Wednesday, September 13, 2017

"WORKIN' FOR A LIVIN' huey lewis

To view the work session video and the proceedings go to
City of Painesville
9-11-17 council workshop

Some days won't end ever and some days pass on by
I['ll be working here forever, at least until I die
Damned if you do damned if you don't

Attended Painesville Council work session on Policy 413, left more confused than when I arrived?

Seems like many of you that  comment here don't attend these meeting? Everyone treated everyone with respect so I know most of you weren't at the meeting.

What is this Policy 413? Seems it's a policy NO one likes pro  or con undocumented? Who's brain child was this? Was it approved by our Safety Director? Who is presently our Safety Director? Last I knew it was the City Manager? Did the Safety Director whom ever it is approve of 413?

Was it a crime to release Policy 413 on
Cinco de Mayo Day when it was released to a local TV station?

Big Changes?

The language criterion no longer applies. Not a problem my Grandmother couldn't speak English when she entered the country legally. See when most of our ancestors came to this country they neither need to speak English have a skill, the main requirement was just a warm body to show up.

Wording on gang actively was limited to criminal organization or criminal enterprise.

Charged was retained instead of convicted, because of  Resolution 3808 passed in 2008 by city council. They are not going to contact ICE over every single charge? I expect council to revisit 3808 in the near future. So who decides when and when not to call ICE?

There were many that wanted  "domestic violence" not to be included for fear of deporting the family bread winner? Without that fear women in this situation can expect to be treated as punching bags by some of these men, it was left in as well as OVI charges. Sorry no get out of jail free card for beating up your wife, or driving while under the influence.

Reports for outstanding charges and warrants from outside communities will continue to be honored.

The city manager as well as superintendent Shepard claimed the group met four times and also had meetings with more than 100 individuals and groups since May. Sorry if I'm a little skeptical of this number with whom and what groups did you meet with? Please produce minutes to these four meetings.

One individual claimed there was no federal law that local police must co-operate with federal authorities, and that police officers need not ask if a person is here legally? Not sure of that but, let's say an officer stops me I don't speak to him or show him identification or driver's license guess I'm going to jail, as anybody should. Yes sometimes you have to show papers.

Must admit that Councilman Fodor understood the diverse groups in this city. Claiming one group wants to understand how a person that lived here for seventeen years gets stopped for a broken taillight and is deported within a week. As well as another group that understands an illegal resident was in custody of our sheriff department and a week later after his release tried to rape a 14 year -old girl, shot a woman in front of her children on the bike trail murdered another woman in her home that he shot. 

Someone questioned to me the number of outside Painesville residents that want us to respect illegals? "Why don't they take a couple of them home" My answer is why and for what reason did many leave Painesville? Something tells me this might be a case of NIMBY?

Demonstration for DACA today Veterans Park. I hope you people know what your doing? It appears your drawing a very large target on Painesville undocumented, illegal population? This could end up with the opposite ending you envisioned.

I posted some of the number's and addresses of where to report illegal individuals only as a warning that there are many in this community that don't share your willingness of inclusion.


At September 13, 2017 at 3:43 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

So now they have removed OVI from the list of reportable crimes. They've decided, in their wisdom, that it's okay for an illegal to drive here drunk, fine him, or whatever, and let them go to do it again and again, until they kill people here. Check the statistics on how many people have been killed in America by illegals here repeatedly driving drunk. But, hey, whatever makes it good for the illegals. I remember when Cicconetti said he felt sorry for the illegals driving illegally, and gave them a slap on the wrist. Any legal citizen I have ever known caught driving illegally went right to jail, with their car impounded, and spent years and thousands of dollars on the whole mess.

Irelan goes on to say that the city council was not involved in making of this policy, or anything to do with it. Well, sorry, but the city manager is hired by, and serves at the pleasure of, the city council. City council is responsible for the running of this city. The fact that they let this happen, and continue to let it happen now at an even worse level, is unconscionable. They all have to go, and the citizens need to facilitate getting rid of Irelan. We have a criminal in the highest office of our city, and she is facilitating the breaking of laws.

She is lying through her teeth about what the federal laws are and what we are doing here in Painesville. She says it is not our job to do the work of the federal government here. Nice spin, but you are lying. IT IS YOUR JOB TO MAKE SURE ALL FEDERAL LAWS ARE FOLLOWED, AND YOU JUST MADE A NEW LAW THAT MAKES SURE THAT DOESN'T HAPPEN. SINCE FREAKIN' WHEN DO PEOPLE IN POWER IN THIS COUNTRY GET TO BREAK FEDERAL LAWS AND GET AWAY WITH IT? She's got to go, as does all council members that we can get out in the next election, while not hiring a Hispanic.

