Sunday, October 29, 2017


Thank-you Bob Dylan

I'm not the one you want,babe
I'm not the one you need

Some of you might have seen the story in Thursday's News-Herald about some gym equipment being replaced at Harvey High School along with the uproar it caused.

Easy 1,000 words about nothing! Well just maybe not?

Seems the administration bought some new equipment for the weight room at Harvey. Part of the contract was that the company that won the bid also remove  the old equipment and paid the board $4,763.00 for the old equipment. This old equipment which they had no need for was offered to staff, administrators anybody that wanted it "help yourselves" end of story? Not quite.

Seems only one person who was mentioned  Principal Van McWreath who had to retain an attorney due to the fact that Superintendent Shepard issued a letter of reprimand after a thorough investigation.
Mr. Shepard expressed a lack of professionalism by your actions. What actions ? If you want this crap help yourself? Adding taking items from the district was not only improper, but unprofessional.
Unprofessional? You mean like the way you spoke to a city resident after a board meeting? Talk about someone needing a reprimand.

Further Mr. Shepard stated but my job is to protect that investment. I have a duty to report.

In this investigation the Ohio Department of Education as well as the Painesville Police were brought in to conduct the investigation if they didn't have enough screwy things to worry about.

Painesville Police found that NO unlawful activity occurred.

Remember now the used equipment no longer were property of the City of Painesville Local Schools but of the winner of the new contract. Who had the right to dispose of it any way they  chose.

So What's Really Going On?

Seems I believe a high ranking administrator who only received a short renewal of his contract went to the castle on Jefferson St. and asked the mirror "Who can do the most for the Painesville Schools?" and the mirror spoke back,"Well that guy over at Harvey seems to have straightened out quite a bit of the problems there!"

So let's smear the name and reputation of someone doing their job as to what? Make someone else's job secure?

I only wish someone had as much concern over the state grade of Painesville City School as they do who got some old dumbells being thrown out.

Myself I will ask that the board that the letter of reprimand be removed from Mr. McWreath file. Also if it wasn't for Mr. McWreath and a few board members I hold in high regard I would never vote for another levy of any kind.

Maybe its time someone did the job they were hired to do?

Go lightly from the edge, babe


At October 29, 2017 at 7:28 PM , Blogger Jim said...

Your writing left me a little confused so let me ask if i understand it all.
New equipment was ordered for the school. The winning bidder (I assume it was bid, correct?) also has to purchase/remove/dispose of the old equipment which was deemed "unusable'.
They did pay for the equipment and became the new "owners" but then they turned around and offered the equipment to anyone who wanted it.
I wold guess that the only part the Principal played was in announcing, to his staff, that the stuff was available. Correct?
Since the winning bid owned the equipment and used the Principal to let people know, exactly what was it that he did "wrong"??
Did I understand this correctly?

I would say that the Super should be more involved in getting test scores up rather than waste time on a personal vendetta.
BTW, did we ever find out who paid for his trip to Germany? That seems a little more problematic to me.

At October 30, 2017 at 6:25 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can think of a few dumbbells at City Hall who need to be thrown out...

At October 31, 2017 at 1:44 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

7:28 He as well as himself, staff and students were all offered and help themselves. Crap like this will make McWreath and others move on and Harvey can revert back to the sequel of "Save by the Bell"
6:25 No comment

At November 1, 2017 at 4:03 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seems more to the story. Why does the principal need an attorney? He got reprimanded, who hasn't? Many folks work there and many have had unwarranted charges and reprimands. Karma may be involved here finally.

At November 1, 2017 at 9:07 AM , Blogger Sandy Miller said...

So why isn't the board writing a letter of reprimand to the Super and putting it in his file for abuse of tax dollars? Seems as though Mr Shepard has a hard time understanding how things work but then again so does the board.

At November 1, 2017 at 12:40 PM , Blogger Anonymous said...

I also read about the weight equipment. I thought it made the superintendent look like a fool. How was he protecting taxpayers' money?
The old equipment was junk. The police found no wrongdoing and yet he throws his own 'family' under the bus? Who does that? When you referred to the old equipment as 'Dumbbells', you must have been thinking of the superintendent.
7:28 I agree that it sounds like a personal vendetta.
You might also be interested in googling a News Herald article published two days later & written by the same reporter. "Lake/Geauga County Schools Recognized For Positive Behavior Interventions." All Painesville City Schools received awards from the Ohio Dept. of Education. Harvey received the highest award, the Gold Award, two years in a row. If you live in Painesville the levy literature also indicates the graduation rate has gone up four years in a row. These accomplishments have been spearheaded by the same administrator the superintendent tried to brand a criminal. These district awards have not been because of the superintendent's leadership but in spite of his lack of leadership. Johnny Shepard needs to take a hike.

At November 2, 2017 at 7:24 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sheppards handling of this just reflects his need to be a controlling person. He should have FIRST determined if a law was broken, then he could have handled it privately behind closed doors. This man has to go! Demand to know why the board renewed his contract last time. I believe if the residents of this city knew even half of the crap this guy pulls they would be yelling loudly. I work with some of the people in the system and very few like him, but will not speak out because he does things like what he just did to McWreath.

At November 3, 2017 at 9:29 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

7:24 What a way to run a railroad? Fear and intimidation? Sad.
12:40 How does that song go? You don't know what you got til it's gone? Painesville needs McWreath more than McWreath needs Painesville.
9:07 Fear and intimidation? See again things have got screwed up. The board represents the resident's of Painesville The administration works for the board around here it seems the other way around?
4:03 Seems more to the story? Why hire a lawyer? First off in the principals case his reputation is pretty much all he's got and was charged with a crime. Only a fool would have not hired one. Sorry don't believe in Karma but I do believe in insecure little people who will destroy a persons reputation to enhance their own future.
How many have unwarranted charges and reprimands?

At November 12, 2017 at 4:43 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aint nothin gonna change here. Look at how long Hanlon was here, ya wanna talk fear and intimidation? Ms Martin/DeAngeils and their 50percent ran the high school like a zoo. The admin in charge there now are very good at hiding things that go on. DeAngelis has been at the middle school for how long now? Aint nothin better as things go on and nothing will change unless the state steps in.


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