painesville Local Schools but of the winner of the new contract. Who had the right to dispose of it any way they chose.
So What's Really Going On?
Seems I believe a high ranking administrator who only received a short renewal of his contract went to the castle on Jefferson St. and asked the mirror "Who can do the most for the Painesville Schools?" and the mirror spoke back,"Well that guy over at Harvey seems to have straightened out quite a bit of the problems there!"
So let's smear the name and reputation of someone doing their job as to what? Make someone else's job secure?
I only wish someone had as much concern over the state grade of Painesville City School as they do who got some old dumbells being thrown out.
Myself I will ask that the board that the letter of reprimand be removed from Mr. McWreath file. Also if it wasn't for Mr. McWreath and a few board members I hold in high regard I would never vote for another levy of any kind.
Maybe its time someone did the job they were hired to do?
Go lightly from the edge, babe