It seems like only yesterday
I didn't have a clue
It has been reported by the Painesville Board of Education that a male 20-30 years old with blonde hair driving a red car has followed and approached a Heritage Middle School girl. This morning he approached her. Rest assured Painesville Police is well aware of the situation and will be monitoring this.
In other news;
Another director left over from the McMahon regime will no longer be employed by the City of Painesville. By George, Monica seems to have started early cleaning house.
Now back to understanding stuff.
Remember when I mentioned I had received a terse reply from a councilman over question I
asked about police vehicles? Also at the last council meeting the Ordinances that questioned the part-time police and switchboard employees drew a strange silence ( can be viewed on the council meeting tape) No one wanted or knew how to discuss it? It all seemed so awkward at the time? It truly was never explained only that we will save money.
Well a reader sent me what this all meant. I have no idea why it wasn't explained to council as well as us.
SECTION 167.06
OPERATOR 20% of pay from general fund, 15% from water fund, 15% from sewer fund and
50% from electric fund?
The CM only receives 35% of her salary from the electric division. How in the world does a police officer earn 50% from electric?
Seems another item to go into the PCA?
I guess it would be interesting to hear the administration's explanation for all this? And why they didn't explain it when the Ordinance was past?