There was a shooting where a teenager was shot near the corner of Elm and Storrs St. yesterday (not life threatening) let's see how long before it's released to the press? Maybe the reason we are safe is because we don't really know what goes on around here?
Dead Leaves and Dirty Ground
When I know your not Around
Where am I going with this?
Last night council meeting was pretty bland
We are still deciding to put "Historical" in front of Downtown?
We decided to purchase the Sodium Chloride (salt)
We discussed the agriculture district
Oh, and "Fitz" was a no show.
Now for garbage time. The refuse contract.
It will be a 5 year contract with a possible 5 year extension
Three levels of service Bag, Tote, Unlimited
Recycling every two weeks. (council woman DiNallo suggested there are places you can take your recycling to if you have more than your tote can handle.
Now as you know Painesville is presently the HIGHEST charged community in Lake County. so what plans does the administration have for your future?
Ala Carte remember me questioning what that meant? Well the administration has decided to combine yard waste AND leaves into the refuse contract? Now in the past the city told you to bag your leaves and put them on the tree lawn. The city then came by and picked them up. No more the excuse given was the truck broke down. So on top of paying for rubbish you now will have leaves added to your charges. What upset me the most is with the exception of council woman Shoop no one on council seemed to give a damn about the city again no longer providing this service to residents. When I questioned council about them doing less and less for the residents, I was told "the leaves will be picked up" Sure they will and we will be paying extra for it!
Wonder what the city will do with their leaves? Either way we will end up paying to get them off the parks.
I have been told two more electric plant supervisors have retired and came back to work the next day? To a plant that maybe produces electricity two weeks a year. More waste?
What is it that this administration wants to do for us? The least they can!
Just when you think you have seen and heard it all a character like Kanye West comes along. Claiming he's the greatest artist ever period ! Now he claims he is on the brink of Bankruptcy to the tune of 53 million dollars wow 'Pablo' So he appeals to Mark Zurkerberg for a billion dollars to fund his next big idea. I don't think Mark is answering the phone. Maybe a call to Ray J is next?
Let's think about this a moment.
When you and I were younger, the City collected the garbage and you could burn your leaves.
Over time it changed and now the City farmed out garbage collection but still collects the leaves.
Now they want to farm that out as well??
Just what the hell are we getting for our money?
BTW, lots of new dump trucks that are plowing snow this winter.
Why can't we have a vacuum device, on a trailer, that blows the leaves into those nice new trucks?
Fitzgerald missed another meeting? Soon Mary Hada will take his place.
So if I chose to take my leaves elsewhere, say a nursery, am I still being charged? Will it be by the bag?
852 is correct, we pay and pay and get nothing. Take my recyclables elsewhere too? Do I have this right? We pay for the tote, put our recycles in it, someone hauls it away to make money off my trash? But I still have to pay? I don't understand.
I have continually followed your idea's on things to make the city services more efficient to no avail. The Pothole Killer was a good example but the city is not concerned with improving the services for it's residents. For that matter either is council. There is something called a scag giant vacuum it on a trailer following a truck the mulches and blows leaves into a truck . No bags and is only a two man operation. Just a large vacuum to pickup leaves. But no let's farm this out and let residents assume the costs. Everyone in the city should call their councilman and tell them to stick it! you could purchase this equipment with the kickback from Waste Mismanagement. $96,000 over the past two years and they have the balls to tell you it didn't have anything to do with your bill?
So are you telling me that my outrageously expensive garbage bill is going UP???
You were expecting a decrease?
5:21 Don't know it could. Now the hauler will be responsible for picking up leaves?
Just another example of the city refusing to do what they have been responsible for?
5:21 Yes I was, before the city started shifting more onto the trash haulers.
If this doesn't upset the average Painesville resident I guess nothing will. If council doesn't hear your voices we will be in for another increase.
Are you slipping? Another shooting in the Ville and you don't bother? This is, what?the third one? In how long? Yet you all you folks want to do id bicker over trash, weather, snowdays, personnel? We got bigger problems here, soon to be a Mehico-Cleveland Jr.
I'm Sick of the refuge collection. They are ridiculous expensive. I want to choose WHom I would like to use. The city Gets kick backs They have to they are th most expensive in the area. Everywhere else people can choose. But we can get a petition to be signed and send it to Columbus and if we protest I called they said it can be stopped. Just have a petition Signed and make a fuss and we can choose the reason we don't get a voice the city wants whom they want. Every other city in ohio gets a choice. Second for a vacant house there is charges to and also you have to pay back refuge collection on that house check out what the city is charging us for. Call Columbus and see what can be done. We can voice our opinions and get a petition sign it and have it reversed and Get fox8 involved. We are the people We are the ones that pays taxes. SO we have a voice Let it be known!!!! they raise taxes water lines need fixed electrical lines need fixed Paving needs done. We are a community Gather and rally together and let it be known Call FOX8 let it be known!!!!!!!!!
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