Wednesday, September 27, 2017


It seems that all the friends I got to come interrogate me
But I don't ask you about your business, don't ask me about mine

Well tomorrow at 7:00 PM at Harvey High School we will have the first of two

 "Meet The Candidate Nights".

It will be interesting to see how many members of our community come out and ask the candidates questions on position that affect us.

Hell, It might be interesting on how many candidates show up?
Couple of stealth candidate's lately?

Wonder what will be the main focus be? Streets, Safety Issues, Immigration?

Let's hope all candidates are prepared to answer questions and PLEASE! no candidate read something to us! Speak from your knowledge not from some papers.

Hope to see many of you there.

And a special Thank-you to Derrick Abney  for taking the time to present this opportunity to our community.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

******PUBLIC NOTICE*****


This event is for all residents of Painesville

Here is your chance to meet the "AT-LARGE" candidates who are
running for Painesville City Council in the November 2017 election

Now is the time to get your questions answered!

Date: Thursday, September 28, 2017


            Thursday, October 26, 2017


Time: 7:00-9:00pm

Location: Harvey High School
                  200 West Walnut Street
                  Painesville, Ohio 44077

"It's time for politics to get back to the people"


Thomas Fitzgerald*                       Ana Padilla
                                                          Hal G. Werner

Lori DiNallo *                                  Unopposed

James Fodor*                                  Dora Acosta
                                                          Marsita Ferguson
                                                          Tracy Montgomery 
   *Denotes Incumbent
For more information-Derrick Abney  cell:440-487-3118

And in other city news;


5:15 PM

Courtroom #1 Council Chambers


In accordance with Article II, Section 12 of the codified Ordinances of the

City Of Painesville, Council shall approve the appointment or removal

of any department or division head by the City Manager.


Wednesday, September 13, 2017

"WORKIN' FOR A LIVIN' huey lewis

To view the work session video and the proceedings go to
City of Painesville
9-11-17 council workshop

Some days won't end ever and some days pass on by
I['ll be working here forever, at least until I die
Damned if you do damned if you don't

Attended Painesville Council work session on Policy 413, left more confused than when I arrived?

Seems like many of you that  comment here don't attend these meeting? Everyone treated everyone with respect so I know most of you weren't at the meeting.

What is this Policy 413? Seems it's a policy NO one likes pro  or con undocumented? Who's brain child was this? Was it approved by our Safety Director? Who is presently our Safety Director? Last I knew it was the City Manager? Did the Safety Director whom ever it is approve of 413?

Was it a crime to release Policy 413 on
Cinco de Mayo Day when it was released to a local TV station?

Big Changes?

The language criterion no longer applies. Not a problem my Grandmother couldn't speak English when she entered the country legally. See when most of our ancestors came to this country they neither need to speak English have a skill, the main requirement was just a warm body to show up.

Wording on gang actively was limited to criminal organization or criminal enterprise.

Charged was retained instead of convicted, because of  Resolution 3808 passed in 2008 by city council. They are not going to contact ICE over every single charge? I expect council to revisit 3808 in the near future. So who decides when and when not to call ICE?

There were many that wanted  "domestic violence" not to be included for fear of deporting the family bread winner? Without that fear women in this situation can expect to be treated as punching bags by some of these men, it was left in as well as OVI charges. Sorry no get out of jail free card for beating up your wife, or driving while under the influence.

Reports for outstanding charges and warrants from outside communities will continue to be honored.

The city manager as well as superintendent Shepard claimed the group met four times and also had meetings with more than 100 individuals and groups since May. Sorry if I'm a little skeptical of this number with whom and what groups did you meet with? Please produce minutes to these four meetings.

One individual claimed there was no federal law that local police must co-operate with federal authorities, and that police officers need not ask if a person is here legally? Not sure of that but, let's say an officer stops me I don't speak to him or show him identification or driver's license guess I'm going to jail, as anybody should. Yes sometimes you have to show papers.

Must admit that Councilman Fodor understood the diverse groups in this city. Claiming one group wants to understand how a person that lived here for seventeen years gets stopped for a broken taillight and is deported within a week. As well as another group that understands an illegal resident was in custody of our sheriff department and a week later after his release tried to rape a 14 year -old girl, shot a woman in front of her children on the bike trail murdered another woman in her home that he shot. 

Someone questioned to me the number of outside Painesville residents that want us to respect illegals? "Why don't they take a couple of them home" My answer is why and for what reason did many leave Painesville? Something tells me this might be a case of NIMBY?

Demonstration for DACA today Veterans Park. I hope you people know what your doing? It appears your drawing a very large target on Painesville undocumented, illegal population? This could end up with the opposite ending you envisioned.

I posted some of the number's and addresses of where to report illegal individuals only as a warning that there are many in this community that don't share your willingness of inclusion.

Saturday, September 9, 2017

"9-11 SOUNDS OF SILENCE" disturbed

Hello darkness, my old friend
I've come to talk with you again




Thursday, September 7, 2017




The Ville' was in constant strife!