Every time you think this city is as outrageous as it can be, they do something else. Now our schools are s$$t, our houses are worth nothing, people are afraid to come here, and our city is in the toilet.

Irelan has to go. I, too, have notified the authorities, and am glad to see many others have, too. I suggest anyone who knows of an illegal in this city, use the online ICE notification and give their names and addresses, places of employment -- anything you know, and hopefully they will get around to Painesville sooner rather than later. If anyone knows of an illegal who has committed a crime, make sure to report them now online, also, as they will probably be the first to go, and hopefully that will get the feds here.

At September 13, 2017 at 4:26 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

As for your comment here, Term, that people who comment on this blog must not have been at the meeting, because everyone was respectful...this is why YOU are disrespected on this blog, not the illegals. Nobody is disrespectful to illegals here; just telling the truth, and if the truth hurts, too bad. It is YOU who are disrespected, because of the things that you say. And that comment is a prime example. And talk about disrespect; it is YOU who are disrespectful to others on this blog, and HORRIBLY so in many instances.

At September 13, 2017 at 4:31 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If enough people go to the tip line, and report individual illegals here that you know, especially criminal illegals, ICE will start seeing Painesville mentioned over and over, and hopefully we can get some federal help here in this unlawful city. Our city leaders are becoming more and more unlawful over the years to accommodate the breaking of our country's laws, and it's time someone help us out here. You can do it anonymously if you want, to protect yourself from the illegals.

At September 14, 2017 at 7:10 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Regarding your original post here, only you and the illegal treat people with disrespect here, so speak for yourself.

At September 14, 2017 at 8:36 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

7:10 So you and the rest of your sanctimonious bunch weren't at the workshop? So why do you come here?
4:31 Well that's a workable theory
4:26 So save yourself the aggravation don't come here? Glad it's me you have the problem with and not the Hispanic's. Also thanks for skipping the workshop and avoiding the rest of us from your words and thoughts.
3:43 OVI will still get you a call to ICE. Could be Ms. Irelan is doing the best she can with what she has to work with? Don't see council having a taste to replace her, and the people to replace council.

At September 14, 2017 at 10:28 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

As for that workshop, where was the public notification? Missed it if in the paper. Many times this blog passes dates and times of meetings. This was the one place I thought for sure it would have been mentioned.
But this way it is kept quiet and only one opinion could be voiced here.

At September 14, 2017 at 11:25 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

10:28 there was notification. I myself viewed it on the city site. Also I received an email telling me of the time and place. It appeared both sides attended the meeting.

At September 14, 2017 at 11:32 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

10:28 I did mention the meeting in my Suspicious Minds post. For those of you who would like to view the workshop go to the City of Painesville site and view;
*9-11-17 City Council Work Session Video

At September 14, 2017 at 11:46 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Seems to be a need to spoon feed some of our resident's? I called city hall and they could have also.

At September 14, 2017 at 2:15 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:36, this is 4:26. I was speaking about your comment. I never said I wasn't there and, in fact, I WAS there.

At September 15, 2017 at 7:34 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

To 3:43'. The policy that you are upset with is just that a policy, not a law. The council does not regulate policy, that is the city managers job. The police of police , retired due to what he did with this unapproved policy. The city is neither trained nor able to inforce federal laws, that is up to those in DC. If Painesville was to I force Federal laws we do not have the right in our local courts to hear the cases, on those Federal courts, in Cleveland...I do not even think the city has a copy(s) of Federal laws. Only state and local laws. I see nothing wrong with what the city has done as of yet, they are working with in the guide lines allowed by law. I think everyone needs to take a deep breath and reboot.

At September 15, 2017 at 10:20 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well you must have some type of name for yourself to get a personal email invite to the 413 workshop. Myself, I did not receive one and nor do I have time to constantly check websites various times a day for information. The city should do as others do, set up a call notification where robo-calls with information would go out to those signed up.
Yes, I would have liked to attend that meeting.
Another thing, A crime to release 413 on Cinco de Mayo? What a joke. Just who released that to the press anyway? And why?

