Carry on my wayward son
For there'll be peace when you are done
And if I claim to be a wise man, it surely means
that I don't know
I thought yesterday this post was going to be about the prayer walk and how this community was trying it's best to gain back it's footing after the shootings that took place over the weekend.
There was a reasonable amount of people and somewhere in my heart I thought we might have turned the page?
That was short-lived as I then learned about another shooting that took place n Nebraska St. early yesterday evening where another young man was shoot.
Now these aren't kids these are people in their mid-twenty's to mid-thirty's. I have no clue what exactly is going on it might be as simple as someone being disrespected to something more sinister . I don't feel any of the three shootings are somehow related. I do think it's time to take that billboard at the fairgrounds down.
Many of us who grew-up here knew "it takes a village" before it was a slogan. If Angelo did something he should know better not to do. Mr. or Mrs. So-and-So told me to knock it off and it may even warrant a phone call to either of my parents. We watched over us all. Today's Painesville when don't seem to know who anyone is? And a reprimand may include a visit from a parent to mind your own business, "Leave my kid alone"
Yes with the number of rental's in Painesville and how transient we seem to have become we seemed to have lost any connection.
My father once shared a thought on the matter. Telling me that there was a time people sat on their front porches and shared with their neighbors. Now everyone seems to have a deck in their back yard for privacy and to be left alone.
I don't know of a solution, I guess we can blame it on a number of things from crime to drugs to God knows what.
And to make your day complete!
Yesterday around noon it was reported a city employee opened an envelope with a "white powder substance. They were taken to Tri-Point and Hazmat and the F.B.I. were called in. City employee's were sent home and an all clear was issued at around 4:00pm.
We can only hope this incident with be solved in a quick manner.
Live, Work, Play and try to Survive
This is no longer the Painesville of the past. Why the violence? There are no longer native Painesvillians here. We get people from the East - Ashtabula (Appalachia) and from the west - Euclid, Cleveland and even Detroit. Less we forget the south - illegal Mexicans. As for the crime, I believe another mentioned gangs here. Add to it prostitutes and drugs. With these problems and the transients, we have the perfect storm here. Our council lives high on the hill with blinders on and refuses to take back this city. What to do, What to do?
10:42 What suggestions would you have to council to take the city back?
They need to LISTEN to the people, without bias. They need to follow laws on the books and not reinvent the wheel. They seem to have their own agenda instead of LISTENING to the residents.Also by residents, I mean the legal, voting folks that live here, not the ones that parade into council meetings with little children to tug on the heart strings. LISTEN to the tried and true people that voted them in.
First thing might be to get the police out on the streets. If they don't have a presence, there is no fear.
If I, as an old white guy, see drug deals going down and prostitutes on the streets, the police must be blind if they don't see them.
Your Father made a good point. When we grew up, we knew our neighbors and they knew us. If I did something "wrong", my father likely knew about it before I got home. Today, I know almost none of the people who live around me. Why? They are transient and they come and go. Kind of sad really.
Also, I see and hear children talking to adults in a way that you or I would never have dared to do.
Complete lack of respect but, as teachers find out, Little Johnny would NEVER act like that. You must be making this up.
11:50 -
1. Quit making national calls for the illegals to come here.
2. Quit defying and breaking federal laws to make it safe for illegals to be here.
3. Arrest, or alert ICE to all illegals who have a criminal record, or who have already been deported and came back.
That will at least make it easier to deal with the criminals and crime that is left.
We have a city that is filled to the brim with illegals and more are coming every day. Now our city manager has been in the newspaper telling them that we are defying federal laws to make sure they are safe here. We can't begin to have a nice city when the city is filled with illegal lawbreakers, let alone clean up the rest.
Your elected officials can't take back the city, that is up to those who live here. I have lived in the city ,raised my family here, and worked here for 40 years. The city is better than it was when I started in 1972. Back then we had drive byes ,family feuds where a 16 year old was shot Mentor Ave at Wood St. The homeless took over all our parks, under bridges, and the woods around the river. We had ICE raids,bank robbers, cars stolen right out of city hall parking lots. Churches were broken into , Schools and business broken into. Oh yes peoples homes, with them sleeping inside. Right then the citizens then hand all they could take, they took back the parks, by forcing the bad out. All they had to do was start using them ,the police did the rest. They started watching out for each other, and calling police when something did no look right, or theta heard something in the nite. There was a time for young one had to be home and if they were out late the police were called. What you have now is the bad are trying to turn the clock back, its is up to you to stop this trend and only you (residents) are able to do it. Stop the complaining on this site , and do something to make things better for yourselves.