 The Knights of the Ville' knew a change had to be forthcoming. So they pronounced a Queen and this Queen was well versed in acquiring land for a 'new' Pain. Which she easily conquered from the Township Knights almost doubling the size of Pain.

That still left her and the Knights with 'ole' Pain. Many of the wealthy Lords were leaving Pain taking with them their wealth. and settling in places like Concordia.

The Knights and Queen "but who will fill ole' Pain?" Talk on the cobblestone roads mentioned of many moving here from Clevehood and EastClevhood. More subjects with nothing in their pockets to fill the Queens coffers. This was not what the Ville' needed to substance itself.

So a plan was hatched between the Queen, Knights, the Land Barons to the East of the Ville' who needed peasant's to work their fields. The educators as well as the church hierarchy all were involved in this plot. First the church would be a welcoming place for these new workers a place they felt comfortable, and new school system built to educate these peasants children. Inexpensive rents and property to purchase for homes that peasant's could purchase and take pride in ownership. Solving housing problems for the Land Barons Plus the  Queen was counting the shekel's the Ville' would receive on RITA income tax promised by the Land Barons to the east.

The Queen and her Knights would have revenue,  plus the fact if any of the new peasant's caused the Queen a problem Knight ICE was but a call away to remove the headache.Land Barons would have a work force, Landlords would have renters, church would have people in pews. Store keeps would have new customers...... All without the knowledge of the ole' peasant's of the Ville' being aware of the plan.

The final step was to invite those from a far south town of Leon' to the Ville' show them the opportunities they would have in the Ville' of Pain. And they came in record numbers aided by Knights who advertised Pain' on national news.

If there was a flaw in their plan was this migration was illegal. causing hardships to many on both sides of the issue.  The question remains did they solve the Ville' of Pain problem or create a larger one?

Any resemblance of persons living or dead are purely coincidental.

Just a Fairytale people!

Tuesday, September 5, 2017

"EYES OF A CHILD" moody blues

Now in his life he never must be lost
No thought must deceive him
In life he must trust

Well today it seems that DACA or DREAMERS went to the wayside.

Seems our President didn't even have the balls to do it himself he sent General Jeff out to do the dirty work.

I know ahead of time that many of you will part company with me on this but that's your prerogative.

I never will understand how you or anyone can hold a two, five, ten year-old responsible for being in this country illegally. I view that young Mexican boy who started first grade with my children as much of an American as my children. How many knew someplace else as home?

Now in the wisdom of our government no matter who was in charge we let families into our country. The most powerful country on the face of this earth and they were bamboozled by immigrant families? Hardly. Also our Supreme Court dictated that even if these children were "illegal" the federal, state as well as local government had responsibility for their common good and to provide them with a world-class United States education. So we provided them with it. I have no idea the cost per pupil but from Head-Start through community college we can assume a cost of between $150,000 and $200,000. So what is our next step? Deport them? To where a place they don't remember? Maybe Canada will see the virtue of a fully educated English speaking person for their society? Sorry I,and many like myself didn't invest in these children because 23% of you don't like their coloring. 

These children are going to play a big part in this country's future and the thought of shipping them out has no appeal to me. Many of you must face facts we are an ageing population that needs young blood. If we have instilled the virtues of being in this country and what a privilege and responsibility it is we have a success on our hands. If all these children see is anger, lack of compassion, indifference then that is what we as a society have sown.

Friday, September 1, 2017


Carry on my wayward son
For there'll be peace when you are done

And if I claim to be a wise man, it surely means
that I don't know

I thought yesterday this  post was going to be about the prayer walk and how this community was trying it's best to gain back it's footing after the shootings that took place over the weekend.

There was a reasonable amount of people and somewhere in my heart I thought we might have turned the page?

That was short-lived as I then learned  about another shooting that took place n Nebraska St. early yesterday evening where another young man was shoot.

Now these aren't kids these are people in their mid-twenty's to mid-thirty's. I have no clue what exactly is going on it might be as simple as someone being disrespected  to something more sinister . I don't feel any of the three shootings are somehow related. I do think it's time to take that billboard at the fairgrounds down.

Many of us who grew-up here knew  "it takes a village" before it was a slogan. If Angelo did something he should know better not to do. Mr. or Mrs. So-and-So told me to knock it off and it may even warrant a phone call to either of my parents. We watched over us all. Today's Painesville when don't seem to know who anyone is? And a reprimand may include a visit from a parent to mind your own business, "Leave my kid alone"

Yes with the number of rental's in Painesville and how transient we seem to have become we seemed to have lost any connection.

My father once shared a thought on the matter. Telling me that there was a time people sat on their front porches and shared with their neighbors. Now everyone seems to have a deck in their back yard for privacy and to be left alone.

I don't know of a solution, I guess we can blame it on a number of things from crime to drugs to God knows what.

And to make your day complete!

Yesterday around noon it was reported a city employee opened an envelope with a "white powder substance. They were taken to Tri-Point and  Hazmat and the F.B.I. were called in. City employee's were sent home and an all clear was issued at around 4:00pm.

We can only hope this incident  with be solved in a quick manner.


Live, Work, Play and try to Survive