At September 15, 2017 at 11:14 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

OVI is a reportable crime in the City of Painesville. 3:45 is reporting "fake news" about the CM and the PPD.

At September 17, 2017 at 8:48 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

11:14 You are correct, I could have made it clearer.
10;20 That notification is open to all residents. 413? ill-timed? former police chief reason not given.
7:34 Well who regulates the city manager? To rob a bank is breaking a federal law, are you saying local police shouldn't enforce the law?
2:15 Than maybe you should have introduced yourself? Would be nice to put a face to some of you 'Dark Angels'

At September 17, 2017 at 10:49 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What world do you live in??
The local police can't/don't enforce Federal law??
When did that come to be?
Let's say there is a kidnapping in the 'ville. Kidnapping is a Federal crime so you are telling me that the PPD would have no jurisdiction and would not be involved? Are you really that daft?

Regardless of what the PPD might cite, or arrest an individual for, the case would go to the appropriate court. The PPD would have nothing to do with that.

Yo think the local police are not trained in Federal law? I suspect you are just as clueless as you sound.

Besides, the way it was explained in the June Council meeting, the local police would only call ICE if the individual stopped for cause met one of three (very clear) criteria. Those three criteria were being involved in gang activity, drug activity, or the commission of a violent crime. Are you telling me that you would be okay with the police letting people go the have been involved with any of these activities?? If so, I don't want to be anywhere near you.

Next time you need to be a little more realistic (and think) before you write.

At September 17, 2017 at 3:35 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

7:34, this is 3:43. The city manager serves at the pleasure of city council. What the cm does is very much council's responsibility, and she is not doing this without their permission and approval. Nor are the police. The federal law says that when anyone in this country illegally, or suspected of being in this country illegally, is arrested for ANYTHING, then the feds need to be notified to see if they want that person held until they (ICE) come to get them. Our city will deliberately not be doing this, as explained by cm Irelan and the police. This city is part of The United States of America and, therefore, is subject to following the laws of the USA, but our city has deliberately decided not to. Therefore, they are breaking the laws of the federal government of the USA. That makes them criminals in my book, and no better than the illegals that they are protecting, who are also criminals for being here. I am not allowed to break any laws; I do not understand why everyone else apparently is. I guess it depends on who you are. If you are the LAW, as in the police in Painesville, I guess you can. If you are the city management in Painesville, I guess you can. If you are a legal citizen, you certainly can NOT. Makes no sense to me. I would just continue to urge everyone to go on the ICE tip line, and report every illegal in Painesville that you know of. It's outrageous what is going on here, and it's been going on way too long.

At September 17, 2017 at 4:18 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

11:14, this is 3:45. At first the city said they were not going to report OVI, contrary to what the federal law said. Then the newspaper article made it sound like, yes, they would, under the revised illegal law, then, no, they wouldn't. So I am confused on the REVISED, ILLEGALLY WRITTEN law now, but the first ILLEGALLY WRITTEN law did NOT have OVI included. Maybe you should be accusing the city and the police of ILLEGALLY not following the laws, instead of calling out a citizen who is just trying to figure out which version of the ILLEGALLY WRITTEN law they are using now, and what is ILLEGALLY in it.

At September 17, 2017 at 6:15 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

In robbing a bank you are breaking Federal and State law. The city would handle the state law part and the FBI would handle the Federal law. The city manager serves at the pleasure of council, they can fire her like they did with the last manager, who got out of control, yes he resigned to avoid firing. There is certain parts in state law that tell a city manager or mayor what powers they have, and also within the contract the city hired her under... she is also the Safety Director, which means she is the final saw so in police and fire . The Chiefs of both departments serve at her pleasure. Any other questions .?

At September 17, 2017 at 6:20 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:36, this is 7:10. Sanctimonious is a pretty big word for you. And, yes, you WOULD think it is sanctimonious to want our city to follow the federal laws of our land wouldn't you? Or to want all the people here illegally who are breaking those laws to get out. After all, it's just the LAW. I, myself, don't break laws, and I don't think it's okay when anybody else does, either. And I certainly don't think they should be awarded for it in any way.

At September 18, 2017 at 5:20 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:48, this is 2:15. No thank you.

And what's with the "dark angel" crap?