I've long thought that the police in town need to better enforce "quality of life" laws and ordinances, especially when the perpetrators are young, because it helps to establish a sense that somebody's watching, so it will be more difficult to get away with bad behavior. When kids in this town grow up realizing that relatively minor offenses such as littering, crossing traffic against the light, being out past curfew, and playing music too loudly, can be committed without consequences, it stands to reason that many, if not most, as they get older, think that they can do whatever they want because that's the way it's always been. Some may ask whether it's the parents' responsibility to teach their kids not to do bad things, but let's face facts: many of the parents were doing the same things themselves, and probably became parents while they were breaking laws. With that in mind, we can either continue bemoaning how the morals and behavior of our community have decayed, or we can demand that the legal system crack down on those who get caught, since they are the last line of defense before chaos and vigilantism take over. I also totally agree with Term that the large number of rental properties in Painesville contributes greatly to the lack of community and looking out for each other, because most who are renting have no attachment to this place other than it being the location of their shelter. I live on Parkview Drive, and the only troublemakers on this street are, or have been, from rental homes and apartments. I'm not sure what more council can do to make landlords more responsible for the behavior of their tenants; Doug Lewis told me last year that landlords are contacted once there has been three phone calls to the police concerning a specific address, but I don't know if that's enough incentive for landlords to do something to get their tenants to behave better, or evict them.
5:59 I understand your point but our police have more to do than be Barney Fiffe.
5:23 I see that happening today?
3:48 Filled to the Brim? Defying federal law?
3:46 Different world today
1:16 It appears some in power here are only listening to one side of the story.
4:43, this is 3:48. Yes, filled to the brim. Have you looked around lately; more every day, and have you seen the makeup of our elementary schools? Yes, filled to the brim. And, yes, defying federal laws. The federal laws say that they need to be notified whenever an illegal is arrested for anything, and our city manager, and police, and council made up a law that purposefully does not do that. She even said in her article, "We are not doing that," so, yes, defying federal law. Obviously.
5:59 here,
You responded that the police have more to do than be Barney Fife. True, but I've seen plenty of instances of cops driving around town, obviously not going anywhere in particular, and they pass people doing things they shouldn't, especially kids, but do nothing about it. As an example, more than once, at the intersection of E. Erie and State Street, I've seen kids cross the road against the light, with a cop present, but nothing happened. The cops also go by houses on E. Erie that have multiple vehicles parked in the yard and on the sidewalk, but take no action. Also, they have to hear the many, many car stereos blasting tunes on the weekend and in the afternoon/evening, but what do they do about it? My point is, while the police do have a lot to do, they also have a lot of down time during their shifts, so if they are going to pick and choose which laws and ordinances to enforce, why do we even bother having the ones they won't enforce on the books at all? And, again, if people, including kids, know that they can get away with the little things, what's stopping them from thinking that they can get away with much worse?
Also, 3:48,
Every "illegal" could be removed from Painesville, but that wouldn't make this town any nicer or safer. Whether it's bigotry, Trump-itis, or whatever else, your obsession with illegal immigrants is preventing you from focusing on the big picture when it comes to crime and law enforcement. As an example, of the shootings in Painesville this year, how many were committed by anyone here illegally? How many of the drug busts? Domestic violence occurrences? Robberies? I'm willing to bet that the majority of these crimes were committed by people born in the good ol' US of A, so it might be a better use of time and energy for the police to focus on our home-grown crooks, rather than those who are the focus of ICE.
7:55, this is 3:48. You don't know me at all, so don't pretend that you do. I have said many times that we need to get the illegals out of this country, and stop their crime, because we have enough criminals of our own that we need to focus on. It's not one or the other. "Bigotry?" "Trump-itis?" You must be a single-dimensional friend of Term. And, yes, getting the illegals out of Painesville, WOULD make the town nicer and safer. We'd still have a crappy town, but it would be nicer and safer if we didn't have busloads of illegal foreigners dropped off here constantly. And if all the illegals left the U.S. immediately, I'd just like to see how much our crime rates drop. Exponentially, to be sure. Would we still have plenty of crime with our own? Yes, but how many decent American citizens would NOT be hurt by people who didn't even belong here in the first place. Answer: Too many to count, and that would be a good thing.