At September 18, 2017 at 6:43 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

1049. Kid napping is also a state law , if the federal law would be used the FBI would be called in . The PPD would investigate under state laws. I am sorry but local police do not get full training in Federal laws, they would have to spend at least a year, in school just to get started, In case of me being daft, how many years do you have as a police officer? I spent 40 both full time and part time, that is where my knowledge comes from. I live in the real world, have been living in the city for over 50 years , how about you. I sent my offspring to city schools , how about you. If Painesville PD has a federal case it is turned over to Federal law inforcement to handle, they have tons of money and personal to handle, this stuff. HAVE A NICE DAY

At September 19, 2017 at 2:14 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

6:43: The federal law says that when anyone is arrested who is in this country illegally, or suspected of being in this country illegally, ICE must be called to see if they want them held until they can come and get them. There is a specific number of hours that they are requested to hold them, meaning not indefinitely. THAT IS THE LAW. PERIOD. PAINESVILLE CITY HAS WRITTEN A LAW THAT PURPOSEFULLY, ACCORDING TO THE CITY MANAGER, DOES NOT COMPLY WITH THAT LAW UNDER MOST INSTANCES. PERIOD. Nobody is asking them to try the case. THEY ARE ASKING THEM TO CALL THE FEDS TO SEE IF THE FEDS WANT TO COME AND GET THEM OR NOT. If you live in the REAL world, like you say you do, then surely those concepts should not be too much for you to comprehend. HAVE A NICE DAY.

At September 19, 2017 at 2:40 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, so let's just start a free-for-all in this town. If the illegals can break the laws, then why can't the people living here legally? All legal citizens start breaking the laws, and just see how far we can get. We'll be ticketed, arrested, and anything else they can do to us, because the truth has been for at least the last 25 years, or so, that if you are here in Painesville illegally, you can break laws. If you are legal, you cannot. Go figure. It's time to stop this madness. Report everyone you know that is here illegally on the ICE tip line website. You can do it anonymously. Also, maybe we can get this covered nationally, just like Delamotte and Horvath (former city council people) did when they went national and called for all illegals to come to Painesville. Our city has made an illegal law to protect lawbreakers; that should be newsworthy somewhere, shouldn't it?

At September 19, 2017 at 2:58 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe, 6:43, you could explain to us how 99% of the cities, towns and townships across America can/are complying with this federal law, but Painesville is not only not capable, but they have illegally rewritten the law to protect people who do not even belong in our country.

At September 19, 2017 at 3:53 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

6:43 The question is as a city police officer if the opportunity arose where you could make an arrest of a bank robber or kidnapper you would, right?

5:20 Good idea why ruin my day? 'Dark Angel' that's the name I have given to your bunch. Look I can understand where your coming from when an adult breaks our rules and is aware of the consequences, but a child? Someone who came here at 2, 5, even 10. What age were you when you remember your first memories? To Most Painesville is their whole universe. NO GET OUT! you gotta go. After 12 years or more of education and who knows what else you see no need to add to productive young adults? Come in legally like my ancestors! Ya, like they were doctors, school teachers and lawyers? Most couldn't speak English or even their read or write in their native country. There was no test, you just showed up at Ellis Island and if you didn't have a disease welcome in. Why did they come? For a better life for themselves and their children.(sound familiar) No one came in dressed as Uncle Sam. Let's face it we are not pedigree we are mutts. Great Mutt's but Mutts and now the Mutts want to close the door to anymore mutts. Well here's the secret some of you patriots missed. Mutts are what made this country great, not the pedigree's they stayed where they were. Some of you think your special the only thing special is that somewhere in our past someone took a chance coming here. And the big brave American's have no use for the future. Myself I hope all those kids stay and I'm willing to bet we as a country will be better off. That is unless the 'Dark Angels' have their way! See you later Lucifer.
6:20 How many of those employer's that are supposed to check have gone to jail?

At September 19, 2017 at 6:36 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

353 Have you ever been to Ellis Island? I do not believe you have as your comment that you were welcome to enter the USA with the only reason to be turned away was disease. This is NOT true. We were there several times. If I knew how to attach the pictures we took there I would show you the strict criteria to come here or be sent back.

At September 19, 2017 at 7:44 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

3:53. Typical Democrat. You are arguing on the wrong side, so you have to call names. "Dark Angels." And now "Lucifer?" LOL!!!! Give me a freakin' break. Baby. Are you seriously going to call people the devil??!!

You got nothin'. All these screaming, self-entitled, illegals can go home. I would, personally, and unhappily, let the ones stay who had at least one parent who is a legal American citizen. But the ones who have illegal parents can go right back home with their illegal parents. If those kids (some are in their late 30's) are legalized, then their illegal parents will eventually be legalized. And the more I see them marching in our streets, demanding rights that they have no right to demand, the more I want every one of them to go. We don't need any more problematic young people here.

Let those kids take those educations home, march on their own governments, and fix their own countries.

And by the way...there is no comparison of people who came legally and illegally. No comparison at all, so your main point is mute. Just because someone came here legally, means that others can come illegally, and be just as entitled? Sorry, no. Nada. Not even close.

As for the employers who are hiring the illegals, I would implore everyone who knows of such an employer who is hiring the Painesville illegals to make an online report to the ICE tip line!

At September 20, 2017 at 5:12 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

This city is the gestapo for legal citizens but they, themselves, are breaking the laws of the country, and they are doing it to help people who are here illegally break the laws. I have a friend who was late paying their garbage bill by just a couple of days. They were dropped by the garbage company, and had an immediate letter from the mafia-city telling them to sign up and pay up right now, for example. Or if your lawn gets too long, and God help you if you get the city inspection lady after you for infractions, or perceived infractions, on your home or property. But if you are here illegally, you will be welcomed with open arms, and they will defy the federal government, and they will write bogus, illegal laws to protect you, to make sure you can live alongside the legal citizens here. Go figure.

3:53: It's pretty hard to hold employers responsible when Obama had open borders. Hopefully now that there's a new guy in charge, the e-check will be implemented soon, and employers will very much be held responsible. Hopefully our city will be held responsible, too.

At September 20, 2017 at 6:55 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

3:45 this is 11:14, I agree with you. You are confused. OVI is a reportable crime. To suggest otherwise is "Fake News".

At September 20, 2017 at 4:54 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

3:53: There you are with the employers again. No doubt they do need to be held to task, but there was a time (and you probably still do) that you knew who some of those employers were, and you wouldn't do anything about it to report them. You wanted OTHER citizens to make calls and picket, etc., and you verbally abused them in every way to try to coerce them into it, but you refused to do anything yourself. So maybe you should stop bitching at other citizens about the employers, because now there is a method (the gov. ICE tip line) where you can report them yourself very easily and anonymously. You can start with the nurseries around here, who apparently refuse to hire migrant workers through legal government programs.

At September 20, 2017 at 5:43 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

4:54 Most ridiculous argument yet?
6:55 You are correct
5:12 Obama already! What about Reagan, the two Bush's and Clinton?
7:44 I had worse names and again your answer doesn't make any economic sense.

2:58 Well unlike other towns the citizens sit on their A$$'s and never go to a council meeting, never call their council person with a concern and then when the S##T hits the fan the bitchin' starts. That's why this doesn't happen n Hudson, Solon or Mentor. Resident's their don't wait for things to get out of control!
6:36 Well yes I have , I stood in the great hall and pictured my family's arrival. That said.
Your tough requirements;
The full name, age, and sex
Whether married or single
The calling or occupation
whether able to read or write (not required)
the nationality
the race
the last residence
the seaport or landing in the United States
the final destination, if any
whether having a ticket through to such final destination
Whether the alien had paid for his own passage, or paid by another and whom
whether in possession of $30.00 and if less how much?
whether going to join a relative or friend and their address
whether ever been before in United States, and if so where and when. My grandfather made the voyage 3 times?
whether ever in prison, or almshouse or an institution for the care and treatment of the insane
whether a polygamist
whether an anarchist
whether coming for by reason of any offer
what is the alien's condition of health, mental and physical, and whether deformed or crippled, and if so, for how long and from what cause.

Yeah, these are toughie's!

At September 20, 2017 at 5:51 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:12 With the likes of you and others It's easy to see hoe easy it was for the German people to turn the Jews into the Gestapo. A quiet anonymous phone call away. Home of the Free and the Brave? Hardly

At September 20, 2017 at 8:02 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Only you, 5:12, and your Democrat friends would leap to a comparison between American citizens who want people here illegally to go HOME with their illegal parents to their own countries, where they are citizens, by the way, to the Gestapo MURDERING people. Stop it, already.

6:55: So what. They have still illegally made an illegal law that does not comply with federal law. I'm glad OVI is in there, because many, many Americans have been maimed and killed by illegal drunk/drugged drivers, but the rest should be in there, too.