Term, it's people like you, the Democrats and the media who make it a brown/racist issue, because you need to use it to get votes. People who are fighting illegals are fighting illegals, and realize that although the Mexicans probably make up half of the many of illegals here, there are also people from every country and territory in the world here illegally. But if you want to get technical, Mexico is filled with ghost towns because half their people are here. And that should be an issue that everyone is concerned about, including Mexico. Mexico likes it, however, because these people support Mexico by sending billions of their wages out of this country and into Mexico, and they know that they will take over America if nothing is done; this is why they hate Trump so much. It's a win-win for Mexico; it's a lose-lose situation for America. They work illegally here, send their money back home and out of the U.S., and get on every welfare program they can get on here. They're bleeding us dry on our treasure and our jobs.
For 7:55 - The crime rate in Mexico has recently skyrocketed, if anyone could believe that it could get even higher than it already was. It seems to be because of all the self-deportations and deportations of Mexicans returning home from the U.S. The criminals are returning home, and Mexico has no idea what to do about it. Glad they're no longer here is all I have to say about it. There are millions of legal Americans... Hispanic, White, etc., who have been victims of illegals that are here in our country, and the least our country can do is to get them out of here, no matter what color they are. You should take some time out and look up the crime rates of illegals here in this country, and just how many legals AND illegals have been hurt and/or murdered by them.
3:19 I have and there no where as bad as our own citizens? As far as money who tells YOU where to spend your money?
What programs allow this bleeding?
You wrote "You don't know me at all", a fact for which I am eternally grateful.
I believe it was in 2015, that Rick Perry in Texas, said that since 2008, there were 642,000 crimes committed in Texas by illegals. Many of those crimes were rapes, many murders, etc., etc. AND THOSE WERE JUST THE ONES THAT WERE CAUGHT.
7:55 and 1:20, this is 1:59.
Likewise, I'm sure.
I do, though, feel sorry for anyone who does know you, except for those fellow members of your He-Man Mexican Haters Club, Tea Party, or whatever name that you and your band of bigots go by these days. My only hope for you is that, one day, you can escape Painesville and find a community more suitable to your sociologically stunted, lily white mindset, such as Chardon or Parkman. Once settled there, I'm confident that you'll find like-minded neighbors who will be glad to invite you over for a full day of praising Trump/Pence/Sessions, telling racist and sexist jokes, listening to country music and playing cornhole or horseshoes. And, as a bonus, there's even minorities living in the area for you to hate, and, better yet, they're white (Amish & Jews)! Also, there's at least one vendor who sells Confederate flags at the Geauga County Fair, so be sure to buy early; the South may not rise again, but the vendor's prices will!
Until this happens, keep polluting Term's blog with your apocalyptic fantasies of "busloads of illegal foreigners dropped off here constantly", and "a city that is filled to the brim with illegals and more are coming every day". I admit that your declarations of doom are sometimes entertaining to read, similar to when I used to peruse the "Weekly World News" years ago; the sad difference is, writers for the latter made it all up, tongue in cheek, while you obviously and seriously believe everything you post here. If/when you do move elsewhere, Painesville won't be the same - fortunately.
5:37 Some do have vivid imaginations. busloads, loaded to the brim? It would be interesting what the number's really are. Haven't seen ICE around town have you? Someone call Jeff again!
Oh, and no DACA arrests for six months.
5:37. I am sorry that the truth hurts you, and that as a true Democrat, you ignore it, deny it, make up lies about it, and scream racism at the Republicans to cover it up. Sorry again, but busloads of Mexicans ARE dropped off here all of the time (nightly, last I knew), the city IS filled to the brim with illegal Mexicans and filling up more every day, and our city leaders and police are breaking laws, just like they do in Mexico. And no amount of you calling me a racist is changing that.
Sorry, 5:37, "busloads" is not just a figure of speech. Actual busloads of illegals were dropped off nightly at the convenient store on Richmond, and this went on for years, I believe. Then the legal citizens of Painesville finally started to monitor and complain about it, and after that they were dropped off elsewhere. Last I knew, it was still going on. I'm very sorry if you are an illegal here, which you surely sound like you are, but calling Americans liars and racists does not erase the facts, no matter how much you wish it would, and those tactics are no longer shutting legal Americans up, as it did for decades. They have finally found their voices, and most are fighting for their country now, and not sitting by and letting it be taken over by illegal foreigners.
And, yes, 12:51, it would be very nice to know what the actual number of illegals in our city is. We surely won't find out through our government or our police, who have just changed our laws to illegally go against the laws of our federal government. We have a city overrun by illegals, and criminals guarding the hen house.
One thing's for certain: if there was a bus bringing "illegal foreigners" to Painesville, it's a guarantee that Hal Werner wouldn't be the bus driver.
537, my guess is that you may not be from the City of Painesville? Most illegal supporters aren't. So do me a favor all of you living out side of the city who are so pro on having them here and to those that come to council meetings in support, take them home with you.
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