They are using the number of 800,000 Dreamers. But that's only the ones that signed up. There are at least a million more, they say, and if they think there are a million more, that probably means there are 10 million more. They are saying that they will stop the chain migration, so that every member of every family does not get to come to the U.S. once one family member is here, which is what happens now. Even if they DO stop that, they will still be able to bring brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, children, for everyone who is the Dreamer, and everyone that the Dreamer also makes legal. So the mothers and fathers get to bring their sisters and brothers, mothers and fathers, etc., and everyone they bring over gets to bring all their family, and all the spouses families. It will be so many people, that we will certainly lose our culture, and we will shortly be a Hispanic country, and financially, current American citizens and our country will go down. And by the time the Democrats on the courts get done with it, stopping any sort of chain migration, down to uncles, cousins, etc., etc. will be illegal. It is all unsustainable. They will probably be legalized because our country isn't smart enough to save itself and its culture, like Mexico is, but it will be the downfall of America, and it will happen quickly. I would urge everyone to continue to fight, because it's not over until it's over. We stopped George W. Bush from legalizing them all, and hopefully we can do it again. And fighting the legalization of any of the Dreamers is a very important fight, as I have hopefully shown here.

At September 21, 2017 at 4:55 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Somewhere around 20 years ago, the then Mexican President said that there were 20 million illegal Mexicans here, by his country's count. He said they weren't going anywhere but here, and there was nothing we could do about it. And that's just the Mexicans. How many other Hispanics do we have here? So what would the guess be for the millions that are here illegally from every other country in the world? 5 million? 15? 20? Because of our country's refusal to quit reading the "anchor baby" amendment incorrectly, how many legal babies have all these illegal people had over these last 25 years? How many children did they bring with them when they came illegally?

None of these people should be legalized. Even a small number of them is too many. We have fought it for many years, and they have not been legalized yet. We fought it before G.W.; we fought G.W.; we fought Obama and the Democrats for 8 years, and enough of us made sure to vote for Trump, and that kept Hillary from legalizing all of them. We have to keep fighting for our country now. Every illegal that is sent home, and every illegal that is not let in, is important. We have to push Trump and the Republicans to get every one of them out that we can. It's not over until it's over, and this is no time to quit fighting.

5:51: Your Germany talk is sad and stupid. I know you and your Democrats like to say such things, and have gone as far as calling Trump Hitler, but it's a horrendous thing to do that IN America and TO America. You should stop that asinine and damaging ridiculousness now.

5:43...4:54 here. Excuse for what? It's not my job to go bust businesses, and I never knew what businesses anyway. You said you did, but you never told anyone what those businesses were, yet you demanded that everyone else do something, while you did nothing. I don't need an excuse. But you surely did/do. You're still talking about the businesses and shoving it in other peoples faces, so do something about it yourself already.

At September 21, 2017 at 8:07 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

4:55 No someone believes that should be my job? Fat chance
4:55 I think the point was how easy it is to turn on neighbor's?
4:55 Your idea of a fight must mean two different things?
8:02 I wish you were my banker running my checkbook. 800,000 means You really have 1,800,000 which means a million more what really means 10 million? Do they teach this math somewhere? Look your objections can be worked out with concerns to chain migration.

At September 21, 2017 at 11:14 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

5:43 PM these are toughie's! Seriously? Was that a rundown from Google? I have the photos taken directly from Ellis about 3 years ago. Your requirements are not even close to what I saw. That said, there should be no one coming into this country that can not work, can not take care of themselves, are not insane, Etc. Etc. Etc.

At September 21, 2017 at 3:02 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...


At September 21, 2017 at 4:48 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

8:07. No amount of attempting to limit the chain of migration is going to work. First of all, because there are just too many of them, and any limits, even if successful, will still result in many, many millions of relatives, offspring, and babies of their offspring, etc., in just a few short years. Secondly, with the Democrats in this country who are willing to give away the country for votes, they will stop any limits now and/or through the courts, or as soon as they get enough control to do so. They won't even agree to a wall, in spite of what they can actually see is happening at our borders, and in spite of gangs, drugs, terrorists and millions of illegals crossing our borders every year. And as soon as they have enough Hispanics in power, there will be open borders. Just look what is happening in California. Hispanics are very close to having control over this country, and they know it. When they do have control, America is over as we know it. It almost is now.

At September 21, 2017 at 5:11 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

4:48 You paint a bleak unrealistic future for this country. I wonder how many other's in the past made the same prediction of your ancestors?
3:02 You are correct
1:39 You bring up an interesting question, whom did your family steal, felt entitled to take from when they arrived here? Who did they thank?
oh, your bunch was the better mutt's that robbed this country? I assume they didn't arrive on the Mayflower, and there's a few Indian tribes looking for you. So ungrateful were you why didn't they 'fix' the country they arrived from? You are one piece of work.
11:14 etc, etc, etc everything but the facts that prove me wrong.


At September 21, 2017 at 6:59 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

4:48...1:39 here. Thank you. I think I'm kind of great, too. P.S. My people came legally, so just a tad bit of difference there. If the Dreamers have a problem with it, they can take it up with their parents.

3:02. Your point is moot. It's the same difference. Our city has defined in that policy how they will go against the federal laws, and how they will not uphold the laws of this nation. And that is a frightening thing. America did not become or remain America by doing such unlawful things. We are The United States of America, meaning that all states need to follow the federal laws to remain united and strong. There are powerful reasons behind those federal laws, and our city, as well as every other city across America, needs to be following the letter of the law, and not illegally making up their own laws as they see fit. Also, on top of that, they are defying the federal laws of this country to harbor lawbreakers. It is a completely unacceptable situation here.

At September 22, 2017 at 11:21 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ellis Island signage #1 Do You Have a Job?This question posed a dilemma for immigrants. The Alien Contract Labor Law of 1885 excluded all immigrants who came to the United States under contract work. The law was meant to stop the importation of cheap labor, but was applies to even immigrants who had jobs promised to them through relatives or friends.Immigrants had to convince inspectors that they were able and willing to work and were not "liable to become public charges"; yet they could not admit that they had a job waiting for them.

At September 24, 2017 at 8:31 AM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

11:21 And your point being?

6:59 Great? I was thinking more delusional.
Interesting how a city creates a policy the somehow Pi##ed everyone off?

At September 24, 2017 at 3:52 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have notified the government about this policy, and hopefully others have, too. We are now officially a sanctuary city, no matter what the city manager says. She may like to play fast and hard with the truth (this is usually called lying), but she is writing laws and breaking laws to protect illegals, i.e., sanctuary city. Hopefully the feds will declare this a sanctuary city, and come here and straighten out this mess that our city leaders have been creating for quite a few years now. They have turned this into a Hispanic town for illegals, and we need help from the feds now. I'm sure we won't be their top priority, but I hope they get here sooner rather than later.

At September 24, 2017 at 5:28 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

The POINT is- waaaaay back when people HAD to do it the correct way, there were laws in place to protect the USA against people coming to this country and being a burden to this country. They had to convince persons that they were able to work and not become a public charge (WELFARE) How's that working now for the thousands of illegals on welfare with free medical?

At September 24, 2017 at 5:29 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

If anyone has access to David Joyce's weekly wrap - check it out. Funding approved to build that wall!! Among other things mentioned.

At September 24, 2017 at 7:54 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'd like to thank Brian Massie of Concord Township for writing about his opinion on illegal immigration in The News-Herald's Your Opinion section of the 9/23/17 edition. He speaks about what is happening in Painesville, and he has a lot of good information in there about the immigration laws of our country. Thanks, Brian.

At September 25, 2017 at 3:16 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ms. Irelan, our current city manager, must have taken lessons from our past cm, Rita McMahon. Based on Ms. Irelan's carefully chosen, misleading wording of issues and her master spinning that ultimately ends up with her hugely misinforming the paying citizens of Painesville, it is quite reminiscent of Ms. McMahon. Ms. McMahon got us into all sorts of horrific deals this way, including the unbelievably shocking electric deals we are in. Now here we have Ms. Irelan just spinning away while she breaks federal laws to protect people breaking the laws of our country and infiltrating our city more and more each day. Apparently there are no good city managers out there. Maybe it's time for a mayor. At least the people could vote out a mayor, so maybe the mayor would actually care what the majority of legal citizens of this city think and want, and not just the few business owners who apparently refuse to hire migrant workers through legal channels. Or are they doing this because they built all these new schools depending on the children of illegals? Either way, not buyin' your lyin', Ms. Irelan. You are now a criminal, and our city council and the police are going along with you, so I guess that makes all of them criminals, too. This ought to help the perception of our city a lot. Thanks. People are already afraid to come here.

At September 27, 2017 at 3:59 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

3:16 No way are Mss. Irelan, council or the police CRIMINALS! Please that that through your thick skull. Mayor? maybe we should give it a try?
7:54 Keyword Concord, love how everyone wants to run Painesville from outside Painesville?
5:29 Well Mexicans didn't fund it did they?
5:28 Please point me in the direction of all these illegals getting free stuff?

At September 27, 2017 at 5:31 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

I know for a fact of a child, born in Mexico. A very, very sick child - receiving free medical for many years. Along with the rest of her family, her aunts, uncles and grandparents living with them too.

At September 27, 2017 at 7:19 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. 659' that policy is nothing more than a guideline for officers on the street. It tells them how they are to handle contacts with personal . It is the Feds that have the duty to come and remove those that need to be removed. The biggest problem is they are the only ones that can order these people held , and they have a bad habit of not showing up in a reasonable time to pick up the holds. Now the problems start for the jail, for holding them without formal charges, that is part of the Feds jail operation laws, and then who starts paying for the time spent in jail. If the Feds want these people then they need to react much faster, this is why locals, tend to shy away from this problem, as it's not in their juristiction. You can't seem to understand that part of the law....

At September 28, 2017 at 12:32 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

5:31 you know for a fact OR can you prove this as a fact? I guess we should just take your word? Fakenews?

At September 28, 2017 at 1:45 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

12:32. Don't be purposefully stupid. The government just came out with some numbers. The illegals in this country cost us 135 Billion/year, and that's just in education, medical and police (criminal justice) costs. They pay 16 billion in taxes, so just a little disparity there. And if you want just one more example, there is a Hispanic in my neighborhood who takes his illegal wife to the Cleveland Clinic for free health care so "she can have the best." All costs are written off, so who pays? We do. I also know legal Americans in this town who can't get what they have coming as far as free help because the illegal Hispanics all get there first.

3:59. Thick skull? Purposefully writing illegal laws, and purposefully following illegal laws, makes people criminals. What else would you call it? If I break a law, I am a criminal, so if they break laws, they must be criminals, too, and of the worst kind -- people in power purposefully breaking laws -- can't get any worse than that. And as far as someone from Concord chiming's their country's laws that are being trampled, too, and do you think the illegals are just in Painesville? They are all over this country -- many, many millions of them, and growing every day as we can see in Painesville. They don't stop at the borders of Painesville, and this is every American's problem, and it's the duty of every American to speak out now and to try to save our country.

At September 28, 2017 at 3:26 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

12:32. Stop. You know that there are many millions of illegals using our health care system at the expense of the legal citizens. Just stop. And you're calling it fake news? That's the thing about you; you never let the truth get in your way.

At September 28, 2017 at 4:32 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

12:32 - You're kidding, right? You're not really calling that fake news, right? And in your 3:59 post, you are demanding for someone to point you in the direction of all the illegals getting free stuff off the backs of Americans? Do you think you are going to have people believe you with these ridiculous demands? Americans know what is happening in this country; you're just making hysterical demands for the sake of this blog, apparently. Or maybe you really just are a hysterical Democrat, denying the truth for votes. At any rate, you know what you are saying is wrong, as you are screaming at others that they are spreading fake news. It's very dumb, to say the least, on every level imaginable.

At September 29, 2017 at 1:30 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

12:32. The Democrats already tried this...spreading fake news while screaming that the Republicans were spreading fake news. It didn't work. It's not working for you, either. When you can't handle the truth, you just start spewing nonsense. I picture you on the floor on your belly, banging your arms and legs, having a tantrum. That's just what your 12:32 post is.

At September 29, 2017 at 2:33 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

What an absolutely ridiculous statement, 12:32. If you don't know, (which you of course, do) that the illegals are costing us billions of dollars every year, then you belong in a nursing home, or a fairy tale. You're embarrassing yourself...can't you tell?

At September 30, 2017 at 2:25 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Fact - I know someone that will tell you when they see you. BTW Lake/TriPoint do not refuse people. They are seen there regardless of insurance, therefore Free for the illegals.

At October 1, 2017 at 12:51 PM , Anonymous TERM>> said...

To all "fake news" Don't tell me Anonymously you know "someone" and tell us here as fact? Who, when, where and who are you. Sorry don't like fake news how about wives tales? Maybe your the local National Examiner?
Hospitals only are obligated to stabilize you not repair. or we could just let everyone without insurance die on the street? again names.
1:30 Sorry to disappoint you, mainly I just giggle and think this person lives close by!


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